carrier_id carrier_name type country 13669 107082 TELECOM L Spain 13670 11811 Nueva Informacion Telefonica L Spain 13671 11869 Servicios de Informacion Telefonica L Spain 13672 11870 Informacion En General L Spain 13673 11883 Telecom GMBH L Spain 13674 Acerca Telecomunicaciones L Spain 13675 Advantage Management SL L Spain 13676 Alai Operador De Telecomunicaciones L Spain 13677 Openband Of Virginia L United States of America 13678 Alea Version L Spain 13679 Alfa 902 Telecom L Spain 13681 Amigophone Telecomunicaciones Publicas L Spain 13682 Westphalia Broadband L United States of America 13684 Analisys System Program L Spain 13685 ANDAL MEDIA L Spain 13686 ATRESMEDIA CORPORACION DE MEDIOS DE COMUNICACION, S.A. L Spain 13687 Aplicacions De Servei Monsan L Spain 13688 Audiotex Phone Systems L Spain 13689 AUNA Telecomunicaciones L Spain 13691 Balada Telecomunicaciones L Spain 13692 Barablu Movil Espana M Spain 13693 Digi (Best Spain Telecom) M Spain 13694 Bitmailer L Spain 13695 Bradford Develops L Spain 13696 Business Process Outsourcing L Spain 13698 BVOX World L Spain 13699 C3 Prepaid Telecom Spain L Spain 13702 Carrefour M Spain 13703 Telinfocom L Spain 13704 Central Fax L Spain 13705 Citycall Telecomunicaciones L Spain 13706 CLEPAR TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 13709 CONSULTARTE 3.0 L Spain 13710 Convergia Networks L Spain 13712 Datos, Ediciones e Informacion L Spain 13714 Diagonal Phone L Spain 13715 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos L Spain 13716 Direct2Internet Iberia L Spain 13717 Disa Consulting L Spain 13718 Disatel Telecom L Spain 13719 DITELCOM FREE SIGLO XXI L Spain 13720 Diverta Comunicaciones y Telefonia L Spain 13721 EAGERTECH 21 L Spain 13722 EDITATEIDE L Spain 13723 Elitetele L Spain 13725 Emsertex 2002 L Spain 13726 Estela Net L Spain 13729 Fenix Media Desarrollos de Publicidad L Spain 13730 Flash 10 L Spain 13731 PARLEM TELECOM COMPANYIA DE TELECOMUNICACIONS (Fonyou Telecom) M Spain 13732 Foreign Information Services L Spain 13733 G.L. Passport Internacional L Spain 13734 Gavilanes Siglo XXI L Spain 13737 GO2 Prepaid L Spain 13739 Gurutelecom L Spain 13741 Ibira Marketing Relacional L Spain 13742 IDT Spain L Spain 13743 Incotel Ingenieria Y Consultoria M Spain 13744 Incotel Servicios Avanzados L Spain 13746 Informacion Telefonica Numero 11812 L Spain 13747 INFOTECNIA 11824 L Spain 13748 ADRITEL CLOUD, S.L. L Spain 13751 Internet Global Business L Spain 13752 ITEL 2 L Spain 13753 RESONANCE TECH L Spain 13754 Jet Multimedia Espana L Spain 13755 Jyctel Espana L Spain 13756 Lebara Espana M Spain 13757 Liberty VOZ L Spain 13759 Lycamobile M Spain 13760 MARIN Telecommunications L Spain 13762 Mediaduero L Spain 13764 More Minutes Communications M Spain 13770 Multiasistencia Gestion y Ayuda L Spain 13771 Multisuministros L Spain 13773 NAC Comunicaciones L Spain 13780 Nice Management Group L Spain 13781 Numintel SRI L Spain 13782 NAVARRA DE SERVICIOS Y TECNOLOGIAS L Spain 13783 Op Com World L Spain 13785 Orbitel Comunicaciones LatinoAmericans M Spain 13786 Phone Warehouse L Spain 13787 Wildflower Telecommunications L United States of America 13788 Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Ltd. (MTML) M Mauritius 13789 Por Fin Ya L Spain 13790 Premium Numbers L Spain 13791 Primus Telecomunications Iberica L Spain 13792 Printelcard Ibercia L Spain 13793 QDQ Media L Spain 13794 Qualitel Consulting Telefonia L Spain 13796 Quantum Sistemas L Spain 13797 R Cable Y Telecomunicaciones Galicia M Spain 13798 Ratio Consulting Telefonia L Spain 13800 Redes de Telecomunicacion de Navarra (Retena) L Spain 13801 Retecal L Spain 13802 Reterioja L Spain 13803 RSL Communications Spain L Spain 13804 Sabal Telec Integra L Spain 13805 Seatel Comunicaciones S. XXI L Spain 13806 Servicios De Informacion De Audiotex Teleinea L Spain 13807 Space Telecommunications Systems L Spain 13809 Switch Global Systems L Spain 13810 Tarraco Telecom L Spain 13811 Tecnomatix Telecomunicaciones L Spain 13812 Telebravo Operadora L Spain 13814 Teledis Informacion y Servicios L Spain 13815 Telefonica Cable L Spain 13817 Neutron-IT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 13818 Mongolia Telecom L Mongolia 13822 Telelinea Local L Spain 13823 TELEMINUTOS L Spain 13824 TELEMO COMUNICACIONES L Spain 13825 TELEPHONE PUBLISHING L Spain 13826 TELESPACE L Spain 13828 T-Online Telecommunications Spain L Spain 13830 TRANSACTION NETWORK SERVICES L Spain 13831 T-SYSTEMS ITC IBERIA L Spain 13833 UNO TELECOM L Spain 13834 11850 INFORMACION EMPRESARIAL, S.L. L Spain 13835 Valencia de Cable L Spain 13836 Vani Telecommunications L Spain 13837 Viacom 2000 Servicios Telematicos L Spain 13838 Tecnosistem Hispania (Vipfone) L Spain 13843 VIZZAVI ESPANA S.L. M Spain 13845 Voyager Tecnologica L Spain 13846 WINONA TECNO L Spain 13853 Salt Mobile SA (Orange Communications) M Switzerland 13861 Jersey Telecom M United Kingdom 13920 M1 M Singapore 13936 Ay Sat Systems L Kyrgyz Republic 13937 Yadkin Valley Telecom L United States of America 13953 TELECOM ARGENTINA STET FRANCE TELECOM L Argentina 13982 Southeast Nebraska Telephone Company L United States of America 14032 Skytel L United Kingdom 14033 Calu L Italy 14060 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Banderal L Argentina 14091 TDC AS M Norway 14092 Societe Reunionnaise du Radiotelephone L France 14097 Inmarsat-M High Speed Data L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 14104 PfalzKom L Germany 14162 Carson Communications L United States of America 14165 Nexgen Integrated Communication L US,Canada and Others 14171 Inmarsat-B High Speed Data L Pitcairn Islands 14183 Farmers Mutual Telephone Compa L United States of America 14188 Daotec L United Kingdom 14239 HTC Communications dba HTC Horizon L United States of America 14274 Service Electric Telephone L United States of America 14302 Verizon Ireland Ltd L Ireland 14321 Paul Bunyan Rural Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 14331 TELETEL L Argentina 14361 PT Smartfren Telecom (Smart) M Indonesia 14364 Tonfon M Tonga 14390 Intermatica M Italy 14405 SuperLINE Telecommunications L United Kingdom 14406 Radcomm M St. Maarten 14420 Telia (Estonian Mobile Telephone - EMT) M Estonia 14445 Enhanced Telecommunications Corporation L United States of America 14456 Bharti Airtel Ltd M India 14459 Cooperativa Electrica Telefonica Vicvienda Y De Otros Servicios Publicos De Ra L Argentina 14480 Alcotek L Italy 14511 Benton Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 14529 CAT Communications, Inc/1 L United States of America 14531 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD DE LAS TOSCAS L Argentina 14539 StarHub M Singapore 14543 Claro (America Movil) M Peru 14544 Malitel (Sotelma) M Mali 14575 Blountsville Telephone Company L United States of America 14587 St. Petersburg Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 14595 Wavecrest (UK) L United Kingdom 14598 Movicel M Angola 14601 Caveo Communications L Australia 14621 Etisalat M Afghanistan 14629 Dhiraagu M Maldives 14633 Telecom Cook Islands Ltd M Cook Islands 14643 Irancell M Iran 14752 Pinpoint Wireless M United States of America 14753 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO TELEFONICO Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE CO L Argentina 14754 TELEPHONE2 (CUIT 30-70726752-2) L Argentina 14755 Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd (PTCL) (Ufone) M Pakistan 14824 IV Response L United Kingdom 14825 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS LA LONJA L Argentina 14870 Opcom L US,Canada and Others 14875 Michtel Communications L United States of America 14892 Telefonica O2 Germany (E-Plus) M Germany 14898 South Central Wireless Dba SC Telcom L United States of America 14906 Northwest Telephone L United States of America 14907 MIMOS Bhd L Malaysia 14915 Spacetel Guinea-Bissau M Guinea-Bissau 14919 KDDI Europe L United Kingdom 14947 Richmond Networx L United States of America 14956 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y VIVIENDA SAN GUILLERMO L Argentina 14969 WOBCOM L Germany 14990 Allendale Telephone Company L United States of America 15039 Barry County Telephone Company L United States of America 15069 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o. (PTC) (T-mobile) M Poland 15088 Vantage Telecom L United States of America 15094 Australian Associated Press Telecommunications (APPT) M Australia 15100 Coteautri L Bolivia 15103 China-Hongkong Telecom M Hong Kong 15113 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS OLIVEROS L Argentina 15127 Colombia Movil (Tigo) M Colombia 15128 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y PROMOCION REGIONAL ISLA VERDE L Argentina 15148 Monaco Telecom M Monaco 15149 Choice Communications L US,Canada and Others 15243 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS DE VILLA GESELL L Argentina 15275 MTN M South Africa 15284 BHNIS L United States of America 15300 Intercall (Kertel Entreprises) (ICOM) M France 15349 Clear Creek Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 15356 Rurtel L Namibia 15375 Interstate 35 Tel Co dba Interstate Communications L United States of America 15376 Cotas L Bolivia 15405 AT&T Comercializacion Movil (Iusacell/Unefon) M Mexico 15410 Ooredoo Algerie (Nedjma) (Wataniya Telecom) M Algeria 15413 COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE RAFAEL OBLIGADO L Argentina 15438 Cellular One of E.Central Illi M US,Canada and Others 15444 Mobiland M Andorra 15452 Vodafone Espana M Spain 15454 Hardy Telecommunications L United States of America 15463 IDT CORPORATION DE ARGENTINA L Argentina 15490 BOUYGUES TELECOM M France 15493 Heritage Technologies L United States of America 15494 Somafone M Somalia 15498 VINI M French Polynesia 15521 Telecom studio L France 15522 Comores Telecom M Comoros 15524 AMA Communications L United States of America 15531 Merrimac Communications L United States of America 15534 BITel L Germany 15552 DB Netz AG M Germany 15560 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA, SERVICIOS PUBLICOS VIVIENDA Y CREDITO EL SOCORRO L Argentina 15578 Tele 2 Russia (Baykal Westcom) M Russia/Kazakhstan 15580 Essex Telcom L United States of America 15590 Karabagh Telecom M Armenia 15600 Rhema Telecom L United Kingdom 15606 Blue Wireless M United States of America 15608 Bascom Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 15610 Everest Broadband Networks L United States of America 15611 DOKOM L Germany 15620 Telnor L Mexico 15625 NetSpan Corporation dba Foremost Telecommunications L United States of America 15635 Elsacom M Italy 15641 Tex-Link Communications L United States of America 15705 MTS Mobile TeleSystems M Russia/Kazakhstan 15722 CORETX Protect Limited L United Kingdom 15723 Telio Telecom L Norway 15745 Cooperativa De Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Morrison L Argentina 15753 Siminn M Iceland 15780 Contech Media L Estonia 15793 Goldfield Tel Company L United States of America 15824 Bakcell M Azerbaijan 15850 Solcon Internetdiensten L Netherlands 15872 Hometown Solutions L United States of America 15888 Hutchison 3G UK M United Kingdom 15921 Protel UK L United Kingdom 15924 Webstar L United Kingdom 15927 Geocell M Georgia 15932 Louisiana Competitive Telecommunications L United States of America 15953 COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL AGUA OBRAS Y PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE CONESA L Argentina 15969 MultiKom Austria Telekom GmbH L Austria 15970 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE SAN VICENTE L Argentina 15985 Vodafone Czech Republic M Czech Republic 15988 Mundo Startel L Angola 15990 Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation (ETC) L Ethiopia 15991 CITIC Telecom International Ltd M Hong Kong 16010 Vodafone M Egypt 16039 Banda Ancha L Spain 16045 Lycatel (Ireland) L United Kingdom 16053 US Cellular M United States of America 16066 Cooperativa Electrica Rural De Todd L Argentina 16067 Schaller Telephone Company L United States of America 16069 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE PINAMAR L Argentina 16070 Intelligent Technologies S.A. L Poland 16106 Orange Polska - PTK Centertel (NMT450) M Poland 16117 Smart (as Speednet Communications Ltd) M Belize 16147 PT XL Axiata (AXIS) M Indonesia 16184 Acme Communications L United States of America 16191 Galcom L Somalia 16208 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA SANTA MARIA L Argentina 16216 DCS L Indonesia 16229 Nexus Communications L United States of America 16230 ETECSA/Cubacel M Cuba 16232 Eurajoen Puhelin L Finland 16245 HunTel CableVision dba HunTel Communications L United States of America 16248 OPT L Benin 16267 K-Telecom (Vivacell) M Armenia 16278 Swefour (Spring Mobil) M Sweden 16300 S-Fone (CDMA) M Viet Nam 16321 GBT Communications L United States of America 16370 TRA (UK) L United Kingdom 16388 Jazz (Mobilink) M Pakistan 16392 Groupe Hgt L France 16411 PPO-Yhtiot L Finland 16424 Smartphone SA L Switzerland 16425 Alltele Sverige AB (Spinbox) M Sweden 16427 ComX Networks M Denmark 16428 SmarTone Mobile Communications M Hong Kong 16429 SuperTEL Danmark L Denmark 16430 DLG (TDC Network) M Denmark 16436 In&Phone M Switzerland 16437 Pelephone M Israel 16458 Inmarsat-A L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 16465 Afghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC) M Afghanistan 16468 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE GENERAL MANSILLA L Argentina 16473 Swisscom M Switzerland 16511 NRJ MOBILE - (EURO-INFORMATION TELECOM) M France 16516 Big River Telephone Company L United States of America 16522 Ace Link Telecommunications L United States of America 16523 Pine Belt Telephone L United States of America 16532 Sesui L United Kingdom 16538 Clear Rate Communications L United States of America 16544 Lindholmen Science Park M Sweden 16548 Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane M Martinique 16554 Chickasaw Telephone Company L United States of America 16567 MDCC L Germany 16580 Pennsylvania Telephone L United States of America 16602 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE LIBERTADOR GENERAL SAN MARTIN L Argentina 16619 Mescalero Apache Tele L United States of America 16622 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIDAD DE GAHAN L Argentina 16634 Supercell M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16668 Band-X L United Kingdom 16671 SOCIETE FRANCAISE DU RADIOTELEPHONE (SFR) M France 16689 Long Phone L France 16694 MUNICIPALIDAD COLONIA SAN BARTOLOME L Argentina 16715 Lao Telecom M Laos 16734 Faraway VSAT L Ethiopia 16735 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE MAQUINCHAO L Argentina 16772 Telefonica Celular S.A (CELTEL) (Tigo) M Honduras 16778 voipGATE L Luxembourg 16782 CONECTEL COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 16802 9163-7918 Quebec L Canada 16808 Columbus Grove Telephone Company L United States of America 16809 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) M India 16815 CABLEWAY L Argentina 16822 Metro PCS M United States of America 16829 AFRICELL LINTEL SIERRA LEONE 10:35 AM M Sierra Leone 16836 COOPERATIVA PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS RAMO L Argentina 16841 ICO Global Communications L Global Mobile Satellite System 16870 IBC L Brunei Darussalam 16920 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE LA GARMA L Argentina 16921 Zanzibar Telecom Ltd (Zantel) M Tanzania 16957 Cotemo L Bolivia 16960 Mainstreet Communications L United States of America 16963 ICE Norge AS M Norway 16967 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA 25 DE MAYO L Argentina 16979 Westel L United States of America 16996 Kasson & Mantorville Tel Company L United States of America 17007 Tropolys L Germany 17014 PNG Telecommunication L United States of America 17019 DAUPHIN TELECOM L France 17020 Telekom Srbija a.d. M Serbia 17022 Global Crossing (UK) L United Kingdom 17054 Castlewire L US,Canada and Others 17084 Setera L Finland 17114 Citistream Communications L United States of America 17115 Telecomunicaciones Del Golfo M Mexico 17125 Orange Cameroon M Cameroon 17139 Mintel L Kyrgyz Republic 17148 BrahmaCom L United States of America 17151 North Eastern Pennsylvania Tel Company L United States of America 17153 Globalcall L Netherlands 17201 CWCI L United States of America 17202 Tele 2 Russia (Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications) M Russia/Kazakhstan 17220 Nucla-naturita Telephone Company L United States of America 17272 Callgen L United Kingdom 17273 Palmerton Telephone L United States of America 17286 Libercell M Liberia 17288 Inmarsat-B L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 17356 Local Access Prime L US,Canada and Others 17375 Pathwayz Communications L United States of America 17376 Lancaster Telephone Company L United States of America 17407 Telewise L United States of America 17414 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE CLARKE L Argentina 17456 CC Communications L United States of America 17496 Conduit Europe L Ireland 17499 ALASKA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS HOLDINGS ( M United States of America 17509 Price County Information Systems L United States of America 17513 Claro (Conecel S.A.) M Ecuador 17517 Home Telecom L United States of America 17520 3 Stars Net L Belgium 17550 COOPERATIVA PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y ASISTENCIALES VIVIENDA Y C L Argentina 17572 Mars Communications L United Kingdom 17597 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad Obras Y Servicios Publicos Credito Y Vi L Argentina 17600 Tula Cellular Radiotelephone Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 17601 Hilf Telecom L Netherlands 17612 Inmarsat-M L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 17658 Cablevision Lightpath L United States of America 17682 Blue Spot Technologies L United Kingdom 17690 Clarks Telephone Company L United States of America 17717 Telenor Norge AS M Norway 17740 Telefonica Moviles Guatemala (movistar) M Guatemala 17753 Alpine Communications L United States of America 17761 Orascom Telecom Holding M Bangladesh 17766 Cooperativa De Luz Y Fuerza Juan A Pradere L Argentina 17781 AXXENT L US,Canada and Others 17791 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES LA TORDILLA L Argentina 17802 Al-Madar (Orbit) M Libya 17816 TG Support M United Kingdom 17835 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE CLAROMECO L Argentina 17848 Nextel Communications L US,Canada and Others 17862 Dauphin Telecom L Martinique 17872 Ministry L Sudan 17885 Irish Broadband L Ireland 17892 Software C Network L Sweden 17893 Sonera Sverige L Sweden 17902 El Hadri Mohammed L France 17903 WIND M Greece 17904 China Unicom (CDMA) L China 17933 ATC Communications L United States of America 17939 CMC Telecom L United States of America 17948 Fulltel L United States of America 17952 T-Mobile (Crnogorski Telekom) M Montenegro 17957 ZON TV CABO MADEIRENSE L Portugal 17968 Power Web Tech L United Kingdom 17995 Comflex L Denmark 18024 SES SISTEMAS ELECTRONICOS L Argentina 18026 Cooperativa Electrica Servicios Publicos Vivienda Consumo Y Credito San Eduardo L Argentina 18030 Midcontinent Communications L United States of America 18044 Orlando Telephone Company L United States of America 18045 012 Smile Telecom L Israel 18056 Netco L Somalia 18069 EVN (CDMA) M Viet Nam 18075 ZAIN (atheer telecom) M Iraq 18081 NTT Communications L Japan 18087 HTP L Germany 18089 Avantel Servicios Locales L Mexico 18110 Intercel M Guinea 18113 CABLE & WIRELESS L Italy 18120 BTC L United States of America 18124 MINET L United States of America 18147 Swiftnet L United Kingdom 18153 Verizon Business L United States of America 18189 Moov Benin (Telecel/Etisalat) M Benin 18248 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION Y SERVICIOS TELEONICOS DE LABORDEBOY L Argentina 18266 Digicel M Netherlands Antilles 18272 Svea Billing System M Sweden 18280 Range Telephone L United States of America 18285 Callagenix L United Kingdom 18322 Wood County Telephone Company L United States of America 18323 INTELFON M El Salvador 18324 MobiPCS L United States of America 18325 Setel L Ecuador 18396 Protel I-Next L Mexico 18419 Callax M Germany 18441 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicio Electrico Vivienda Credito Y Otros Servicio L Argentina 18447 Maxcom Telecomunicaciones L Mexico 18461 Rebound Enterprises Dba Rei Comms L US,Canada and Others 18463 MTN (Areeba Ltd) M Cyprus, Republic of 18464 Netscalibur UK L United Kingdom 18476 AB Lietuvos telekomas L Lithuania 18492 Inmarsat-B L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 18493 Aztech Communications L United States of America 18501 Coastel PBX L Aruba 18502 BT L Germany 18508 Affinity Telecom L US,Canada and Others 18590 Cooperative Communications L United States of America 18611 Cable & Wireless L Ireland 18612 Unity Media (Ish) L Germany 18613 Buckeye Communications L United States of America 18628 COLT Telecom AG L Switzerland 18638 Comscape Telecommunications L United States of America 18647 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION Y COMERCIALIZACION DE SERVICIOS COMUNITARIOS DE RADIODI L Argentina 18658 MEO-Servicos de Comunicacoes e Multimedia (TMN) M Portugal 18666 Lightspeed Telecom L United States of America 18671 XIT Cellular M US,Canada and Others 18678 Vodacom Congo SA, D.R (Congolese) M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 18690 Aircel Limited L India 18714 SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA POPULAR DE COMODORO RIVADAVIA L Argentina 18729 Global Crossing Local Services L United States of America 18739 Laitilan Puhelin L Finland 18745 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad, Otros Servicios Publicos Y Vivienda D L Argentina 18746 Cooperativa De Obras Servicios Publicos Vivienda Y Credito Tres Limites (El Pat L Argentina 18767 TalkTalk Ireland Ltd L Ireland 18769 Clouditalia Communications - EUTELIA L Italy 18791 Leunet AG L Switzerland 18798 RCN Telecom Services L United States of America 18812 Telekom Srpske (Mtel) M Bosnia and Herzegovina 18821 Zamtel M Zambia 18826 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS BEN L Argentina 18839 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE ASCENCION L Argentina 18861 11888 Servicio Consulta Telefonica L Spain 18875 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE MECHONGUE L Argentina 18882 Cellular One of NE Arizona M United States of America 18895 Cameron Telephone Company - TX L United States of America 18914 KPN - NSO (vh Tiscali) L Netherlands 18915 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA RURAL DE URQUIZA L Argentina 18917 Comnet Telecom (Singapore) Pte L Singapore 18930 Voxtel L Italy 18932 Telecoms World L United Kingdom 18936 Canby Telephone Association L United States of America 18939 Fidelity Tel Company L United States of America 18941 Amalgamating Telecommunication Holdings Kiribati Limited M Kiribati 18946 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE FUENTES L Argentina 18967 Select Connect Communications L United States of America 18970 ChemTEL L Germany 18974 Tojiktelecom L Tajikistan 19031 Node4 L United Kingdom 19032 DiGi Telecom M Malaysia 19034 Ghana Telecom / Vodafone (Ghana) M Ghana 19055 Airtel Uganda LTD (Warid Telecom) M Uganda 19085 Nevada Telephone L US,Canada and Others 19087 Turkcell (Turk Telekom) M Turkey 19100 TelXL L United Kingdom 19110 IDT Global L United Kingdom 19112 Afghan Telecom (SalaamTelecom) M Afghanistan 19141 Cable & Wireless L Saint Helena 19159 TeleBeL L Germany 19164 MBO Wireless M US,Canada and Others 19179 SLO Cellular L US,Canada and Others 19195 Monitor Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 19199 Freedom To Surf L United Kingdom 19220 Inmarsat-Mini L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 19259 Karis Telefon L Finland 19262 3U Telecom L Germany 19283 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Sociales De Credito L Argentina 19285 Sure (Guernsey) (Isle of Man) (Jersey) M United Kingdom 19289 Globe Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 19297 Primelink L United States of America 19298 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE PERICO L Argentina 19304 Onatel M Burundi 19334 Voxmobile M Luxembourg 19335 Teleconnect Comunicaciones L Spain 19355 Econet Telecom (Ezi Cel Lesotho) M Lesotho 19361 Ubta-ubet Communications L United States of America 19362 ZON TV CABO PORTUGAL M Portugal 19375 Cooperativa Telefonica De La Quiaca L Argentina 19376 Datacomms Technology Services L United Kingdom 19377 BT France L France 19381 Hayneville Fiber Transport L United States of America 19383 COOPERATIVA DE TELEFONOS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS EGUSQUIZA L Argentina 19397 Pacific Lightnet L United States of America 19398 Segtel A/S LSO L Denmark 19418 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE COLONIA CAROYA Y JESUS MARIA L Argentina 19419 Andrews & Arnold M United Kingdom 19421 Great Plains Communications L United States of America 19452 ALEC L US,Canada and Others 19457 Ticinocom SA L Switzerland 19464 Conneaut Telephone Company L United States of America 19478 Loviisan Puhelin L Finland 19498 Home Town Telephone L United States of America 19515 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS SILVIO PELLICO L Argentina 19517 Fox Communications Corporation L United States of America 19534 Pac-West Telecomm L United States of America 19542 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE TORNQUIST L Argentina 19580 Wind Telecomunicazioni M Italy 19583 Saigon Postel Telecom (SPT) L Viet Nam 19587 Telecom Namibia M Namibia 19596 Millicom Lao Co (Tigo) M Laos 19597 AVEA (Aycell-Aria) M Turkey 19598 Comstar-Regions L Russia/Kazakhstan 19605 Cooperativa De Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Guatimozin L Argentina 19611 Cumby Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 19618 Haugaland Kraft L Norway 19619 IPLink AS L Norway 19620 C1 East Texas Wireless M US,Canada and Others 19622 Itel AS L Norway 19650 Grand Valley Internet L United States of America 19655 COOPERATIVA DE VIVIENDA Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DIADEMA ARGENTINA L Argentina 19674 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS SAN FRANCISCO DEL MONTE DE ORO L Argentina 19677 North County Communications L United States of America 19689 Comanche County Telephone Company L United States of America 19708 Cal-Ore Communications L United States of America 19721 KeConnect Group L United Kingdom 19722 Catel M Azerbaijan 19725 Uganda Telecom Ltd M Uganda 19727 VTX Telecom L United States of America 19729 Grand River Mutual L United States of America 19748 Atos Nederland L Netherlands 19756 KyrgyzTelecom L Kyrgyz Republic 19757 United Connect L United Kingdom 19758 Telekom Malaysia Berhad M Malaysia 19771 PERSONAL POST L Argentina 19777 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE MORTEROS L Argentina 19831 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Publicos Consumo Y Vivienda El Progreso De L Argentina 19872 Graceba Total Communications L United States of America 19879 Entel M Bolivia 19907 Compania Telefonica Andina L Peru 19920 Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 19921 PD Media L United Kingdom 19944 Vyatka Cellular Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 19954 TelePassport (01024) L Germany 19962 Tajik Tel or Takom Beeline M Tajikistan 20013 Quidex L Italy 20036 Viva M Bolivia 20039 Reedsburg Utility Commission L United States of America 20041 Axiat Bangladesh Ltd M Bangladesh 20044 Callax L United Kingdom 20045 Telmex L Mexico 20047 Orange Caraibe Mobiles M Martinique 20086 Fones 4 All L US,Canada and Others 20087 Colton Telephone Company L United States of America 20094 Annecto Telecom L United Kingdom 20115 Faroese Telecom (ForoyaTele) M Faroe Islands 20117 Go Mobile (Mobisle Communications LTD) M Malta 20120 Jawwal M Palestine 20132 SingTel Optus M Australia 20142 Datapro (proprietary) L United Kingdom 20145 Flow Communications L Australia 20168 CNT Mobile - Alegro PCS (Telecsa) M Ecuador 20171 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE GENERAL ROCA L Argentina 20173 Telefonica del Peru L Peru 20194 SolTelco M Somalia 20195 Copper Valley Cellular M United States of America 20211 INTERBAND L Argentina 20212 Indosat L Indonesia 20220 Xspedius L United States of America 20221 Chickamauga Telephone Corporation L United States of America 20229 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y ANEXOS CEYAL L Argentina 20242 Telecom (Seychelles) Ltd (Airtel) M Seychelles 20246 Osage Municipal Communications Utility L United States of America 20273 Worldnet Telecommunications L Puerto Rico 20296 Remi Communications L US,Canada and Others 20309 Inclarity Communications L United Kingdom 20318 Farmers Tel Company L United States of America 20362 Libercom M Benin 20378 Cooperativa Electrica De Galvez (Cuit 30-54571792-8) L Argentina 20382 Inmarsat-A L Pitcairn Islands 20390 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y OTROS SERVICIOS DE ARENAZA L Argentina 20416 Grand Mound Coop Tel Assn L United States of America 20417 Empire One Telecommunications L United States of America 20434 GCI Communication Corp. dba Ge M United States of America 20435 General Communications Systems L US,Canada and Others 20438 General Communications & Electronics Corporation L United States of America 20441 Premiere Communications L United Kingdom 20444 Santa Rosa Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 20476 Arialink Telecom L United States of America 20477 Inmarsat-M High Speed Data L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 20497 Net Lec L United States of America 20500 JCM Networking L United States of America 20507 Yim Siam Telecom M United Kingdom 20529 Trunk networks L Germany 20556 Outremer Telecom M Martinique 20569 COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL PROVISION DE SERVICOS PUBLICOS CAMILO ALDAO L Argentina 20588 1stel L United States of America 20602 Astound Broadband L United States of America 20609 TeliaSonera M Sweden 20648 Combellga (overlay) L Russia/Kazakhstan 20686 Telekarelia L Finland 20691 Millicom Tchad M Chad 20714 Personal M Paraguay 20745 Wilkes Communications L United States of America 20754 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE CONSUMO Y OTROS SERVICIOS DE SALADILLO (CUIT 30-545750 L Argentina 20760 South Central Utah Telephone A L United States of America 20790 Sudatel (Sudani One) M Sudan 20792 Ironton Tel. Co. L United States of America 20842 Y-Max Networks Sdn Bhd (Bizsurf M) L Malaysia 20843 COOPERATIVA DE JUNCAL DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS ANEXOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLIC L Argentina 20869 VerizonMCI L Germany 20874 VersaGer L Germany 20902 Direct2Internet Nordic L Sweden 20903 Dial n’Smile L Sweden 20911 Eastern Nebraska Tel Company L United States of America 20918 Corn Belt Communications L United States of America 20922 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE GENERAL RIVAS L Argentina 20954 COOPERATIVA SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS PILCANIYEU L Argentina 20958 ALLODOTCOM L United Kingdom 20960 Colt Technology Services L Denmark 20961 Hortel M Somalia 20970 C-i Communications L United States of America 20989 Sancom, Inc. Dba Mitchell Telecom L US,Canada and Others 21006 HPT Mostar (HT d.d. Mostar) M Bosnia and Herzegovina 21012 Telephony Services L United Kingdom 21018 Technische Betriebe Suhr (TBS Strom AG) L Switzerland 21019 Nextel Brazil M Brazil 21036 Vodafone Romania M Romania 21043 Rainbow Telecommunications Association L United States of America 21048 StarHub Pte L Singapore 21049 Gotalandsnatet M Sweden 21050 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE LAGUNA AL L Argentina 21051 VER TV L Argentina 21072 Spinvox L United Kingdom 21081 Telus Communications L Canada 21082 Telus Mobility M Canada 21097 PageOne Communications L United Kingdom 21115 CYTAmobile-Vodafone M Cyprus, Republic of 21120 Swisscom (Schweiz) M Liechtenstein 21123 Kaliningrad Mobile Networks L Russia/Kazakhstan 21127 Madhouse Communications L United Kingdom 21146 Sun Mobile Ltd M Hong Kong 21149 SCARLET Business/ EXTENDED nv M Belgium 21183 Rwandatel M Rwanda 21186 Otelco Telephone L United States of America 21190 Golden Telecom M Ukraine 21193 Verizon Switzerland AG L Switzerland 21196 T-com Crnogorski Telekom L Montenegro 21201 KT Corporation (Freetel) M South Korea 21212 Vermont Telephone L United States of America 21220 Stv L Estonia 21260 Network Telephone Corporation L United States of America 21263 Cell Plus M Mauritius 21286 Freeway L Italy 21315 Teleglobe L Solomon Islands 21328 Thus L United Kingdom 21340 Dantec Enterprises L United Kingdom 21362 Craigville Telephone Company L United States of America 21375 Xfera (Yoigo) M Spain 21376 COOPERATIVA LA CHIMPAYENSE L Argentina 21379 JM-DATA GmbH L Austria 21409 Orange M Slovakia 21413 Welcome Italia M Italy 21422 SAN VICENTE CABLE Y TELECOMUNICACIONES L Argentina 21423 Utility Telephone L United States of America 21435 CelTel M Malawi 21466 TelaPal (UK) L United Kingdom 21470 COOPERATIVA DE TELEFONOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE COLONIA SAN JOSE L Argentina 21480 Rye Telephone Company L United States of America 21516 Riigi Infokommunikatsiooni Sihtasutus L Estonia 21523 Frontier Communications L United States of America 21524 Emtel M Mauritius 21542 TDM L Mozambique 21549 C.P.S. COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 21569 Xfone USA L United States of America 21590 TELENET n.v. M Belgium 21596 Airtel Niger M Niger 21602 Eurobell (Holdings) L United Kingdom 21617 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE PIPINAS L Argentina 21670 Vodafone Libertel M Netherlands 21680 e-fon AG M Switzerland 21687 Alenco Communications L United States of America 21778 Orange Caraibes Mobiles L France 21781 Cooperativa De Electricidad Obras Y Servicios Publicos Creditos Y Vivienda De C L Argentina 21782 RTC Factory L Sweden 21791 Vivo (Telefonica Brasil) M Brazil 21808 Cable & Wireless L United Kingdom 21813 Master Telecom M Latvia 21819 Telecom Lesotho L Lesotho 21827 Sinergie L Italy 21836 Belize Telemedia Limited M Belize 21844 Grid 4 Communications L United States of America 21863 SureWest Telephone L United States of America 21874 Colt L Ireland 21900 Init Seven AG L Switzerland 21901 Vodafone M Italy 21902 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE POMONA L Argentina 21918 Ellijay Tel. Co. L United States of America 21944 Velocity Telephone L United States of America 21947 2-Sell-It L United Kingdom 21953 Popp Communications L United States of America 21983 Bruce Municipal Telephone System L Canada 22003 ARCH COMUNICACIONES ARGENTINA L Argentina 22011 Coleman County Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 22046 MARCELO NESTOR CAPONE L Argentina 22063 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE CONCARAN L Argentina 22064 CAMARA DE COMERCIO INDUSTRIA PRODUCCION Y SERVICIOS DE GONZALEZ MORENO L Argentina 22074 Clever Communications Ltd M Ireland 22082 Tarasol Telecom L Jordan 22088 Natcom S.A.