Data247 Security Data


Security Data

Data247 provides security solutions for businesses, including: fraud detection, identity verification, and geo-coding security prone hotspots. See how our data services can help your business security needs.

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Fraud Detection

    fraud detection

Data247 can help your business identify and mitigate against fraudulent activities such as identity theft and purchase of goods with stolen credit cards. Members perpetuate these schemes by infiltrating legitimate businesses using fake contact details.

Trust247 (User Identity) uses our vast data resources to cross-reference the details of a new user account to determine whether it is likely an instance of account creation fraud.

Click here to learn more about our Trust247 (User Identity) service.

Identity Verification

Identity Verification    

Having a comprehensive customer contact database is essential for proper engagement with your customers. This is only possible if you have valid and current contact details, including email addresses and phone numbers. Data247 contact data verification services are reliable and are highly accurate.

Click here to learn more about these data verification services.
Verify247 (Email), Verify247 (Phone number)

IP Address Locator

    IP Address Locator

Determine the physical location of your customers via the IP addresses of their communication devices. Verify their city, state, country, longitude, and latitude coordinates. You can then use this geolocation information to help plan your transport routes efficiently.

Click here to learn more about our Locate247 (IP) service.

Find your security data solution

Find your security data solution.

Our data is sourced from vetted, real-time data points providing your business with high-quality data.

  •  Data-on-demand; Real-time availability of data to companies 24/7.
  •  Multiple ways & formats to access your data; XML, APIs, Batch File uploads or Manual data entry.
  •  Easily integrate with global brands, i.e. Salesforce, Asterisk, Workato, etc.
  •  Pay-as-you-go pricing.