Data247 data verify services


Protect your email reputation and verify phone numbers

Use our data verification services to provide real-time data including email verification, phone verification, and address verification for your customer data.

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*Try our data for free, no credit card.

Verify247 (Email)
Verify247 (Email)

Returns whether an email is a valid, sendable email address and the reason it is valid/invalid.

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Verify247 (Phone)
Verify247 (Phone)

Returns whether a mobile phone number is active and the confidence level for that number.

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Verify247 (Postal)
Verify247 (Postal Address)

Checks postal addresses for validity and accuracy. Reformats addresses according to USPS specifications.

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"Data247 provides a valuable product that addressed every one of our needs at a great price. Integration was smooth thanks to their informed and responsive customer service that went above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you."

Verify247 (Email)

Protect your email reputation

W hat is an email verification service? This is the process of verifying whether an email address is valid and deliverable. Invalid email addresses should be removed from your mailing lists and replaced with valid ones. Verify247 (Email) enhances your business's emailing reputation, ensuring your emails get to their intended recipients, preventing them from going to SPAM folders, or worse, not getting delivered. There are many ways to protect your email reputation, including allowing recipients to opt-out of receiving your messages, avoiding 'spammy' language, and sending large 'bursts' of emails at once.

  • ACCURACY Multi-faceted approach helps minimize false positives and false negatives.
  • ACCESSIBILITY Upload files of e-mail addresses, manually enter them, or use our simple HTTPS/XML-based API.
  • PRICING Only $0.003 per lookup.
  • FREE TRIAL Sign-up and we'll add $0.15 to your account for testing.
  • EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SUPPORT Whether by phone or email, we'll give you the attention you need to get our service up and running.

  Try Verify247 Email Service For Free

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Verify247 (Phone)

Make sure the numbers you are calling are active

W hat is a phone number verification service? This is a service that tells you whether a phone number is active and in service. Verify247 (Phone Number) can tell you whether a mobile phone number is active and our confidence level for that number. Note: Not available in USA/Canada.

How Verify247 (Phone Number) Works
You provide us with the mobile phone numbers, and our service returns whether each one is active, along with our confidence level (low or high).

  • ACCESSIBILITY Upload files of mobile phone numbers, manually enter them, or use our simple HTTPS/XML-based API.
  • COVERAGE Our service works in over 100 countries (NOT AVAILABLE IN USA/CANADA)
  • PRICING Only $0.005 per lookup.
  • FREE TRIAL Sign-up and we'll add $0.15 to your account for testing.
  • EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SUPPORT Whether by phone or email, we'll give you the attention you need to get our service up and running.

  Try Out Verify247 Phone Service Demo

Verify247 (Postal Address)

Less returned mail, less wasted postage.

W hat is Postal address verification? This is a process that checks postal addresses for validity and accuracy. Our Verify247 (Postal Address) service will inform you of non-deliverable addresses, and will reformat addresses according to US postal service specifications. At less than a penny for each lookup, it is incredibly cost-effective.

  • ACCESSIBILITY Upload files of postal addresses, manually enter them, or use our simple HTTPS/XML-based API.
  • PRICING Only $0.005 per lookup.
  • FREE TRIAL Sign-up and we'll add $0.15 to your account for testing.
  • EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SUPPORT Whether by phone or email, we'll give you the attention you need to get our service up and running.

  Try Out Verify247 Postal Address Service Demo
data verify

Data Verify For Business

See how our data verification services can benefit your business


Verify247 (Email) identifies and removes invalid email addresses from your contact list. This assures that you only send emails to valid email addresses, which increases message delivery and conversions.


Our email verify service reduces your business email bounce rate and helps increase your chances of continued engagement with your prospects and, eventually, sales.


When a customer signs-up on your website, make sure the phone number they gave you is real.


When a customer’s phone becomes inactive, know about it before you have an urgent need to contact them.


Save time and money by removing phone numbers from your call list before placing sales calls. This way, your agents can concentrate on calling the active phone numbers.


Verify247 (Postal Address) provides you with accurate, up-to-date information on your customers' postal address. This increases your mail delivery and efficiency.


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Verify247 (Email):
Email Address

Verify247 (Phone):
Phone Number

Verify247 (Postal Address):
Street Address
Two letter state code
Zip code

Standard Return Fields:
Email - The email address which was verified
Valid - YES or NO - whether it's a valid, sendable email address
Reason - Description why/why not address is valid
Free_account - YES/NO - Whether it's a free email account (yahoo, gmail, etc)

Optional Return Fields:
Billable - Indicates whether customer was charged for this query
Cost - Cost of this query
Disposable_email - YES/NO - Whether it’s a temporary email address

Standard Return Fields:
Phone - The phone number which was verified
Active - YES/NO - whether phone is active
Confidence - HIGH/LOW - Confidence level

Optional Return Fields:
Billable - Indicates whether customer was charged for this query
Cost - Cost of this query

Standard Return Fields:
Valid - YES/NO - Is address valid?
Addr1 - Line 1 of corrected street address
Addr2 - Line 2 of corrected street address
Streetnum - Street number or number range of address
Predir - Direction indicator before street name
Street - The street name of the address
Street_suffix - Like St, Rd, Pl, etc.
Postdir - Direction indicator after street name
Unit - Unit number or range of street address
City - Name of city
State - Name of state
Zip - Zip code
Zip4 - Additional 4 zip code digits
County - Name of county
PRUrbCode - Puerto Rico Urbanization Code
Country - Country of zip code (Currently service only works for USA)
FIPS - Fips code
Company_name - If zip code belongs to a company
Congress_dist - Congressional district served by zip code
Areacode - areacode served by zip code
Timezone - Timezone observed in zip code
DPBC - DPBC code

Optional Return Fields:
Billable - Indicates whether customer was charged for this query
Cost - Cost of this query

Verify247 (Email):
$0.003 per look-up*

Verify247 (Phone):
$0.005 per look-up*

Verify247 (Postal Address):
$0.005 per look-up*

*$12 monthly membership fee

Verify247 (Email) / Verify247 (Postal Address):

Verify247 (Phone):
Click here for Countries List

Data Verification at your Fingertips!

Use Data247 services from within your web browser!

Data247 now offers a web browser extension for Microsoft Edge, Chrome and Firefox which automatically highlights phone numbers, email addresses, and IP addresses on web pages and allows you to look-up information about them with a single click!

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