(Rectel) M Haiti 22092 AT&T Mobility M US,Canada and Others 22105 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE ATALIVA L Argentina 22118 Telenor Pakistan M Pakistan 22125 Viettel Mobile M Viet Nam 22126 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE PEDERNALES L Argentina 22147 Bell West L Canada 22181 Adams TelSystems M United States of America 22191 Al-Call L United States of America 22244 Brazoria Telephone Company L United States of America 22264 COLT Telecom n.v. L Belgium 22274 COOPERATIVA DE SERVCIO ELECTRICO OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE SAN MIGUEL ARCANG L Argentina 22325 VinaPhone M Viet Nam 22341 Fairfield Communications L United States of America 22346 Valor Telecommunications CLEC L United States of America 22363 Trumansburg Telephone L United States of America 22370 Chime Communications L Australia 22371 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION ELECTRICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE MOQUEHUA L Argentina 22373 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS VIVIENDA Y CREDITO DE LA VIOLETA L Argentina 22392 Vanion L United States of America 22404 Accessible Wireless L United States of America 22409 Puma Unified Communications L United Kingdom 22439 Asiainfo L Kyrgyz Republic 22510 TDC FINLAND M Finland 22516 Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA) L Botswana 22521 AG L Switzerland 22533 TATA Indicom / DOCOMO (Virgin Mobile) M India 22539 TELENET L Argentina 22599 Movitel L Cuba 22609 Mashell Telecom L United States of America 22618 Cotap L Bolivia 22620 Cooperativa Telefonica De Yuto L Argentina 22634 STAR L Germany 22644 International Telecommunication (CDMA800) M Ukraine 22650 Tele2 Sverige M Sweden 22658 U Mobile Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 22667 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE QUINES L Argentina 22698 T3 Communications L United States of America 22714 Belgacom Mobile - Proximus M Belgium 22733 Yucca Communications L United States of America 22734 Allcom Telink L US,Canada and Others 22735 Aero North L United States of America 22752 Megakom L Georgia 22758 Bristol TN Essential Svcs L United States of America 22759 Glocalnet Scandinavia M Sweden 22760 Copper Valley Telephone L United States of America 22788 Verizon Business (MCI) L Ireland 22819 Ooredoo M Qatar 22827 FlyNet L Italy 22847 TRANSATEL M France 22853 TELCO OI (Outremer Telecom) M Reunion 22859 Smart Communications M Philippines 22871 Fibercom L United States of America 22873 SEM MOBILE (AkTel (Fonex)) M Kyrgyz Republic 22902 Comtelo Sverige M Sweden 22926 Columbine Acquisition Corporation L United States of America 22937 CelTel M Zambia 22940 TelePacific L United States of America 22956 Media Sky L Solomon Islands 22971 Fort Randall Telephone Company L United States of America 22973 Cooperativa De Electricidad Obras Credito Vivienda Y Servicios Publicos De Las F L Argentina 22979 Alestra L Mexico 22989 New Telecommincations Network Italia L Italy 22997 Detel Global L Slovenia 23003 Orange (Mobilnil) M Egypt 23010 Darien Telephone Company L United States of America 23023 New Ulm Telecom L United States of America 23032 Cooperativa De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Coronel Moldes L Argentina 23042 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE DIAZ L Argentina 23077 Newtel (Guernsey) L United Kingdom 23080 MUNICIPALIDAD DE CALETA OLIVIA L Argentina 23099 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Telefonicos, Aguas Corrientes Y Otros Serv L Argentina 23104 CP-Tel Network Services L United States of America 23122 Windsor Telecom L United Kingdom 23135 Apex Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 23162 Camshin (Mfone) M Cambodia 23177 Plus Telecom L United Kingdom 23183 Libyana M Libya 23190 Aliant Telecom (Mobility) M Canada 23192 GETESA (Orange) M Equatorial Guinea 23194 TDS Telecommunications L United States of America 23201 Zippy Tech L United States of America 23202 MBC Telecom L United States of America 23204 Covad Communications L US,Canada and Others 23205 Bahamas Telecommunications M Bahamas 23206 Cable Bahamas L Bahamas 23207 digitalIP Voice L United States of America 23212 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE GRAND BOURG SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y URBANIZACION L Argentina 23215 Reserve Telecom L United States of America 23249 METRORED TELECOMUNICACIONES L Argentina 23253 Polar Telcom L US,Canada and Others 23310 SERVICIOS DE GASTRONOMIA L Argentina 23321 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS ALMASOL (LAS MARIANAS) L Argentina 23345 T-Mobile Netherlands M Netherlands 23353 PRIMERA RED INTERACTIVA DE MEDIOS ARGENTINOS (PRIMA) L Argentina 23380 Reignmaker Communications L US,Canada and Others 23405 Vodafone M New Zealand 23408 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y ASISTENCIALES DE TOSTADO L Argentina 23432 Unient Communcations L Slovakia 23449 China Telephone Company L United States of America 23450 SingTel (Europe) L United Kingdom 23458 Skytel M Mongolia 23471 Paetec Communications L United States of America 23476 AT&T IP L United States of America 23563 Cooperativa De Servicios Y Obras Publicas De General San Martin L Argentina 23569 Cooperativa Telefonica De Obras Y Servicios Publicos Y Sociales De Salsipuedes L Argentina 23580 Orange Cote dIvoire M Cote dIvoire 23583 Cooperativa De Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Lima L Argentina 23597 INDIGO M Tajikistan 23598 Comcel S.A. (Claro) M Colombia 23604 Deltacom L United States of America 23614 Sistemas Telefonicos Portatiles Celulares S.A DE C.V M Mexico 23637 Vietnam Mobile (CDMA) M Viet Nam 23659 ProMonte M Montenegro 23668 TSC Communications L United States of America 23669 Tele 2 Polska (MVNO) M Poland 23676 Lakedale Telephone Company dba Connections L US,Canada and Others 23685 TeleWare M United Kingdom 23699 Cooperativa De Provision De Obras Y Servicios Publicos Sociales Asistenciales Y L Argentina 23712 SCS Communications And Security L United States of America 23717 Telecom Italia L Italy 23720 Redstone Communications L United Kingdom 23738 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS D L Argentina 23759 Sonitel L Niger 23768 Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company L United States of America 23769 Far Eastone M Taiwan 23771 HL komm L Germany 23781 Connect Communications L United States of America 23789 NEOREDES L Argentina 23824 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS MECHITA L Argentina 23839 Cellcom M United States of America 23840 Chat Mobility M United States of America 23851 Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT) M Latvia 23858 Breezz Nederland M Netherlands 23871 MUNICIPALIDAD DE LAS HERAS L Argentina 23911 Telenor Sverige M Sweden 23912 Inmarsat-A L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 23914 Life:) M Belarus 23917 BPS Telephone L United States of America 23923 COMPLETEL M France 23946 East Tennessee Network L United States of America 23994 Global Electroteks L United Kingdom 23995 Gamtel M Gambia 23999 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE L Argentina 24021 Ohio Telecom L United States of America 24022 MTN M Nigeria 24033 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE MAYOR BURATOVICH L Argentina 24057 Claro M Brazil 24075 Comteco L Bolivia 24080 COLT Telecom Austria GmbH L Austria 24110 Exatel S.A. L Poland 24111 Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) M Myanmar 24114 Cumberland Cellular dba Duo County Telecom L United States of America 24118 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Telefonicos Aut Villa Berthet L Argentina 24137 LINEA COM S.r.l (AEM.COM) L Italy 24150 Tanzania Communications Commission Ltd. (TTCL) M Tanzania 24183 Central Texas Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 24187 BrightCLEC L United States of America 24217 Verizon Nederland L Netherlands 24231 W.T. Services L United States of America 24241 Telstra Corporation M Australia 24247 InterTalk L Netherlands 24250 Tun-Sun L Kyrgyz Republic 24262 North Central Communications L United States of America 24291 Flamingo TV Bonaire L Netherlands Antilles 24303 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Telefonicos De Centenario L Argentina 24308 Telecel Faso S.A. M Burkina Faso 24313 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE JUSTINIANO POSSE L Argentina 24335 Allo Communications L United States of America 24341 COOPERATIVA ALPACORRALENSE DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Argentina 24342 Digital Connections dba Digital Connections of Ohio L United States of America 24361 TELEMISIONES SOCIEDAD DE RESPOSABILIDAD LIMITADA (CUIT 30-70849592-8) L Argentina 24371 Cooperativa Telefonica De Calafate L Argentina 24374 UAB Omnitel M Lithuania 24398 SomTel M Somalia 24403 Orange Espana (France Telecom) M Spain 24404 Ready Telecom L United States of America 24406 Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC) M Palau 24421 COSMOTE M Greece 24488 Inmarsat-A Data L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 24496 Linkotel L Ecuador 24509 Office National de Telecommunications (Onatel) L Burkina Faso 24532 Pathway Com-Tel L United States of America 24553 The Number UK L United Kingdom 24555 Networks Direct L United Kingdom 24576 Togocel M Togo 24579 DSCI Corporation L United States of America 24591 DRD Communications L United Kingdom 24599 VolgaTelecom (Mordovia) M Russia/Kazakhstan 24601 Cannon Valley Telecom L United States of America 24613 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE OBRAS Y DESARROLLO DE QUENUMA L Argentina 24639 First Communications L United States of America 24668 Inmarsat-B L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 24698 PVT NetWorks L United States of America 24720 Reality Network Services L United Kingdom 24722 Blue Valley Tele-Comm L United States of America 24777 PopularCom L Mongolia 24803 Telekom Montenegro L Montenegro 24805 Cyber Mesa Computer Systems L United States of America 24811 ACD Telecom L United States of America 24836 Luxembourg Online L Luxembourg 24886 Telogic M Denmark 24889 Edutel L Netherlands 24897 Allstream Corporation L Canada 24902 Rochester Telephone Company L United States of America 24903 Cooperativa De Electricidad, Otros Servicios Publicos Y Vivienda De Tacural L Argentina 24920 SuperInternet Access Pte L Singapore 24936 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE LAS PERDICES L Argentina 24940 Telekom Slovenia (Mobitel) M Slovenia 24948 Club Communications L United Kingdom 24959 Elcat L Kyrgyz Republic 24961 Corr Wireless Communications M US,Canada and Others 24969 Sahelcom M Niger 25001 PBT Communications L United States of America 25007 Eesti Telefon L Estonia 25011 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE COLONIA CASTELAR L Argentina 25036 OKcom L Italy 25037 Winthrop Telephone Company L United States of America 25074 Eagle Tel. System L United States of America 25075 Astro Tel L United States of America 25076 BitWise Communications L United States of America 25129 CITILAN ARGENTINA L Argentina 25132 ScanCom Ltd (MTN) M Ghana 25149 Group3G (Quam) M Germany 25150 Jalalabad Telecom L Bangladesh 25166 Tech Com L United States of America 25168 Unidata L Italy 25171 Choice Phone M US,Canada and Others 25176 Calpe Group L United Kingdom 25178 Kasapa Telecom Ltd (CDMA)(expresso) M Ghana 25201 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios O/ Agua Potable Y O / Servicios De J B Alb L Argentina 25206 CRC Communications of Maine L United States of America 25258 City Of Thomasville L United States of America 25280 I.M.R. L Italy 25282 Net One L Greece 25305 Guyana Telephone & Telegraph M Guyana 25306 Tele2 Telecommunication GmbH M Austria 25323 American Fiber Systems L US,Canada and Others 25329 Telenor M Denmark 25371 XIT Telecommunication & Technology L United States of America 25408 Custer Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 25409 MOBIUS L France 25418 Chester Telephone Company L United States of America 25428 Mobile Telecommunications (MTC) M Namibia 25446 Hooper Tel Company L United States of America 25450 Davnet Telecommunications L Australia 25480 MidtVest_Bredband_LSO L Denmark 25488 GlobalEyes Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 25502 Computers 5* dba Localtel L United States of America 25528 Azercell M Azerbaijan 25535 BJT PARTNERS L France 25551 OrNet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 25552 Inmarsat-M L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 25569 Alfa M Lebanon 25589 Wightcable North L United Kingdom 25606 En-Tel Communications L United States of America 25608 Oregon Telecom L United States of America 25610 East Caribbean Cellular L Netherlands Antilles 25615 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y CONSUMO DE ABASTO L Argentina 25623 Elephant Talk M Netherlands 25666 Cooperativa Provision Servicios Telefonicos Y/O Servicios Publicos Sierra Colora L Argentina 25667 Optimal Telecom M Sweden 25729 MTN Congo S.A. M Congo-Brazzaville 25732 Cable & Wireless M Seychelles 25743 Communications Venture Corporation dba Indigital Telecom L United States of America 25779 YAC L United Kingdom 25808 Gateway Telecom dba Stratuswave Communications L United States of America 25837 Manx Telecom Trading M United Kingdom 25855 Gulfpines Communications L United States of America 25873 Hiawatha Broadband Communications L United States of America 25892 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE OYIKIL DE RIO TURBIO L Argentina 25905 Tiscali UK L United Kingdom 25922 Wind Tre S.p.A (H3G) M Italy 25923 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE GENERAL BALDISSERA L Argentina 25927 Vodafone Business Solutions L United Kingdom 26009 BT Ireland L Ireland 26012 CAC-Telecom L Spain 26020 MPY Palvelut Oyj (Mikkelin Puhelin) L Finland 26032 Independence Telecommunications Utility L United States of America 26041 Moov (Telecel) M Niger 26043 Mid-Rivers Cellular M United States of America 26073 Elephant Talk Communications PRS U.K L United Kingdom 26078 PUL Communications L United Kingdom 26101 Hosting-Network L US,Canada and Others 26124 Cosett L Bolivia 26141 Fidelity Communication Services I L United States of America 26194 Algar Telecom (CTBC Celular) M Brazil 26227 Verizon L United States of America 26246 Project Mutual Telephone Coop Association L United States of America 26249 Omnitel Communications L United States of America 26275 Geneseo Communications Services L United States of America 26288 Paratus Telecommunications Pty Ltd (Orascom) M Namibia 26332 Web Fire Communications L United States of America 26342 Spencer Municipal Communication Utility L United States of America 26356 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA MARIA JUANA L Argentina 26366 Saima-Telecom L Kyrgyz Republic 26378 Modus Telecom L United Kingdom 26388 Qualstar Communications L United States of America 26412 Telefonica Colombia (Movistar) M Colombia 26424 DNA Finland M Finland 26444 Cooperativa Telefonica Carlos Tejedor De Provision De Servicios Publicos Viviend L Argentina 26460 Nettel Sp. z o.o. L Poland 26465 Acantho L Italy 26469 SoftSwitch Telecom L United Kingdom 26491 Premier Voicemail L United Kingdom 26502 X-Pilot Limited L United Kingdom 26506 COOPERATIVA RIO MAYO DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Argentina 26509 GnTel L Netherlands 26519 Global One Communications Holding L United Kingdom 26538 Movilnet M Venezuela 26548 DST Communications M Brunei Darussalam 26554 Orange Romania M Romania 26555 3U Telecom GmbH L Austria 26569 Verizon Wireless M United States of America 26570 Poka - Lambro Telephone L United States of America 26572 Poka - Lambro Telephone dba Digital Cellular of Texas L US,Canada and Others 26574 Sovintel (overlay) L Russia/Kazakhstan 26586 New Frontiers Telecommunications L United States of America 26606 Astrakhan Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 26640 Telogic M Sweden 26669 Commnet Wireless M US,Canada and Others 26674 Telecom Malagasy M Madagascar 26689 AIS M Thailand 26690 Digitel/ Sun Cellular M Philippines 26707 Vivacom - Bulgarian Telecom Company (BTC) M Bulgaria 26779 TTdotCom Sdn Bhd (Time dotCom) L Malaysia 26805 Affiniti Integrated Solutions L United Kingdom 26806 Hub One Telecom L France 26807 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y TURISTICOS DE SAN MARTIN DE L Argentina 26815 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE JEPPENER L Argentina 26825 North Dakota Telephone L United States of America 26857 Mattel M Mauritania 26862 Impello L United Kingdom 26865 CommuniGroup L United States of America 26877 DAMA L Angola 26880 envia.TEL L Germany 26907 Adiphone L Solomon Islands 26909 Talk Numbers L United Kingdom 26918 Ozone (legacy SIS) L Malta 26931 Telenor d.o.o. M Serbia 26933 Chazy & Westport Telephone Corporation L United States of America 26946 SETAR M Aruba 26974 Sky Telecom L Malta 26994 Open Telecom International L United Kingdom 26996 Portal Del Sureste M Mexico 26998 Arobase Telecom L Cote dIvoire 27020 Magrathea Telecommunications L United Kingdom 27043 New Millennium Telecom (Digicel) M Aruba 27056 FSM Telecommunication Corporation M Micronesia 27122 Easy Telephone Services Company L United States of America 27131 Ethio Telecom M Ethiopia 27165 BT M United Kingdom 27202 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA WARNES L Argentina 27210 Three Ireland (Hutchison/Telefonica/O2) M Ireland 27221 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE VILLA DE LAS ROSAS L Argentina 27252 Mariehamns Telefon L Finland 27260 Matanuska Telephone Association L United States of America 27263 SK Telecom M South Korea 27266 wird derzeit nicht vergeben L Austria 27280 Colloquium L United Kingdom 27289 Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative M United States of America 27298 Golden State Cellular M US,Canada and Others 27301 Syrian Telecom L Syria 27343 Cooperativa Electrica Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Toledo L Argentina 27357 Mediaserv L Martinique 27379 Crosslake Telephone Company L United States of America 27399 Central Cellular L United States of America 27425 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE RIO TERCERO (CUIT 30-54569276-3) L Argentina 27436 Phonzo L Norway 27437 Point Transaction Systems AS L Norway 27458 Telefonica Czech Republic M Czech Republic 27472 Smart Telecom Limited L Ireland 27474 Netsat Telecomunications L Spain 27477 TWT L Italy 27480 Tex 97 L Italy 27557 Bek Communications Cooperative L United States of America 27559 Aero Communications L United States of America 27561 Bestline L United States of America 27566 Comuna De Saguier L Argentina 27571 Tunisie Telecom M Tunisia 27584 Altitude infrastructure exploitation M France 27644 Inmarsat-B High Speed Data L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 27671 life:) - Astelit M Ukraine 27697 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS ASISTENCIALES VIVIENDA Y L Argentina 27701 Northern Iowa Telephone Company L United States of America 27713 AIRTEL (old Zain) M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 27719 Coditel L Luxembourg 27731 FleXtel M United Kingdom 27732 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE HUINCA RENANCO L Argentina 27764 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE BOUQUET L Argentina 27774 The UK Grid Network L United Kingdom 27801 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIADAD Y SERVICOIS ANEXOS DE GOROSTIAGA L Argentina 27862 Pierce Telephone Company L United States of America 27868 Teleunit L Italy 27929 Chinguitel M Mauritania 27930 Viewqwest Pte L Singapore 27940 3C L United Kingdom 27975 MUNICIPALIDAD DE SAN BASILIO L Argentina 27976 Magnet Networks L Ireland 27988 Altbox M Norway 28001 Softnet M Slovenia 28017 Council Grove Telephone Company L United States of America 28019 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD DE VILLA VALERIA L Argentina 28025 Daytona Telephone Company L United States of America 28030 PCS Holdings L Sierra Leone 28043 C2C L United Kingdom 28044 Sigecom L United States of America 28058 Tech Valley Communications L United States of America 28116 Netzquadrat L Germany 28125 Cooperativa De Obras Servicios Publicos Vivienda Y Credito De Tres Limites L Argentina 28139 Teledome L Greece 28161 Consolidated Comm of Fort Bend Company L United States of America 28223 Infocom L Uganda 28249 Coteri L Bolivia 28279 Camintel L Cambodia 28287 AT&T Local L US,Canada and Others 28291 Rcc Of Pennsylvania dba Beeper M United States of America 28294 Cooperativa Provision De Servicios Publicos Sociales Consumo Y Vivienda De Villa L Argentina 28311 Mongolian Railway L Mongolia 28327 BROADBANDTECH SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 28329 TELEDIFUSORA L Argentina 28340 Telia M Denmark 28342 Lakeland Telecom L United States of America 28366 Inmarsat-B High Speed Data L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 28375 Malawi Telecommunications Ltd. (MTL) L Malawi 28387 Infracom Italia L Italy 28408 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS ASISTENCIALES Y DE VIVIENDA DE PINZON L Argentina 28413 HeLiNET L Germany 28424 MUNICIPALIDAD DE SALDAN L Argentina 28426 Sure South Atlantic (Touch)(Cable & Wireless) M Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 28431 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y CREDITO DE CORRALITO L Argentina 28433 FERRO CABLEMUNDO COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 28444 Vodacom M Lesotho 28450 Saddleback Communications Company L United States of America 28461 Optics Telecom L United Kingdom 28463 Wll Antilles-Guyane L Martinique 28464 West Central Wireless M United States of America 28474 TM Net Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 28495 RTC Communications L United States of America 28510 NEXTGEN Communications L United States of America 28539 Baldwin Broadband L United States of America 28540 Vimpel Communications M Russia/Kazakhstan 28542 Sala L United Kingdom 28573 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS Y OBRAS PUBLICAS DE PUAN L Argentina 28603 OFICENET L Argentina 28608 National Mobile Communications L United States of America 28615 Netia Mobile Sp. z o.o. (P4) M Poland 28620 Bell Canada L Canada 28622 HRS Internet dba LightBound L United States of America 28630 Coms.Com L United Kingdom 28661 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE PUJATO L Argentina 28663 Sound Telecom (UK) L United Kingdom 28688 Cable & Wireless M Panama 28689 North Pittsburgh Telephone L United States of America 28698 Lightwave Communications L United States of America 28703 Telesign Mobile (Routo Telecom) M United Kingdom 28707 VIP Operator M Macedonia 28725 Telekom Malaysia L International Networks 28756 TANGO M Luxembourg 28760 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS DE SAN BERNARDO L Argentina 28766 Cosmoline M Greece 28770 Mundio Mobile M Denmark 28784 Tele2 Nederland M Netherlands 28792 Cooperativa Telefonica De Provision De Obras Y Servicos Publicos Sociales Asiste L Argentina 28802 Alands Mobiltelefon (Ålcom) M Finland 28811 COOPERATIVA DE PREVISION Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS FACUNDO QUIROGA L Argentina 28824 ATMS Telefon - und Marketing Services GmbH L Austria 28834 Digicel M Suriname 28875 Cooperativa Electrica, Provision De Servicios Publicos Y Vivienda De Juan N Fern L Argentina 28884 Sotel (Nexi) M Kyrgyz Republic 28908 Pymatuning Independent Telephone L United States of America 28917 WILSON CONSTRUCCIONES L Argentina 28919 COOPERATIVA DE LECTRICIDAD DE PEDRO LURO (CUIT 30-54573149-1) L Argentina 28924 Nextera Communications L United States of America 28930 Kokonet L Seychelles 28960 ETC Communications L United States of America 28962 Carbon/Emery Telecom L United States of America 28971 Timico L United Kingdom 28978 EMPRENDIMIENTOS 2001 L Argentina 28979 Schefer AG L Switzerland 28999 Western Communications dba Logix Communications L United States of America 29023 COLT Technology Services M United Kingdom 29031 MobilTel AD M Bulgaria 29064 Smart Axiata M Cambodia 29088 Fujitsu Finland L Finland 29094 Bhutan Telecom M Bhutan 29095 IDEA Cellular Ltd L India 29109 PTGI International Carrier Services (Primus) L United Kingdom 29122 Kvantel AS L Norway 29123 Harald A. Møller AS L Norway 29148 North State Telephone Company dba North State Communications L United States of America 29168 TCAST Communications L US,Canada and Others 29190 Inmarsat-A L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 29208 Axtel M Mexico 29209 SingTel M Singapore 29212 CELL C M South Africa 29216 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE GENERAL ACHA L Argentina 29221 U-Call M Tonga 29280 Teledesign L United Kingdom 29286 Rhodium Telecom L United Kingdom 29293 LIWEST Kabelmedien GmbH L Austria 29295 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad Rural Y Otros Servicios Publicos Y Soci L Argentina 29310 Jerry White L Ireland 29311 Raiffeisen Datennetz Gesellschaft m.b.H. L Austria 29313 South Central Telcom L United States of America 29336 Verizon Belgium Luxembourg L Luxembourg 29346 Quantum Telecommunications L United States of America 29354 Penn Telecom L United States of America 29355 sasag Kabel Kommunikation AG L Switzerland 29380 Guthrie Telecommunications Network L United States of America 29394 BreisNet L Germany 29395 Congo Korea Telecom L Congo, Democratic Republic of the 29410 1RT Group L United Kingdom 29424 Local Exchange Carriers of Michigan L United States of America 29430 Sky Mobile M Kyrgyz Republic 29443 Untitel M Uzbekistan 29453 COOPERATIVA DE VIVIENDA, PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y ASISTENCIALES L Argentina 29455 Digitel M Venezuela 29460 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE MARTINEZ DE HOZ L Argentina 29475 E.Com Technologies L United States of America 29496 CBK Tele AS L Norway 29497 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO ELECTRICO Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE PIG L Argentina 29534 Ionex Communications L United States of America 29535 Omantel L Oman 29541 ENTEL PCS TELECOMUNICACIONES M Chile 29551 Genesis Telecommunications L United States of America 29555 Unitel M Angola 29582 Pargas Telefon -Paraisten Puhelin L Finland 29626 Norcast Communications Corporation L United States of America 29651 Mountain Telecommunications L United States of America 29690 Dialog Telecommunications L United States of America 29719 Katel L Kyrgyz Republic 29725 Mauritius Telecom L Mauritius 29741 Telesystems (CDMA) M Ukraine 29754 Smolensk Cellular Telecommunications M Russia/Kazakhstan 29757 Satcom L Italy 29779 freenet L Germany 29784 Palmetto Telephone Communications L United States of America 29789 Inmarsat-Aero L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 29790 CLEMCOM L United Kingdom 29807 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Telefonicos, Otros Servicios Publicos Y Co L Argentina 29828 AmeriMex Communications L United States of America 29868 Cooperativa De Obras Y Servicios Publicos, Sociales Y Viviendas El Bolson L Argentina 29909 RED ALTERNATIVA L Argentina 29935 Vodafone Magyarorszag M Hungary 29957 United Systems Access Telecom L US,Canada and Others 29960 Rete Ferroviaria Italiana M Italy 29987 Cooperativa De Servicios Telefonicos, Agua Potable Y Otros Servicios Publicos De L Argentina 29991 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LAS ACEQUIAS L Argentina 29998 Airtel (Sierra Leone) Ltd M Sierra Leone 30000 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS RAWSON L Argentina 30020 Pioneer Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 30044 Mankato Citizens Telephone Company dba Hickorytech L United States of America 30046 Access Integrated Networks L United States of America 30085 Saunalahti Group M Finland 30086 E. Ritter Communications L United States of America 30089 Citykom Mue L Germany 30092 Plateau Telecommunications M United States of America 30093 South Canaan Tel Co L United States of America 30106 COMPANIA DE TELEFONOS DE COYHAIQUE (TELCOY) L Chile 30139 West Liberty Telephone L United States of America 30155 08 Numbers L United Kingdom 30176 Voicenet L Greece 30180 Digital Agent L United States of America 30197 Pathnet L US,Canada and Others 30214 MPTC L Cambodia 30222 Vodafone Albania M Albania 30231 Valley Connections L United States of America 30237 GRUPO SERVICIOS JUNIN SOCIEDAD ANONIMA (CUIT 30-66554905-0) L Argentina 30240 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE RIO TALA L Argentina 30266 NA-NET Communications GmbH L Austria 30267 Cooperativa Provincial De Servicios Publicos Y Comunitarios De Neuquen L Argentina 30270 CALLBI L Argentina 30277 Midwest Telecom of America L United States of America 30282 NSS L Argentina 30319 Telecoms World Direct L United Kingdom 30362 TCOM (Trunk Radio) L Cambodia 30383 BTI-Illuminet L United States of America 30425 DSR COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 30427 Otter Tail Telcom L United States of America 30439 Chelyabinsk Cellular Communications M Russia/Kazakhstan 30450 Kazakhtelecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 30468 RT Communications L United States of America 30479 Orange Botswana M Botswana 30482 KabelBW L Germany 30486 Winnebago Cooperative Telephone Assoc L United States of America 30496 Veracity Communications L United States of America 30497 Pinpoint Communications L United States of America 30499 24 Seven Communications M United Kingdom 30500 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE BORDENAVE L Argentina 30508 Jabatan Telekom L Brunei Darussalam 30509 Fibernet (UK) L United Kingdom 30521 COOPERATIVA DE VILLA DEL DIQUE L Argentina 30527 LTT L United Kingdom 30530 Intele L Germany 30532 TZAMAR L Argentina 30546 Marne & Elk Horn Telephone Company L United States of America 30547 Avid Communications L United States of America 30552 Winn Telephone L United States of America 30554 MUNICIPALIDAD DE OBISPO TREJO L Argentina 30571 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA OBERA L Argentina 30590 VTX Datacomm AG L Switzerland 30605 Netstream AG L Switzerland 30609 Inmarsat-B L Pitcairn Islands 30610 Netline L Luxembourg 30619 Pine Belt Cellular L United States of America 30624 Communications Plus L United States of America 30645 Grameen Phone M Bangladesh 30654 Accipiter Communications L United States of America 30674 Stardex (UK) L United Kingdom 30706 Freedom Ring Communications L United States of America 30730 KPN M Netherlands 30735 VersatelSD L Germany 30740 Maine Telephone Company L United States of America 30770 Elite L United Kingdom 30775 Data Communication Net L South Korea 30779 Carr Telephone Company L United States of America 30809 CSM Wireless L US,Canada and Others 30810 Smart City Solutions L United States of America 30840 senseLAN GmbH L Switzerland 30844 Babilon Mobile M Tajikistan 30847 Etisalat M United Arab Emirates 30851 Huxley Communications Cooperative L United States of America 30868 MTEL ARGENTINA RADIOMENSAJE L Argentina 30870 ArmenTel M Armenia 30875 Resource Utilities L United Kingdom 30952 Long Lines Wireless M US,Canada and Others 30966 Oblcom (Regional Party Committee) L Russia/Kazakhstan 31000 Caladan Communications L United Kingdom 31024 Brazos Telecommunications L United States of America 31045 HUTCHISON TELECOMMUNICATIONS ARGENTINA M Argentina 31058 Forthnet L Greece 31064 Wilkes Telephone & Electric Company L United States of America 31068 Northeast Telephone Company L United States of America 31079 Astel (ISDN) L Russia/Kazakhstan 31080 Hunt Telecommunications dba Hunt Telecom L United States of America 31133 Lonestar Cell MTN M Liberia 31134 Cooperativa De Obras Y Desarrollo De Servicios Publicos Asistenciales Y Vivienda L Argentina 31138 Opal Telecom M United Kingdom 31144 Admiral Telecom L United Kingdom 31146 JV Mobile Digital Communications Ltd (Velcom) M Belarus 31193 Cavalier Telephone L United States of America 31194 VOX M Paraguay 31211 Pipemedia L United Kingdom 31229 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA SANTA SYLVINA L Argentina 31242 All West Communications L United States of America 31243 Comfone AG M Switzerland 31251 Interlink Advertising Services dba Forethought.Net L United States of America 31259 Excell Group L United Kingdom 31294 Emir Set L Somalia 31295 Pigeon Telephone Company L United States of America 31306 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIO TELEFONICO Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LOS MENUCOS L Argentina 31312 Delta Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 31315 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA Y ENERGIA ELECTRICA MONTE RALO L Argentina 31325 Wezacom L Angola 31331 Enertel L Netherlands 31339 Solomon Telekom Company M Solomon Islands 31348 TelstraClear M New Zealand 31349 Wave Telecom M United Kingdom 31358 Tiscali Italia L Italy 31366 Transaction Network Services (UK) L United Kingdom 31401 Palau Mobile Corporation (PMC) M Palau 31403 BlueFace Ltd. L Ireland 31404 Backbone Solutions AG L Switzerland 31416 Rio Communications L United States of America 31420 Finarea L Ireland 31458 Info Quest L Greece 31460 Inmarsat-A Data L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 31491 Nefkom L Germany 31508 A.C.N. L Greece 31527 NETnet M Sweden 31529 Bell Aliant L Canada 31564 DIVEO ARGENTINA L Argentina 31579 DFT Local Service Corporation L United States of America 31589 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES DE CRUZ ALTA L Argentina 31619 nordCom L Germany 31624 InTouch Communication Services L United Kingdom 31654 Megaclec L US,Canada and Others 31666 Medius Networks L United Kingdom 31667 Telecom Italia San Marino M San Marino 31673 Bristol Virginia Utilities L United States of America 31686 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO ELECTRICO Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y DE L Argentina 31700 Mohave Wireless M US,Canada and Others 31701 Rystec L United States of America 31715 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y DE AGUA POTABLE AROCENA L Argentina 31718 Cimarron Telephone Company L United States of America 31729 Central Oklahoma Telephone Company L United States of America 31733 Antel M Uruguay 31734 Ft. Jennings Telephone Co L United States of America 31767 Wanadoo UK L United Kingdom 31777 Diller Tel. Company L United States of America 31835 Telefactory AS(Televerket/Teletopia Gruppen) M Norway 31845 CD Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 31879 OCPT/SADC L Congo, Democratic Republic of the 31910 Stayton Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 31915 Skymarket L United Kingdom 31916 Telset L Estonia 31917 T-Mobile (Slovak Telekom) M Slovakia 31923 Vodafone (C&W) M United Kingdom 31929 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE INRIVILLE L Argentina 31933 Telecom Vanuatu M Vanuatu 31957 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE GENERAL DEHEZA L Argentina 31974 TTNC Limited L United Kingdom 32013 VSE Net L Germany 32058 Number Solutions L United Kingdom 32062 Eltopia Communications L United States of America 32069 Telefonia Celular Del Norte M Mexico 32079 MTN (Uganda) Ltd M Uganda 32091 Wantel L United States of America 32115 Brunei Shell Petroleum L Brunei Darussalam 32185 Carolina West Wireless M United States of America 32186 Sierra Telephone Company L United States of America 32220 MEDIASERV L France 32252 United Wireless Communications M United States of America 32283 Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority (MINTA) M Marshall Islands 32287 Ecuador Telecom L Ecuador 32302 Axxis Communication L United States of America 32316 Claro M Honduras 32326 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE GENERAL GELLY L Argentina 32329 Taconic Tel Corporation L United States of America 32338 Chequamegon Telecommunications L United States of America 32374 Ooredoo M Kuwait 32385 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE LAS ARMAS L Argentina 32425 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIDAD DE FORTIN OLAVARRIA L Argentina 32430 Hancock Communications L United States of America 32432 Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane L France 32433 Telecommunications Service of Eritrea (TSE) L Eritrea 32463 TalkTalk Communications M United Kingdom 32486 Movistar M Venezuela 32506 Global Telecom L Kyrgyz Republic 32518 Microlink Online L Estonia 32530 Krasnodar Cellular Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 32532 Digitel L Madagascar 32539 Nationwide Telephone Assistance M United Kingdom 32556 Millennium Telcom L US,Canada and Others 32571 Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) M Uruguay 32573 Clearwire Telecommunications Services L US,Canada and Others 32581 iLoka dba Microtech-Tel L United States of America 32599 D&E Systems L United States of America 32608 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS DE MONTES DE OCA L Argentina 32618 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE VILLA GOBERNADOR GALVEZ L Argentina 32624 Mobicom-Novosibirsk M Russia/Kazakhstan 32627 Vip mobile d.o.o. M Serbia 32645 World Teleconnect International L Netherlands 32658 RNK Telecom L United States of America 32673 Hypercube Telecom L United States of America 32680 BeMobile (PNG) Ltd M Papua New Guinea 32683 Three River Communications L United States of America 32688 Verizon Norway L Norway 32692 ORANGE Belgium (MOBISTAR) M Belgium 32736 Cox Communications L United States of America 32739 GreenFly L United States of America 32740 ATL Communications dba Sunriver Telecom L US,Canada and Others 32775 QX Telecom L United Kingdom 32776 Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd M Taiwan 32778 Globalstar Europe M France 32781 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE SAMPACHO L Argentina 32786 Suomen Virveverkko Oy M Finland 32787 Telem L Netherlands Antilles 32814 Marathon Communications L US,Canada and Others 32818 Telecel M Zambia 32827 Next Mobile (Nextel) M Philippines 32857 Griffin Information Systems L United Kingdom 32858 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE ADELIA MARIA L Argentina 32871 CMMobile Global Communications Ltd M Hong Kong 32873 France Telecom L Martinique 32875 Harbor Communications L United States of America 32889 SEI Data L United States of America 32898 Xero 9 L United Kingdom 32899 Planet Access L US,Canada and Others 32903 Worldnet dba Sunflower Cablevision L United States of America 32908 MUNICIPALIDAD DE PICO TRUNCADO L Argentina 32979 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE CAPITAN BERMUDEZ L Argentina 32993 POLKOMTEL S.A. M Poland 32996 Celltel M Sri Lanka 32997 Voiceserve L United Kingdom 33004 NextGen Telephone L United States of America 33015 Consolidated Telephone Company L United States of America 33016 INVERSORA TELEFONICA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 33046 Comunicaciones Celulares De Oc M Mexico 33055 Vivodi L Greece 33058 Airtel Networks Kenya (Essar Telecom) M Kenya 33125 DTAG L Germany 33192 Local Telephone Data Services Corporation L United States of America 33194 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y ASISTENCIA L Argentina 33202 IP-TEL L Argentina 33216 Cubio Communications L Finland 33237 E Plus Mobilfunk L Germany 33248 Teleos L Germany 33270 M7 Group S.A L Netherlands 33272 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad Obras Y Servicios Publicos Vivienda Y U L Argentina 33284 Inmarsat-B L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 33294 Gabon Telecom L Gabon 33305 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS CORONEL BOGADO L Argentina 33314 Telenor Maritime M International Networks 33321 Telenor Magyarorszag M Hungary 33356 Colt Technology Services L Netherlands 33360 Hutchison 3G Ireland Ltd M Ireland 33369 Macau Telecom Limited (CTM) M Macau 33399 Azerfon M Azerbaijan 33415 Idris Invest SA L Switzerland 33436 Antillano Por L Netherlands Antilles 33527 Adir International Export dba La Curacao L United States of America 33544 UAB Skaineta L Lithuania 33587 Buzz Networks L United Kingdom 33588 Buzz Telecom L United Kingdom 33620 Mascom Wireless M Botswana 33628 Your Communications L United Kingdom 33630 GTE PCS M Argentina 33642 Nova M Iceland 33648 Cooperativa De Obras, Servicios Publicos Y Credito De Monte Cristo L Argentina 33671 Calltrade Carrier Services AG L Switzerland 33674 Ringmaster L United Kingdom 33693 Bharti Airtel M Chad 33694 PCS L Netherlands Antilles 33698 Maingate (Sierra Wireless) M Sweden 33731 ExOp of Missouri L United States of America 33740 INDICOM L Argentina 33741 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE TORTUGUITAS L Argentina 33748 Kanartel L Sudan 33755 O1 Communications L United States of America 33786 118 Limited L United Kingdom 33791 Etisalat M Egypt 33794 INFRACOM DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS L Argentina 33812 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE AGUA DE ORO L Argentina 33826 ImproWare AG L Switzerland 33831 Blackfoot Communications L US,Canada and Others 33864 DMR Communications L United States of America 33865 TelDaFax L Germany 33879 ICON Telecom L United States of America 33903 Econet Wireless M Zimbabwe 33904 Arna (ISDN) L Russia/Kazakhstan 33908 Osnatel L Germany 33918 Telefonica O2 M Slovakia 33919 South Canaan Cellular Communic M US,Canada and Others 33972 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIO TELEFONICO Y AGUA POTABLE DE ZENON PEREYRA L Argentina 33988 ETS Telephone Company L United States of America 33993 Red One Network Sdn. Bhd M Malaysia 34008 PriorityONE Telecom L United States of America 34031 Cooperativa De Obras Sanitarias, De Aguas Corrientes Y Servicios Publicos De Mon L Argentina 34108 T-Mobile M Macedonia 34115 H & B Cable Service L United States of America 34122 Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd (SSE Energy Supply) M United Kingdom 34132 UAB Eurocom L Lithuania 34136 Shenandoah Telephone Company L United States of America 34171 4DVISION L United States of America 34178 Pioneer Telephone Association L United States of America 34183 Net Solutions Europe L United Kingdom 34218 TELESMART SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 34219 Inland Cellular Telephone Comp M United States of America 34262 Mexico Red De Telecomunicacion L Mexico 34265 Voicetec Systems L United Kingdom 34268 Brazos Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 34275 Celtel Congo M Congo-Brazzaville 34276 Kokkolan Puhelin Oy L Finland 34284 Udmurtia Cellular Networks -450 L Russia/Kazakhstan 34296 NW Missouri Cellular M United States of America 34319 TMP Corporation M US,Canada and Others 34324 GlobalStar Dacom L South Korea 34329 A1 Telekom Austria AG (Mobilkom)  M Austria 34361 Mauritel M Mauritania 34383 MTC Touch M Lebanon 34409 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO POPULAR ELECTRICA Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS LA PRADERA L Argentina 34412 Bijou Telephone Co-op L United States of America 34419 Guadalupe Valley Tel Cooperative L United States of America 34422 Inmarsat-Mini L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 34430 Brindlee Mountain Telephone Company L United States of America 34445 MegaFon Tajikistan (TT Mobile) M Tajikistan 34448 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Electricos Obras Y Servicios Publicos Asi L Argentina 34473 Power Internet L United Kingdom 34474 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicio Electrico Telefonico Agua Potable Y Otros S L Argentina 34508 TELE Greenland M Greenland 34511 MultiLink L Italy 34512 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA CORONEL BAIGORRIA L Argentina 34533 Radiomovil Dipsa (Telcel/America Movil) M Mexico 34550 Sandwich Isles Communication L United States of America 34562 Baraga Telephone Company L United States of America 34577 Eutel L Netherlands Antilles 34590 Level 3 Communications L United Kingdom 34629 Maxis Broadband Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 34632 Telenet BVBA (KPN) (BASE) M Belgium 34644 CenturyLink L United States of America 34650 Crossroads Wireless M United States of America 34681 NationLink M Somalia 34690 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA PALPALA L Argentina 34699 Teletech L Faroe Islands 34702 MediaTech M Seychelles 34737 Dialaway VSAT L Ethiopia 34771 BlueRiver Communications L United States of America 34785 ICOMMSA L Argentina 34794 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE SAN MARTIN DE LAS ESCOBAS L Argentina 34843 West Carolina Communications L United States of America 34855 Indigo Wireless M United States of America 34856 NationLink Telecom M Central African Republic 34863 FONIACOM L Italy 34869 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE L Argentina 34878 Wamego Telephone Company L United States of America 34882 Skyline Telephone Membership Corporation L United States of America 34890 KiterraCom L Kyrgyz Republic 34911 HAY SYSTEMS M United Kingdom 34914 Tidalwave Telephone L US,Canada and Others 34926 Roshan M Afghanistan 34930 Mobikom (NMT) L Bulgaria 34932 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS UCACHA L Argentina 34936 Tuvalu Telecommunications Corporation M Tuvalu 34954 PROSODIE M France 34961 Cooperativa De Electricidad De Dalmacio Velez L Argentina 35025 Sri Lankan Airines L Sri Lanka 35068 PT. Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) M Indonesia 35076 A1 Slovenija (Si.Mobil-Vodafone) M Slovenia 35094 Jetz L Germany 35106 Cherokee Telephone Company L United States of America 35119 PlusNet L United Kingdom 35139 UAB Tele2 M Lithuania 35143 Comium M Sierra Leone 35155 Choice One Communications L United States of America 35157 CTC Telecom M United States of America 35168 Southern LINC M United States of America 35187 Wilnet Communications L United States of America 35192 Atlantic Telecom Business L Netherlands 35217 Sprint (CLEC) L US,Canada and Others 35225 Cimco Communications L United States of America 35232 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicio Electrico Y Otros Servicios Publicos Y Serv L Argentina 35233 Columbine Telephone Company L United States of America 35234 Ventelo L Germany 35248 Oman Ooredoo M Oman 35249 Nutel AS L Norway 35260 C Spire M United States of America 35269 Call Sciences L United Kingdom 35273 KorekTel M Iraq 35293 VTX Services SA L Switzerland 35304 VoIP Ireland L Ireland 35317 COMSAT ARGENTINA L Argentina 35325 Pipex Communications L United Kingdom 35327 Telsis Systems L United Kingdom 35338 Cap Rock Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 35363 China Mobile M China 35375 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO TELEFONICO DE COLONIA BELGRANO L Argentina 35389 Coscom M Uzbekistan 35400 Orange Senegal (Sonatel) M Senegal 35412 E-Tel L United States of America 35423 Advanced Communications Technology L United States of America 35426 Oklahoma Western Telephone Company M United States of America 35446 FEC Communications L United States of America 35466 S & T Communications L United States of America 35489 Community Telephone Company L United States of America 35505 Aplus Informationstechnologie GmbH L Austria 35518 Square Systems L United Kingdom 35538 Florida Digital Network L United States of America 35563 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE EUSEBIA L Argentina 35566 South Carolina Net L United States of America 35571 Prodigy Internet L United Kingdom 35585 ARL HomeComm Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 35657 Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Telephone Authority L United States of America 35683 Blue Earth Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 35697 Lebara Mobile M Denmark 35714 IPA Vertriebs GmbH L Austria 35719 EQUANT PORTUGAL L Portugal 35732 Telbo L Netherlands Antilles 35763 MTN Rwanda M Rwanda 35765 Swiftcall L Ireland 35777 Xchange Telecom Corporation L United States of America 35812 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y CREDITOS DE LA CRIOLLA L Argentina 35822 Aventure Comm Tech L United States of America 35824 CTE Services L United States of America 35826 9164-3122 Quebec L Canada 35830 Easynet Nederland L Netherlands 35847 Altel (Dalacom) M Russia/Kazakhstan 35883 Manning Municipal L United States of America 35926 digiweb L Ireland 35935 Overlay Network L Sri Lanka 35954 Cooperativa De Servicios Publicos Sociales Vivienda Y Consumo OBrien L Argentina 36001 Itissalat Al-Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) M Morocco 36003 Hutchison Telecommunications L Australia 36014 WH Link L US,Canada and Others 36027 Illinois Consolidated Tel Company L United States of America 36032 Cooperativa Telefonica De Vivienda Y Otros Servicios Publicos Del Viso L Argentina 36045 Datavision Div. of Gervais Tel Company L United States of America 36050 COOPERATIVA DE TELEFONOS DE VILA L Argentina 36078 Cooperativa De Servicios De Electricidad Y Obras Y Servicios Publicos Idiazabal L Argentina 36081 Cooperativa Electrica De Servicios Y Obras Publicas De Oncativo L Argentina 36094 EQUANT France L France 36102 TK Mobile M Tajikistan 36108 Virtual Talk Ltd (Virtual Universe Ltd) L United Kingdom 36118 FastTrack Communications L United States of America 36125 Golden Belt Tel Assn L United States of America 36129 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Argentina 36145 Cooperativa De Provision De Energia Electrica Y Otros Servicios Publicos De Vivi L Argentina 36152 Dialog Axiata M Sri Lanka 36155 Iowa Wireless Services M United States of America 36193 Spitfire Network Services L United Kingdom 36212 McLeodUSA L United States of America 36248 SPM Telecom M Saint Pierre and Miquelon 36253 Mercury L Angola 36268 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA SANTA ROSA L Argentina 36280 Cunningham Communications L United States of America 36283 Digicel M Guyana 36287 Elisa Eesti AS (Radiolinja Eesti) M Estonia 36303 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA LA TOMA L Argentina 36304 Cooperativa De Provision De Obras Y Servicios Publicos Vivienda Y Credito De Ma L Argentina 36316 Embratel L Brazil 36344 Mykris Asia Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 36409 Tele 2 Eesti M Estonia 36424 Vodacom M South Africa 36450 Convergent Telesis L US,Canada and Others 36492 Cellcom M Israel 36513 Community Service Telephone Company L United States of America 36515 Verizon Australia L Australia 36516 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE POLVAREDAS L Argentina 36543 Inmarsat-A L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 36558 Fristor.Com Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 36559 Telepak Networks L United States of America 36562 Allband Communications L United States of America 36563 BSE Software GmbH L Switzerland 36574 NextGenTel M Norway 36588 T2 Communications-Strachan and Assoc L United States of America 36601 Timepiece LDA M Sweden 36616 Charter Fiberlink L United States of America 36635 Telecommunication Kish Company (TKC) M Iran 36653 Telefonia Dialog S.A. M Poland 36674 Tigo (Sentel) M Senegal 36688 Northern Telephone And Data Corporation L United States of America 36697 Total Access Communication Plc. (TAC/DTAC) M Thailand 36709 Enterprise Telecommunications M Luxembourg 36713 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE COSTA SACATE L Argentina 36723 Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan (MTCE) M Iran 36730 System One World Communication Iberia L Spain 36742 Beaver Creek Telephone Company L United States of America 36751 Digital Mail L United Kingdom 36753 Davidson Telecom L US,Canada and Others 36777 DTAG (T-Mobile) M Germany 36797 wilhelm L Germany 36799 Time Warner Cable L United States of America 36800 iHub 2 L United Kingdom 36803 Bay Telcom L US,Canada and Others 36827 CODITEL S.A. L Belgium 36840 VERIZON BUSINESS nv L Belgium 36844 MTN Benin (BeninCell)(Spacetel) M Benin 36880 SingNet Pte Ltd L Singapore 36902 MACROCOM L Argentina 36909 Airtel Nigeria M Nigeria 36934 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIO ALECTRICO AGUA POTABLE Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS POBLICOS DE M L Argentina 36953 Campuz Mobile M Sweden 36959 Cable & Wireless L Spain 36961 SERVICIO SATELITAL L Argentina 37004 Orange Web Services L Spain 37011 Scarlet Telecom M Netherlands 37035 Cegecom L Luxembourg 37039 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA SAN JOSE L Argentina 37048 Gibtelecom M Gibraltar 37053 Ideaone Telecom Group L United States of America 37059 Kyivstar M Ukraine 37063 Sagir L United States of America 37069 Bryansk Cellular Networks L Russia/Kazakhstan 37076 Asia Cell M Iraq 37093 T-Mobile M Austria 37103 TIM Celular M Brazil 37123 Nex-Tech Wireless M United States of America 37143 Comav Corporation L United States of America 37144 Clemcom Limited L France 37172 Missouri Telecom L United States of America 37174 OPEN-NET S.A. L Poland 37234 Columbus Telephone Company L United States of America 37241 AT&T ARGENTINA L Argentina 37273 GIGARED L Argentina 37276 TWI L Netherlands Antilles 37282 Palapa (DAMA) L Papua New Guinea 37288 Komertel L Poland 37320 Cascade Utilities L United States of America 37347 1051 L Germany 37355 Clara City Telephone Exchange Company L United States of America 37373 M-Teko L Tajikistan 37384 ESAT Telecommunications (UK) L United Kingdom 37451 Novus Communications L United States of America 37457 Bel Call Telecom Limited L Spain 37482 Kainuun Puhelinosuuskunta L Finland 37488 L Italy 37492 PT INDOSAT Ooredoo M Indonesia 37495 Globul (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile) (TELENOR) M Bulgaria 37498 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS L Argentina 37517 Oxford Networks L United States of America 37519 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE VILLA FLANDRIA L Argentina 37569 Etex Tel. Cooperative L US,Canada and Others 37591 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE BRINKMANN L Argentina 37599 LUIS G LEDESMA COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 37642 Hondutel M Honduras 37673 VERIZON France L France 37684 Umniah M Jordan 37695 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE ITALO L Argentina 37696 Mobifone - Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Company (VNPT) M Viet Nam 37729 CSC L Netherlands Antilles 37744 TETRA L Bulgaria 37745 MobilCom M Germany 37768 Iisalmen Puhelin L Finland 37771 Cotevi L Bolivia 37775 COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS VIVIENDA Y CONSUMO DE VI L Argentina 37817 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK France (Vivaction) L France 37830 Areeba (Bashair Telecom Co. Ltd) MTN Sudan M Sudan 37836 LEGOS - LOCAL EXCHANGE GLOBAL OPERATION SERVICES M France 37859 Citynet L United States of America 37867 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos Charlone L Argentina 37882 Cooperativa De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Villa Rumipal L Argentina 37884 Leaco Rural Telephone Cooperat M United States of America 37895 MTN Cote dIvoire (Loteny) M Cote dIvoire 37910 TSS Digital Services L United States of America 37944 Lincolnville Communications L United States of America 37954 INTELVISION L Seychelles 37961 Core Communication Services L United Kingdom 37963 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE MONTE L Argentina 37965 Kaplan Telephone Company M United States of America 38005 Tajiktelecom L Tajikistan 38020 Live Wire Networks L United States of America 38030 Wizaner L United Kingdom 38064 VIPNet M Croatia 38075 SpeakFree L Ireland 38079 Triotel AG L Switzerland 38087 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS ARROYO ALGODON L Argentina 38092 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y TECNIF AGROP PARADA DE ROBLES ARROYO DE LA CRUZ L Argentina 38103 FBN Indiana L United States of America 38165 Belgacom Italia L Italy 38166 VISION SUR L Argentina 38177 IDT L United States of America 38179 Jaguar Communications L United States of America 38182 Tellas L Greece 38217 Cable & Wireless L British Indian Ocean Territory 38226 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO POPULAR DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE PIEDRITAS L Argentina 38234 Infotech EDV-Systeme GmbH L Austria 38279 Telco Global Networks L United Kingdom 38294 Zimo Communications L United Kingdom 38301 CMET SACI L Chile 38320 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE VIVIENDA CONS Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE MOREA L Argentina 38322 Hi3G M Denmark 38323 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICOS PUBLICOS EPUYEN L Argentina 38332 Hill Country Tel Coop L United States of America 38340 Uzdunrobita M Uzbekistan 38343 Iridium Satellite M Global Mobile Satellite System 38351 Budget Numbers L United Kingdom 38400 Golis Telecom Somalia M Somalia 38411 Hutchinson Tel Company L United States of America 38430 Esprit Telecom (EspritXB) L Netherlands 38464 Airadigm Communications M US,Canada and Others 38498 Mobile TeleSystems LLC (MTS) M Belarus 38516 Novafone (Comium Liberia) M Liberia 38528 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS MONJE L Argentina 38540 Northstar Telecom L US,Canada and Others 38541 Northwestel L Canada 38556 Eventis Mobile L Moldova 38562 Optical Communication Engineering Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 38603 Goldstar Communications L United States of America 38617 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES DE LOS SURGENTES L Argentina 38646 Farmers Cellular Telephone M US,Canada and Others 38653 Tri Tel L United States of America 38693 SouthEast Telephone L United States of America 38694 Eastern Telephone Systems dba Eastern Tel Long Distance L US,Canada and Others 38695 FullNet Advanced Communications L United States of America 38705 Atlas Interactive Group L United Kingdom 38711 Utex Communications L United States of America 38735 O-Bit Telecom L United Kingdom 38746 Movistar (Telefonica Moviles/Pegaso) M Mexico 38765 TELEMACH d.o.o. (TUS Telekom) M Slovenia 38775 FASTWEB M Italy 38806 Firstdigital Telecom L United States of America 38807 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE CENTENO L Argentina 38823 Global One (overlay) L Russia/Kazakhstan 38827 Service Communication Set L Tajikistan 38836 Telecomservice GmbH L Austria 38912 Paltel L Palestine 38917 Cooperativa Telefonica J B Molina L Argentina 38926 IP fjarskipti (TAL) M Iceland 38939 Batelco Jordan L Jordan 38961 Chunghwa Telecom LDM M Taiwan 38977 du M United Arab Emirates 38984 ZetCOM M Latvia 38986 Cooperativa Telefonica De Obras Servicios Publicos Asistenciales Y Vivienda De P L Argentina 38988 Software Cellular Network L Denmark 39000 MIC Ltd (Tigo) M Tanzania 39010 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Electricos, Obras Y Otros Servicios Public L Argentina 39020 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIO Y OBRAS PUBLICAS DE JACINTO ARAUZ L Argentina 39049 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS PUEBLO CAME L Argentina 39071 PTC (iDEN) M Saudi Arabia 39072 NTL Communications (Ireland) Ltd L Ireland 39100 Westelcom L United States of America 39101 VISIONng L Universal Personal Telecommunication Service 39124 Vodafone M Turkey 39128 Telecom Georgia L Georgia 39158 Bezeq M Israel 39191 Vocalis Telecom Licenses GmbH L Austria 39204 Hutchison 3G (Orange) Austria M Austria 39207 2Communications L United Kingdom 39219 City Of Windom L United States of America 39231 Cooperativa De Servicio De Agua Potable Y Otros Servicios Publicos Y Sociales, D L Argentina 39237 Skymaker L United Kingdom 39270 Ortel Telecom L Netherlands 39292 Digicel (PNG) M Papua New Guinea 39297 Newphone Norge AS L Norway 39309 TELEFONICA DE ARGENTINA L Argentina 39318 Wightfibre L United Kingdom 39327 Intelsat (DAMA) L Papua New Guinea 39338 OMNIVISION L Argentina 39349 NetOne M Zimbabwe 39355 Skype Communications SA L United Kingdom 39359 NTT DoCoMo M Japan 39383 COOPERATIVA BATAN DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Argentina 39389 Falcon Broadband L United States of America 39428 Blair Telephone Company L United States of America 39453 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS ALTOS DE CHIPION L Argentina 39492 TESAM ARGENTINA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA (CUIT 30-68732541-5) M Argentina 39497 Liffey Telecom Ltd M Ireland 39506 Tritone Telecom L Netherlands 39523 TransACT Communications L Australia 39539 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA MIXTA DEL OESTE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS (CEMDO) L Argentina 39553 SVR Technologies (Mach Connectivity) M Denmark 39588 NuVox Communications L United States of America 39589 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE TILISARAO L Argentina 39608 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS CLORINDA L Argentina 39636 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Telefonicos Virrey Del Pino L Argentina 39656 Inventive Technology L United States of America 39661 Wll Reunion L France 39677 SamoaTel M Samoa 39679 eB Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 39695 Wireless Projects L Ireland 39705 MediaTel S.A. L Poland 39716 Orange M Guinea 39747 Chickasaw Telecommunications Services L United States of America 39751 Algona Municipal Utilities L United States of America 39753 TeliaSonera Finland M Finland 39755 Telshine Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 39792 Colo Telephone Company L United States of America 39812 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA SAN GENARO L Argentina 39816 Cheers International Sales L United Kingdom 39880 OUTREMER TELECOM L France 39962 NEP Cellcorp M United States of America 39979 Alaska Digitel L US,Canada and Others 39980 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS ARGENTIN M Argentina 39981 Alaska Wireless Communications M US,Canada and Others 39996 Telekenex L United States of America 39999 CNE L Germany 40000 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS DE GENERAL LAGOS L Argentina 40006 SLIC Network Solutions L United States of America 40008 National Telecom & Broadband Services L US,Canada and Others 40009 UAB Bite Lietuva M Lithuania 40013 FINAREA SA L Austria 40014 Foreign Affairs Ministry L Viet Nam 40057 Zain Bahrain M Bahrain 40070 Consolidated Communications of Texas L United States of America 40082 Chautauqua & Erie Telephone Corporation L United States of America 40104 Premiere Network Services L United States of America 40174 Communication Options L United States of America 40194 Home Affairs and Defence Ministry L Viet Nam 40217 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE VILLA LIA L Argentina 40220 Baldwin Telcom L United States of America 40222 R & B Network L United States of America 40237 Phone Buddy L United Kingdom 40264 Berkshire Telephone Corporation L United States of America 40265 TCELL (Somoncom) M Tajikistan 40291 ACN Communications Sweden M Sweden 40302 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA POTABLE Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE ACEVEDO L Argentina 40324 Americell L United States of America 40328 Grande Communications ClearSource L United States of America 40331 Ekaterinburg 2000 M Russia/Kazakhstan 40336 Dagestan Hundred Connection L Russia/Kazakhstan 40346 NewNet L United Kingdom 40351 Yadkin Valley Telephone Membership Corporation L United States of America 40363 Vivid Networks L US,Canada and Others 40385 Telikom PNG M Papua New Guinea 40397 Pacifictel L Ecuador 40433 Cooperativa De Obras Desarrolo Servicos Publicos Y Vivienda De San Jose De La Es L Argentina 40434 Unitel M Mongolia 40437 Red Squared L United Kingdom 40510 UU NET ARGENTINA L Argentina 40511 Finecom Telecommunications AG L Switzerland 40538 envi L Ireland 40552 Tele2 Luxembourg L Luxembourg 40553 webtalk L Ireland 40577 Connect Paging L United States of America 40586 Gilat to Home L Peru 40597 Patoy L United Kingdom 40607 HanseNet L Germany 40630 COLT TECHNOLOGY SERVICES L France 40639 Companhia Santomese de Telecomunicacoes (CST) M Sao Tome and Principe 40641 Taliya Iran M Iran 40644 VODARE L United Kingdom 40654 T-Mobile M US,Canada and Others 40668 SPANTEL 2000 L Spain 40675 Metrostat Communications L United States of America 40682 Daktel Communications L United States of America 40688 Skybest Communications L United States of America 40698 Northland Networks L United States of America 40726 Warwick Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 40729 IZZI M Latvia 40752 L Italy 40761 MH Telecom L United States of America 40764 @Home L Netherlands 40790 Uninet L Estonia 40811 Viva Telecom L United Kingdom 40821 COOPERATIVA DE ENERGIA ELECTRICA Y AGUA DE TIO PUJIO L Argentina 40822 South Slope Coop Tel Company L United States of America 40836 STS Telcom L US,Canada and Others 40850 Flashcom L Kenya 40903 Grafton Technologies L United States of America 40918 Telecel L Madagascar 40923 Syringa Nework L United States of America 40928 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIDAD DE ESPARTILLAR L Argentina 40931 Bixby Telephone Company L United States of America 40937 Sentiro L United Kingdom 40955 AKOM L Germany 40959 Call Telecom L United Kingdom 40960 COOPERATIVA DE TELEFONOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE PALACIOS L Argentina 40992 North Sight Communications M US,Canada and Others 40996 Areeba (MTN) M Afghanistan 41012 Og fjarskipti (Vodafone) M Iceland 41013 Jazz (Warid Telecom) M Pakistan 41016 Xtec Communications L United Kingdom 41039 Utfors Bredband L Sweden 41048 Volunteer First Services L United States of America 41059 Coolwave Communications L Netherlands 41073 Telekom Romania (Cosmote) M Romania 41077 Crystal Communications L United States of America 41105 Fort Mill Telephone Company L United States of America 41141 Stratos Communications Inc. L United States of America 41144 BelCel JV M Belarus 41145 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE CORONEL DU GRATY L Argentina 41146 Optivon Telecommunications Services L Puerto Rico 41147 China Unicom (Hong Kong) Operations M Hong Kong 41148 SOCIEDAD PRO FOMENTO PUEBLO DEL VALLE L Argentina 41159 Elisa Oyj M Finland 41162 Callmonitor L United Kingdom 41163 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS PRESIDENTE DERQUI L Argentina 41164 Pacific Centrex Services L United States of America 41171 Real Poptel L United Kingdom 41173 Advantage Cellular M United States of America 41180 Digital Network Access Communications L United States of America 41220 One Eighty Communications L United States of America 41225 Advanced Tel L United States of America 41233 Smithville Telephone Company L United States of America 41256 Great Lakes Communication Corporation L United States of America 41257 Nexphone AG L Switzerland 41264 Startec Global Communications UK L United Kingdom 41268 Mobitel M Sudan 41269 Sercomtel Celular M Brazil 41271 Maximus Communications L United Kingdom 41296 Silver Server GmbH L Austria 41298 Guadalupe Valley Communications Systems L United States of America 41340 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE CATRIEL L Argentina 41360 China Unicom M China 41365 GCEC Technologies L United States of America 41385 VODAFONE PORTUGAL - COMUNICACOES PESSOAIS M Portugal 41389 Walnut Telephone Company L United States of America 41392 MUNICIPALIDAD DE SAN AGUSTIN L Argentina 41434 Chouteau Telephone Company L United States of America 41443 Telecommunications dHaiti SAM L Haiti 41465 Long Lines Metro L United States of America 41531 Smitcoms L Netherlands Antilles 41532 Oneida County Rural Telephone L United States of America 41536 Stream Live L United Kingdom 41539 Facilicom L Denmark 41564 Proximiti M United States of America 41565 Keystone Wireless M United States of America 41570 Val-Ed Joint Venture L United States of America 41588 UPC Cablecom GmbH M Switzerland 41610 Lakefield Communications L United States of America 41611 Unigestion Holding (Digicel) M Haiti 41639 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Publicos, Credito Y Vivienda Cutral Co L Argentina 41643 Eastern Oregon Telecom L United States of America 41644 Cooperativa Popular De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Santa Rosa L Argentina 41651 Telespazio L International Networks 41685 Wilkes Cellular M United States of America 41686 Rock Hill Telephone Company L United States of America 41696 EGN BV L United Kingdom 41730 Qwest Corporation L US,Canada and Others 41755 Jakobstadsnejdens Telefon L Finland 41760 HKC Network L Hong Kong 41823 CRELL L Chile 41824 BT (Worldwide) Ltd L Belgium 41832 Michael Twomey L Ireland 41851 DELTA ELECTRONICA L Argentina 41852 ONE (Cosmofon) M Macedonia 41881 Korea Post & Telecommunications M Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of 41888 BKG L Germany 41905 MobiCom M Mongolia 41913 CYFROWY POLSAT S.A. M Poland 41922 TeliaSonera Norge AS M Norway 41934 AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras (Mezon) M Lithuania 41944 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA CAFFERATA L Argentina 41946 Inmarsat-Mini L Pitcairn Islands 41962 Call Stream L United Kingdom 41975 Cabo Verde Movel M Cape Verde 41978 Broadstreet Communications L United States of America 42015 Algonet L Greece 42020 Jersey Airtel M United Kingdom 42051 Eircom UK L United Kingdom 42057 Batelco M Bahrain 42068 Sacel M Madagascar 42085 WTC Communications L United States of America 42089 I2U Pte L Singapore 42104 Hutchison M Hong Kong 42105 Saudi Telecom Company (STC) M Saudi Arabia 42106 PowerTech Information Systems AS L Norway 42107 She Talks AS L Norway 42118 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE TRES ALGARROBOS L Argentina 42132 Uralwestcom M Russia/Kazakhstan 42150 Zain / Mobile Telecommunication Company (MTC) M Kuwait 42160 Danemere Street Creative L United Kingdom 42180 Orange (EE) M United Kingdom 42186 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE SUNCHALES L Argentina 42200 Advanced Communication Network L Panama 42213 Cooperativa Electrica De Monte Buey L Argentina 42217 Angola Telecom L Angola 42219 Lucre L United States of America 42234 Valley Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 42286 RADIO LLAMADA L Argentina 42302 DSL Net Communications L United States of America 42303 Guinea Telecom L Guinea-Bissau 42312 Access One L United States of America 42322 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE LA PAQUITA L Argentina 42367 CP Telecom L United States of America 42371 Chariton Valley Telecom Corporation L United States of America 42378 GCR Telecommunications L United States of America 42380 Alban Telecom L United Kingdom 42389 Bitel M Kyrgyz Republic 42478 SmartCom Telephone L United States of America 42501 FRANCE TELECOM L France 42506 Russmedia IT GmbH L Austria 42528 Heart of Iowa Communications L United States of America 42551 Oi Grupo M Brazil 42552 Springboard Telecom L United States of America 42598 Halstad Tel Company L United States of America 42628 Hargray L United States of America 42635 Telecom Ink L Tajikistan 42646 Modeva L Ireland 42666 Northeast Nebraska Tel Company L United States of America 42681 Atlantic Telephone Membership Corporation L United States of America 42695 Inmarsat-M High Speed Data L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 42742 Climax Telephone L United States of America 42743 SD Telecom L Germany 42746 TC3 Telecom L US,Canada and Others 42751 Number Shop L United Kingdom 42769 DeKalb Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 42774 Broadview Networks L United States of America 42815 CanTV L Venezuela 42828 Loop Telecom Ltd L India 42868 Telekom Networks Malawi Ltd. M Malawi 42878 Eircom M Ireland 42894 Blanchard Telephone Company L United States of America 42908 Citrus Telecommunications L United Kingdom 42909 HEAG Medi L Germany 42943 ADR Tel L Italy 42957 Inmarsat-A Data L Pitcairn Islands 42992 NORTE COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 43000 Libertis M Gabon 43014 Five Star Wireless M United States of America 43044 TECHTEL LMDS COMUNICACIONES INTERACTIVAS L Argentina 43046 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE FUNES L Argentina 43080 IBFA Aquisition Company L US,Canada and Others 43137 Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT3G) M Thailand 43188 TELECORSAN L Argentina 43209 Kaluga Cellular Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 43216 Sotelgui M Guinea 43223 Snip Link L United States of America 43240 Icron Network Limited (Vectone Network) M United Kingdom 43256 Ymax Communications L United States of America 43259 Ballard Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 43279 Wabash Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 43280 MITACS Telekomservice GmbH L Austria 43282 Inmarsat-M High Speed Data L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 43286 SURBAS L Argentina 43293 SMARTS L Russia/Kazakhstan 43302 COOPERATIVA GRUTLY L Argentina 43304 TeleLev L Germany 43348 Teleglobe Spain Communications L Spain 43356 Hutchison M Sri Lanka 43379 Nexus Telecommunications L United Kingdom 43398 3MOB TriMob M Ukraine 43422 Nowtel UK L United Kingdom 43439 Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) M Costa Rica 43442 OPT New Caledonia Mobilis M New Caledonia 43461 Ontario Telephone Company L United States of America 43479 Pointe Communications L United States of America 43501 Crocker Telecommunications L United States of America 43502 Cooperativa De Vivienda Provision De Obras Servicios Publicos Y Asistenciales De L Argentina 43527 Teletalk M Bangladesh 43528 Nokia M Finland 43564 CSC Telecom L Latvia 43565 Cricket Communications M United States of America 43572 MINIPHONE (TELECOM PERSONAL SOCIEDAD ANONIMA) M Argentina 43574 Telecom New Zealand (Spark) M New Zealand 43579 Freedom Telecom L United Kingdom 43586 Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 43595 TIM (Telecom Italia) M Italy 43624 Bluestem Telephone Company L United States of America 43626 PTSI M United States of America 43679 Henderson Coop Tel Company L United States of America 43683 Electric Power Board of Chattanooga L United States of America 43737 Vodafone Malta M Malta 43742 Silver Star Telephone Company L United States of America 43768 Globetel L Finland 43807 Chariton Valley Cellular M United States of America 43823 Kabardino-Balkerskaya Cellular Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 43825 Inmarsat-M L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 43842 HighSpeed Office L United Kingdom 43847 BITE Latvija M Latvia 43853 Telecel M Gabon 43859 SOUTH #5 RSA L US,Canada and Others 43862 TELEFONIA PUBLICA Y PRIVADA L Argentina 43865 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA BELEN L Argentina 43904 Inmarsat-Mini L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 43948 Globe Telecom M Philippines 43951 Frankfort Plant Board L US,Canada and Others 43962 Telecom 10 (Sky Telecom) L United Kingdom 43972 PTC Communications L United States of America 43976 Twins Net Sp. z o.o. L Poland 43991 Telcell M St. Maarten 43998 Illinois Valley Cellular RSA 2 M United States of America 44009 Bay Springs Telephone Company L United States of America 44063 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE PEREZ MILLAN L Argentina 44073 Edge Wireless M US,Canada and Others 44078 ROUTIT (VoipIT) L Netherlands 44082 Camtel M Cameroon 44086 Bluffton Telephone Company L United States of America 44088 Consorzio TERRECABLATE L Italy 44094 Yemen International Telecommunications Company (TeleYemen) L Yemen 44101 Telephone One L US,Canada and Others 44114 West Wisconsin Communications Sytems L United States of America 44124 VersatelWD L Germany 44133 Access Telecom (Ireland) Ltd L Ireland 44138 Vakka-Suomen Puhelin L Finland 44162 L United Kingdom 44167 Louisa Communications L United States of America 44173 Contact Communications L US,Canada and Others 44190 Panhandle Telecommunications Systems L United States of America 44205 root eSolutions L Luxembourg 44209 Visual Online L Luxembourg 44215 Cooperativa Telefonica De Vivienda Y De Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Comodoro P L Argentina 44278 Solaris Systems B.V. L Switzerland 44289 Cooperativa Telefonica De Merlo L Argentina 44291 Borderland Communications L United States of America 44293 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS Y OBRAS PUBLICAS DE BERNASCONI L Argentina 44296 Puntel L Somalia 44300 Lubbers Box Telematica L Netherlands 44315 Central Montana Communications L United States of America 44327 Thumb Cellular M United States of America 44342 MTN Syria M Syria 44345 Cooperativa Telefonica Y Otros L Argentina 44358 American Network L United States of America 44363 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE EMBALSE L Argentina 44366 Magic Fil L France 44379 Fretel Communications L United States of America 44394 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DEL CAMPILLO L Argentina 44404 COOPERATIVA DE EMPRENDIMIENTOS MULTIPLES SUDECOR LITORAL L Argentina 44406 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LAS JUNTURAS L Argentina 44413 BRTA-PVT L Bangladesh 44433 F&B Communications L United States of America 44457 Intermatica L International Networks 44462 Vodafone Ireland plc M Ireland 44503 BCTL L Bangladesh 44505 Network Rail Infrastructure M United Kingdom 44512 B-Mobile Communications M Brunei Darussalam 44517 Otel Telekom L United States of America 44540 Telmob S.A (ONATEL) M Burkina Faso 44550 Central Scott Telephone L United States of America 44553 Telenet (anciennement Codenet S.A.) L Luxembourg 44597 Cooperativa Telefonica De Villa Eloisa L Argentina 44630 National Brands L US,Canada and Others 44631 STC M Somalia 44632 Tim Ron Enterprises L United States of America 44693 4D Interactive L United Kingdom 44710 First New Media L Sweden 44747 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE ARROYO DULCE L Argentina 44753 Firstsound L United Kingdom 44756 AinaCom M Finland 44775 Americatel Peru L Peru 44780 Gorham Tel Company L United States of America 44781 Uno Communications M Italy 44806 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS EL COLORADO L Argentina 44814 Keena Consulting L Ireland 44817 PG Telecom of Nevada L United States of America 44835 Burlington Telecom L United States of America 44836 Inmarsat-Aero L Pitcairn Islands 44842 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO POPULAR DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE BUSTINZA L Argentina 44844 Starcomm L United Kingdom 44851 Metamora Telephone Company L United States of America 44855 DSL Internet Corporation L United States of America 44868 Eyetel L United Kingdom 44878 Colt Telecom L Italy 44893 London Central Communications L United Kingdom 44901 Big Sandy Telephone Company L United States of America 44921 Real Telekom L United Kingdom 44925 Hawaiian Telcom Services Company L United States of America 44931 PowerTel L Australia 44934 Midstate Telecom L United States of America 44940 BBned L Netherlands 44946 PetroCom M US,Canada and Others 44983 IPNEXT L Argentina 44994 QiComm L United Kingdom 45000 Apple Telecom Europe L United Kingdom 45028 Nepal Telecom M Nepal 45039 Vodafone Essar South Ltd L India 45041 Dixie Net Communications L United States of America 45073 Clay County Rural Tel Cooperative L United States of America 45087 Eritel M Eritrea 45148 Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI) L Iran 45153 Telenor L International Networks 45158 Cooperativa Sancti Spiritu De Provision De Servicios Publicos Y Sociales Vivien L Argentina 45184 Baja Celular Mexicana M Mexico 45194 Citizens Telephone Company L United States of America 45195 Algerie Telecom M Algeria 45213 Energis L Ireland 45223 HOT Telecom M Israel 45225 Eniro Norge AS L Norway 45226 EVRY Norge AS (ErgoGroup) L Norway 45244 Central Texas Technologies L United States of America 45251 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE CREDITO Y L Argentina 45263 Twin Valley Telephone L United States of America 45264 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y VIVIENDA DE DIEGO DE ALVEAR L Argentina 45269 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE MARIA I L Argentina 45270 Decatel L Italy 45301 Orascom Tunesie M Tunisia 45321 GSM BIH (BH Telecom) M Bosnia and Herzegovina 45329 Australian Communications and Media Authority L Australia 45330 CSINFO L Italy 45331 Telekomunikacja Kolejowa GSM-R L Poland 45332 Cincinnati Bell L United States of America 45333 Cooperativa De Provision De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos De Emilio V L Argentina 45335 Cincinnati Bell Wireless M US,Canada and Others 45346 Northern Valley Communications L United States of America 45351 Celular De Telefonia M Mexico 45352 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS 19 DE SETIEMBRE L Argentina 45362 Phonect L Norway 45375 Partner Communications Co. Ltd (Orange) M Israel 45376 Telnet Worldwide L United States of America 45423 Anycall L United Kingdom 45433 North Central Telephone Coop L United States of America 45442 Yac Ltd L Ireland 45465 Brennercom L Italy 45478 Primus Telegroup L Netherlands 45512 Camtel M Cambodia 45562 Cooperativa De Servicios Publicos, Vivienda Y Credito La Laguna L Argentina 45567 Megacable L Mexico 45571 CS Technologies L United States of America 45629 Appalachian Wireless M United States of America 45648 Celet L Madagascar 45653 Talk Point L Latvia 45672 PrairieWave L United States of America 45675 Dome Telecom Ltd L Ireland 45700 Cooperativa De Electricidad, Obras Y Servicios Publicos De La Playosa L Argentina 45711 Wengo L France 45712 Phillips County Tel Company L United States of America 45714 COOPERATIVA DE CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIDAD GOBERNADOR UGARTE L Argentina 45715 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE TANCACHA L Argentina 45725 GC Pan European Crossing Italia L Italy 45732 Alpha Phone L United States of America 45754 Baltimore-Washington Tele Company L United States of America 45756 Coteco L Bolivia 45791 T-2 M Croatia 45797 Trenton Telephone L United States of America 45802 Southern Telcom Network L US,Canada and Others 45894 Beeline (K-mobile) M Russia/Kazakhstan 45902 Sports Tel L United Kingdom 45911 Cooperativa De Provision De Obras, Servicios Publicos Y Credito De Armstrong L Argentina 45923 Tele2 M Latvia 45937 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LA FRANCIA L Argentina 45947 Sabafon M Yemen 46013 Cotes L Bolivia 46022 Tel West Communications L US,Canada and Others 46024 K-Cell M Russia/Kazakhstan 46027 COOPERATIVA DE AGUAS CORRIENTES Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE VILLA GENERAL BELGRANO L Argentina 46057 Rainier Connect L United States of America 46113 TNS-Plus L Russia/Kazakhstan 46144 SKT L United States of America 46145 Ruddata Corporation L United States of America 46159 Inmarsat-A Data L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 46163 Mid-Tex Cellular M US,Canada and Others 46168 Magti M Georgia 46169 Kurgan Cellular Telephone L Russia/Kazakhstan 46219 DNA Comms (PTRS) (GRID) M Singapore 46227 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y DE SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE SAN MANUEL L Argentina 46233 Orange Mali M Mali 46242 Mobitel M Sierra Leone 46243 Coon Creek Telecommunications Corporation L United States of America 46250 Extelcom aka Express L Philippines 46279 Smart Telecom M Tanzania 46283 BiMoCom (Megacom) M Kyrgyz Republic 46375 MTPCS DBA Cellular One M United States of America 46384 Kabelplus GmbH L Austria 46387 Cassadaga Telephone Corporation L United States of America 46388 T-Systems L Italy 46398 Inmarsat BGAN M Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 46412 Oman Mobile M Oman 46415 Inmarsat-A Data L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 46428 Comstar-Regions L Russia/Kazakhstan 46449 TELECENTRO L Argentina 46450 Ycom Networks L United States of America 46457 Newtel L United Kingdom 46503 Central Post & Telecom Division L Viet Nam 46504 Intelleq Communications Corporation L United States of America 46517 Teligent L United States of America 46526 GTS Energis (MVNO) M Poland 46538 Togo Telecom L Togo 46548 Abel & Co (Scotland) L United Kingdom 46557 Vodafone (MTS Ukraine (Jeans (UMC) M Ukraine 46565 Hong Kong Broadband Network L Hong Kong 46570 Signet L Netherlands 46626 Foon AS L Norway 46633 New Telephone Company M Russia/Kazakhstan 46643 Lonsdale Tel Company L United States of America 46657 Inmarsat-Aero L Inmarsat Indian Ocean 46669 DIRECTEL DE ARGENTINA L Argentina 46710 Covista L United States of America 46711 Premium Internet S.A. L Poland 46719 Bluegrass Telephone Company L United States of America 46755 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE FATIMA L Argentina 46767 VSAT L Gabon 46768 Ventelo Sverige M Sweden 46776 FINAREA L France 46779 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE TANTI L Argentina 46780 Swazi MTN M Swaziland 46807 Meteor Mobile Communications Ltd. M Ireland 46820 Copr De Provision De Servicios Publicos TelefonicosVivienda Consumo Y Credito De L Argentina 46833 Birch Telecom L United States of America 46834 Telesom M Somalia 46867 Volo Communications L United States of America 46881 Inmarsat-Aero L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 46887 Horry Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 46894 COOPERATIVA VILLA GIARDINO DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Argentina 46919 COLT Telecom L Germany 46929 Nexus L Angola 46935 Brantley Telephone Company L United States of America 46937 Coteor L Bolivia 46942 ARDMORE TELEPHONE COMPANY L United States of America 46961 Cable and Wireless (Energis) L United Kingdom 46973 Inmarsat-B High Speed Data L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-East 46982 Telesoft Technologies L United Kingdom 47002 Tohoku Intelligent Communications L Japan 47028 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD VIVIENDA Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE PUEBLO ESTHER L Argentina 47029 Sierra Wireless(Wireless Maingate) M Norway 47050 Mapesbury Communications M United Kingdom 47075 Inmarsat-M L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 47084 Navaho (RISC GROUP IT SOLUTIONS) L France 47088 UTA Telekom AG L Austria 47098 Vic Telehome L Spain 47100 Sas Spm Telecom L France 47124 TELECOM ARGENTINA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 47154 Globalcom L United States of America 47171 Cooperativa De Provision De Agua Potable, Viviendas Y Otros Servicios Publicos D L Argentina 47183 Simwood eSMS M United Kingdom 47188 Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily) M Saudi Arabia 47215 NETCOL L Germany 47225 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y COMUNICACIONES DE VILLA DEL TOTOR L Argentina 47226 Vodafone Kall M Faroe Islands 47240 Premier Communications L United States of America 47245 Inmarsat-M High Speed Data L Pitcairn Islands 47255 DATEL L Germany 47279 NOS (OPTIMUS - COMUNICACOES) M Portugal 47304 Warid Telecom M Bangladesh 47311 A-Cell M Central African Republic 47315 RADIO EXPRESS L Argentina 47316 Drenthe Telephone Company L United States of America 47317 Sierratel L Sierra Leone 47320 T-Mobile Czech Republic (T-Systems) M Czech Republic 47326 BBCom M Benin 47332 Cotecar L Bolivia 47340 Synergy Telecom L United Kingdom 47356 Pacnet Internet (A) Pty Ltd L Australia 47379 CamGSM CellCard (Mobitel) M Cambodia 47383 CT Communications Network L United States of America 47387 Global Naps L United States of America 47391 Core Telecom M United Kingdom 47408 Wireless Communications M United States of America 47413 TDC Switzerland AG L Switzerland 47415 Globacom Ltd M Nigeria 47431 Satel L Netherlands Antilles 47456 Cornerstone Tel L United States of America 47464 SPJ L United States of America 47468 HandT Communications L United Kingdom 47477 Tecoar L Argentina 47484 MyGate AG (YplaY) L Switzerland 47485 Inmarsat-B High Speed Data L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 47486 Gamcel M Gambia 47487 Telefonica Larga Distancia de Puerto Rico L Puerto Rico 47513 Salt (Orange Liechtenstein) M Liechtenstein 47519 Western Iowa Telephone Association L United States of America 47527 Calltracks L United Kingdom 47534 OPTION SERVICE L France 47548 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS DE SANTA EUFEMIA L Argentina 47577 QSC - (broadnet) L Germany 47581 E-Telko Sp. z o.o. M Poland 47599 TelNG L United Kingdom 47618 Telecom Liechtenstein (Mobilkom Liechtenstein) M Liechtenstein 47701 Bayland Communications L United States of America 47702 Cabo Verde Telecom L Cape Verde 47715 International Telcom L United States of America 47730 Technische Betriebe Wil L Switzerland 47734 HI3G Access M Sweden 47745 MoldCell M Moldova 47746 Spacetel UK L United Kingdom 47756 D-Tel L United States of America 47765 3 Rivers Communications L United States of America 47773 Get L Norway 47784 Lounea Oy (SSP Group) L Finland 47790 Tigo M Sierra Leone 47794 Safaricom (GSM) M Kenya 47810 PRT Communications L US,Canada and Others 47814 Cooperativa De Provision De Obras Y Servicios Publicos Sociales Y Asistenciales L Argentina 47818 Full Service Computing Corporation L United States of America 47829 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD SERVICIOS Y OBRAS PUBLICAS DE SAN BERNARDO L Argentina 47833 Mcel (Mocambique Celular) M Mozambique 47850 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE SALTO GRANDE L Argentina 47854 mediainvent Service GmbH L Austria 47860 Albania Mobile Communications (AMC) M Albania 47865 Korea Telecom L South Korea 47889 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE AGUA POTABLE Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE LN ALEM L Argentina 47905 Sprint M US,Canada and Others 47924 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y ASISTENCIALES Y DE VIVIEN L Argentina 47948 Vodacom (T) Ltd. M Tanzania 47969 Viaero Wireless M United States of America 47982 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS SALVADOR MARIA L Argentina 48000 San Isabel Telecom L United States of America 48019 ProServe L Netherlands 48040 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA EL CHAJA DE PIRANE L Argentina 48041 SpeakUp M Netherlands 48051 TrigCom L Norway 48052 Umoe Communication AS L Norway 48074 Sagebrush Cellular (Nemont) CDMA M United States of America 48086 Caprock Cellular M US,Canada and Others 48093 Euskaltel M Spain 48186 Positive Communication L United Kingdom 48196 VA PCS Alliance M United States of America 48203 PRIMUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FRANCE L France 48222 Deerfield Farmers Telephone Company L United States of America 48223 Datatel M Sierra Leone 48262 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y CONSUMO UNION DEL SUD L Argentina 48315 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE MATTALDI L Argentina 48325 Inmarsat-M L Pitcairn Islands 48333 Choice Wireless M United States of America 48348 Telefonica UK M United Kingdom 48356 CYRUS M Congo-Brazzaville 48371 Chibardun Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 48372 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE ACHIRAS L Argentina 48399 LG Uplus Corp (Dacom) M South Korea 48428 MTN M Cameroon 48437 USA DataNet L United States of America 48458 South Plains Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 48477 Consolidated Communications Networks L United States of America 48488 Digital Telecommunications L United States of America 48499 Cellular Communications of Bashkortostan L Russia/Kazakhstan 48553 Netcarrier Telecom L United States of America 48554 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE VERA Y PINTADO Y LA CAMILA L Argentina 48579 Inmarsat-Aero L Inmarsat Single Network Access Code 48593 ARGENTINA WIRELESS TELECOMMUNI L Argentina 48596 Monmouth Telephone & Telegraph L United States of America 48602 Orange Madagascar M Madagascar 48605 Telecomunicazioni Salernitane L Italy 48631 Gladstar Telecommunications L United Kingdom 48651 INMO M Netherlands 48667 Primus Telecommunications L Australia 48708 Connect Telecom UK L United Kingdom 48715 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD DE FRENCH L Argentina 48737 Chillicothe Telephone Company L United States of America 48764 EWE TEL L Germany 48772 IMC Islande (Viking) M Iceland 48796 GSC Telecommunications L United States of America 48797 SOS Telecomunicaciones M Mexico 48799 COOPERATIVA DE LUZ Y FUERZA REDUCCION L Argentina 48810 H3G S.p.A. (UMTS) M Italy 48818 Skytel Networks L Ireland 48835 PremTel L United Kingdom 48888 Syriatel M Syria 48892 Inmarsat-Mini L Inmarsat Atlantic Ocean-West 48906 Vodafone Hutchison Australia PTY Limited M Australia 48930 INTELSUR (Uniqa) M Suriname 48933 VOX telecom SA L Switzerland 48934 Vattenfall M Sweden 48959 BiBoB M Denmark 48965 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO TELEFONICO DE LA ZONA INDUSTRIAL DE OLAVARR L Argentina 48968 DayStar Communications L United States of America 48990 Bane NOR SF, divisjon Digitalisering og teknologi M Norway 48991 Brandenburg Telephone Company L United States of America 49003 Yellow Access AG L Switzerland 49013 CYBERSERVICE Internetdienstleistungsgesellschaft m.b.H. L Austria 49016 Blanca Telephone Company M United States of America 49063 Vital Phone L United Kingdom 49125 Relario AG (Bebbicell) M Switzerland 49131 Arctic Region Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 49138 Vodafone D2 M Germany 49175 Cooperativa De Electricidad, Viviendas Y Anexos La Cesira L Argentina 49216 HFCL Connect (Ping) M India 49233 Kimito Telefonaktiebolag L Finland 49234 Instaphone M Pakistan 49305 Viettel L Viet Nam 49329 Mnet L Germany 49330 INTENDENCIA MUNICIPAL DE LOS COCOS L Argentina 49358 MR NET L Germany 49369 Actew Corporation L Australia 49370 Servis Svyaz Komlect L Tajikistan 49377 Xtel Communications L United States of America 49414 Intertrace L Spain 49417 WinLine L Kyrgyz Republic 49418 Win.Net Telecommunications L United States of America 49420 Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) M Peru 49426 Giant Communications L United States of America 49437 Telstra L United Kingdom 49447 Cotabe L Bolivia 49457 Pacific Bangladesh Telecom M Bangladesh 49472 COOPERATIVA DE TELEFONOS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE NUEVO TORINO L Argentina 49504 Telenor / Global Services L Norway 49505 COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA Y DE CONSUMO SANTA ROSA L Argentina 49537 TELEFONICA DE GOYENA COOPERATIVA DE COMUNICACIONES L Argentina 49541 TELECOM PERSONAL M Argentina 49557 Socatel L Central African Republic 49558 Orascom Telecom M Algeria 49570 Orange Moldova M Moldova 49574 Vistream GmbH L Germany 49581 NC Numericable L France 49582 Esse Solutions L United Kingdom 49632 TELEMENSAJE ARGENTINA L Argentina 49647 Ringtrue Solutions L United Kingdom 49676 Colorado Valley Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 49677 ORANGE FRANCE M France 49714 FASTCOM L Argentina 49717 Zantel L Tanzania 49773 Intime Solutions Ltd L Ireland 49785 Hood Canal Telephone Co. dba Hood Canal Communications L United States of America 49853 A1 Technologies L Ireland 49863 J-Run L Russia/Kazakhstan 49877 South Central Rural Telephone Coop Corporation L United States of America 49883 News Optimus L United Kingdom 49913 Socket Telecom L United States of America 49940 Koyote Telephone L US,Canada and Others 49942 Cotel L Bolivia 49952 Moapa Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 49964 Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. L Poland 49979 Cedar Communications L United States of America 49991 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE SUARDI L Argentina 50000 Taylor Tel Coop L United States of America 50002 Advanza Telecom L United States of America 50004 Fairpoint Communications Solutions Corporation L United States of America 50006 Cygnus Telecommunications Corporation L United States of America 50008 Aurora Communications L United States of America 50013 Surry Telecommunications L United States of America 50015 Central Telcom Services L United States of America 50034 L United States of America 50040 Choicetel L United States of America 50045 Clear Lake Tel Company L United States of America 50054 Arthur Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50056 Alaska Telephone Company L United States of America 50057 TV Service L United States of America 50067 Cambridge Tel. Co. L United States of America 50078 Alluvion GLEC L United States of America 50080 ASTAC Wireless M United States of America 50082 Bug Tussel Wireless M United States of America 50085 RC Communications L United States of America 50096 ConnectTo Communications L United States of America 50097 Ace Telephone Company of Michigan L United States of America 50099 University Telcom L US,Canada and Others 50101 Bloomer Telephone Company L United States of America 50107 Arapahoe Telephone Company L United States of America 50109 Alma Telephone Company L United States of America 50119 Clective GA L United States of America 50125 Butler-Bremer Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50132 Summit Telephone L United States of America 50133 United-Kuc L United States of America 50134 The Great American Enterprise dba Mpw Paging L United States of America 50136 Standing Rock Telecommunicatio M United States of America 50139 Cook Telecom L US,Canada and Others 50143 Nextwave Telecom dba Nextwave Wireless L United States of America 50144 Broadband Office Communications L US,Canada and Others 50145 Contact Paging Of Colorado L United States of America 50146 Redi-Call Communication L United States of America 50147 Schuylkill Mobile Fone L United States of America 50148 Agate Telephone L United States of America 50150 Stoneham Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50151 GSIwave.Com L US,Canada and Others 50152 Communications 1 Network L United States of America 50154 Electronic Engineering Company L United States of America 50155 Woodhull Community Telephone L United States of America 50156 Lone Rock Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50158 American Samoa License DBA Blue Sky Comm M American Samoa 50160 Baldwin Nashville Telephone L United States of America 50161 Multi Computer Systems L US,Canada and Others 50162 Alhambra-Grantfork Telephone L United States of America 50164 La Motte Telephone L United States of America 50165 Onslow Cooperative Telephone Association L United States of America 50168 Nex-Tech L United States of America 50169 Point To Point Communications L United States of America 50172 Bernard Telephone Company L United States of America 50173 Novacom L United States of America 50176 Kansas Personal Communication Services L US,Canada and Others 50177 Peoples Rural Telephone Cooperative Corp. L United States of America 50178 Northstar Technology L United States of America 50179 Benkelman Telephone Company L United States of America 50181 Leonore Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50182 Yeoman Telephone L United States of America 50185 @ Communications L United States of America 50186 Holway Telephone L United States of America 50188 Delta Telepage L US,Canada and Others 50190 Matthews Radio Service dba Eastern Radio L United States of America 50194 Dalton Utilities L United States of America 50195 Modern Communications Of Greenville L US,Canada and Others 50198 Vivian Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 50199 Mississippi Power Company L US,Canada and Others 50200 Data Paging L United States of America 50201 Arlington Telephone Company L United States of America 50202 Union Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 50203 Communitronics L United States of America 50204 All American Telephone Companay L United States of America 50210 Telemaxx Communications L United States of America 50211 Scarsdale Security Systems L United States of America 50212 Ayersville Telephone Company L United States of America 50213 Helix Telephone L United States of America 50214 D2 Wireless L United States of America 50215 Benton Ridge Telephone Company L United States of America 50216 Terral Telephone L United States of America 50220 Mr. Beeper L Puerto Rico 50221 Hanson Communications L United States of America 50222 Independent Cellular Network L US,Canada and Others 50223 P.V. Tel L United States of America 50224 Cypress Telecommunications Corporation L United States of America 50225 Jsm Tele-Page L United States of America 50226 Cube City Telephone Exchange Company L United States of America 50227 Etex Communications dba Etex Telecom L United States of America 50229 Gold Tel Corporation L US,Canada and Others 50231 Tenino Telephone L United States of America 50240 Dell Tel. Corp. L United States of America 50245 Access Plus Paging dba All City Answering Sv L US,Canada and Others 50249 Maguire Electronics L United States of America 50251 Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50252 Allpage L US,Canada and Others 50255 Network Services L United States of America 50256 Geotek Communications L United States of America 50260 Conxus Spectrum Inc. L US,Canada and Others 50262 Wiggins Telephone Association L United States of America 50264 Net-tel Communications L United States of America 50265 Gabriel Wireless L US,Canada and Others 50267 Tallahassee Telephone Exhange L United States of America 50269 Convergent Communications L United States of America 50270 Gainesville Regional Utilities dba Grucom L US,Canada and Others 50271 Baileys Communications & Electronics L United States of America 50273 Iowa Network Services L United States of America 50274 Coon Valley Cooperative Telephone Assn. L United States of America 50275 Minerva Valley Telephone L United States of America 50276 Answer America dba Answer USA L United States of America 50281 Joseph B. Mcneal dba Pagedata L US,Canada and Others 50282 IAMO Wireless L US,Canada and Others 50283 Madison Tel Co L United States of America 50284 Island Page L United States of America 50285 Keystone Farms Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50286 Cumberland Telephone Company L United States of America 50287 River Valley Telecommunications Coop. L United States of America 50288 Dixon Telephone L United States of America 50289 Harmony Telephone L United States of America 50290 Templeton Telephone L United States of America 50291 Modern Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50292 Springville Cooperative Telephone Assn. L United States of America 50293 Grandview Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50294 Shawnee Telephone Co L United States of America 50296 Flat Rock Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50297 Home Telephone Company L United States of America 50300 Stelle Telephone L United States of America 50301 La Harpe Telephone L United States of America 50302 Cellpage Of Minden L United States of America 50303 Airphone L United States of America 50305 Swayzee Telephone L United States of America 50306 Data Express L United States of America 50307 ARBROS L United States of America 50308 Advanced Wireless Network L United States of America 50310 Crossville Telephone Company L United States of America 50311 Miller Telephone Inc L United States of America 50313 Lismore Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50314 Waldron Telephone L United States of America 50315 Ellington Telephone L United States of America 50316 Sand Creek Telephone L United States of America 50317 Peace Valley Telephone L United States of America 50318 Saint Louis Paging Network L US,Canada and Others 50319 Beepermart L United States of America 50320 Lincoln Telephone L United States of America 50321 Manchester- Hartland Telephone L United States of America 50322 Northern Telephone Of Minnesota L United States of America 50323 Seneca Telephone L United States of America 50325 Mark Twain Communications Company L United States of America 50326 Mid-State Paging L United States of America 50327 Bretton Woods Telephone L United States of America 50328 Fibernet L United States of America 50329 United Cellular & Paging L United States of America 50331 City Of Portland dba Integrated Reg Ntwk Ent L United States of America 50335 Atlas Telephone Company L United States of America 50337 The Beeper People Inc. dba Airpage L United States of America 50338 Buckland Telephone Company L United States of America 50339 Borinquen Beepers Inc. L Puerto Rico 50340 Carolina Pcs 1 Limited Partnership L United States of America 50341 Tern Wireless L US,Canada and Others 50342 Mobile Communication Service L United States of America 50345 Pagepro Corporation L United States of America 50346 Pro Page Partners L United States of America 50347 Fiber Data Communications L US,Canada and Others 50348 Kadoka Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50351 A.V. Lauttamus Communications L United States of America 50353 One Call L US,Canada and Others 50354 Na Communications L United States of America 50358 Beresford Municipal Telephone Company L United States of America 50359 Bear Lake Communications L United States of America 50360 Union Telephone Company M United States of America 50361 Robert L. Coyle L United States of America 50363 Price County Telephone L United States of America 50364 John C. Aegerter dba Air Page L US,Canada and Others 50365 Map Mobile Communications L US,Canada and Others 50366 Highland Tel Coop L United States of America 50375 Central Arkansas Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50377 SMART CALL M US,Canada and Others 50378 New East Telephony L US,Canada and Others 50386 New Dimension Communications L US,Canada and Others 50387 Baca Valley Telephone L United States of America 50390 Clarksville Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50393 Touch Tone Interactive L United States of America 50395 Cordova Wireless Communications M United States of America 50396 Unicom L US,Canada and Others 50399 Roggen Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50400 Mte dba Mte Paging Network L United States of America 50401 Scott Sabo dba Allpage L United States of America 50403 Satellink Paging L United States of America 50404 Protecom Atlanta L United States of America 50405 Allsafe Security Service dba Allsafe Paging L United States of America 50407 Searsboro Telephone L United States of America 50408 Wave Runner M US,Canada and Others 50409 Standard Electronics L United States of America 50411 Van Horne Cooperative Telephone Co L United States of America 50412 Breda Telephone Corporation L United States of America 50417 Page Express L United States of America 50418 Oregon-Idaho Utilities L United States of America 50419 Innotech Corporation L United States of America 50420 Farmers Mutual of Chapin dba C L United States of America 50423 Mobile Electronics L United States of America 50428 Mcnabb Telephone L United States of America 50429 Runestone Telephone Association L United States of America 50431 Wilderness Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 50432 Midway Telephone L United States of America 50433 Le-Ru Telephone L United States of America 50436 Ozark Telephone L United States of America 50438 Mcdonald County Telephone Co L United States of America 50439 Ronan Telephone L United States of America 50440 Rock Port Telephone L United States of America 50442 Rothsay Telephone L United States of America 50444 Springport Telephone Co L United States of America 50446 Dial-A-Beeper L United States of America 50447 Mobile Partners Corporation L United States of America 50452 Curtis Telephone L United States of America 50453 Otz Telecommunications M United States of America 50454 Metcom L US,Canada and Others 50455 Eagle Communications L United States of America 50456 Liberty Telecom L US,Canada and Others 50459 Humboldt Telephone Company L United States of America 50461 Econocall L US,Canada and Others 50462 Contact Communications Wireless L United States of America 50464 Minford Telephone L United States of America 50465 K.T.W. International Corp L United States of America 50466 New Knoxville Telephone L United States of America 50468 Telecom Services of the Lowcountry L United States of America 50471 City of Faith Municipal Telephone Company L United States of America 50472 Air & Wire Network Comm Inc dba In-Touch Comm L United States of America 50473 Bentleyville Communications Corporation L United States of America 50475 Taylor Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 50476 Communications Sales & Services dba Cssi L United States of America 50477 Unicom Paging Network Of Texas L United States of America 50478 Fred Burg Communications L United States of America 50480 All West Wireless L US,Canada and Others 50481 Wcs Communications L US,Canada and Others 50482 Saco River Cell Tel Co dba Sta L United States of America 50483 Contact Paging Of Texas L US,Canada and Others 50484 Star Net Paging L United States of America 50487 Hat Island Telephone L United States of America 50489 Belmont Telephone Company L United States of America 50490 Arkansas Telephone L United States of America 50492 Topsham Telephone L United States of America 50494 Rondall Lawrence dba Communication Center/Page 1 L US,Canada and Others 50495 Mgw Telephone Company L United States of America 50496 Pembroke Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50498 La Jicarita Rural Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50500 Western New Mexico Tel Company L United States of America 50501 Magazine Telephone L United States of America 50506 Andrew Telephone L United States of America 50507 Data Page L United States of America 50508 Otz Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50509 Yukon Telephone L United States of America 50511 Bush-Tel L United States of America 50512 Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50513 Communications Equipment And Svcs. L United States of America 50514 Circle Utilities L United States of America 50515 American Mobilphone Paging L United States of America 50516 Castleberry Telephone Company L United States of America 50520 American Messaging (Am) L United States of America 50522 Crown Cellular & Paging L US,Canada and Others 50524 Info Page L United States of America 50526 Peetz Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50527 Pager One Of Florida L United States of America 50529 Bulloch County Rural Telephone L United States of America 50531 Barnes City Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50533 Cooperative Telephone Exchange L United States of America 50534 Reasnor Telephone Company L United States of America 50535 Killduff Telephone Company L United States of America 50536 Dumont Telephone L United States of America 50537 Hubbard Cooperative Telephone Association L United States of America 50538 Cellular Page L United States of America 50539 Lehigh Valley Cooperative Telephone Assn. L United States of America 50542 Empire Telecom Services L US,Canada and Others 50543 Joseph B. Mcneal dba Wavesent L US,Canada and Others 50545 Cunningham Tel Co L United States of America 50548 Griswold Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50549 Ruthven Telephone Exchange L US,Canada and Others 50551 Clark Communications L United States of America 50552 East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50553 Preferred Networks L United States of America 50554 Bay Star Satellite Paging L United States of America 50555 Actel Integrated Communications L United States of America 50558 Ralph J Gonthier dba Radio Communications Service L United States of America 50560 Goodman Telephone L United States of America 50561 Ontonagon County Telephone Co L United States of America 50562 Chippewa County Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50563 360networks (usa) L US,Canada and Others 50564 Johnson Tel Company L United States of America 50565 Quick Communications (Midwest Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 50569 Noxapater Telephone L United States of America 50571 Alma Communications Company dba Alma Telephone L United States of America 50574 Madison River Communications L United States of America 50576 Cozad Telephone Company L United States of America 50578 Adcom L United States of America 50579 Trinity International Inc L United States of America 50580 Farber Telephone L United States of America 50581 Piedmont Telephone Membership Corp. L United States of America 50584 Unitel Corporation L United States of America 50585 Aat Paging Corporation II L United States of America 50586 Page Plus L United States of America 50587 Paging Tulsa L United States of America 50588 Southwest Oklahoma Telephone L United States of America 50589 Carnegie Telephone L United States of America 50590 Tallgrass Communications L United States of America 50591 Southern Ohio Communication Services L United States of America 50592 Mid-State Electronics dba Metro L United States of America 50594 Chesnee Telephone Company L United States of America 50595 Canadian Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 50596 Teepage Inc. Communications L US,Canada and Others 50597 J.L.C. Services dba Mega Page L Puerto Rico 50598 Helmsco Inc. L United States of America 50599 Southwest Texas Telephone L United States of America 50600 Texas Communications L United States of America 50601 Southwest Paging L United States of America 50603 Peoples Telecommunications Inc. L US,Canada and Others 50604 Yukon- Waltz Telephone L United States of America 50605 Linshaw Communications dba Advanced Comm. L United States of America 50606 Multi-Channel Sys L United States of America 50607 Texacom Corporation L United States of America 50610 Bruce Tel Co L United States of America 50612 Franklin Tel Co L United States of America 50613 NTWS Digital Broadband L United States of America 50614 Cochrane Cooperative Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 50617 Interactive Networks Corporation L United States of America 50618 Montana Opticom L United States of America 50622 Capitol Radiotelephone L United States of America 50629 Oneida Network Services L United States of America 50631 Adak Eagle Enterprise Llc dba Adak Tel Utility L United States of America 50633 Value Page L US,Canada and Others 50638 Pinnacles Telephone L United States of America 50639 Palmer Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50640 Pagestar L United States of America 50641 Beeper Express L United States of America 50642 All Florida Paging Inc. L United States of America 50647 Fenton Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 50648 Brooklyn Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 50649 Indiana Paging Ntwk L United States of America 50650 Universal Communications Of Allison L US,Canada and Others 50651 Miller Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50653 Cellular Paging USA L US,Canada and Others 50654 Hawaiian Wireless L United States of America 50657 Oneida Telephone Exchange L United States of America 50658 Vistavox Of Arkansas L US,Canada and Others 50659 Kinsman Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50662 Ringsted Telephone L United States of America 50664 Atkins Telephone Company L United States of America 50665 Olin & Morley Telephone L United States of America 50666 Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 50668 Royal Telephone L United States of America 50669 Hamilton County Telephone Co L United States of America 50672 Totah Communications L United States of America 50673 New Paris Telephone L United States of America 50674 Instant Page L United States of America 50676 Unity Communications L US,Canada and Others 50681 Weblink Wireless L US,Canada and Others 50682 Metrotel L United States of America 50683 New Florence Telephone L United States of America 50684 Mark Twain Rural Telephone L United States of America 50685 Northeast Missouri Rural Telephone L United States of America 50686 Mobile Radio Communications dba Mobilfone L United States of America 50689 Leflore Communications L United States of America 50690 Teletec Communications L United States of America 50692 Albany Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 50693 Upsala Cooperative Telephone Association L United States of America 50694 Southern Montana Telephone L United States of America 50695 Rodney Shepardson dba Business Radio Service L United States of America 50697 Central Vermont Communications L United States of America 50701 Advanced Paging Systems L US,Canada and Others 50704 Beeper Express Of Puerto Rico L Puerto Rico 50705 Metro Beeper L US,Canada and Others 50706 Link Tech Corporation L Puerto Rico 50708 Kinder-Robert A. dba Total Communication Systems L United States of America 50709 South Dakota Network L United States of America 50713 Central Utah Telephone L United States of America 50715 Jackson Mobilphone Company L United States of America 50716 2nd Century Communications L United States of America 50718 S.M.R. Systems L United States of America 50720 Border To Border Communications L United States of America 50722 Amherst Telephone Company L United States of America 50727 Shoreham Telephone L United States of America 50729 Amery Telecom L United States of America 50730 InfoTelecom L United States of America 50735 Scott County Telephone L United States of America 50740 Pacific Wave Communications L United States of America 50741 Cordova Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50742 North Country Telephone L United States of America 50743 Spok, Inc. (Arch Wireless Holdings) L United States of America 50744 Shelcomm L United States of America 50745 San Diego Paging L US,Canada and Others 50746 Unity Tel Co L United States of America 50747 Kcindur Communications dba Advanced Paging L United States of America 50748 Willard Telephone L United States of America 50750 Priority Paging L United States of America 50752 Sheets Communications L United States of America 50753 Ameripage L United States of America 50754 Sac County Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50755 Southwest Telephone Exchange L United States of America 50756 Ayrshire Farmers Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50757 Peoples Tel Co L United States of America 50758 Rico Telephone L United States of America 50759 Gulfcoast Paging L United States of America 50762 Adbeep L United States of America 50763 Tri-County Tel Co L United States of America 50765 Leaf River Telephone L United States of America 50767 Farmers & Merchants Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50768 Cascade Communications Company L United States of America 50769 Egyptian Telephone Cooperative Association L United States of America 50772 Transit Communications USA L United States of America 50774 Terril Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50775 Arcadia Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50777 Gearheart Comm. dba Coalfields Telephone L United States of America 50778 Bergen Telephone Company L United States of America 50779 Mobile Communications Svc Of Bowling Green L United States of America 50780 Crystal Communications dba Multipage L United States of America 50782 Digi-Page L United States of America 50785 Lowry Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50787 Budget Phone L United States of America 50788 The Offshore Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50789 Granby Tel Co L United States of America 50790 Iowa Telecommunications Services dba Iowa Telecom L United States of America 50791 Peninsula Telephone L United States of America 50793 Iamo Tel Co L United States of America 50795 Blackduck Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50798 Green Hills Telephone Corp. L United States of America 50800 Dunnell Telephone L United States of America 50802 Reisenweaver Comm Inc dba Rcs Communications Group L United States of America 50803 Tracy Corporation Ii L United States of America 50805 Advantage Communications L United States of America 50807 Litelco Communications L United States of America 50809 Anserphone Of Natchez dba Metro Comm Svcs L United States of America 50810 Nebraska Radio Telephone System L United States of America 50811 Dixville Telephone L United States of America 50813 Lincoln Communications L United States of America 50814 Transamerica Communications Technologies L United States of America 50815 Cross Telephone L United States of America 50816 Total Telecommunicati Services L United States of America 50821 Monroe Telephone L United States of America 50822 Dakotacomm L United States of America 50823 Metro Beeper Service L United States of America 50824 Asap Paging L US,Canada and Others 50827 Great Works Internet L United States of America 50829 Beehive Tel Co L United States of America 50830 South Texas Paging L United States of America 50835 Personal Communication Network L United States of America 50836 Coon Valley Farmers Telephone L United States of America 50837 Moraine Radio L US,Canada and Others 50838 Windkeeper Communications L US Virgin Islands 50839 Pass Word L US,Canada and Others 50841 Kalama Telephone L United States of America 50842 Texas Instruments L US,Canada and Others 50846 Wilton Telephone L United States of America 50850 Versatel Communications L United States of America 50856 Sharp Communications L United States of America 50857 Webshoppe Communications L United States of America 50858 Globalstar USA M US,Canada and Others 50859 Teletouch Communications L United States of America 50862 Breakaway Wireless L United States of America 50864 Wayne Markis dba Handy Page L US,Canada and Others 50865 Digitcom Services L US,Canada and Others 50866 The Telephone Connection Of Los Angeles L US,Canada and Others 50867 San Carlos Apache Telecommunications Utility L United States of America 50872 Communications Unlimited L United States of America 50874 Aquis Communications L United States of America 50875 Merryville Investments dba Best Page L United States of America 50876 R And G Distributors L United States of America 50877 Interloop L US,Canada and Others 50878 BroadRiver Communications L United States of America 50883 Cass Telephone Company L United States of America 50886 Dunkerton Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50890 American Samoa Telecommunications Authority Astca M American Samoa 50891 Ace Telephone Association L United States of America 50892 Center Junction Telephone L United States of America 50893 Alliance Communications Cooperative L United States of America 50894 Hospers Telephone Exchange L United States of America 50897 Thacker/Grigsby Telephone L United States of America 50898 Gridley Telephone L United States of America 50899 Comm. Sales And Service dba Pagers Unlimited L United States of America 50901 Norfolk County Internet L United States of America 50903 Washington County Rural Telephone Coop. L United States of America 50905 Campti-Pleasant Hill Telephone L United States of America 50906 Alger Communications L US,Canada and Others 50908 K L M Telephone L United States of America 50909 Steelville Telephone Exchange L United States of America 50910 Ogden Tel Co L United States of America 50913 Northern Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50915 Clements Telephone L United States of America 50917 Winsome Paging L US,Canada and Others 50923 Contact New Mexico L United States of America 50925 Cellfone L US,Canada and Others 50928 Telebeeper Of New Mexico M United States of America 50929 Etex Communications dba Etex W M United States of America 50931 Telepage Communication Systems L United States of America 50934 Cross Wireless M United States of America 50937 Pattersonville Tel Co L United States of America 50939 Nehalem Telecomms dba Nehalem Tel & Tel L US,Canada and Others 50940 Sioux Valley Telephone L United States of America 50941 Scott County Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 50942 Awesome Paging L United States of America 50943 West Side Telephone Company L United States of America 50947 Armour Independent Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50948 Advanced Paging L US,Canada and Others 50949 St Paul Cooperative Telephone Association L United States of America 50950 C3 Communications L United States of America 50951 North River Tel Cooperative L United States of America 50952 Ram Technologies L United States of America 50953 Fromm Services L United States of America 50956 Pioneer Telephone L United States of America 50960 Business Service Center L US,Canada and Others 50962 Blossom Telephone L United States of America 50964 Siren Telephone L United States of America 50970 Rice Belt Telephone L United States of America 50972 Yelcot Telephone L United States of America 50978 United Utilities L United States of America 50979 Bettles Telephone L United States of America 50980 Porta-Phone Div Of John H. Phipps L United States of America 50982 Calaveras Telephone L United States of America 50983 Geckotech L US,Canada and Others 50985 Abc Paging City Beepers L United States of America 50987 C-M-L Telephone Association L United States of America 50988 Haxtun Telephone L United States of America 50989 Direct2Internet Corp. L US,Canada and Others 50991 Bakers Electronics & Communications L United States of America 50993 Montezuma Mutual Telephone L US,Canada and Others 50997 Stratford Mutual Telephone L United States of America 50998 Casey Mutual Telephone L United States of America 51001 Air Free Paging L US,Canada and Others 51003 Coeur D Alene Answering Service L US,Canada and Others 51006 Webb-Dickens Telephone L United States of America 51007 Superior Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 51009 Barker Communications L United States of America 51011 New Windsor Telephone Co L United States of America 51014 Foothills Rural Telephone Cooperative Corp. L United States of America 51015 Westar Communications L United States of America 51016 Wood Communications dba Cellpage L United States of America 51018 Bloomingdale Telephone Company L United States of America 51019 Multiple OCN Listing L United States of America 51021 Wikstrom Telephone L United States of America 51023 Prism L United States of America 51024 Range Telecommunications L United States of America 51025 Mpf dba Future Comm L US,Canada and Others 51026 Choctaw Telephone Company L United States of America 51027 Arrowhead Communications Corporation L United States of America 51028 Wireless North L US,Canada and Others 51030 Woodstock Telephone L United States of America 51031 Oregon Farmers Mutual Telephone L United States of America 51032 Christensen Communications Company L United States of America 51033 Bruce Telephone Company L United States of America 51034 Superior Communications Technology Corp. L United States of America 51035 Hot Springs Telephone L United States of America 51036 Sodtown Telephone L United States of America 51038 Absaraka Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 51041 Fishers Island Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 51043 Citizens Tel Co of Hammond L United States of America 51044 Pine Telephone System L United States of America 51047 Beggs Telephone L United States of America 51048 Memphis Smr Lp dba Comserv L US,Canada and Others 51049 Comm. Depot L US,Canada and Others 51050 Bledsoe Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 51056 Aaa Communications Ltd L United States of America 51057 Digicomm Communications L United States of America 51058 Brdgwater-Canistota Independent Telephone L US,Canada and Others 51060 Aeneas Communications L United States of America 51061 Dallas Nextfone Systems L United States of America 51066 Buggs Island Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 51067 Great West Services L United States of America 51073 Chugwater Telephone L United States of America 51074 Paging USA South L United States of America 51090 ATX Telecom L United States of America 51132 MetTel L United States of America 51141 Columbia Telecom dba Axessa L United States of America 51174 Cost Plus Communications L United States of America 51201 Time Warner Communications L United States of America 51211 Ridgeville Telephone Company L United States of America 51231 Iag L US,Canada and Others 51234 Neutral Tandem L US,Canada and Others 51244 Armstrong Telecommunications L United States of America 51245 Embarq Communications L United States of America 51359 Spotlight Media L United States of America 51369 MountaiNet Telephone Company L United States of America 51390 Delta Communications L United States of America 51441 Trinsic Communications L United States of America 51456 Long Ln Siouxland L United States of America 51464 Callis Communications L United States of America 51484 XO Communications L United States of America 51486 US LEC L United States of America 51508 Knology L United States of America 51518 Integra Telecom L United States of America 51551 Comcast L United States of America 51555 Infinite Communication L United States of America 51564 Wide Voice L United States of America 51589 Level3 L US,Canada and Others 51600 VDL dba Global Telecom Brokers L United States of America 51614 Eastern Sub-Rsa L US,Canada and Others 51633 Connecticut Telephone & Communication Systems L US,Canada and Others 51650 Baldwin County Internet Services L US,Canada and Others 51705 Coretel L United States of America 51708 CommPartners L United States of America 51755 Windstream L United States of America 51787 United Communications dba Unicom L United States of America 51806 Cbeyond Communications L United States of America 51833 American Broadband & Telecom L United States of America 51846 Bresnan Communications L US,Canada and Others 51851 Peerless Network L United States of America 51867 Warid Congo SA M Congo-Brazzaville 51868 Orange Bissau M Guinea-Bissau 51870 2Day Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 51872 CMPAK (Zong) M Pakistan 51873 SCOM M Pakistan 51875 Bharti Airtel Lanka (Pvt) Ltd M Sri Lanka 51876 Ministry of Communications L Kuwait 51877 Orange Maroc (Medi Telecom) M Morocco 51878 Wana (Maroc Connect) M Morocco 51879 VSAT Divona L Algeria 51880 Areeba (MTN) M Guinea 51881 Cellcom M Guinea 51882 Atlantique Cellulaire (MOOV) M Cote dIvoire 51883 Oricel Cote dIvoire M Cote dIvoire 51884 Comium Ivory Coast Inc (KoZ) M Cote dIvoire 51886 Glo Ghana (Globalcom) M Ghana 51889 New Artel L Rwanda 51891 Access Com-munications Ltd (ACL) L Malawi 51892 Globally Advanced Integrated Networks Ltd L Malawi 51894 MIO L Aruba 51896 ALBtelecom Sh.a.(M) (Eagle Mobile) M Albania 51897 Melita M Malta 51898 T-2 M Slovenia 51900 Comunicaciones Celulares (COMCEL) (Tigo) M Guatemala 51903 Telecel / Tigo M Paraguay 51904 Claro M Paraguay 51905 America Movil Wireless Uruguay S.A. M Uruguay 51908 Digicel M Fiji 51909 EVN L Viet Nam 51910 Vietnam Multimedia Corporation (VTC) L Viet Nam 51911 Jasper Wireless L International Networks 51912 Jersey Telecom M International Networks 51915 Vodaphone Malta M International Networks 51916 Oy Cubio Communications L International Networks 51917 Seanet Maritime Communicaations L International Networks 51918 Mobitel (Pvt) Limited M Sri Lanka 51919 Suntel Ltd. L Sri Lanka 51920 Lanka Bell (Pvt) Ltd. L Sri Lanka 51921 Dialog Broadband (Pvt) Ltd. (CDMA) L Sri Lanka 51922 Kuwait Telecom Company M Kuwait 51924 Y - Telecom M Yemen 51925 Beeline M Georgia 51929 Ambitel L Sierra Leone 51930 Multi-links Telecommunications Ltd M Nigeria 51935 Telkom Kenya Ltd (Orange) M Kenya 51936 Teleena Holding M Netherlands 51937 Vectone Mobile (Mundio) M Netherlands 51938 Blyk M Netherlands 51939 Vodafone (Ono) M Spain 51940 BT Espana M Spain 51941 Orange Espana (JAZZ TELECOM) M Spain 51942 Simyo M Spain 51943 Telecable De Asturias M Spain 51945 Operadora De Telecomunicaciones Opera M Spain 51946 Ar Telecom - Acessos E Redes De TeleComunicaciones L Portugal 51947 MTEL M Montenegro 51948 Broadband Montenegro L Montenegro 51949 VoIP Telekom L Montenegro 51950 Dimal Telcom L Montenegro 51951 PTT Inzenjering L Montenegro 51952 IT Tel L Slovenia 51959 First Mobile M Liechtenstein 51960 Coast Media Gmbh L Liechtenstein 51964 ETAPA L Ecuador 51965 Movistar (Otecel) M Ecuador 51967 PCCW HKT M Hong Kong 51969 China Mobile Hong Kong Co M Hong Kong 51970 Reliance Telecom Pvt Ltd M India 51971 Telenor Unitech Ltd (Uninor) L India 51972 Videocon Telecom M India 51973 S. Tel Ltd. M India 51974 Sistema Shyam TeleServices (MTS) M India 51975 Spice Mobility - IDEA L India 51976 SWAN Etisalat Ltd L India 51977 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) (CDMA) L India 51978 Reliance Telecom Pvt Ltd (CDMA) L India 51979 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) M India 51980 Mena Telecom L Bahrain 51981 ETISALCOM Telecom L Bahrain 51982 Rawabi (NGNS) L Bahrain 51983 Elephant Talk L Bahrain 51985 Neutel / AMWAJ Telecom L Bahrain 51986 Kalaam Telecom L Bahrain 51987 2Connect L Bahrain 51988 Lightspeed L Bahrain 51989 Telecomm Technology Ltd L Tajikistan 51990 Aquafon M Georgia 51991 Nur Telecom M Kyrgyz Republic 51994 INVIVENT L Central African Republic 51995 Orange Business Netherlands L Netherlands 51996 CAIW Diensten L Netherlands 51997 Unet L Netherlands 51999 Infopact Netwerkdiensten L Netherlands 52002 BT Nederland L Netherlands 52003 Dean One B.V.(OneXS) L Netherlands 52007 Ziggo (UPC Nederland) M Netherlands 52008 12Connect L Netherlands 52010 Voiperator L Netherlands 52011 XS4all Internet L Netherlands 52015 ProRail M Netherlands 52024 Telefonica De Espana L Spain 52025 Grupalia Internet L Spain 52026 Colt Telecom Espana L Spain 52028 Hola Phone Iberica De Telecomunicaciones L Spain 52029 Least Cost Routing Telecom M Spain 52030 Voxbone S.A. L Spain 52031 Iberbanda L Spain 52032 Catalana De Telecomunicacions L Spain 52033 Verizon Spain L Spain 52034 Azultel Espana L Spain 52035 Telecom Solutions L Spain 52036 Comunitel Global L Spain 52037 Catalana De Telec. Societat Oper. De Xarxes L Spain 52038 Tele2 Telecommunication Services L Spain 52039 Adamo Telecom Iberia S.A. L Spain 52040 Telefonica moviles espana (movistar) M Spain 52044 Mega M M Slovenia 52048 Subhan Universal L United Kingdom 52049 Esendex L United Kingdom 52050 Tismi BV M United Kingdom 52051 Coralbridge L United Kingdom 52052 D2See L United Kingdom 52053 Invomo L United Kingdom 52054 Stour Marine M United Kingdom 52056 Guernsey Airtel M United Kingdom 52058 Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala (Claro) (Sercom) M Guatemala 52059 Tecnologia Telecomunicaciones e Informatica L Guatemala 52060 Empresa Guatemalteca de Telecomunicaciones L Guatemala 52061 BNA L Guatemala 52062 Telefonos del Norte L Guatemala 52063 Cablenet L Guatemala 52064 Cybernet de Centroamerica L Guatemala 52066 Convergia de Guatemala L Guatemala 52067 Universal de Telecomunicaciones (Unitel) M Guatemala 52068 Optel (T.T. A. S. A.) L Guatemala 52069 AT&T L Guatemala 52070 Desarrollo Integral L Guatemala 52071 HBC de Guatemala L Guatemala 52072 Hydrowest de Guatemala L Guatemala 52074 A-Tel Communications L Guatemala 52076 Teledirect L Haiti 52077 Karitel L Haiti 52079 WOM S.A (Nextel CHILE) M Chile 52080 Santa Barbara Utilities L Netherlands Antilles 52082 New World Telecommunications L Hong Kong 52083 Hutchison Global Communications L Hong Kong 52084 Wharf T&T L Hong Kong 52086 PowerTech Worldcom L Hong Kong 52087 L Hong Kong 52090 VOXBONE L Hong Kong 52091 Metrobeam Wireless Telecommunications L Jordan 52092 Al-Nakheel (Omnnea) M Iraq 52093 IraqCell M Iraq 52094 Al-Mazaya M Iraq 52095 Sader Al-Iraq M Iraq 52096 Emaar Al-Basrah M Iraq 52097 Anwar Yagoot Al Khaleej M Iraq 52098 Furatfone M Iraq 52099 Al-Seraj M Iraq 52100 High Link M Iraq 52101 Al-Shams M Iraq 52102 Belad Babel M Iraq 52103 ITPC M Iraq 52104 Shally M Iraq 52105 Kalimat M Iraq 52106 Iraq Central Cooperative Association for Communication and Transportation M Iraq 52107 ITC Fanoos M Iraq 52108 IraqTel M Iraq 52109 VSAT Algerie Telecom L Algeria 52110 VSAT Orascom Telecom Algerie L Algeria 52112 EM Communications Ltd L Kenya 52113 Bell Western L Kenya 52114 Virtual Business Network Services VBNS L Botswana 52115 AfriTel L Botswana 52116 Global Broadband Solutions L Botswana 52117 Business Solutions Consultants L Botswana 52118 Fourth Dimension L Botswana 52119 OPQ Net L Botswana 52120 Mega Internet L Botswana 52121 I 4 IP L Netherlands 52162 Quantum Telecom L Spain 52163 Hispatelecom L Spain 52164 Contacta Servicios Avanzados M Spain 52165 Alta Tecnologia En Comunicaciones L Spain 52167 Metrored L Spain 52168 Elephant Talk Communications L Spain 52169 Germany Telecom Espana L Spain 52170 Ingenieria De Telecomunicaciones De Murcia L Spain 52171 Voztelecom Sistemas M Spain 52174 Talking IP Management & Consulting L Spain 52175 Benningen Enterprise L Spain 52176 Lexatel Technologies L Spain 52177 Telcom Business Solutions L Spain 52178 Norfonia Comunicaciones L Spain 52179 Clearwire Espana L Spain 52180 TENARIA L Spain 52182 NOWO Communications (Cabovisao) M Portugal 52183 COLT Technology Services L Portugal 52185 TRANSIT TELECOM SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL L Portugal 52186 EPORTEL - PRESTACAO DE SERVICOS EM TELEComunicacoes L Portugal 52187 VOXBONE L Portugal 52188 G9SA - TELECOMUNICACOES M Portugal 52191 CTT CORREIOS DE PORTUGAL M Portugal 52194 ION Network Solutions L Luxembourg 52900 ONITELECOM - INFOCOMUNICACOES M Portugal 52905 Compania De Telefonos Del Plata L Argentina 52907 COOPERATIVA AGRIOLA GANADERA DE CANADA DE UCLE L Argentina 52909 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD Y DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE ORD L Argentina 52910 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES DE VINA L Argentina 52911 IT-Technology Gesellschaft (Industrial Electronic and information technology) L Austria 52912 COMPANIA DE RADIOCOMUNICACIONE M Argentina 52914 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicio Electrico Y Telefonico De Canada Rica L Argentina 52915 Cooperativa, Credito Y Vivienda De San Cayetano (Cuit 30-54567881-7) L Argentina 52917 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE PORTENA L Argentina 52918 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS CANADA SECA L Argentina 52919 COOPERATIVA INTEGRAL DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE OHIGGINS L Argentina 52920 Cooperativa Telefonica Y Otros Servicios De Santa Clara Del Mar Cootelser - (Cu L Argentina 52921 COOPERATIVA USINA ELECTRICA POPULAR LA NINA L Argentina 52923 MUNICIPALIDAD DE MALAGUENO L Argentina 52924 Sistema MAS Cooperativa De Servicios Para La Salud TeleComunicaciones Viviendas L Argentina 52926 Alands Telefonandelslag L Finland 52927 Brutale L Belgium 52930 Magic Fil Telecom L Switzerland 52931 Switzernet L Switzerland 52932 Telesonique SA L Switzerland 52933 Cote d Ivoire Telecom L Cote dIvoire 52936 Amazonia Celular M Brazil 52938 TELEFONICA DEL SUR L Chile 52939 Telefonica Movistar Chile M Chile 52940 Sait-Telecom (Oasis) M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 52942 Wasser- und Elektrizitatswerk Buchs L Switzerland 52943 GoTel L Germany 52945 Tripplephone A/S M Denmark 52946 Evatis M Djibouti 52947 Consortium Algerien de Telecommunications (CAT / Lacom) L Algeria 52948 Xtra Telecom M Spain 52949 Hostbin L Spain 52950 Cablesur Comunicaciones L Spain 52951 Neo-Sky 2002 M Spain 52954 Gemytel Servicios Interactivos L Spain 52955 Sarenet M Spain 52956 Finarea L Spain 52957 Idecnet L Spain 52958 Capcom International L Spain 52959 Globalcom Telecomunicaciones L Spain 52960 DUOCOM EUROPE L Spain 52961 Lleida Networks Serveis Telematics M Spain 52962 Convergia Espana L Spain 52964 Peopletel L Spain 52965 World Premium Rates L Spain 52967 Redes Y Servicios Liberalizados L Spain 52969 OU Eleks Telefon L Estonia 52970 Procono L Spain 52971 OU Levicom Broadband L Estonia 52972 OU Top Connect L Estonia 52975 OU Via Tel L Estonia 52976 Televorgu L Estonia 52978 Harkatien Puhelin L Finland 52979 Ikaalisten-Parkanon Puhelin Osakeyhtio L Finland 52980 Pohjois-Hameen Puhelin L Finland 52981 Etela-Satakunnan Puhelin L Finland 52982 Keikyan Puhelin L Finland 52984 Alajarven Puhelinosuuskunta L Finland 52987 Viestintavirasto L Finland 52990 AUCHAN TELECOM M France 52991 Dauphin Telecom M Guadeloupe 52992 OTE M Greece 52993 INVITEL L Hungary 52994 Magyar Telekom M Hungary 52995 GTS Hungary L Hungary 53000 UPC Magyarorszag M Hungary 53002 BT Limited Magyarorszagi Fioktelepe L Hungary 53004 TvNetWork L Hungary 53007 CSL M Hong Kong 53009 Guineatel M Guinea-Bissau 53010 SmarTone Communications L Hong Kong 53016 Itisaluna M Iraq 53019 AB Lietuvos gelezinkeliai L Lithuania 53021 GULFSAT Telephonie L Madagascar 53025 Entreprise dEtat des Postes et Telecommunications Lao (ETL) M Laos 53092 Claranet Benelux L Netherlands 53102 NTE Bredband L Norway 53103 Fonis L New Caledonia 53137 Pt - Comunicaciones L Portugal 53138 Pt Prime - Soluciones Empresariais De TeleComunicaciones E Sistemas L Portugal 53141 RADIOMOVEL - TELECOMUNICACOES L Portugal 53142 Babilon Telecom L Tajikistan 53143 IP Telecom - Servicos de Telecomunicacoes, S.A. (REFER TELECOM) M Portugal 53147 France Telecom L Reunion 53192 Office des Postes et Telecommunications L French Polynesia 53193 Sotel Tchad M Chad 53195 Amis L Slovenia 53200 Posta dhe Telekomi i Kosoves (PTK) L Serbia 53208 Inter, Corporation Telemic L Venezuela 53213 Digicel M Vanuatu 53214 Yemen Mobile M Yemen 53262 Colt Telecom L Sweden 53264 Bahnhof AB M Sweden 53267 B2 Bredband L Sweden 53270 Bredband 2 L Sweden 53271 Phonzo L Sweden 53273 Voxcall L Sweden 53278 Perfect Communication L Sweden 53279 TDC Sverige M Sweden 53280 Telavox AB M Sweden 53284 Verizon Sweden L Sweden 53285 IP-Only Telecommunication L Sweden 53292 DGC Communications M Sweden 53293 Dataphone Scandinavia L Sweden 53295 PHONERA MANAGED SERV L Sweden 53301 Net At Once Sweden M Sweden 53816 42 Telecom AB M Sweden 53820 Easypark L Sweden 53822 LNS Kommunikation L Sweden 53824 Uno Trafik AB (Streamtel) L Sweden 53825 Woize L Sweden 53826 Zapcell Telecom L Sweden 53828 Borderlight M Sweden 53829 CONSORTE SVERIGE AB (Intelecom Group) L Sweden 53830 Lidén Data Internetwork L Sweden 53832 Perspektiv Bredband L Sweden 53833 Holmfors Network L Sweden 53836 Seanet Maritime Comm L Sweden 53837 PIN Sweden L Sweden 53838 QuickNet L Sweden 53841 Telepronto Sweden L Sweden 53844 360 Holding L Sweden 53845 NETETT SVERIGE AB (AINMT Sverige) M Sweden 53846 Axfone L Sweden 53848 Carrot Communications L Sweden 53849 Balder Tech L Sweden 53850 Epicom L Sweden 53851 Kramfors Mediateknik L Sweden 53852 Intraphone L Sweden 53853 Ready For The Future L Sweden 53855 Telecom3 Networks L Sweden 53856 Viatel Sweden L Sweden 53859 Transaction Network L Sweden 53863 Serverhallen i Norde L Sweden 53865 Rebtel Networks M Sweden 53866 Teledigit Scand M Sweden 53869 Trepe L Sweden 53874 Generic Mobil Systems M Sweden 53875 Daylight Systems L Sweden 53876 Glooip Sarl L Sweden 53881 Bredbandstelefoni L Sweden 53882 CELLIP AB M Sweden 53884 Forest Star L Sweden 53885 Jajah Technologies L Sweden 53890 Teliofoni AB L Sweden 53891 Unicorn Telecom L Sweden 53892 Affinity Telecom L Sweden 53894 Com Hem L Sweden 53898 Phonera Foretag M Sweden 53899 IBSC L Sweden 53901 Interoute Sweden L Sweden 53903 Real Smart Comm L Sweden 53904 Redphone M Sweden 53905 Suptertel Sverige L Sweden 53906 Svensk Vaxeltjanstab L Sweden 53910 EQUANT SWEDEN AB (Orange Sweden) L Sweden 53918 Teru L Sweden 53927 Com4 AS M Norway 53929 InteleSMS L Norway 53930 Finarea L Norway 53931 Fonia AS L Norway 53932 Erate Norway AS (Hello Norway) M Norway 53933 Puzzel AS (Intelecom Group) L Norway 53934 Intelligent Telecom Services L Norway 53935 Lebara L Norway 53937 Orange Business Norway L Norway 53938 Spartacus Forvaltning L Norway 53939 Telipol M Norway 53940 Vitel Tele AS L Norway 53941 Vizada L Norway 53942 3G MOBILE AG M Switzerland 53943 Ameex SA L Switzerland 53950 Assolo Networks SA L Switzerland 53952 BeeOne Communications M Switzerland 53954 CATV Satellitentechnik AG L Switzerland 54002 World Online SA L Switzerland 54003 Vocalis Telekom-Dienste GmbH L Switzerland 54005 T-Systems MultiLink SA L Switzerland 54006 TelCommunication Services M Switzerland 54007 Telebroke AG L Switzerland 54008 Telecom Liechtenstein L Switzerland 54009 Ventelo (Switzerland) SA L Switzerland 54013 Elephant Talk Communication L Switzerland 54014 Farcom GmbH L Switzerland 54017 INTEROUTE SA L Switzerland 54018 Intarnet Sarl L Switzerland 54024 Mobile Telecom GmbH L Switzerland 54029 Orange Business Switzerland AG L Switzerland 54032 RKO Signal AG L Switzerland 54033 FOXFON AG in Liquidation L Switzerland 54036 Sunrise Communications M Switzerland 54037 SwissOnline AG L Switzerland 54038 Swissphone Wireless AG L Switzerland 54039 Ciao Telecom ICS L Switzerland 54040 HORISEN Communications GmbH L Switzerland 54041 ACW Network Products & Services GmbH L Austria 54044 Aicall L Austria 54046 Burgenland Telekom GmbH L Austria 54047 Andrea Seregelyes - CC Communications L Austria 54048 COMPETENCE.COM Software & Systeme GmbH L Austria 54049 Dienste GmbH L Austria 54051 ECS Rockenschaub GmbH L Austria 54052 ELEKTROHAUS Gabriel Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. K.G. L Austria 54053 Empirion Telekommunikations Services GmbH L Austria 54055 Four Telecom Services Gmbh & Co KG L Austria 54056 Holding Graz Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH L Austria 54058 HEDAB Verwaltungsges.m.b.H. L Austria 54059 HostProfis ISP Telekom GmbH L Austria 54061 Innosoft Theresia Hirschbichler KG L Austria 54063 KAPPER NETWORK-COMMUNICATIONS GmbH L Austria 54064 KRAFTCOM L Austria 54065 KT-NET Communications GmbH L Austria 54066 Kabel Braunau GmbH L Austria 54067 Kabel-TV Amstetten GmbH L Austria 54068 Lenzeder Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co KG L Austria 54069 LinzNet Internet Service Provider GmbH L Austria 54070 MakeNewMedia Communications GmbH L Austria 54072 Mmc Kommunikationstechnologie GmbH L Austria 54073 NETPLANET GmbH L Austria 54074 NeoTel Telefonservice GmbH & Co KG L Austria 54075 Orange Business Austria GmbH L Austria 54076 Peter Rauter GmbH L Austria 54077 L Austria 54078 RKM Regional Kabel-TV Moelltal und Telekommunikation GmbH L Austria 54079 RSD - Rapid Solution Development L Austria 54080 Red Telecom AG L Austria 54082 SIPit Kommunikationsmanagement GmbH L Austria 54083 SPEEDNIC S.R.L. L Austria 54084 SZ Handels GmbH L Austria 54085 Salzburg AG fur Energie Verkehr und Telekommunikation M Austria 54086 Schuster & Kyba GmbH L Austria 54088 Solutions EDV GmbH L Austria 54089 Stadtwerke Hall in Tirol GmbH L Austria 54090 Stadtwerke Kapfenberg GmbH L Austria 54091 Steyrtalnet - Dieter Lechner L Austria 54094 Tele Schogler L Austria 54095 TeleTronic Telekommunikations Service GmbH L Austria 54096 Thaller - Wagner OG L Austria 54097 Liberty Global L Austria 54098 VOIP Connector GmbH & CO KG L Austria 54099 Verizon Austria GmbH L Austria 54100 Video-Broadcast GmbH L Austria 54101 SCOM GmbH L Austria 54102 WNT Telecommunication GmbH L Austria 54103 WVNET information und Kommunikation GmbH L Austria 54104 Zelos GmbH L Austria 54105 BK-DAT Electronics e.U. L Austria 54106 call2world GmbH L Austria 54107 fairytel communications L Austria 54109 hocnet L Austria 54110 I 3 B Internetbreitbandbetriebs GmbH L Austria 54111 iPOINT.CC - Internet & Telecommunication L Austria 54112 iPlace - Internet & Network Services GmbH L Austria 54113 ikotec HandelsgmbH L Austria 54114 internic Datenkommunikations L Austria 54115 itex it-service GmbH L Austria 54116 L Austria 54118 Johann Franz Taschler EDV System L Austria 54119 smarTel Telecom - Christoph Stadlmann L Austria 54120 xpirio Telekommunikation & Service GmbH L Austria 54127 ADMINTEL SERVICIOS Y TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 54128 Air Ebites L Spain 54130 Aire Networks Del Mediterraneo M Spain 54134 Alta Resolucion en Comunicaciones L Spain 54139 AMERICATEL COMMUNICATIONS L Spain 54140 AMIGALIA 2005 L Spain 54143 AMUNDO L Spain 54153 Axarquia Telecom L Spain 54163 Calling Card Company Spain L Spain 54164 Calling Card Corporation L Spain 54165 Calling Card Systems L Spain 54171 Codisetel Operador Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54173 Consertel Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54177 Cridetor L Spain 54179 Dayora Easy Telecom Europe L Spain 54180 Delicom L Spain 54181 Der Magier L Spain 54182 Deutsche Telefon-Gesellschaft L Spain 54185 DIGAME SERVICOM L Spain 54186 Dimension Virtual L Spain 54189 Distribuidora De Telecomunicaciones Avantcard Iberica L Spain 54194 EG Telecom L Spain 54195 Elette Servicios Television L Spain 54196 Elotek Telecom L Spain 54199 European Telecom Tecnologies L Spain 54201 Flash Media Europa L Spain 54209 Globalcom Canarias Zec L Spain 54211 Green Servicios 2007 L Spain 54212 Grupo Itouch Movilisto Espana L Spain 54213 Grupo Opal Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54215 HABLA CLARO L Spain 54216 I.T.C. Comunicaciones L Spain 54228 Interactive Communications Europe L Spain 54229 Interchat L Spain 54234 Jacomo & Logist L Spain 54240 K.N.M. MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS L Spain 54241 KNET Comunicaciones L Spain 54245 Lineas De Red Inteligente L Spain 54247 Masvoz Telecomunicaciones Interactivas L Spain 54249 MD Telepromociones L Spain 54253 Modii Comunicaciones L Spain 54255 More Time L Spain 54257 Mtouch Spain L Spain 54260 INFOEMPRESA EUROPA L Spain 54261 Mundophone Spain International Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54263 Nalan Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54265 Nearly L Spain 54266 Neotel 2000 L Spain 54267 NET REAL SOLUTIONS, S.L. L Spain 54269 Next Touch Telecom L Spain 54271 Noutel Sistemas L Spain 54272 Numintec Comunicaciones L Spain 54273 Nvia Gestion De Datos L Spain 54276 Olmo Comunicaciones L Spain 54278 Opertelecom L Spain 54279 Optical Communications Spain L Spain 54280 Orange Catalunya Xarxes De Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54283 OVH Hispano L Spain 54284 Pasaporte Telecom L Spain 54291 Quality Telecom L Spain 54296 Sagitel Telecom L Spain 54301 Servicios Telefonicos De Audiotex L Spain 54303 Sinergyne Global Communications L Spain 54304 Sistemas Editoriales E Informativos L Spain 54308 Speech Works Espana L Spain 54321 Telecombe L Spain 54322 Telecomunicaciones Mediterranea Baix Camp L Spain 54323 Telefonia Infogus L Spain 54331 THE PHONE HOUSE SPAIN M Spain 54332 Timanfaya Telecom L Spain 54333 Traffice Administration L Spain 54335 TU Tarjeta Communicate L Spain 54337 Unitel Telecomunicaciones L Spain 54340 URBICOM SERVICIOS Y TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 54341 VALDENARRO TELECOM L Spain 54344 VETE COMUNICACIONES L Spain 54346 VIAJES BOLERO L Spain 54347 VIDESH SANCHAR NIGAM SPAIN L Spain 54350 Withdraw 2000 L Spain 54351 Xalitelecom Phone Card L Spain 54352 ZED IBERIA L Spain 54361 Bestcable L Mexico 54362 Bestphone L Mexico 54363 Cable Net International L Mexico 54364 Cable Y Comunicacion De Campeche S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54365 Cablemas Telecomunicaciones L Mexico 54366 Cablevision De Saltillo L Mexico 54367 Cablevision Red L Mexico 54368 Cablevision L Mexico 54369 Convergia De Mexico L Mexico 54370 Corporacion De Telecomunicaciones Regionales S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54371 G-Tel Comunicacion L Mexico 54372 Grupo Cable TV De San Luis Potosi S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54373 Grupo De Telecomunicaciones Mexicanas S.A DE C.V M Mexico 54374 Internet Por Fibra L Mexico 54375 IP Matrix L Mexico 54376 Iusatel M Mexico 54377 Logica Industrial L Mexico 54378 Marcatel Com L Mexico 54379 Movitel Del Noroeste M Mexico 54381 Operadoras De Sistemas De Television Por Cable S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54382 Servicios De Accesso Inalambricos S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54383 Sistemas Interactivos De TelecmunicacionS.A DE C.V L Mexico 54384 Startel L Mexico 54385 Tele Azteca L Mexico 54386 Tele Cable De Cuidad Del Carmen S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54387 Tele Cable Del Estado De Mexico S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54388 Television Del Norte De Coahuila S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54389 Television Internacional L Mexico 54390 Television Por Cable De Tabasco S.A DE C.V L Mexico 54391 Tlaxcable L Mexico 54392 TV Cable De Leon L Mexico 54393 TVI Nacional L Mexico 54394 VDT Comunicaciones L Mexico 54395 VPN De Mexico L Mexico 54438 Irish Mobile MVNO Services Ltd L Ireland 56000 AHHAAA L Sweden 56001 Aspiro Inpoc L Sweden 56002 Banverket ICT M Sweden 56003 Bisnode L Sweden 56004 Conduit Enterprises L Sweden 56005 Devicom M Sweden 56006 Djuice Mobile Sweden M Sweden 56007 Eniro118118 L Sweden 56008 Finn Mobil L Sweden 56009 Hittapunktse L Sweden 56010 iMEZ M Sweden 56011 Nummerupplysn 218 L Sweden 56013 ONE TO ONE L Sweden 56014 Alltele Privat AB/ Alltele LDA (Bixia) M Sweden 56015 Riksforbundet Bris L Sweden 56016 Rikspolisstyrelsen L Sweden 56017 Spindeln i Natet L Sweden 56018 STM Trading SW L Sweden 56019 Svenska Kyrkan/Jourt L Sweden 56020 118 700 SMS Webb Telefon (SWEMEDIA AB) L Sweden 56021 Teleinfo L Sweden 56022 Vokby Bredband L Sweden 56024 Bluegrass Cellular M United States of America 56026 Bell Mobility M Canada 56032 118 218 LE NUMERO L France 56033 Afone participations (AFON) M France 56034 AT&T GLOBALSTAR EUROPE SARLal network services France SAS L France 56035 ATOS WORDLINE L France 56037 AVM Informatique L France 56038 AXIALYS L France 56039 BD MULTIMEDIA L France 56045 E*MESSAGE WIRELESS INFORMATION SERVICES FRANCE M France 56046 EASYNET L France 56048 Index Multimedia L France 56049 INFOSAT ICPS L France 56052 Marketing Telephonique Europeen L France 56053 Neocom Multimedia L France 56054 NEWTECH INTERACTIVE L France 56055 Nordnet L France 56056 ONE TEL L France 56057 Pictures On Line L France 56058 PRECEPTEL L France 56060 Techno Finance L France 56061 TELEGATE 118000 L France 56062 Telemedia L France 56066 Transmission L France 56067 WAVECREST COMMUNICATIONS France L France 56069 Y-Nover Telecom L France 56070 Voxbone L International Networks 56072 LCW Wireless License M US,Canada and Others 56073 eGIX Network Services L United States of America 56074 Ctsi L US,Canada and Others 56075 Iowa RSA #12 M US,Canada and Others 56076 Megagate Broadband L US,Canada and Others 56077 Mid-Rivers Cooperative L United States of America 56078 Cleveland Unlimited M United States of America 56079 Peoples Wireless M US,Canada and Others 56080 PrimeTel Communications L United States of America 56081 Ramcell of Kentucky L US,Canada and Others 56082 Ramcell of North Carolina L US,Canada and Others 56083 Ramcell of Oregon L US,Canada and Others 56084 Red-ban Communications L United States of America 56085 09 Mobile L United Kingdom 56086 0Bit L United Kingdom 56087 2 Ergo L United Kingdom 56088 2PM Technologies L United Kingdom 56089 Alliance Technologies M United Kingdom 56090 Alphatalk L United Kingdom 56091 AlwaysOn L United Kingdom 56092 APM Internet L United Kingdom 56093 Asergis L United Kingdom 56094 Assume Nothing L United Kingdom 56095 Awayphone L United Kingdom 56096 B4U Telecom L United Kingdom 56097 Bibliotech L United Kingdom 56098 Bicom Systems EURL L United Kingdom 56099 Blue Sky UK L United Kingdom 56100 Bluecom (UK) L United Kingdom 56101 Bridgemill L United Kingdom 56102 BWR International L United Kingdom 56105 CFL Communications L United Kingdom 56106 Tabsoft Limited L United Kingdom 56107 Cobalt Telephone Technologies L United Kingdom 56108 Com Management L United Kingdom 56110 Subtopia (Concept Coders) L United Kingdom 56111 Confabulate M United Kingdom 56112 Connexon Telecom L United Kingdom 56113 Content Guru L United Kingdom 56114 Core Telecommunications International (Ireland) L United Kingdom 56115 Cream Telecom L United Kingdom 56116 Dark Group L United Kingdom 56117 Digitech Solutions Global L United Kingdom 56118 Direct2Internet L United Kingdom 56119 Eclipse Tel L United Kingdom 56121 Edge Telecom L United Kingdom 56122 ETC Telecom L United Kingdom 56125 Exa Networks L United Kingdom 56126 Floren L United Kingdom 56127 Voiceflex Limited (Frontier Systems) L United Kingdom 56128 Fubra L United Kingdom 56129 Funview L United Kingdom 56130 Fused Networks L United Kingdom 56131 Future Numbers L United Kingdom 56133 Global 1 L United Kingdom 56134 Globalcharge L United Kingdom 56135 Globecom International L United Kingdom 56137 Gold Telecom L United Kingdom 56138 Hello Telecom (UK) L United Kingdom 56139 Host Regus L United Kingdom 56140 I Communicate Services L United Kingdom 56141 iBasis Europe L United Kingdom 56142 iCard European Telecommunications (Ireland) L United Kingdom 56143 ICC Networks L United Kingdom 56144 IM Software L United Kingdom 56145 i-Net Communications Group L United Kingdom 56146 INET Telecoms (Voipfone) L United Kingdom 56147 Instafone L United Kingdom 56148 Instant Communication L United Kingdom 56149 InTechnology L United Kingdom 56150 INUK Networks L United Kingdom 56151 Invest UK L United Kingdom 56152 IP Phone Solutions L United Kingdom 56153 IPV6 L United Kingdom 56154 KCOM Group L United Kingdom 56155 Relish Networks (Keycom) L United Kingdom 56156 Served Up Limited (Known Future) L United Kingdom 56157 LegendTel M United Kingdom 56158 Liquid 11 L United Kingdom 56159 Localphone L United Kingdom 56161 Lumison L United Kingdom 56162 Magnetic North Software L United Kingdom 56163 Malvern Ventures L United Kingdom 56164 Midi & Minerva Trading Company L United Kingdom 56165 Moonshado M United Kingdom 56167 Need More Time L United Kingdom 56168 Net 366.Com L United Kingdom 56169 Netsmart L United Kingdom 56170 Net-Work Internet L United Kingdom 56171 Next Telecommunications L United Kingdom 56172 Nova Telecom L United Kingdom 56173 n-Tel Communications L United Kingdom 56174 OciusB2 L United Kingdom 56175 BT OnePhone Limited M United Kingdom 56176 Opex Hosting L United Kingdom 56177 Orbis Telecom L United Kingdom 56178 Ossian Telecom L United Kingdom 56179 OVH L United Kingdom 56180 Oxygen8 Communications UK M United Kingdom 56182 Planet Numbers L United Kingdom 56183 Proton Telecom L United Kingdom 56185 0800 Numbers Limited L United Kingdom 56186 Resilient Plc M United Kingdom 56187 Retail Technology Services L United Kingdom 56188 Rojo Trading L United Kingdom 56189 Rutland Telecom L United Kingdom 56190 Saicom L United Kingdom 56191 Seven Home and Away L United Kingdom 56192 Sigma Voice Solutions L United Kingdom 56193 Sleek Networks L United Kingdom 56194 Smartcall International (UK) L United Kingdom 56195 Solutios L United Kingdom 56196 Sound Advertising M United Kingdom 56197 Square 1 Communications L United Kingdom 56198 Star Europe L United Kingdom 56199 STEL Communications L United Kingdom 56201 Telappliant L United Kingdom 56202 Telconline L United Kingdom 56203 Telecom Essex L United Kingdom 56204 Tele-Lynx (UK) L United Kingdom 56205 Teleport Networks L United Kingdom 56206 Telinet Solutions L United Kingdom 56207 Telswitch L United Kingdom 56208 Unitel Global Communications L United Kingdom 56209 Unity Broadband L United Kingdom 56210 VERITALK L United Kingdom 56211 Verizon UK L United Kingdom 56212 Via-Vox L United Kingdom 56213 Vibe Communications Uk L United Kingdom 56214 Victor Connect L United Kingdom 56215 Vocalis Telecom L United Kingdom 56216 VoIP-Un L United Kingdom 56217 Vortex Telecom L United Kingdom 56218 VTSL Ltd (Voxalis) L United Kingdom 56219 Voxbone SA M United Kingdom 56220 VoxDev L United Kingdom 56221 Willaf L United Kingdom 56222 York Data Service L United Kingdom 56224 Zen Internet L United Kingdom 56225 SRT Communications L United States of America 56226 Sun-Tel USA L US,Canada and Others 56227 Tekstar Communications L United States of America 56229 Telrite Corporation L US,Canada and Others 56233 Level 3 Communications L Belgium 56234 N.M.B.S. M Belgium 56235 Orange Business Belgium L Belgium 56236 SCHEDOM nv L Belgium 56238 SPEAKUP BELGIUM bvba L Belgium 56240 VOXBONE S.A. M Belgium 56241 WeePee Telecom L Belgium 56242 Timely Information Corporation L US,Canada and Others 56243 Cedar Valley Telecom L United States of America 56244 TXU Communications L United States of America 56245 ACN-Europe L Denmark 56246 B-Close L Denmark 56247 ICOM M Denmark 56250 Intelecom A/S L Denmark 56251 IpVision A/S M Denmark 56252 ApS M Denmark 56253 Orange A/S L Denmark 56254 Siminn Danmark (Telia Network) M Denmark 56255 SimService M Denmark 56256 TDC M Denmark 56257 Timepiece L Denmark 56258 Unotel L Denmark 56259 Verizon Denmark L Denmark 56260 Viptel M Denmark 56261 Vopium L Denmark 56262 Yousee M Denmark 56263 United Telecom L United States of America 56264 ValTech Communications L US,Canada and Others 56265 West Coast PCS L US,Canada and Others 56266 Westex Telecom L United States of America 56267 Wes-Tex Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 56268 Western Iowa Networks L United States of America 56269 Western Iowa Telephone L United States of America 56270 Yorkville Communications L US,Canada and Others 56271 Enhanced Communications Group L US,Canada and Others 56272 Encore Communications L US,Canada and Others 56273 Epic Touch Company M US,Canada and Others 56274 GTC Telecom Corporation L United States of America 56275 Hargray Wireless L US,Canada and Others 56276 InfoHighway L United States of America 56277 Key Communications Services L US,Canada and Others 56278 Las Vegas Telephone L US,Canada and Others 56279 Access Communications L US,Canada and Others 56280 Club Internet L Ireland 56281 Advanced Communications L US,Canada and Others 56282 Affordable Telecom L United States of America 56283 AIRPEAK Communications M US,Canada and Others 56284 American Telco L US,Canada and Others 56285 Anew Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 56286 Ben Lomand Communications L United States of America 56287 Bend Data Center L United States of America 56288 Interoute L Ireland 56289 PostGem L Ireland 56290 Solutions by NetSource Ltd L Ireland 56291 TCSI L Ireland 56292 TINET L Ireland 56293 TNS L Ireland 56295 Megaphone M Sweden 56299 ANU L Ireland 56301 Chubu Telecommunications L Japan 56302 Energia Communications L Japan 56303 Free-Bit L Japan 56305 Rakuten Communications L Japan 56316 KDDI M Japan 56317 KMN L Japan 56318 K-Opticom L Japan 56319 Colt Technology Services (KVH) L Japan 56320 Kyushu Telecommunication Network L Japan 56323 NTT - East Japan L Japan 56324 NTT - West Japan L Japan 56326 NTT Plala L Japan 56327 NTT-ME L Japan 56329 Okinawa Cellular M Japan 56330 Okinawa Telemessage L Japan 56332 Softbank M Japan 56334 STNet L Japan 56336 Tokyo Telemessage L Japan 56338 ARTERIA Networks Corporation (UCOM) L Japan 56339 Verizon Japan L Japan 56341 ZIP Telecom L Japan 56343 Great Bear L Pakistan 56345 Telecard L Pakistan 56346 Wateen L Pakistan 56347 Worldcall L Pakistan 56348 Voiceplus L Italy 56351 Phonero (Ventelo AS) M Norway 56352 Aerotech L Brazil 56354 Easytone Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 56355 Engevox L Brazil 56356 Global Village Telecom L Brazil 56357 Intelig Telecom (Part of TIM) L Brazil 56359 Tmais L Brazil 56360 Unicel Do Brasil Telecomunicacoes M Brazil 56361 Globalstar L Turkey 56363 Telkom SA Ltd M South Africa 56364 Ad Hoc Network L Italy 56365 Ampersand L Italy 56367 Aruba L Italy 56369 CWNET L Italy 56370 DADA L Italy 56371 DVBCOM L Italy 56372 Easynet Italia L Italy 56373 Edi On Web L Italy 56375 FASTnet L Italy 56376 GeDInfo L Italy 56377 GLOBAL Telecomunicazioni Italia L Italy 56378 Greentel L Italy 56379 Gruppo Internet L Italy 56380 Hachette Rusconi Interactif L Italy 56381 Heraclea Network L Italy 56382 I.NET L Italy 56384 Informatica Commerciale L Italy 56386 ITN L Italy 56387 K Solutions L Italy 56388 Kataweb L Italy 56389 Keycab L Italy 56390 Lucense L Italy 56391 Millecom Italia L Italy 56392 Mnet L Italy 56393 Momax L Italy 56396 Quipo L Italy 56397 Raiffeisen L Italy 56398 Seat Pagine Gialle L Italy 56399 Sfera Networks L Italy 56400 Siportal L Italy 56401 Sparkle Telecom Italia L Italy 56403 U - Compagnia Italiana di Telecomunicazioni L Italy 56404 Videobank L Italy 56407 9Mobile Nigeria (Etisalat) M Nigeria 56408 Two Degrees Mobile M New Zealand 56409 Andorra Telecom L Andorra 56410 Telefonica Moviles Argentina M Argentina 56412 Comercializadoras De Redes Publicas De Telecomunicaciones S.A DE C.V L Mexico 56413 Kantone Paging L Hong Kong 56415 Reach Networks Hong Kong L Hong Kong 56416 Realink Paging L Hong Kong 56419 Asia Pacific Telecom M Taiwan 56420 e-Max Network Corp. L Taiwan 56421 FITEL (First Tel) M Taiwan 56422 New Century InfoComm Tech (Sparq) L Taiwan 56423 Taiwan Fixed Network CO.LTD. L Taiwan 56425 Celcom M Malaysia 56441 3620 LE NUMERO DES MARQUES L France 56445 Foliateam Acropolis L France 56446 AIC Telecoms L France 56447 ALPHALINK M France 56448 BRETAGNE TELECOM L France 56449 DIGITAL VIRGO ENTERTAINMEMENT L France 56450 COMCABLE L France 56453 EWAY TELECOM L France 56456 440HZ France L France 56457 INBOUNDSTREAM L France 56458 INTERCABLE REUNION L France 56460 IP DIRECTIONS L France 56461 JET MULTIMEDIA France L France 56462 JONAS TECHNOLOGY L France 56463 KERTELCOM L France 56464 KEYYO M France 56465 LEONIX TELECOM L France 56466 OMEA TELECOM-Virgin Mobile M France 56467 OVH L France 56468 OXIP L France 56469 ADISTA (RMI INFORMATIQUE) L France 56470 Senso Telecom L France 56471 SEM e-tera (SOCIETE DECONOMIE MIXTE E TERA) L France 56472 Ste DINGENIERIE SYSTEME TELECOM ET RESEAUX (SISTEER) M France 56473 VIADIALOG L France 56475 VOXBONE M France 56478 BANTEL L Argentina 56491 CITARELLA L Argentina 56505 CONVERGIA ARGENTINA L Argentina 56507 COOPERATIVA DE AGUA ENERGIA Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LA UNION DEL PUEBLO L Argentina 56513 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS BALLESTEROS L Argentina 56516 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD, OBRAS PUBLICAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE L Argentina 56517 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES Y DE VIVIENDA L Argentina 56519 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, SOCIALES Y VIVIENDA DE AVELLANEDA L Argentina 56520 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, VIVIENDA Y CREDITO TICINENSE L Argentina 56521 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA DE CHACABUCO L Argentina 56524 COOPERATIVA DE LUZ Y FUERZA ELECTRICA DE ROJAS L Argentina 56526 COOPERATIVA LUZ Y FUERZA DE LIBERTADOR GENERAL SAN MARTIN L Argentina 56527 COOPERATIVA RURAL ELÉCTRICA BRAGADO L Argentina 56536 CTI COMPANIA DE TELEFONOS DEL INTERIOR M Argentina 56537 CTI NORTE COMPANIA DE TELEFONOS DEL INTERIOR M Argentina 56550 DISTAI L Argentina 56567 FEDERACION DE COOPERATIVAS DEL SERVICIO TELEFONICO DE LA ZONA SUR (FECOSUR) M Argentina 56584 IFFIX L Argentina 56592 INTERLINK L Argentina 56638 NEW CALL L Argentina 56642 NUECOM L Argentina 56649 PATSAT L Argentina 56681 SION L Argentina 56697 SUR RADIO L Argentina 56698 TV FUEGO L Argentina 56705 TELCOSUR L Argentina 56726 UNIVERSAL VIDEO CABLE L Argentina 56740 Barablu Mobile M Switzerland 56743 Conduit Europe SA L Switzerland 56744 Exion Networks SA L Switzerland 56746 Global Vision AG L Switzerland 56747 AG L Switzerland 56749 Peoplefone AG L Switzerland 56750 Goldenphone GmbH L Switzerland 56751 GlobalStar L Saudi Arabia 56752 ZAIN M Saudi Arabia 56758 ALVIS L Argentina 56774 GlobalVocal L United Kingdom 56775 HulloMail L United Kingdom 56776 Known Communications L United Kingdom 56777 Serveis Telematics M United Kingdom 56778 Orbital Net L United Kingdom 56779 Relax Telecom L United Kingdom 56781 Atea M Denmark 56782 Everlove ApS L Denmark 56784 6GMOBILE M Netherlands 56785 Aspider Solutions Nederland M Netherlands 56786 AT&T Global Network Services Nederland (AGMS Netherlands B.V.) M Netherlands 56787 BIT L Netherlands 56794 EDPNet L Netherlands 56797 Lancelot M Netherlands 56798 Lycamobile Netherlands M Netherlands 56801 Planet Telco L Netherlands 56802 Pretium Telecom L Netherlands 56804 Telespectrum Managed Voice Services L Netherlands 56805 Telio Netherlands L Netherlands 56808 Voiceworks M Netherlands 56809 Voxbone M Netherlands 56810 Wiericke B.V. (WinITu Communications) L Netherlands 56811 BLC Management dba Angles Communication Solutions L US,Canada and Others 56812 PrairieWave Black Hills L United States of America 56813 Bridgecom International L US,Canada and Others 56814 CFW Network L United States of America 56815 Cambridge Telcom Services L United States of America 56816 CaroNet, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 56817 Cellcom Tech L US,Canada and Others 56818 Iconnect Corp. L US,Canada and Others 56819 City of Ketchikan d.b.a. K P U L United States of America 56820 Cleartel L United States of America 56821 Coast to Coast Telecom L US,Canada and Others 56822 Comm South Companies L US,Canada and Others 56823 Connect Holdings Corporation L United States of America 56824 Granite Telecommunications L United States of America 56825 Western Clec Corporation L US,Canada and Others 56826 Digital Broadband Comm (Carolina West) L US,Canada and Others 56827 Dobson Telephone L United States of America 56828 AccessLine Communications L US,Canada and Others 56829 ACN L US,Canada and Others 56831 Alliance Communications Coop L United States of America 56832 American Lightwave Communications L US,Canada and Others 56833 American Metrocomm Corp L US,Canada and Others 56835 ARDMORE TELEPHONE L US,Canada and Others 56836 ASTAC Wireline L United States of America 56837 ATS L US,Canada and Others 56838 Avista Communications L US,Canada and Others 56840 Bergen Telephone Co L United States of America 56843 BroadSpan L US,Canada and Others 56844 Brooke Telecom Co L Canada 56845 Bruce Telecom L Canada 56846 Cable Plus L US,Canada and Others 56847 Cactus International L US,Canada and Others 56848 CallGiant L US,Canada and Others 56850 One Cellular L US,Canada and Others 56851 Cal-Ore Telephone Co. L United States of America 56852 CBB Carrier Services L US,Canada and Others 56855 Central Texas Comm L US,Canada and Others 56858 Chesapeake Telecom Corp L US,Canada and Others 56860 CMS of St. Cloud L US,Canada and Others 56861 Cogeco Cable Systems L US,Canada and Others 56862 Cohere Communications L US,Canada and Others 56863 Com South Telecommunications L United States of America 56864 Com South Telenet L United States of America 56866 Norlight Telecommunications L United States of America 56867 Comwavz L US,Canada and Others 56868 Concho Cellular Telephone Co. M US,Canada and Others 56870 CoServ L US,Canada and Others 56871 CR Telephone Co. L United States of America 56872 Craw-Kan Telephone Coop L United States of America 56873 CRC COMMUNICATIONS L US,Canada and Others 56874 Creative Interconnect Comm L United States of America 56875 CT Comm Urbana L United States of America 56876 Cty of Barnesville Municipal Tel. L United States of America 56877 Curry Commnunications L US,Canada and Others 56878 Custer Telephone Coop. M United States of America 56879 Cypress Comm Operating Co L US,Canada and Others 56880 Dakota Central Telecommunications L United States of America 56881 Dalton Telephone Company L United States of America 56882 Daniel Island Media Company L US,Canada and Others 56883 Danville Mutual Telephone L United States of America 56884 Data@Access Communications L Puerto Rico 56885 DCLLC dba Clearwave Communications L United States of America 56886 Decatur Telephone Company L United States of America 56887 Delavan Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 56888 Delcambre Telephone L United States of America 56889 Delhi Telephone Company L United States of America 56891 Delta Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 56892 Denali Spectrum License M US,Canada and Others 56894 Dickey Rural Access L US,Canada and Others 56895 Dickey Rural Communications L US,Canada and Others 56896 Dickey Rural Telephone Coop L United States of America 56897 Digital ISP Group L US,Canada and Others 56898 Digizip L US,Canada and Others 56899 Direct Communications Rockland L United States of America 56900 Distributel Comm. L Canada 56901 DoveTel Communications L United States of America 56902 Doylestown Telephone Company L United States of America 56903 Dryden Mobility M Canada 56904 DrydenTel L Canada 56905 Dubois Telephone Exchange L United States of America 56906 Ducor Telephone Company L United States of America 56907 Duluth PCS L US,Canada and Others 56908 Dunbarton Telephone Company L United States of America 56909 Dunkirk & Fredonia Telephone L United States of America 56910 Duo County Telephone Coop L United States of America 56912 Eagle Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 56913 East Buchanan Telephone Coop L United States of America 56914 East Link Limited M Canada 56916 Easterbrooke Cellular Corp L US,Canada and Others 56917 Eastern Slope Rural Tel Assoc. L United States of America 56918 Eastex Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 56919 Easton Telephone Company L United States of America 56920 Eatel L United States of America 56921 EC-Eye Communication and Technology L US,Canada and Others 56922 ECG L US,Canada and Others 56923 Eckles Telephone Company L United States of America 56924 El Dorado Cellular dba Mount. Cell L US,Canada and Others 56925 El Paso County Telephone Company L United States of America 56926 El Paso Telephone Co. L United States of America 56927 Elbert County Wireless L United States of America 56928 Electra Telephone Company L United States of America 56929 ElectroNet L United States of America 56930 Advanced Telecom Group L United States of America 56931 Elizabeth Telephone Company L United States of America 56932 Elkhart Telephone Co. L United States of America 56933 Ellensburg Telephone L United States of America 56934 Ellerbe Telephone Company L United States of America 56935 Ellsworth Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 56936 Eloqui Wireless L United States of America 56937 Elsie Communications L United States of America 56938 Emery Telcom L United States of America 56939 Emily Cooperative Telehpone Company L United States of America 56940 Empire Telephone Corporation L United States of America 56941 Endless Mountains Wireless L US,Canada and Others 56942 Engage Communications L United States of America 56944 EquiVoice L US,Canada and Others 56945 Ernest Communications Inc L US,Canada and Others 56946 ExaTEL L Canada 56947 Execulink Telecom M Canada 56948 Farmers Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 56949 Farmers Independent Telephone Company L United States of America 56950 Farmers Telecommunications Corp. L United States of America 56951 Federated Telephone L United States of America 56952 Federated Utilities L United States of America 56953 Felton Telephone Company L United States of America 56954 Fibernetics Corporation L Canada 56955 Fidelity Cablevision L United States of America 56956 Fidelity Communications Services L US,Canada and Others 56957 Fido Solutions M Canada 56958 Filer Mutual Telephone L United States of America 56959 Finger Lakes Technologies Group L United States of America 56960 First World Communications L United States of America 56962 Fisher Wireless M United States of America 56963 Five Area Telephone Coop L United States of America 56964 Flashlink L United States of America 56965 Flat Wireless (ClearTalk) M United States of America 56966 FlexITy Solutions L Canada 56967 Florida Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 56968 Foresthill Telephone Co. L United States of America 56969 Fort Bend Communications L US,Canada and Others 56970 Fort Mojave Telcommunications L United States of America 56971 FPC Marianna L United States of America 56973 Franklin Telephone company L United States of America 56974 FREMONT Telephone Co. L United States of America 56976 Ft. Randall Telephone Co L United States of America 56977 Fulton Telephone Company L United States of America 56978 Futureway Communications Incorporated L Canada 56979 Gafachi Telecom L United States of America 56981 Ganado Telephone L United States of America 56982 Garden Valley Telephone Co. L United States of America 56983 Gardonville Cooperative Telephone Assn L United States of America 56984 Gateway Telephone L US,Canada and Others 56985 Gazelle Link L US,Canada and Others 56986 Geetingsville Telephone Co. L United States of America 56987 Georgetown Telephone Co. L United States of America 56988 Georgia Business Net Telecom L United States of America 56989 Germantown Telephone Comp. L United States of America 56990 GH Telecommunications Services L United States of America 56991 Gila River Telecommunications L United States of America 56992 Glandorf Tele Co L United States of America 56993 Glasford Telephone Co L United States of America 56994 Glenwood Telephone Company L United States of America 56995 Glenwood Telephone L United States of America 56996 Globetel L US,Canada and Others 56997 Globility Communications Corp L Canada 56998 Gold Radio Group L US,Canada and Others 56999 Gold Star Communications L United States of America 57000 Golden West Telecommunications L United States of America 57001 Goldfield L United States of America 57002 Gordon Com L US,Canada and Others 57003 Gordon Communications L US,Canada and Others 57004 Graceba TotalCom L United States of America 57005 Granby Telephone L United States of America 57006 Grand Telephone Company L United States of America 57007 Granite State Telephone L United States of America 57008 Great Lakes Cell One L US,Canada and Others 57009 Griggs County Telephone Company L United States of America 57010 C1.Com L US,Canada and Others 57011 Group Telecom L Canada 57012 GT Group Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57013 GTC L United States of America 57014 Docomo Pacific (Guam Wireless) M US,Canada and Others 57016 Gulf Coast Wireless L US,Canada and Others 57017 Gunnison Telephone Company L United States of America 57018 Hager Telecom L United States of America 57019 Hamilton Telephone Company L United States of America 57020 Hanksville Telcom L United States of America 57021 Harlan Municipal Utilities L United States of America 57022 Harrisonville Tele L United States of America 57023 Hart Telephone Company L United States of America 57024 Hartington Telecom L United States of America 57025 Hartman Telephone Exchanges L United States of America 57026 Haviland Telephone Company L United States of America 57027 Hawkeye Telephone Company L United States of America 57028 Hay Communications Co L Canada 57029 Heart of Iowa Ventures L United States of America 57030 Hemingford Coop Tele L United States of America 57031 Henry County L United States of America 57032 Hershey Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 57033 Hickory Telephone Company L United States of America 57035 Highland Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57036 Highland Cellular L US,Canada and Others 57037 Hills Telephone Co L United States of America 57038 Hillsboro Telephone Company L United States of America 57039 Hinton Telephone Co. L United States of America 57040 Home Communications L United States of America 57041 Hopi Telecomm L United States of America 57042 Hunter Communications L United States of America 57043 Huron Telecommunications L Canada 57044 Innovative Telephone L US Virgin Islands 57046 IAC Communications L US,Canada and Others 57048 Vitelcom Cellular M US Virgin Islands 57049 IDS Telcom L US,Canada and Others 57050 Indianhead Telephone Company L United States of America 57051 Industry Telephone Company L United States of America 57054 Inland Telephone Company L United States of America 57055 Intelecom Solutions L US,Canada and Others 57056 Intelligent Community L US,Canada and Others 57057 Inter Mountain Cable L United States of America 57058 Interactive Services dba ISN Telcom L US,Canada and Others 57059 InterBel Telephone Cooperative Inc L United States of America 57060 Inter-Community Telephone Co L United States of America 57061 Interior Telephone Company L United States of America 57062 Internet Solver L US,Canada and Others 57063 Interstate L United States of America 57065 IRISTEL INC L Canada 57066 ISA Telecommunications LLC L US,Canada and Others 57067 ISP Telecom L Canada 57068 IT Communications L United States of America 57069 IT&E Overseas M Guam 57070 ITC L United States of America 57071 ITS Telecommunications Syst L United States of America 57072 IVIC Telecom s.e.n.c. L Canada 57073 James Valley Wireless M US,Canada and Others 57074 James Valley Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 57075 JBN Telephone Co L United States of America 57077 Jefferson Telephone Company L United States of America 57078 K&M Telephone L United States of America 57079 Kaleva Telephone Company L United States of America 57080 Kalida Telephone Company L United States of America 57081 Kalona Cooperative Tele Co L United States of America 57082 Kancharla Corporation L US,Canada and Others 57083 Kanokla Telephone Association L United States of America 57084 KCC Telcom L United States of America 57085 Kennebec Telephone Co L United States of America 57086 Kerman Telephone Company L United States of America 57087 Keystone-Arthur Telephone Company L United States of America 57088 Kinex Telecom L United States of America 57089 Kingdom Telephone L United States of America 57090 La Porte City Tel L United States of America 57091 La Ward Telephone L United States of America 57092 Lackawaxen Telecommunications L United States of America 57093 Lafayette City Parish Consolidate Govt L United States of America 57094 Lafourche Telephone Company L United States of America 57095 LaHarpe Telephone Company L United States of America 57096 Lake Livingston Telephone L United States of America 57097 Lakedale Link L US,Canada and Others 57098 Lakedale Tel L United States of America 57099 Lakeside Telephone Company L United States of America 57100 Lathrop Telephone Company L United States of America 57101 Laurel Highland Tel. Co L United States of America 57102 Lavaca Telephone Company L United States of America 57103 LaValle Telephone Coop L United States of America 57104 Laward Cellular L US,Canada and Others 57105 LecStar Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57106 Lemonweir Valley Telephone Co L United States of America 57107 Lennon Telephone Company L United States of America 57108 Lenox Municipal Utilities L United States of America 57109 Lexcom Telco L United States of America 57110 LH Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57111 Liberty Bell Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57112 Ligonier Telephone Company L United States of America 57113 Lincoln County Telephone L United States of America 57114 Lincolnville Telephone L United States of America 57115 LineDrive Communications L US,Canada and Others 57116 Lipan Telephone Co. L United States of America 57117 LiteStream Technologies L United States of America 57118 Livingston Telephone Company L United States of America 57119 Local Access Network L United States of America 57120 Lockhart Telephone Company L United States of America 57121 Log On America L US,Canada and Others 57122 Logan Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57123 Loretel Systems L United States of America 57124 Loretto Telephone Company L United States of America 57125 Lost Nation-Elwood Telephone Company L United States of America 57126 Luck Telephone Co L United States of America 57127 Lynnville Telephone Company L United States of America 57128 ShoreTel Sky L US,Canada and Others 57129 Mabel Coop Tele Comp L United States of America 57130 Madison County Telephone Co. L United States of America 57131 Madison Telephone L United States of America 57132 Malheur Home Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 57133 Managed Network Systems L Canada 57134 Manawa Telephone Company L United States of America 57135 Manti Telephone Company L United States of America 57136 Margaretville Telephone Co L United States of America 57137 Marquette-Adams Tel Coop L United States of America 57138 Marseilles Tele L United States of America 57139 Martelle Communications Coop L United States of America 57140 Martelle Coop Telephone Assoc. L United States of America 57141 Maskatel Inc. L Canada 57142 Massena Telephone Co. L United States of America 57143 Massillon Cable TV L United States of America 57144 Maxcess L United States of America 57145 MBT & Communications L United States of America 57146 McClure Telephone Co L United States of America 57147 McCook Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 57148 McDonough Telephone Co L United States of America 57149 Mebtel Communications L United States of America 57150 Mechanicsville Telephone Company L United States of America 57151 Mediapolis Telco dba MTC Tech L United States of America 57152 Medicine Park Telephone Company L United States of America 57153 Melrose Telephone Co L United States of America 57154 MercedNet L US,Canada and Others 57155 Mercury Voice L United States of America 57156 Michigan Access L US,Canada and Others 57157 Micronesian Telecom L Northern Mariana Islands 57158 Mid Century Tel L United States of America 57159 Mid Maine TelPlus L United States of America 57160 Mid Plains Rural Telephone Coop L United States of America 57161 Mid-Maine Telecom L United States of America 57162 Mid-Missouri Cellular L US,Canada and Others 57163 Mid-Missouri Telephone Company L United States of America 57164 Midstate Communications L United States of America 57166 Midvale Telephone Exchange L United States of America 57167 Miles Coop Assoc L United States of America 57168 Millennium L United States of America 57169 Millington Telephone Co L United States of America 57170 Millry Telephone Company L United States of America 57171 Miltown Mutual Telephone Co L United States of America 57172 Minburn Telecommunications L United States of America 57174 Minnesota Lake Tel. Co. L US,Canada and Others 57175 Minnesota Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 57176 Missouri Valley Communications L United States of America 57177 MobileTel L US,Canada and Others 57178 MoKan-Dial Telephone L United States of America 57179 Molalla Communications Copmany L United States of America 57180 Momentum Telecom L United States of America 57181 Mon-Cre Telephone Coop L United States of America 57182 Monon Telephone Company L United States of America 57183 Montrose Mutual Telephone L United States of America 57184 Moore & Liberty Telephone Company L United States of America 57185 Mornington Communications L Canada 57186 Moultrie Independent Telephone Co. L United States of America 57187 Moundridge Telephone Company L United States of America 57188 Moundville Telephone Co. L United States of America 57189 Mount Horeb Telephone Company L United States of America 57190 Mountain Rural Tel. Coop. Corp. Inc L United States of America 57191 Mountain View Tel. Comp L United States of America 57192 MPH Telephone Company L United States of America 57193 mPulse Mobile (GTA TeleGuam M Guam 57194 MT. Angel Telephone Co L United States of America 57195 MTA Wireless M US,Canada and Others 57196 MTCO Communications Inc L United States of America 57197 MTS Mobility M Canada 57198 Manitoba Telephone System (MTS) L Canada 57199 Mud Lake Telephone Coop L United States of America 57200 Muenter Telephone Corp of Texas L United States of America 57201 Mukluk Telephone Co L United States of America 57202 Mulberry Cooperative Telephone L United States of America 57203 Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 57204 Myatel Corporation L United States of America 57206 National Tele of Alabama L United States of America 57208 Nebraska Central Telephone Company L United States of America 57209 Neclec L United States of America 57210 Nelson Telephone Coop. L United States of America 57211 Nemont Telephone Coop L United States of America 57212 New Hope Telephone Coop L United States of America 57213 New Lisbon Telephone Co. L United States of America 57214 New York Access Billing L US,Canada and Others 57215 Newport Telephone Company L United States of America 57216 NexGen L United States of America 57217 Nexicom Telecommunications L Canada 57218 Next Gen Phone Systems L United States of America 57219 Niagara Telephone Company L United States of America 57220 Nicholville Telephone Copmany L United States of America 57221 Norigen L US,Canada and Others 57222 Nortex L US,Canada and Others 57223 North Dakota Network Company M US,Canada and Others 57224 North English Cooperative L United States of America 57225 North Penn Telephone Company L United States of America 57226 North Renfrew Tel L Canada 57227 North State Telephone L United States of America 57228 North Texas Telephone Company L United States of America 57229 North American Telecommunications Corporation L US,Canada and Others 57230 North Star Access L US,Canada and Others 57231 Northeast Florida Tele Co L United States of America 57232 Northeast Iowa Telephone Company L United States of America 57233 Northern Arkansas Telephone Co. Inc L United States of America 57234 Northern Tel L Canada 57235 NorthernTel Limited Partnership L US,Canada and Others 57236 Northland Tel Co. of Vermont L United States of America 57237 Northland Telephone Co of Maine L United States of America 57238 NorthWest Communications Coop L United States of America 57240 Northwestern Indiana Telephone Co L United States of America 57241 Norvergence L US,Canada and Others 57242 Nova Telephone Company L United States of America 57243 Novus Telecom Inc. L US,Canada and Others 57244 NPAC L US,Canada and Others 57245 NPI-Omnipoint Wireless L US,Canada and Others 57246 NSN Wireless L United States of America 57247 NSW Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57248 NTCH dba Cleartalk M United States of America 57249 NTS Communications L United States of America 57250 NTS Services L United States of America 57251 Nucla-Naturita Telephone Co L United States of America 57252 Nunn Telephone Company L United States of America 57253 Odin Telephone Co L United States of America 57254 Ogden Telephone Company L United States of America 57255 Oklahoma Telephone and Telegraph L United States of America 57256 Ontera L Canada 57257 Onvoy (Emergency Networks, LLC) M United States of America 57258 Optel Inc. L US,Canada and Others 57259 Oran Mutual Telephone Company L United States of America 57260 Orwell Telephone Co L United States of America 57262 Ottoville Mutual Telephone Co L United States of America 57264 Palo Cooperative Telephone Association L United States of America 57265 Panoptos L US,Canada and Others 57266 Panora Cooperative Telep Assn. L United States of America 57267 ParkRegTel L United States of America 57268 Partner Communications Coop Assn L United States of America 57270 Pattersonville Telephone Company L United States of America 57271 Pacific Data Systems L Guam 57272 Pembroke Telephone Company Inc L United States of America 57273 Penasco Valley Telephone Coop M United States of America 57274 Pend Oreille Telephone L United States of America 57275 Peninsula Fiber Network L United States of America 57276 People Tel Limited Partnership L Canada 57277 Peoples Mutual Telephone Co. L United States of America 57278 Peoples Telecommunications L United States of America 57279 Peoples Telephone Co. L United States of America 57280 Peoples Telephone Company L United States of America 57281 Peoples Telephone Coop. Inc L United States of America 57282 Perry-Spencer Comm L United States of America 57283 Perry-Spencer Rural Telephone Coop L United States of America 57284 Picus Communications L United States of America 57285 Piedmont Rural Telephone Coop L United States of America 57286 Pine Drive Telephone L United States of America 57287 Pine Island Telephone Company L United States of America 57288 Pine Telephone M United States of America 57289 Pine Tree Telephone L United States of America 57290 Pineland Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57291 Pineville Telephone Company L United States of America 57292 Pioneer Cellular M United States of America 57293 Plains Cooperative Telephone Inc L United States of America 57294 Plainview Telephone Co L United States of America 57296 Planet Telesis L US,Canada and Others 57297 Plant Telenet L United States of America 57298 Plant Telephone Company L United States of America 57299 Planters Communictions L United States of America 57300 Planters Rural Tel. Co L United States of America 57301 PLTC L United States of America 57303 Polar Communications L United States of America 57304 Polson CommunityTel L US,Canada and Others 57305 Pottawatomie Telephone Company L United States of America 57306 Power TelNET Communications L US,Canada and Others 57307 Prairie Grove Telephone L United States of America 57308 Prairie Stream Communications L US,Canada and Others 57309 Prairie Telephone Co. L United States of America 57310 Prairieburg Telephone Co. L United States of America 57311 Preston Telephone Company L United States of America 57312 Prime Time Ventures L US,Canada and Others 57313 PrimeCo Personal Communications L US,Canada and Others 57314 Progressive Rural Tele Coop L United States of America 57315 Project Telephone Company L United States of America 57316 Provincial Tel L Canada 57317 PTA L US,Canada and Others 57318 PTI-Pacifica M Northern Mariana Islands 57319 Public INS L United States of America 57320 Public Service Telephone Co L United States of America 57322 Pulaski-White Rural Telephone Co L United States of America 57324 Quadro Communications M Canada 57325 Race Telecommunications L United States of America 57326 Radcliffe Telephone Company L United States of America 57327 Radix Networks L US,Canada and Others 57328 Ragland Telephone Company L United States of America 57329 Randolph Telephone Company L United States of America 57330 Randolph Telephone Membership Co. L United States of America 57331 Readlyn Telephone Company L United States of America 57332 Rebound Enterprises L United States of America 57333 Red River Rural Telephone Association L United States of America 57334 Red River Telecom L United States of America 57335 RedSquare Corporation L US,Canada and Others 57336 Redwood County Telephone Company L United States of America 57337 Reliant L US,Canada and Others 57338 Reservation Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57339 Reynolds Telephone Company L United States of America 57340 RFB Cellular L US,Canada and Others 57341 Richland-Grant Tele Coop Inc L United States of America 57342 Richmond Telephone Co. L United States of America 57343 Ridgeway Telephone Company L United States of America 57344 Ringgold Telephone Company L United States of America 57345 Rio Virgin Telephone Co L United States of America 57346 Riviera Telephone Company L United States of America 57347 Rock County Telephone Co. L United States of America 57348 Rockwell Cooperative Telephone Assn L United States of America 57349 Rogers Cable Communications L Canada 57350 Rogers Wireless M Canada 57351 Roome Telecommunications Inc L United States of America 57352 Roosevelt County Telephone Coop L United States of America 57353 Royal Phone Company L US,Canada and Others 57354 RTC Solutions L United States of America 57355 RTSC L United States of America 57356 RURAL NETWORK SERVICES L United States of America 57357 Rural Telephone Company L United States of America 57359 S&A Telephone Co. L United States of America 57360 Saco River Telephone L United States of America 57361 Sacred Heart Telephone Co L United States of America 57362 Sacred Wind Communications L United States of America 57363 Salina-Spavinaw Telephone Co L United States of America 57364 Sancom L United States of America 57365 Sandhill Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57366 Santel Communications Cooperative L United States of America 57367 SaskTel Wireless M Canada 57369 Scio Mutual Telephone L United States of America 57370 Scranton Telephone Company L United States of America 57371 SecureSysCom L United States of America 57372 SegTEL Inc L US,Canada and Others 57373 Sharon Telephone Company L United States of America 57374 Shaw Telecom L Canada 57375 Shell Rock Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 57376 Shidler Telephone Company L United States of America 57377 Sidney Telephone Co. L United States of America 57378 Silver Strand Enterprises L United States of America 57379 Simlab Communications L United States of America 57380 Siskiyou Telephone L United States of America 57381 Sledge Telephone Company L United States of America 57382 Sleepy Eye Telephone Company L United States of America 57383 SM Telephone Company L United States of America 57384 Smart PCS SVR L US,Canada and Others 57385 Scindo Networks L US,Canada and Others 57386 Solarity Telecom L United States of America 57387 Somerset Telephone Company Inc. L United States of America 57388 Sonic Telecom L United States of America 57389 South Arkansas Telephone Co L United States of America 57391 South Park Telephone Company L United States of America 57393 Southeastern Indiana Rural Tele L United States of America 57394 Southern Kansas Telephone Company L United States of America 57395 Southern Michigan Cellular Co L United States of America 57396 Southwest Arkansas Telephone Coop Inc L United States of America 57397 Southwest Michigan Comm Inc L United States of America 57398 Splitrock Properties Inc L US,Canada and Others 57399 Spring Grove Cooperative Telephone Co L United States of America 57400 Spring Valley Telephone Company L United States of America 57401 Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Tele L United States of America 57402 St. John Telephone Company L United States of America 57403 St. Olaf College L United States of America 57404 Standish Telephone Co L United States of America 57405 Stanton Telecom L United States of America 57406 Star Communications L United States of America 57407 Star Telephone Membership Corp L United States of America 57408 Starbuck Telephone Co L United States of America 57409 StarPower L United States of America 57410 State Telephone Company L United States of America 57411 Stelera Wireless M US,Canada and Others 57413 Sully Telephone Association L United States of America 57414 Summit Telcom L US,Canada and Others 57415 Sunman Telecommunications Corp L United States of America 57416 Sussex Cellular L US,Canada and Others 57417 Sweetser Telephone Company L United States of America 57418 Swiftel Communications L United States of America 57419 Swisher Telephone Company L United States of America 57420 Sycamore Telephone Company L United States of America 57421 Syringa Wireless L United States of America 57423 Table Top Telephone Co L United States of America 57425 Tatum Telephone Company L United States of America 57427 TBayTel M Canada 57428 TCT West L US,Canada and Others 57429 TDPC Co. L US,Canada and Others 57431 Tech Com0556 L US,Canada and Others 57433 TecInfo Communications L US,Canada and Others 57434 TelCentris Communications L United States of America 57435 Telebec Limited Partnership L Canada 57436 Telebec Wireless L US,Canada and Others 57438 Telecommunications Xittel L Canada 57439 Telecorp PCS L US,Canada and Others 57440 TeleGuam L Guam 57441 Telephone Connection Local Service L US,Canada and Others 57442 Telephone Drummond INC L Canada 57443 Telephone One Inc. L US,Canada and Others 57444 Telephone Service Co. L United States of America 57445 Telergy L US,Canada and Others 57446 Telescan L United States of America 57447 Telnet Communications L US,Canada and Others 57448 Telovations Inc L US,Canada and Others 57450 THE MIDDLEBURGH TELEPHONE CO L United States of America 57453 The Ponderosa Telephone Co. L United States of America 57454 The Toledo Telephone Co L United States of America 57455 The Tri-Co Tel Asso L United States of America 57456 Thousand Island Communications L US,Canada and Others 57457 Tidewater Telecom L United States of America 57458 Tigaris Networks L United States of America 57459 Titonka Telephone L United States of America 57460 TNS L US,Canada and Others 57461 Tonica Telephone Company L United States of America 57462 Transbeam Inc L United States of America 57463 Trans-Cascades Telephone Co L United States of America 57465 Triangle Telephone Cooperative M United States of America 57466 Tri-County Tel Membership Corp. L United States of America 57467 Tri-County Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57468 Troy Cablevision L United States of America 57469 TS BC L US,Canada and Others 57471 Tuckersmith Communications Coop L Canada 57472 Tularosa Basin Telephone Co L United States of America 57473 Turtle Mountain Communications L United States of America 57474 TW Wireless L US,Canada and Others 57475 Twin Lakes L United States of America 57476 U.S. Metropolitan Telecom L United States of America 57477 UB Network L US,Canada and Others 57478 UBET M United States of America 57479 Union River Telephone Company L United States of America 57480 Union Springs Telephone Co. L United States of America 57482 United Farmers Telephone Company L United States of America 57483 United Telephone Assn L United States of America 57484 United Telephone Company L United States of America 57485 United Telephone Mutual Aid Corp L United States of America 57487 Unitel Communications L US,Canada and Others 57488 Upper Peninsula Telephone Co. L United States of America 57489 Urban Media L US,Canada and Others 57490 Universal Telecommunications L United States of America 57491 U.S. Link L United States of America 57492 Valley Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 57493 Valliant Telephone L United States of America 57495 Valuelinx Corporation L US,Canada and Others 57496 ValuTel Communications L United States of America 57497 Van Buren Telephone Co L United States of America 57499 VarTec Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57500 Vaughsville Telephone Company L United States of America 57501 VCI Company L US,Canada and Others 57502 Velocity L United States of America 57503 Ventura Telephone Co. L United States of America 57504 Venture Communications Cooperative L United States of America 57505 Venus Telephone Corp L United States of America 57507 Vernon Communications L United States of America 57508 Videotron M Canada 57509 Vidia Communications L US,Canada and Others 57510 Villisca Farmers Telephone Company L United States of America 57511 Viola Home Telephone Co L United States of America 57513 Vital L US,Canada and Others 57514 Volcano Telephone L United States of America 57516 Waitsfield-Fayston Telephone Co L United States of America 57517 Walnut Hill Telephone Company L United States of America 57518 War Acquisition Corp L United States of America 57519 Wauneta Telephone Company L United States of America 57520 Waverly Hall Telephone LLC L United States of America 57521 Webster-Calhoun Coop L United States of America 57522 Wellness Coop Telephone Association L United States of America 57523 West Carolina Rural Telephone Coop L United States of America 57524 West Central Telephone Association L United States of America 57525 West Kentucky Rural Tele Coop Corp. L United States of America 57526 West Plains Telecommunications L United States of America 57528 West River Cooperative Telephone Company L United States of America 57529 West River Telecommunications Coop L United States of America 57530 West Tennessee Telephone Company L United States of America 57531 West Texas Rural Telephone Coop L United States of America 57532 West Wisconsin Telcom Coop L United States of America 57534 Western Pacific Telephone L United States of America 57535 Western Telephone Company L United States of America 57536 Western Telephone L United States of America 57537 Western Wahkiakum County Tele L United States of America 57538 Westgate Communications L United States of America 57539 Westlink Communications M United States of America 57540 Westman Comm Group L Canada 57541 Westport Telephone L Canada 57542 Wheat State Telephone L United States of America 57543 Whidbey Telephone Company L United States of America 57545 Wightman Communications L Canada 57546 Wilson Telephone Co. L United States of America 57547 Wittenberg Telephone Company L United States of America 57548 Wolverton Telephone Co L United States of America 57549 Woodbury Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 57550 Woolstock Mutual Telephone L United States of America 57551 Worldcall Interconnect M US,Canada and Others 57553 Wyoming Mutual Telephone Co L United States of America 57554 Xatel LLC L US,Canada and Others 57556 Yak Communications Canada Corp. L US,Canada and Others 57557 Yates Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 57559 Yell County Telephone Co. L United States of America 57560 Yorkville Telephone Coop L US,Canada and Others 57561 Zenda Telephone Co L United States of America 57562 Zumbrota Telephone Co L United States of America 57563 Telesur M Suriname 57565 CAS Internet L Netherlands 57567 Concepts Information Comm. Technology Holding L Netherlands 57568 Dataweb L Netherlands 57569 DDS City L Netherlands 57570 Hewlett-Packard L Netherlands 57572 Integrated Internet Services L Netherlands 57573 Interconnect Services L Netherlands 57574 Intermax L Netherlands 57575 Internet Access Facilities L Netherlands 57576 InterNLnet L Netherlands 57577 InTouch L Netherlands 57578 IS Group L Netherlands 57582 Luna L Netherlands 57584 Netstream L Netherlands 57585 Plex Elektronische Informatie L Netherlands 57589 Stichting Verantwoord Mediagebruik L Netherlands 57595 Zeelandnet L Netherlands 57596 10993 s.r.l. L Italy 57598 AdaptoIP L Italy 57599 Assinvest Telecom International L Italy 57600 BIG TLC L Italy 57601 BT ENIA L Italy 57602 BT ITALIA M Italy 57603 Consorzio Bit Valley L Italy 57604 Convergenze L Italy 57608 Fontel L Italy 57609 Interfree L Italy 57610 Italiacomm L Italy 57611 Messagenet L Italy 57612 NewVAS L Italy 57613 NOATEL L Italy 57614 Noverca Italia M Italy 57615 Nowire L Italy 57617 Optima M Italy 57619 Planetel L Italy 57620 Plexia L Italy 57621 Plink L Italy 57622 Qcom L Italy 57623 Sed Multitel L Italy 57624 Selene L Italy 57625 ST L Italy 57626 TAG Comunicazioni L Italy 57627 Trivenet L Italy 57628 Verizon Italia L Italy 57629 Vuelle Elettronica L Italy 57630 Webcom L Italy 57631 1244 S.R.L. L Italy 57632 1288 Servizio di Consultazione Telefonica L Italy 57633 Agile Telecom M Italy 57634 City Carrier L Italy 57635 Conduit Enterprises L Italy 57636 Elephant Talk L Italy 57638 ES Enhanced Services Company L Italy 57639 Giary group Sud L Italy 57640 Italiaonline S.r.L. L Italy 57642 Rawal Telecom L Italy 57643 S.T.I. Società di Telecomunicazioni Interconfederali L Italy 57644 TEANET L Italy 57647 Ukrainian Radio Systems (Beeline) M Ukraine 57648 True Move 4G M Thailand 57650 A Beep Away L United States of America 57651 A Beep LLC L US,Canada and Others 57652 Telecom Egypt M Egypt 57653 Bristol Bay Cellular Partnership L United States of America 57654 Union Tel Co L United States of America 57655 Union Tel Co dba Golden West Telecommunications L United States of America 57656 DV COM Ltd L Pakistan 57657 Burraq Telecom Ltd L Pakistan 57658 AERO 2 (CENTERNET) M Poland 57659 GADU-GADU (MVNO) M Poland 57660 METRO-BIP L Poland 57661 MNI TELECOM S.A. M Poland 57662 Mobyland M Poland 57663 MPAY (MVNO) M Poland 57664 Nordisk M Poland 57666 Sieci Teleinformatyczne L Poland 57667 Chief Telecom L Taiwan 57668 Taiwan Infrastructure Network Technologies L Taiwan 57669 Hanaro Telecom Service L South Korea 57671 ONSE L South Korea 57672 Webe Digital sdn bhd (Packet One Network) M Malaysia 57673 ARAGON TELECOM L France 57676 La Poste Telecom M France 57678 METEO FRANCE L France 57679 OPTIMITEL L France 57680 PAGES JAUNES L France 57682 PIXTEL M France 57683 PRODIGES L France 57684 SOCIETE NATIONALE DE RADIODIFFUSION RADIO France L France 57686 TELEVISION FRANCAISE 1 L France 57687 Globalstar of Venezuela M Venezuela 57688 Alfred Gunsch L Austria 57689 ASCUS Telecom L Austria 57690 Vectone Mobile (Mundio) M Austria 57691 BBSH Bergbahnen Saalbach Hinterglemm Gesellschaft m.b.H L Austria 57692 Brennercom Tirol GmbH L Austria 57693 CommGroup, Ing. Kronberger & Partner, OEG L Austria 57694 DIC-Online Wolf & Co. KG L Austria 57695 eety-Telecommunications GmbH M Austria 57696 Elektrotechnik Oberbramberger L Austria 57698 IP Communications GmbH L Austria 57700 Josef Pircher BetriebsGmbH L Austria 57701 LINZ STROM GmbH fuer Energieerzeugung -handel -dienstleistungen und Telekommunik L Austria 57704 YESSS! Telekommunikation M Austria 57705 1012-Festnetz-Service GmbH L Austria 57706 Sense.communications Svenska L Sweden 57707 LunarMobil M Sweden 57708 Rabbta L Sweden 57709 Chess Communcation L Sweden 57710 Nortech L Sweden 57711 iPhone L Sweden 57712 AllTele Allmänna Svenska L Sweden 57713 Telerabatt L Sweden 57715 Telenor Fibre Net L Sweden 57717 Action Direct L Sweden 57718 Telitel Sverige L Sweden 57719 Tele-Man L Sweden 57721 Cobalt IT L Romania 57722 Dial Telecom L Romania 57723 Digital Cable Systems L Romania 57724 Internet Telecom (INTERNET EXPERT 2003) L Romania 57725 Media SAT L Romania 57726 Rartel L Romania 57727 RCS & RDS (Digi) M Romania 57728 Simplus Invest L Romania 57729 TOTAL TELECOM SERVICES L Romania 57730 Hellenic Ministry of National Defense (YEA) M Greece 57731 LAN-NET SA L Greece 57732 Telepassport L Greece 57733 Vodafone M Greece 57734 Convergia Peru L Peru 57735 Gamacom L Peru 57738 Infoductos y Telecomunicaciones del Peru L Peru 57739 L.A & C Peru S.A. L Peru 57740 MOCHE INVERSIONES L Peru 57741 Entel del Peru (Nextel) M Peru 57742 Velatel Peru S.A (Perusat) L Peru 57743 Rural Telecom L Peru 57744 Sitel L Peru 57745 TE.SA.M Peru L Peru 57747 Telmex Peru L Peru 57750 Champlain Tel Co L US,Canada and Others 57751 Great Plains Broadband L United States of America 57752 Listen Telecom L US,Canada and Others 57753 BurkeS Garden Tel Co L United States of America 57754 New Hope Telephone Cooperative L United States of America 57755 Oakwood Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 57756 Clarence Tel Co L United States of America 57757 Jordan-Soldier Valley Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 57758 Northwest Iowa Tel Co L United States of America 57759 Mapleton Communications Utility L US,Canada and Others 57760 Jefferson Tel Co L US,Canada and Others 57761 Roberts County Tel Coop Assn L United States of America 57762 Cellular Services L United States of America 57763 TeleQuality Communications L US,Canada and Others 57764 Tohono OOdham Utility Authority L United States of America 57765 Wireless dba Independent Wireless One Corporation L US,Canada and Others 57766 Alta Municipal Utilities L US,Canada and Others 57767 Community Cable Television Agency of OBrien County dba The Community Agency and L United States of America 57768 Avera Communications L US,Canada and Others 57769 Grundy Center Communications Utility L US,Canada and Others 57770 North State Communications L United States of America 57771 NET TALK.COM L United States of America 57772 Windy City Cellular L United States of America 57773 Lees Communications L United States of America 57774 South Central Communications -Telcom Services L United States of America 57775 Coon Rapids Municipal Utility L US,Canada and Others 57776 CommChoice L US,Canada and Others 57777 Laurens Municipal Communications Utility L US,Canada and Others 57778 Hill Country Telecommunications L United States of America 57779 Service Electric Telephone Company L United States of America 57780 Native American Telecom L United States of America 57781 Vaya Telecom L United States of America 57782 Shentel Communications Company L United States of America 57791 Mfg. Services L United States of America 57792 Teltrust Corporation L United States of America 57793 Telecom Pacific L US,Canada and Others 57798 X5 Solutions L United States of America 57801 World Communications L US,Canada and Others 57802 360 Communications Company M US,Canada and Others 57803 Cap Rock Communictions L US,Canada and Others 57804 Kelleys Tele-Communications L US,Canada and Others 57805 Free Beeper L United States of America 57806 MCG PCS II L US,Canada and Others 57807 Independent Networks L United States of America 57808 Advanced Network Communications L United States of America 57809 Direct Communications Cedar Valley L United States of America 57810 BalsamWest FiberNET L United States of America 57812 Hawarden Municipal Utilities L United States of America 57815 Reinbeck Municipal Telecommunications Utility L US,Canada and Others 57816 Mahaska Communication Group L United States of America 57819 T.K.O. Communications L United States of America 57820 Orange City Communications L US,Canada and Others 57823 Connect Insured Telephone dba Connect I.T. L US,Canada and Others 57824 Connect L US,Canada and Others 57825 LES.NET (1996) L Canada 57826 First Networks Operations M US,Canada and Others 57827 Freedom Mobile (Globalive Wireless) M Canada 57828 Airtel Wireless M US,Canada and Others 57829 Globalstar Canada M Canada 57830 City West Cable and Telephone L Canada 57831 Amtelecom Inc. L Canada 57832 La Cie de Telephone de Courcelles L Canada 57833 Gosfield North Communication Co-operative L Canada 57834 Telephone Guevremont L Canada 57835 Kenora Municipal Telephone System L Canada 57836 La Compagnie de Telephone de Lambton L Canada 57837 Lansdowne Rural Telephone L Canada 57838 Telephone Milot L Canada 57839 North Frontenac Telephone Company L Canada 57840 Roxborough Telephone Company L Canada 57841 Le Telephone de St-Ephrem L Canada 57842 La Compagnie de Telephone de St-Victor L Canada 57843 Sogetel L Canada 57844 La Compagne de Telephone Upton L Canada 57845 CoopTel de telecommunication L US,Canada and Others 57846 La Cie de Telephone de Warwick L US,Canada and Others 57847 ARCH L Chile 57848 BLUE TWO CHILE M Chile 57850 CHILE.COM L Chile 57852 COMUNICACIONES Y SISTEMAS DE ENLACE INTERNACIONAL L Chile 57853 CONVERGIA TELECOM L Chile 57854 DOTCOM L Chile 57856 GENEVA L Chile 57857 IFX NETWORKS CHILE L Chile 57858 INSTABE M Chile 57859 INVERSIONES Y SERVICIOS LICANCABUR L Chile 57860 MULTIKOM M Chile 57861 NETLINE TELEFONICA M Chile 57862 PRONTO IP COMUNICACIONES L Chile 57863 QUANTAX L Chile 57864 RURAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CHILE RTC L Chile 57865 SCHARFTEIN L Chile 57866 STEL ACCESS L Chile 57867 TELECOMUNICACIONES LATINOAMERICANAS L Chile 57868 TELECOMUNICACIONES NET UNO L Chile 57869 Telestar Movil M Chile 57870 TELEVISION INTERACTIVA L Chile 57871 TELEX CHILE L Chile 57872 TELMEX SERVICIOS EMPRESARIALES L Chile 57873 TORO BAYO L Chile 57874 VECTOR L Chile 57875 WILL M Chile 57877 ADIANIS - TELECOMUNICACOES E MULTIMEDIA L Portugal 57880 AT & T - SERVICOS DE TELECOMUNICACOES SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL L Portugal 57882 BROADMEDIA - COMUNICACOES GLOBAIS L Portugal 57884 CLARA.NET PORTUGAL - TELECOMUNICACOES L Portugal 57885 DATAMEDIA - TELEOMUNIACOES L Portugal 57886 ERICSSON TELECOMUNICACOES L Portugal 57888 FLEXIMEDIA - SERVICOS E MEIOS DE INFORMACAO E COMUNICACAO L Portugal 57889 GO4MOBILITY - TECNOLOGIA E SERVICOS PARA A MOBILIDADE L Portugal 57891 ITOUCH MOVILISTO PORTUGAL L Portugal 57893 MOVENSIS - SERVICOS DE APOIO E COMUNIACOES L Portugal 57895 NETSIZE L Portugal 57896 NORTENET - SISTEMAS DE COMUNICACAO L Portugal 57897 NVIASMS PORTUGAL L Portugal 57898 ORA TELECOM - Comunicacoes L Portugal 57901 SEND IT - SOFTWARE E SERVICOS PARA TELECOMUNIACOES L Portugal 57902 SOCIEDADE DE TRANSPORTES COLECTIVOS DO PORTO L Portugal 57903 SYBASE IBERIA L Portugal 57905 Telsocomm - TeleComunicacoes, Marketing E Informatitica L Portugal 57907 VERIZON PORTUGAL SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL L Portugal 57908 ADV Computers L Czech Republic 57909 Advantel L Czech Republic 57911 ASTELNET M Czech Republic 57912 JON.CZ s.r.o (ASYS IJD spol) L Czech Republic 57913 AVONET L Czech Republic 57915 BT Limited L Czech Republic 57916 CASABLANCA INT L Czech Republic 57917 CentroNet L Czech Republic 57920 Connect plus L Czech Republic 57921 Coprosys NeTron L Czech Republic 57922 Dial Telecom L Czech Republic 57923 Coprosys NeTron, s.r.o. (DomaNet) L Czech Republic 57924 Dragon Internet M Czech Republic 57926 CD-Telematika L Czech Republic 57927 Ceske Radiokomunikace L Czech Republic 57928 Cesky bezdrat M Czech Republic 57929 CEZ ICT Services L Czech Republic 57930 Faster CZ spol L Czech Republic 57931 FAYN Telecommunications L Czech Republic 57933 GTS Czech M Czech Republic 57934 ha-vel internet M Czech Republic 57936 IPVOX s.r.o. (InformaCni a bezpeCnostni agentura) L Czech Republic 57938 INTESO-IT L Czech Republic 57939 Intraweb servis L Czech Republic 57940 IPEX M Czech Republic 57942 Kabelova televize Poerov L Czech Republic 57945 KORLEA TECHNOLOGY L Czech Republic 57947 MATERNA Communications M Czech Republic 57949 MAXPROGRES M Czech Republic 57950 Michal Najman L Czech Republic 57951 Mikenopa L Czech Republic 57952 miniTEL M Czech Republic 57953 MIRAMO spol L Czech Republic 57956 New Telekom L Czech Republic 57957 OVANET L Czech Republic 57958 WIC-NET, s.r.o. (Petr KopaCek) L Czech Republic 57959 PorubaNET L Czech Republic 57960 Qnet CZ L Czech Republic 57961 RIO Media L Czech Republic 57962 SELECT SYSTEM L Czech Republic 57963 SkyNet L Czech Republic 57964 SychrovNET L Czech Republic 57965 Telefonuji L Czech Republic 57966 TFnet L Czech Republic 57968 T-Systems Czech Republic L Czech Republic 57969 Unient Communications L Czech Republic 57970 UPC Ceska republika L Czech Republic 57971 VELBNET L Czech Republic 57972 L Czech Republic 57974 VOXBONE SA, organizacnI slozka L Czech Republic 57975 WIA spol L Czech Republic 57976 XOTel CZECH L Czech Republic 57979 Kulan L Russia/Kazakhstan 57980 Nursat L Russia/Kazakhstan 57982 2Tell M Denmark 57984 Altibox LSO L Denmark 57986 LSO L Denmark 57987 ATZtel LSO M Denmark 57988 BillingCom LSO L Denmark 57989 Bolignet-Aarhus LSO M Denmark 57990 Callme (Telia Network) M Denmark 57991 Cirque (Telia Network) M Denmark 57992 Companymobile L Denmark 57993 CoolTel M Denmark 57994 Danovation-ApS L Denmark 57995 Dansk BredbAynd (SuperTEL Danmark) L Denmark 57996 DanskKabelTV LSO L Denmark 57998 ELROErhverv M Denmark 57999 EnergiMidt LSO M Denmark 58000 Verdo Tele L Denmark 58001 Equant Denmark LSO L Denmark 58002 FasCom LSO L Denmark 58004 Firstcom M Denmark 58005 Fullrate M Denmark 58008 GayMobile LSO L Denmark 58009 ComX-BoligNet L Denmark 58011 IPConnect LSO L Denmark 58012 JayNet M Denmark 58013 LIC LSO M Denmark 58014 M1 M Denmark 58016 NetTel M Denmark 58017 Neustar L Denmark 58019 Nordit LSO L Denmark 58020 NRGi LSO L Denmark 58021 OCH-A/S L Denmark 58022 OnFone M Denmark 58023 ParkNet L Denmark 58025 Plus-Tel M Denmark 58027 PQZ M Denmark 58028 Prime-Networks M Denmark 58029 Protel LSO L Denmark 58031 Redspot M Denmark 58032 Responsfabrikken L Denmark 58035 Sydfyn Intranet M Denmark 58036 Telcogate L Denmark 58037 Telcogate Mobil M Denmark 58042 Tellio M Denmark 58043 TELMORE LSO M Denmark 58046 TulipM LSO L Denmark 58047 Uni-Tel (SuperTEL Network) M Denmark 58048 UnWire L Denmark 58050 WE-Mobile LSO L Denmark 58053 ATSI Comunicaciones L Mexico 58054 B. Tel L Mexico 58056 Cablecom L Mexico 58057 Comsat Mexico L Mexico 58059 Global Crossing Landing Mexica L Mexico 58060 Globalstar De Mexico L Mexico 58061 Interfibra L Mexico 58062 AT&T (NII DIGITAL Nextel Mexico) M Mexico 58063 Iridium De Mexico L Mexico 58064 Large Distancia Internacional L Mexico 58065 Local Providers L Mexico 58067 Miditel L Mexico 58069 NPC L Mexico 58070 Ocupado L Mexico 58071 Operadora Protel L Mexico 58072 Operbes L Mexico 58073 Opesi L Mexico 58074 Qualtel L Mexico 58075 RSL Com Net De Mexico L Mexico 58076 Sisintercom L Mexico 58077 SMS Gateway L Mexico 58078 Telecable Chilpancingo L Mexico 58079 Telecable De Chihuahua L Mexico 58080 Telecable De Morelos L Mexico 58081 Telecable Mexicano L Mexico 58082 Telecomunicaciones De Mexico L Mexico 58083 Telecomunicaciones Del Pueblo L Mexico 58085 Television L Mexico 58088 TV Cable De Oriente S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 58091 Union Telefonica Nacional L Mexico 58092 Vision Por Cable De Oaxaca L Mexico 58093 IP Nexia (Toledo/Telewest) L Belgium 58095 Xtracom L Belgium 58098 Tritone L Belgium 58100 3 Play Plus L Ireland 58101 Callidus Telecom L Ireland 58102 Government Networks L Ireland 58103 Interfusion Networks Ltd L Ireland 58104 New Concepts Tech L Ireland 58106 Red Squared Ltd. L Ireland 58107 Etoile Diese L France 58108 RENTABILIWEB TELECOM L France 58109 SEWAN COMMUNICATIONS M France 58110 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DESPENADEROS L Argentina 58111 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE GRAND BOURG SERVICIOS PUBLICOS URBANIZACION VIVIENDA C L Argentina 58113 Claro M Argentina 58114 10ACT L United Kingdom 58116 PROFILNR I GÄVLE AB L Sweden 58117 Consultores De Voz Y Datos L Spain 58118 DRAGONET COMUNICACIONES L Spain 58119 HELLO TV L Spain 58120 Integracion De Recursos Informaticos Y Servicios L Spain 58122 Sur Making Off L Spain 58123 DXI Easycall L United Kingdom 58125 Hospedia L United Kingdom 58126 Jimati UK L United Kingdom 58127 Lixxus Communications L United Kingdom 58128 Lycamobile UK M United Kingdom 58130 Vectone Mobile (Mundio Mobile) M United Kingdom 58131 T 7 Solutions L United Kingdom 58132 BLUEPalm L Netherlands 58134 Technos L Netherlands 58135 GLOBETOUCH Netherlands (Roamware) M Netherlands 58137 Orange Business Finland L Finland 58140 Anvia L Finland 58141 IXO Systems L Finland 58143 SCNL TRUPHONE M Finland 58145 Aria M Italy 58146 Bellnet International L Italy 58147 CASPUR L Italy 58148 CED L Italy 58151 Comeg L Italy 58152 Emmequadro L Italy 58153 Enter L Italy 58155 EsteNet L Italy 58156 Fly Cell Media L Italy 58157 FREEMAX L Italy 58158 GE.S.I.T. Software S.A.S. L Italy 58159 I.NET2 L Italy 58160 Icanet L Italy 58161 Infotech L Italy 58162 3C L Hungary 58163 4Voice L Hungary 58164 Ace Telecom L Hungary 58165 Actel L Hungary 58166 All Info Europa L Hungary 58167 Amtel L Hungary 58168 ANTENNA HUNGARIA L Hungary 58169 Arcadom Gyengearamu es Biztonsagtechnikai L Hungary 58170 Arrabonet L Hungary 58171 Babylonphone L Hungary 58172 Bacskabel L Hungary 58173 Balmaz InterCOM L Hungary 58175 Biatorbagyi Kabelteve L Hungary 58176 Bicomix L Hungary 58177 BTM 2003 L Hungary 58178 Business Telecom L Hungary 58179 Cogitnet L Hungary 58180 Center Telecom L Hungary 58181 Comunique L Hungary 58183 CORPORATE UNITED L Hungary 58184 CORVUS TELECOM L Hungary 58186 DD-CAD L Hungary 58187 Designer Team L Hungary 58188 DielNet L Hungary 58189 DIGI M Hungary 58190 DKTV L Hungary 58191 DT L Hungary 58192 Dunakanyar-Holding L Hungary 58193 DUNAWEB L Hungary 58195 EnterNet 2001 L Hungary 58196 Ephone Schweiz GmbH L Hungary 58197 EuroCable Magyarorszag L Hungary 58198 EWORLD COM KFT L Hungary 58199 EXTERNET L Hungary 58201 FiberNet L Hungary 58202 FONE L Hungary 58203 FONIO-VOIP L Hungary 58204 GYORNET L Hungary 58205 Gyrotech L Hungary 58206 HFC-Networks L Hungary 58208 HunNet L Hungary 58210 Internet-X Magyarorszag L Hungary 58211 Interware L Hungary 58212 Intellihome Kft (IP-Park) L Hungary 58213 IP-Telekom L Hungary 58214 Isis-Com L Hungary 58215 JUROP TELEKOM Egyeni Ceg L Hungary 58216 KABLEX L Hungary 58217 KalocsaKOM L Hungary 58218 Kapos-NET L Hungary 58219 KAPULAN L Hungary 58220 KFL-NETWORK L Hungary 58221 Macrogate Ipsystems Magyarorszag L Hungary 58222 Media Exchange L Hungary 58223 Microsystem-Kecskemet L Hungary 58224 Mikrohalo L Hungary 58226 MyPhone L Hungary 58227 Navigator Informatika Zft L Hungary 58228 Netfone Telecom L Hungary 58229 NetGen L Hungary 58230 Net-Portal L Hungary 58231 NORDTELEKOM L Hungary 58232 N-System Tavkozlesi L Hungary 58233 OKSZI L Hungary 58234 On Line System L Hungary 58235 Opennetworks L Hungary 58236 Videkhalo Kft. (Optanet) L Hungary 58237 OPTICON L Hungary 58238 Oritel L Hungary 58239 Oros-Com L Hungary 58240 PARISAT L Hungary 58241 Pazmany-Kabel L Hungary 58243 Pickup L Hungary 58244 PRIVATE TEL L Hungary 58245 PR-Telecom L Hungary 58246 RADIOLAN KFT L Hungary 58247 RLAN Internet L Hungary 58248 RubiCom L Hungary 58249 Szabolcs Kabeltelevizio L Hungary 58250 TARR M Hungary 58252 TIGER TELEKOM L Hungary 58254 TRIOTEL L Hungary 58255 ViDaNet M Hungary 58256 VOICE-COM L Hungary 58257 VoIP System L Hungary 58258 i3 RendszerhAz Kft. (DIGIPOSTA) (vip telekom hungary) L Hungary 58259 Voxbone L Hungary 58260 Wnet Internet L Hungary 58261 Xyton L Hungary 58262 Zalaszam L Hungary 58263 Zelka L Hungary 58264 Znet-Mikronet L Hungary 58316 M-Tel/Nigeria Telecom. Ltd. (NITEL) M Nigeria 58329 Prest Cable and TV System Ltd L Nigeria 58331 Reliance Telecommunications Ltd L Nigeria 58337 Starcomms PLC L Nigeria 58343 Visafone Communications Ltd M Nigeria 58349 Albedo L Italy 58350 Intercom L Italy 58351 Intratec L Italy 58352 IPKOM L Italy 58353 Itelsi L Italy 58354 Itesys L Italy 58355 ITnet L Italy 58356 KPNQ West Italia L Italy 58357 Lea-INTEnet L Italy 58358 LT Telecom L Italy 58359 Maxfon Campania L Italy 58360 Mc Link L Italy 58361 Micom network L Italy 58362 MIX L Italy 58363 Movytel L Italy 58364 NetFly L Italy 58365 Netlab L Italy 58366 NGI L Italy 58367 Nowaire L Italy 58368 Offimark L Italy 58369 Omniwave L Italy 58370 Panservice L Italy 58371 PLURALIA L Italy 58372 Prontoseat L Italy 58374 Reteitaly L Italy 58375 Skytek L Italy 58376 Studio PR L Italy 58377 T.Net Italia L Italy 58379 Telefonia Cominium L Italy 58380 Teleinform L Italy 58381 Telemar L Italy 58382 Telesya L Italy 58383 Televoip Italia L Italy 58384 Telnet L Italy 58385 Telvia L Italy 58386 Teseo Networking L Italy 58387 United Com L Italy 58388 Utility Line Italia L Italy 58389 Viatek L Italy 58390 Visitel L Italy 58392 Voxbone L Italy 58393 Wildix L Italy 58394 WosNetwork L Italy 58397 5Linx Mobile L Sweden 58398 Arcstel L Sweden 58400 Birka Marknad L Sweden 58401 Bredbandsson L Sweden 58402 Bredbandsteknik 2000 i Karlshamn L Sweden 58403 CommunityCom Sweden L Sweden 58404 Oyatel L Sweden 58406 Scandinavian Sponsnet L Sweden 58407 Tele5 Voice Services L Sweden 58409 Tyfon Svenska L Sweden 58410 Vodafone L Sweden 58411 WX3 Telecom L Sweden 58412 Adesemi (T) Ltd. L Tanzania 58413 Airtel Tanzania Ltd M Tanzania 58414 International freephone service L Tanzania 58416 Lafaiete Provedor De Internet E Telecomunicacoes LTDA L Brazil 58418 Simternet Technology L Brazil 58419 Alpha L Brazil 58420 Amigo Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58421 BBS Options M Brazil 58422 Metroweb Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58423 BT Communications DO Brazil L Brazil 58424 Millicom Ghana Ltd (tiGO) M Ghana 58425 Cambridge Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58426 Convergia Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58428 Dialdata Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58429 DSLI VOX 3 Brasil Comunicacoes L Brazil 58430 Visaonet Telecom L Brazil 58431 ETML Empresa de Telefonia L Brazil 58432 Falkland Tecnologia EM Telecom (IPCorp) M Brazil 58433 Fonar Telecom L Brazil 58434 Global Crossing Comunicacoes L Brazil 58435 Golden Line Telecom L Brazil 58436 GT Group International Brasil L Brazil 58437 Hello Brasil Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58438 Hoje Sistemas De Informatica L Brazil 58439 IDT Brasil Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58440 Itavoice Servicos De Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58441 Konecta Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58442 Local Servicos De Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58443 Mundivox Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58444 Vonex Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 58445 Ostara Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58446 OTS - Option Telecom Servicos L Brazil 58450 Telefree L Brazil 58453 Transit Telecom L Brazil 58454 Vox Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58455 SignalLink Informatica L Brazil 58456 Suporte Technologia e Instalaco L Brazil 58457 Telecomdados Servicos L Brazil 58458 T-Leste Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 58459 Telecomunicacoes Dollarphone L Brazil 58460 NiamoutieTelecom M Cote dIvoire 58461 Beltelecom L Belarus 58462 AMERICANA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES L El Salvador 58464 AMNET TEL Y COMPANIA SOCIEDAD EN COMANDITA DE CAPITAL L El Salvador 58465 CTE L El Salvador 58466 DIGICEL M El Salvador 58467 EL SALVADOR NETWORK L El Salvador 58469 GLOBALSTAR EL SALVADOR M El Salvador 58473 TELEFONICA MOVILES EL SALVADOR M El Salvador 58474 TELEMOVIL EL SALVADOR M El Salvador 58475 Sogetel L Congo, Democratic Republic of the 58486 (Viapvt) - Slovanet L Slovakia 58487 Almea Com, s.r.o. L Slovakia 58488 Amtel L Slovakia 58489 AT&T L Slovakia 58490 Axon L Slovakia 58491 Bentel L Slovakia 58492 Cdicon L Slovakia 58493 Cora Holding L Slovakia 58494 Datalock Rainside L Slovakia 58495 Etel Slovensko L Slovakia 58496 Eurotel Prenos L Slovakia 58497 Euroweb L Slovakia 58498 Globaltel L Slovakia 58499 Gratex International L Slovakia 58500 GTS L Slovakia 58501 HPT TELECOM, s r.o. L Slovakia 58502 Inaros L Slovakia 58503 Kios L Slovakia 58504 Kochman Info Systems L Slovakia 58505 Napri L Slovakia 58506 Nextra L Slovakia 58507 Pantel Slovensko L Slovakia 58508 Peem L Slovakia 58509 PHONOTEX, s r.o. L Slovakia 58510 Profinet L Slovakia 58511 Pronet Servis, S.R.O. L Slovakia 58512 Rdt L Slovakia 58513 S.A. L Slovakia 58514 Salamon L Slovakia 58515 Ses Kredit L Slovakia 58516 Sirius L Slovakia 58517 Slov. TV spol., s r.o. L Slovakia 58518 Slovak Republic Railways (GSM-R) M Slovakia 58519 Slovak Telekom L Slovakia 58520 Slovanet Bratislava L Slovakia 58521 Softitus L Slovakia 58522 ST,a.s. L Slovakia 58523 Swan (Callino) L Slovakia 58524 TELTEX, s.r.o. L Slovakia 58525 Usware L Slovakia 58526 Uta Telekom L Slovakia 58527 Various networks L Slovakia 58528 Zutom L Slovakia 58529 iTalkBB Singapore Pte L Singapore 58530 Pennytel Pte L Singapore 58531 Phoenix Communications Pte L Singapore 58532 PLDT Pte (SG) M Singapore 58533 Singapore Smart Telecommunications Pte L Singapore 58534 Sky Voice Pte L Singapore 58535 ST SunPage L Singapore 58536 Ztar M Singapore 58537 BEC Telecom L Dominican Republic 58538 Compania Dominicana de Telefon (Claro) M Dominican Republic 58540 Altice Dominicana (Orange Dominicana) M Dominican Republic 58541 Tricom M Dominican Republic 58542 Skymax Dominicana L US,Canada and Others 58543 Onemax L Dominican Republic 58544 Amis Telekom L Croatia 58545 L Croatia 58546 H1 TELEKOM L Croatia 58547 Iskon Internet L Croatia 58548 Metronet L Croatia 58549 Nexcom L Croatia 58550 OT - OPTIMA TELEKOM L Croatia 58551 PRIMATEL L Croatia 58552 Hrvatski Telekom (HT) M Croatia 58553 VOLJATEL L Croatia 58556 FREE Telecom L France 58559 Futur telecom (LTI TELECOM) M France 58561 UTS CARAIBES L France 58562 AFA Systems L Italy 58563 Clio L Italy 58564 Accessnet International L Romania 58565 Accord Telecom L Romania 58566 Advanced Business Solutions International L Romania 58567 Aeroglobal L Romania 58569 AIRNET L Romania 58570 Alizee L Romania 58571 Aqualogic L Romania 58572 Atlas Telecom Interactive L Romania 58573 Atlas Telecom Network Romania L Romania 58574 BP OFFICE & SERVICE L Romania 58575 Canal S L Romania 58576 Carrier 1 Network L Romania 58577 Cellebral L Romania 58578 Combridge L Romania 58579 Complax Telecommunication L Romania 58580 Connet-RO L Romania 58581 Datek Telecom L Romania 58582 Digicom System L Romania 58583 Diginet L Romania 58584 DOX COMPANY L Romania 58585 EuroWeb Romania L Romania 58586 EXPRESS ONLINE L Romania 58587 F & L CABLE SYSTEM L Romania 58588 FAST CORPORATION L Romania 58592 COMUNICACION Y TELEFONIA RURAL L Chile 58594 MANQ L Chile 58595 GTD TELESAT L Chile 58600 VTR BANDA ANCHA M Chile 58601 CLARO CHILE M Chile 58602 BERMANN L Chile 58603 TESAM CHILE M Chile 58609 AA Telecom L Jordan 58610 ACCESSME  L Jordan 58611 Afkar L Jordan 58612 Al Damj Telecom L Jordan 58613 Al-Ahliya L Jordan 58614 AL-HUSSAINI TELECOM  L Jordan 58615 Alramz Telecom Technologies L Jordan 58616 Amira Telecom  L Jordan 58617 Amman Call  L Jordan 58619 AUDIO TELECOM L Jordan 58620 BeeCell L Jordan 58621 Bell Jordan L Jordan 58622 Crystaltelco L Jordan 58623 Cyberia L Jordan 58624 FTE L Jordan 58625 Info2Cell L Jordan 58626 Intercontinental Media & Communication Services Lt L Jordan 58627 IONET L Jordan 58628 ITP L Jordan 58629 Jood Telecard L Jordan 58630 Jordan Bell L Jordan 58632 Lasilkee L Jordan 58633 MEC L Jordan 58634 Mirsal L Jordan 58635 Mobile Interactive Technologies L Jordan 58636 Moments L Jordan 58637 National Information Centre L Jordan 58638 Next Generation Technology L Jordan 58639 Petra Joranian Mobile Telecommunications Co - ORANGE M Jordan 58640 Orbitel  L Jordan 58641 Penta Telecom L Jordan 58642 Ring Jordan L Jordan 58643 Royal Jordanian L Jordan 58644 Salam  L Jordan 58645 Sama Telecom  L Jordan 58647 Signal communications L Jordan 58649 Saleemcom L Jordan 58650 Splendor Telecom L Jordan 58651 TE Data L Jordan 58652 The Jordanian Vision for Telecom L Jordan 58653 Tower Telecom Technology Solutions L Jordan 58655 Viaclouds L Jordan 58657 Xerox L Jordan 58658 XOL Jordan L Jordan 58659 Xpress Telecom M Jordan 58660 Zain M Jordan 58661 Telio Telecom (Schweiz) AG L Switzerland 58663 kiskorosi kabel-TV L Hungary 58666 SZAMOSNET L Hungary 58668 LANESTEL L France 58677 Business Broadcast Communications L United Kingdom 58678 Capital Marketing Resources UK L United Kingdom 58689 GlemNet L United Kingdom 58690 Libya Telecom & Technology (LTT) L Libya 58691 GBA Network Group L Romania 58692 GTS Telecom L Romania 58693 HES COMMUNICATIONS L Romania 58694 Idilis (2K Telecom) L Romania 58695 Ines Group L Romania 58696 Interpoint L Romania 58697 Interstat L Romania 58698 Iristel Romania L Romania 58699 Lidas Prod L Romania 58700 Voxbone L Romania 58702 NECC Telecom Romania L Romania 58703 Net-Connect Internet L Romania 58704 NEVI TELECOM L Romania 58705 Nextgen Communications L Romania 58706 NEXTGEN COMMUNICATION L Romania 58707 Nobel Romania L Romania 58708 OMEGA TELECOMMUNICATION L Romania 58709 ORION COMMUNICAITON L Romania 58710 ORIZONT GROUP L Romania 58711 Plus+ Telecom L Romania 58712 Real Network and Telecommunications L Romania 58713 Rom Infor Line L Romania 58714 Rompetrol L Romania 58715 Smart Line Connect L Romania 58716 Societatea Nationala De Radio Communication L Romania 58717 Telcor Communications L Romania 58718 Telemobile M Romania 58719 Tettas L Romania 58721 Trans Tel Services L Romania 58722 TV SAT 2002 L Romania 58723 UPC Romania L Romania 58725 UTI Communications System L Romania 58726 VESSA TELECOM L Romania 58727 Vialtex Prodcom L Romania 58728 Prime Telecom L Romania 58729 Vitanic RO L Romania 58730 Voxility L Romania 58731 Voxline Communications L Romania 58732 World Telecom Network L Romania 58733 Zeitun L Romania 58734 Telemax L Romania 58735 TELETEHNIC L Romania 58736 NXTEL SOLUTIONS L Romania 58737 Vocal Pad ROM L Romania 58738 Lycamobile Denmark Ltd M Denmark 58740 Holaphone Tecnology Espana L Spain 58741 TV ALMANSA L Spain 58745 Revertido PTY LTD L Spain 58752 Business Telecom Networks L Spain 58754 Ocran Cards Telefonia L Spain 58756 First Communication gmbH L Germany 58757 1058 L Germany 58759 KabelD L Germany 58760 Tele2 L Germany 58761 Multiconnect GmbH M Germany 58762 Voxbone L Germany 58765 NEXT ID L Germany 58766 VersatelOst L Germany 58767 Versatel Nord L Germany 58768 Schwedt L Germany 58769 Smart L Germany 58770 inexio L Germany 58771 OVH L Germany 58772 Forester L Germany 58773 ccn L Germany 58774 Mega L Germany 58775 toplink L Germany 58776 TNG L Germany 58777 Planet L Germany 58778 MKN L Germany 58779 Orange L Germany 58780 DTMS L Germany 58781 TELESER L Germany 58782 Outbox L Germany 58783 Spider L Germany 58785 I-21 L United Kingdom 58801 Copaco M Paraguay 58803 Virgin Media L United Kingdom 58814 web L Germany 58815 mcn tele L Germany 58816 DNS:NET L Germany 58817 IN-telegence L Germany 58818 Versatel SUD L Germany 58819 Lime (CW-Anguilla) M Anguilla 58820 Caribbean Cable Communications L Anguilla 58821 Netspeak L Anguilla 58822 Weblinks M Anguilla 58823 Wireless Ventures (Anguilla) L M US,Canada and Others 58824 APUA PCS M Antigua and Barbuda 58825 Lime (CW-Antigua) M Antigua and Barbuda 58827 Blue Communications L Barbados 58828 Lime (CW-Barbados) M Barbados 58830 Sunbeach Communications M Barbados 58831 TeleBarbados L Barbados 58832 Bermuda Telephone Company L Bermuda 58833 Cellular One M US,Canada and Others 58836 Logic Communications Ltd (North Rock Comm) L Bermuda 58837 Quantum Communications L Bermuda 58838 Lime (CW-Cayman Island) M Cayman Islands 58840 E technologies L Cayman Islands 58841 Infinity Broadband L Cayman Islands 58842 TeleCayman L US,Canada and Others 58843 Westtel L US,Canada and Others 58845 Lime (CW-Dominica) M Dominica 58847 Marpin Telecom L Dominica 58848 ORANGE DOMINICANA L US,Canada and Others 58849 AWS Grenada M US,Canada and Others 58850 Lime (CW-Grenada) M Grenada 58852 Lime (CW-Jamaica) M Jamaica 58854 GOTEL L Jamaica 58857 TDMA MSC L US,Canada and Others 58859 Guam Cell & Paging Dba Saipan Cellular & Paging L US,Canada and Others 58860 Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. L US,Canada and Others 58862 Wave Runner, Llc M US,Canada and Others 58863 Lime (CW-St Kitts and Nevis) M St. Kitts and Nevis 58865 UTS CariGlobe M St. Kitts and Nevis 58866 AT&T (St. Lucia) L US,Canada and Others 58867 Lime (CW-St. Lucia) M Saint Lucia 58869 AT&T (St. Vincent) M US,Canada and Others 58870 Lime (CW-St. Vincent) M St. Vincent and the Grenadines 58872 Columbus Communications Trinidad Ltd L Trinidad and Tobago 58873 Digicel (Trinidad & Tobago) M Trinidad and Tobago 58874 LaqTel Ltd M Trinidad and Tobago 58875 Telecom Services of Trinidad and Tobago M Trinidad and Tobago 58876 Andrews Communication Ltd L Turks and Caicos Islands 58877 Lime (CW-Turks & Caicos) M Turks and Caicos Islands 58879 IslandCom Communication Ltd M Turks and Caicos Islands 58880 Lime (CW-British Virgin Island) M British Virgin Islands 58881 Caribbean Cellular Telephone L L US,Canada and Others 58883 Boor communications L Finland 58884 Dicame M Finland 58886 Aztelekom L Azerbaijan 58887 Karabakh Telecom L Azerbaijan 58890 Locaweb Telecom L Brazil 58891 NortelPA Engenharia L Brazil 58892 Sermatel Com E Servico L Brazil 58893 RN Brasil - Servicos De Pro L Brazil 58896 Airnet New Zealand NOW L New Zealand 58897 Callplus (M2 - Vocus) M New Zealand 58898 Compass Communications M New Zealand 58899 Link Telecom L New Zealand 58900 M2 New Zealand M New Zealand 58901 Orconinternet M New Zealand 58902 Symbio Networks PTY L New Zealand 58904 Woosh Wireless (M2 - Vocus) M New Zealand 58905 WorldXChange Communications L New Zealand 58906 Globalstar L Global Mobile Satellite System 58907 AMSTELCOM UNIPESSOAL L Portugal 58908 DOUBLE TRUST - SOLUCOES DE MOBILIDADE L Portugal 58910 MACH CONECTIVITY APS L Portugal 58912 NETOPIA - SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GLOBAL L Portugal 58915 SIC - SOIEDADE INDEPENDENTE DE COMUNIACAO L Portugal 58916 WIRELESS BRAND - MARKETING E SERVICOS MULTIMEDIA L Portugal 58917 UAB Cubio L Lithuania 58918 UAB Nacionalinis telekomunikaciju tinklas L Lithuania 58919 Expresso Senegal (Sudatel) M Senegal 58920 Aicent L International Networks 58921 Denver Consultants L International Networks 58922 AT&T L International Networks 58923 Cable and Wireless L International Networks 58924 Ellipso L International Networks 58925 Global Networks Switzerland L International Networks 58926 ONAIR M International Networks 58927 Oration Technologies L International Networks 58928 Telenor M International Networks 58929 Verizon L International Networks 58930 FASOPAC L Burkina Faso 58931 ONEA L Burkina Faso 58932 Ren-Lac L Burkina Faso 58933 Sonabel L Burkina Faso 58934 SOS Excision L Burkina Faso 58936 Cotegua L Bolivia 58937 Tigo M Bolivia 58938 FCT Dominicana L Dominican Republic 58939 ESPINAL TECHNOLOGY GROUP L US,Canada and Others 58940 Local Free Zone Services L US,Canada and Others 58941 Satel L Dominican Republic 58942 Skymax Dominicana L Dominican Republic 58943 Tecnologia Digital L Dominican Republic 58944 Trilogy Dominicana (Viva) M Dominican Republic 58945 Wind Telecom L Dominican Republic 58946 Amitelo AG M Iceland 58951 iPnet L Iceland 58955 IT&S Centroamerica L Guatemala 58956 GMPCS L Mozambique 58957 Vodacom M Mozambique 58959 Adisam Telecom L Romania 58961 Fast Telecom L Romania 58962 Infotel Europe L Romania 58964 Miba Telecom 2002 L Romania 58965 PLUG IT INTERNATIONAL L Romania 58966 Telecav L Romania 58967 Celldomolki Kabeltelevizio L Hungary 58968 SysCorp L Hungary 58969 Montan Telecom L Liechtenstein 58973 MCC Telephony L United States of America 58977 ALISYS SOFTWARE L Spain 58978 V46 VENTAYMEDIA SERVICIOS L Spain 58979 Blatzheim L Germany 58981 Claro (Enitel) M Nicaragua 58982 Movistar M Nicaragua 58983 GFIT L Germany 58984 Versatel L Germany 58985 Kpnqwest Estonia L Estonia 58986 OU Voicenet L Estonia 58987 Starman AS L Estonia 58988 Regional Broadband L Ireland 58989 Redtouch Fone M Malta 58990 China Telecom M Macau 58991 Hutchison Telecom (02) M Macau 58992 Kong Seng Paging L Macau 58993 Digital Communications Co., Ltd (Smartone) M Macau 58995 Primus Telecommunications France L Martinique 58996 Wengo L Martinique 58997 Lotus Communications L Hong Kong 59001 Digitel Italia M Italy 59005 System House L Italy 59006 Inkk Mobile M Fiji 59007 Telecom Fiji (TFL) M Fiji 59008 Vodafone M Fiji 59010 Arnes L Slovenia 59011 AT&T L Slovenia 59012 Metaling L Slovenia 59013 Mobik L Slovenia 59014 NovaTel L Slovenia 59017 UPC Telemach L Slovenia 59018 Voxbone L Slovenia 59020 MoT L Lebanon 59021 Ogero M Lebanon 59022 Montysom M Somalia 59023 Thuraya L Somalia 59025 Gage Networks LLP L United Kingdom 59026 Telecel M Central African Republic 59027 Greystone Telecom L United Kingdom 59028 Storacall Technology (Trading As X-ON) L United Kingdom 59029 Technology Distribution L United Kingdom 59030 TeleSurf L United Kingdom 59031 Test2date B.V M United Kingdom 59033 Tuxtel L United Kingdom 59034 Vertical Systems L United Kingdom 59035 TOTAL TIM - SERVICOS DE TELECOMUNICACOES MOVEIS E AFINS UNIPESSOAL L Portugal 59036 IPCom Kommunikationsdienste L Austria 59038 10 1/2 L Latvia 59039 4 NETS L Latvia 59040 Adamasto L Latvia 59041 Advem L Latvia 59042 BALTKOM TV M Latvia 59046 BALTICOM M Latvia 59047 Baltinet Data L Latvia 59049 Bell Baltia L Latvia 59051 XOmobile (Camel Mobile) M Latvia 59052 Citynet L Latvia 59053 Data Networks L Latvia 59054 Data Technology Group L Latvia 59055 L Latvia 59056 Dautkom TV L Latvia 59057 D-COM L Latvia 59059 ECO Solutions L Latvia 59061 ESTERIA 79 L Latvia 59063 Finors Telecom L Latvia 59064 Global Mobile Solutions L Latvia 59065 Internet World L Latvia 59066 IT Group L Latvia 59067 INTECO (KNIGHTS Technologies) L Latvia 59068 Lattelecom M Latvia 59069 Latvenergo L Latvia 59072 Lumar L Latvia 59073 MPE NETS L Latvia 59074 MWTV L Latvia 59075 Neolains L Latvia 59076 Optron L Latvia 59077 Rigatta M Latvia 59078 Rixtel L Latvia 59079 SIGIS L Latvia 59080 Silko L Latvia 59081 SIMTEL L Latvia 59082 SOTUS L Latvia 59083 Stream Networks L Latvia 59085 Tele Media (iepr. ENIRO Latvija) L Latvia 59086 Telefant L Latvia 59087 Teleglobal L Latvia 59089 Telekom Baltija (Triatel) M Latvia 59090 Telenet L Latvia 59091 Telia Latvia L Latvia 59092 TG Transit L Latvia 59093 TI-PARK L Latvia 59094 Tivi L Latvia 59095 UNISTARS L Latvia 59096 Voxbone SA Latvijfiliale L Latvia 59098 TIGO Rwanda M Rwanda 59099 Aldra L Netherlands 59100 Ir. S.J. van der Stoel Holding L Netherlands 59101 Wavecrest L Netherlands 59102 Congo Telecom L Congo-Brazzaville 59104 PRIXTEL M France 59105 WM NETWORKS L France 59106 ZAIN Gabon (Celtel) M Gabon 59107 Timor Telecom M Timor-Leste 59108 ALBtelecom L Albania 59110 DRAVANET L Hungary 59113 PANNON PIPICS L Hungary 59114 PENDOLA TeleCom L Hungary 59116 Belcentrale L Netherlands 59117 Time2Call M Denmark 59118 Comtalk (Polperro A/S) L Denmark 59119 SkyLine M Denmark 59120 Ipinion M Denmark 59121 KPN Spain L Spain 59126 Enterprijs L Netherlands 59127 GSMshop L Netherlands 59128 B3G Telecom L Netherlands 59129 BT Infonet L Netherlands 59130 IDT Europe L Netherlands 59131 Global-E L Netherlands 59132 U-Wiss L Netherlands 59134 EASYTALK COMUNICACIONES L Spain 59138 IVY SOLUTIONS L Spain 59143 Movil Servicio Urgente L Spain 59147 Neural Telecommunications (UK) L United Kingdom 59148 Titanium L United Kingdom 59149 Voicenet Solutions L United Kingdom 59150 FiberNet Monticello L United States of America 59152 Stellar Telecom L Brazil 59153 Viacom Next Generation L Brazil 59154 Quickline Business AG L Switzerland 59155 Nexphone AG L Switzerland 59157 Axfone M Czech Republic 59160 EMEA L Czech Republic 59161 Interconnect Europe L Czech Republic 59168 Aibatoru L Japan 59172 ITEC Hankyu Hanshin L Japan 59173 Japan Communications L Japan 59177 Kansai Multimedia Service L Japan 59179 Jupiter Telecommunications Co., Ltd. L Japan 59182 AUGSTCELTNE L Latvia 59183 RADIOKOMS L Latvia 59184 TELECENTRS L Latvia 59185 Vlatvijas railway L Latvia 59187 B.I.P. L Israel 59189 Wataniya Palestine M Palestine 59190 Animatele Inc L Sweden 59191 InfoBip LTD M Sweden 59193 Telenor Connexion M Sweden 59195 Freespee L Sweden 59196 REACH L Antarctica 59197 Norfolk Telecom M Antarctica 59198 University of Maribor L Slovenia 59199 University of Ljubljana L Slovenia 59200 AT&T Hrvatska L Croatia 59201 Dencro L Croatia 59202 IT Jedan L Croatia 59203 KDS L Croatia 59204 Margon L Croatia 59205 Markottel L Croatia 59206 NTH Media L Croatia 59207 POSLUH L Croatia 59208 QuaesTel L Croatia 59209 Sinfonika L Croatia 59210 SOFTnet L Croatia 59212 Telenet L Croatia 59216 VM mreze L Croatia 59217 Voicecom L Croatia 59218 Avolo Telecom L Romania 59219 ASCENTECH TELECOM L Bahrain 59220 KULACOM L Bahrain 59222 Viva Bahrain / STC Bahrain M Bahrain 59224 PING M Malta 59225 In2Tel L Ireland 59226 G2TEL L Ireland 59229 All Out Media L Netherlands 59230 Digitrieve L Netherlands 59232 Tismi M Netherlands 59233 Venus & Mercury Telecom L Netherlands 59236 Monarc Technologies L United States of America 59237 SkyNet L US,Canada and Others 59238 Lukket L Denmark 59239 Mobius Communications L United States of America 59240 Casacom L Cambodia 59241 S Telecom L Cambodia 59242 EMBOU NUEVAS TECNOLOGIES L Spain 59245 DESARROLLO DE TYECNICAS DE INFORMACION Y COMUNICACION L Spain 59250 Soluciones De Venta directa Y Markting S.L. L Spain 59251 COMUNICACIONES DE BANDA ANCHA L El Salvador 59253 DC TECHNOLOGIES L El Salvador 59254 GSK HOLDINGS L El Salvador 59255 NETCOM L El Salvador 59257 RESISTEL L El Salvador 59258 SANJUSAL L El Salvador 59259 SKYLINK COMMUNICATIONS L El Salvador 59261 TELEFONICA MULTISERVICIOS L El Salvador 59262 TELPRO L El Salvador 59263 UNILINK L El Salvador 59264 V-TONE EL SALVADOR L El Salvador 59266 Avantel S.A. M Colombia 59267 Voxbone SA L Switzerland 59268 Connect L Ireland 59269 ComNet Telecom (HK) L Hong Kong 59270 Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) M Hong Kong 59271 ZONE L Hong Kong 59273 1018 L Germany 59274 NetAachen L Germany 59276 Indigo Services L Ireland 59277 Internet Ireland L Ireland 59278 Digicel M French Guiana 59279 France Telecom L French Guiana 59280 Mediaserv L French Guiana 59281 Orange Caraibe Mobiles M French Guiana 59282 Outremer Telecom M French Guiana 59283 Wayscom L French Guiana 59284 Wll Antilles-Guyane L French Guiana 59285 Beepsend M Sweden 59286 Boxer TV Access L Sweden 59287 Cell Mobile M Sweden 59288 Lycamobile Sweden M Sweden 59290 Voice Integrate L Sweden 59291 Akton L Croatia 59292 Africell M Gambia 59293 Comium M Gambia 59294 Qcell M Gambia 59295 Airtel /Zain Communications (Ghana) Ltd M Ghana 59296 Privet Network (NEC) M Sudan 59297 Vivacell M Sudan 59298 Elephant Talk Communications M Belgium 59300 AMERICA NET LTDA M Brazil 59301 Vipway Servicos De Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 59302 CTS M Gibraltar 59303 Sapphire Networks (U-Mee) L Gibraltar 59304 Voxbone L Gibraltar 59305 Lyca Mobile M Norway 59306 NBCN Networks L United Kingdom 59307 Promotions4All L United Kingdom 59308 Rexcom Tech L United Kingdom 59309 OnWav L US,Canada and Others 59310 AT&T Global Network Services L Ireland 59311 Compulive Ltd. L Ireland 59312 DNA Internet L Ireland 59314 Esat Net L Ireland 59315 Tata Communications (UK) L United Kingdom 59316 Ymobile (AKA eAccess, Willcom) M Japan 59318 Ucom (Orange Armenia) M Armenia 59319 PeerTel Communications L US,Canada and Others 59320 Public Mobile M US,Canada and Others 59321 CityWest North Cable L Canada 59322 MGW Networks L United States of America 59323 Ministrstvo za javno upravo L Slovenia 59324 Diabolocom SAS L Guadeloupe 59325 Mediaserv L Guadeloupe 59326 Veldissimo telecom L Guadeloupe 59328 WENGO L Guadeloupe 59330 CM TELECOM L Portugal 59332 KITEIA CONSULTORES DE INFORMATICA L Portugal 59333 ZON TV CABO ACOREANA L Portugal 59335 Cellcom M Liberia 59336 Libtelco L Liberia 59337 Aikol L Macedonia 59338 Infel Netplus L Macedonia 59339 Kejbltel L Macedonia 59340 Macedonian Telekom L Macedonia 59341 Neotel L Macedonia 59342 Nexcom L Macedonia 59343 UN-NET L Macedonia 59344 Global communication L Sweden 59345 ALLIANCE MCA L France 59346 IPER TELECOM L France 59348 Bjt Partners L French Guiana 59349 Dauphin Telecom L French Guiana 59350 GUYANE TELEPHONE MOBILE L French Guiana 59351 KEYYO L French Guiana 59352 GUADELOUPE TELEPHONE MOBILE L Guadeloupe 59353 KEYYO L Guadeloupe 59354 Numericable L Guadeloupe 59356 Techno Finance L Guadeloupe 59357 Bjt Partners L Guadeloupe 59358 Bjt Partners L Martinique 59359 International Telecommunication Network France (Vivaction) L Martinique 59360 KEYYO L Martinique 59361 MARTINIQUE TELEPHONE MOBILE M Martinique 59362 NC Numericable L Martinique 59363 Techno Finance L Martinique 59364 42 Telecom (42IT) L Denmark 59365 L Netherlands 59366 Bouwens Beek Automatisering L Netherlands 59367 iSence L Netherlands 59371 Smart Call L US,Canada and Others 59373 One Point Technologies L United States of America 59374 New Dimensions Wireless M United States of America 59375 Dave Mobilicity M US,Canada and Others 59376 Mediacom Telephony L US,Canada and Others 59377 Voxbone M Denmark 59379 SFERIA S.A. M Poland 59380 J2 Global (Netherlands) L Netherlands 59381 Globe Internet L Malawi 59382 Malawi Net L Malawi 59383 Web & Internet Systems Solutions (WISS) L Malawi 59384 HB AGORA L Hungary 59385 InTV L Hungary 59386 Lesko es Nagy L Hungary 59387 Milenia-Systems L Hungary 59388 Netsurf Club L Hungary 59389 SONITAR L Hungary 59390 Alpcom AG M Liechtenstein 59391 EUInternetworking B.V. L Liechtenstein 59392 Top Connect L Liechtenstein 59393 White Label Mobile AG L Liechtenstein 59394 PR Wireless Inc dba Open Mobile - SVR/2 M Puerto Rico 59395 Zeus Wireless L United States of America 59396 Etihad Atheeb Telecom Company (Go) L Saudi Arabia 59397 Telecel (Moov) M Togo 59399 Primus Telecommunications france L Reunion 59400 Wengo L Reunion 59401 WLL REUNION L Reunion 59402 Telecom Express L United Kingdom 59403 Atomstream L United Kingdom 59404 E164 Ltd L United Kingdom 59405 Cable Telecommunications Services L Brazil 59406 Wmobile (Wataniya Telecom) M Maldives 59407 Orange M Central African Republic 59408 Fastnets L Latvia 59409 Globals Telekoms L Latvia 59410 HIG Serviss Baltija L Latvia 59411 iLink L Latvia 59412 IME PLUS L Latvia 59414 IT Baltija L Latvia 59415 IZZIFAX L Latvia 59416 JUCOM L Latvia 59417 JUNIK L Latvia 59418 Kurzemes datorcentrs (The institutes of Courland) L Latvia 59419 TELEGROUP BALTICS L Latvia 59420 Netpoint Technologies L Latvia 59422 ALIT L Moldova 59423 Apel Net L Moldova 59424 Arax-Impex L Moldova 59425 Boomtelecom L Moldova 59426 Calea Farate din Moldova L Moldova 59427 Cartel - Sistem L Moldova 59428 Centrul de Telcomunicatii Speciale L Moldova 59429 Dalnet CS L Moldova 59430 Data Network Communication L Moldova 59431 Eurostock L Moldova 59432 ITPAY L Moldova 59433 Meganet L Moldova 59434 Moldtelecom M Moldova 59435 Net-Connect Internet L Moldova 59436 Ovatel TDM L Moldova 59437 Real-Progres L Moldova 59438 Riscom L Moldova 59439 Sicres L Moldova 59440 Starnet L Moldova 59441 Sun Communications L Moldova 59442 Tehnobridge M L Moldova 59445 VOIPUNIFY TELECOM L Portugal 59446 Nepal Satellite Telecom L Nepal 59447 Spice Nepal (Ncell Pvt. Ltd) M Nepal 59448 United Telecom L Nepal 59449 BJT PARTNERS L Reunion 59450 INTERCABLE REUNION L Reunion 59451 KEYYO L Reunion 59452 MEDIASERV L Reunion 59453 MOBIUS L Reunion 59455 Antillephone L Netherlands Antilles 59456 Scarlet L Netherlands Antilles 59457 Antelecom (Setel Curacao) (UTS) M Netherlands Antilles 59459 OpenIP L France 59460 POPESCO L France 59461 SYBASE FRANCE SARL L France 59462 TECHCARE L France 59463 YOM M Malta 59464 Fenice Telekom L Croatia 59465 CONVERGIA EL SALVADOR L El Salvador 59466 Febernetics L US,Canada and Others 59467 Digital IP Voice L US,Canada and Others 59468 Guam Telcom L Guam 59469 Nebraska Technology and Telecommunications L United States of America 59470 Direct Communications Star West L US,Canada and Others 59471 Consolidated West L US,Canada and Others 59472 Southeast Colorado Power Assoc L United States of America 59473 Telalaska Cellular M United States of America 59475 ACP L Panama 59476 Cable Onda L Panama 59477 Claro M Panama 59478 Digicel M Panama 59479 Galaxy Communications L Panama 59480 IFX NETWORKS L Panama 59481 Mobilphone de Panama L Panama 59482 Itaceu Panama L Panama 59483 Perfect Image L Panama 59484 Skycom Communications L Panama 59485 System One World Communication L Panama 59486 Telecarrier L Panama 59487 Telecomunicaciones Corporativas Panamenas L Panama 59488 Telecomunicaciones Netuno L Panama 59489 Telefonica Moviles (Movistar) M Panama 59490 ES INNOTEL L Hungary 59491 LCCK Bt L Hungary 59492 Digicel M Samoa 59493 Atlas Communication L Sierra Leone 59494 Intergroup Telecom L Sierra Leone 59496 Teletok L Tokelau 59497 Tonga Communications Corp L Tonga 59498 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS ASISTENCIALES VIVIENDA Y L Argentina 59499 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y DE SERVICIOS MARIANO MORENO L Argentina 59500 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA LA UNION (VILLA AMELIA) L Argentina 59502 COOPERATIVA LA CHIMPAYENSE DE TELEFONIA OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS PROVISION Y C L Argentina 59503 Perfectum Mobile M Uzbekistan 59504 Uzbektelecom M Uzbekistan 59505 A2B Telecom L United Kingdom 59506 Khalil Telecom Pvt L United Kingdom 59507 Minotaur Telecom L United Kingdom 59508 Mintaka L United Kingdom 59509 Think Telecom Solutions L United Kingdom 59510 Africom M Zimbabwe 59511 Aquiva L Zimbabwe 59512 Dandemutande L Zimbabwe 59513 PowerTel L Zimbabwe 59514 Taruai Zimbabwe L Zimbabwe 59515 Telecel M Zimbabwe 59516 TelOne L Zimbabwe 59517 Valley Technology L Zimbabwe 59518 Pacific Telecom Communications Group L US,Canada and Others 59520 Cable and Wireless L Ascension Island 59521 BTC Mobile M Botswana 59522 Microla Botswana L Botswana 59523 MicroTeck Enterprises L Botswana 59524 Stature (OpenVoice) L Botswana 59525 Tsagae Communications L Botswana 59526 MONTYHO TECHNOLOGY s.r.o. (CANISTEC) M Czech Republic 59527 SMART Comp M Czech Republic 59528 Net-Connect L Czech Republic 59529 GREPA Networks L Czech Republic 59530 xPhoNet CZ L Czech Republic 59532 CORE MEDIA AB L Sweden 59533 SVENSK KONSUMENTMOBI M Sweden 59534 Goldcup L Sweden 59536 Cube Communications GmbH L Liechtenstein 59537 Cubic Corporation M Liechtenstein 59538 IP-Communications GmbH L Liechtenstein 59539 Mai Telecom (WiMAX) L Guinea 59541 Utelisys Communications L Netherlands 59542 IRIS L Haiti 59543 Afribone L Mali 59544 ARC informatique L Mali 59545 Aya Technologie L Mali 59546 Bureaucratic service L Mali 59547 CEFIB L Mali 59548 CFCI L Mali 59549 Companet L Mali 59550 Cyfed refer L Mali 59551 Datatech L Mali 59552 DATATECH L Mali 59553 Djom consulting L Mali 59554 I&D L Mali 59555 Intlec L Mali 59556 Malinet L Mali 59557 Micro Systeme L Mali 59558 RIB L Mali 59559 SIPRES L Mali 59560 Spider L Mali 59561 Technolab L Mali 59562 IPER TELECOM L Martinique 59563 Societe Reunionnaise du Radiotelephone M Reunion 59564 Orange Reunion M Reunion 59565 Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane M Guadeloupe 59566 UTS CARAIBES M Guadeloupe 59567 OUTREMER TELECOM M Guadeloupe 59568 WLL ANTILLES-GUYANE L Guadeloupe 59569 Orange Caraibes Mobiles M Guadeloupe 59570 Agora Media L Romania 59571 Complete I Solutions SRL L Romania 59572 Contact Telecom L Romania 59573 INTERNATIONAL JOB SERVICES SRL L Romania 59574 COMUNICACION Y TECNOLOGIA L El Salvador 59575 Bellingham Telecommunications L United Kingdom 59576 K.O.R COMMUNICATION L France 59577 W Interactive Media L Mexico 59578 Norma L Moldova 59580 Nordlinks L Moldova 59581 Digicel M Nauru 59582 RonTel L Nauru 59583 Switt Mobile M Denmark 59584 Afreetel L Niger 59585 Telecom Niue M Niue 59586 Telecom Digital Data L Hong Kong 59587 Greenway Communications L United States of America 59589 Koryolink M Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of 59590 COMTEST L Hungary 59591 Gergi Halo L Hungary 59592 Network Telekom L Hungary 59593 Eutelia L San Marino 59594 Karupa L San Marino 59595 L San Marino 59596 Societa Trasporto Telematico L San Marino 59597 Teleunit L San Marino 59598 Unidata L San Marino 59599 Vanguard L San Marino 59600 Wind Telecomunicazioni L San Marino 59601 Telecomunicaciones BRIHMCA L Mexico 59602 Tecamac Telecomunicaciones L Mexico 59603 Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC) M Swaziland 59604 Altyn Asyr M Turkmenistan 59605 Turkmen Telecom L Turkmenistan 59607 Virgin Mobile M US,Canada and Others 59609 Service des Postes et Télécommunications (SPT) M Wallis and Futuna Islands 59610 Mobile Extension Manager L Germany 59611 Boost M US,Canada and Others 59612 Vee Telecom L Taiwan 59613 COMeSER L Italy 59614 COOP Italia L Italy 59615 Estracom L Italy 59616 Globcom L Italy 59617 Hermess L Italy 59618 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING COMPANY L Italy 59619 Interoute L Italy 59620 KPN Telecom L Italy 59621 Mandarin Wimax Sicilia L Italy 59622 One Italia L Italy 59623 Orange Business Italy L Italy 59624 Poste Italiane M Italy 59625 Publicom L Italy 59626 Seven Communication L Italy 59627 Computer Nagano L Japan 59628 Bakom L Switzerland 59629 SIPhone L Czech Republic 59631 AKT Projects L United Kingdom 59632 CardBoardFish M United Kingdom 59633 Cloud9 Communications M United Kingdom 59634 Invoco L United Kingdom 59635 NewVoiceMedia L United Kingdom 59636 Odyssey Systems L United Kingdom 59637 Red Matter L United Kingdom 59639 ROYAL COURT M Bahrain 59641 HITS Telecom L Burundi 59642 Voxbone M Sweden 59643 Prolife Consulting L Sweden 59644 Airspeed Telecom L Ireland 59645 Darkernet L Ireland 59646 Selec, d.o.o. L Croatia 59647 VOXBONE L Croatia 59648 Redworks L Netherlands 59649 AXIALYS L Guadeloupe 59650 Debitel M France 59651 KPN France L France 59652 RENTABILIWEB INTERACTIVE L France 59653 POSNER TELECOMMUNICATIONS L US,Canada and Others 59654 Halo Wireless L United States of America 59660 USA L United States of America 59661 Cross Cable Television L United States of America 59662 1A Hosting L Hungary 59663 TLT Telecom L Hungary 59666 TELECOTAR 2007, S.L. L Spain 59668 CARRIER ENABLER L Spain 59677 NEDERTEL L Spain 59679 NOVATIO TELECOM L Spain 59680 NUVOX TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 59683 RECARGAEXPRESS L Spain 59686 TARGESYSTEM L Spain 59691 Vmobile L Norway 59692 Three links L Japan 59693 08 Direct M United Kingdom 59694 ICS Networks L United Kingdom 59695 Interact Solutions L United Kingdom 59696 IP Base L United Kingdom 59697 Suretec Systems L United Kingdom 59698 Baltic Mobile Solutions L Latvia 59699 VoipQ/Bluepalm L Netherlands 59700 Buro74 L Netherlands 59701 ELRO L Denmark 59702 BATCOM L Italy 59703 ALNILAM SARL L France 59709 Blue Star L Moldova 59710 Jurnal de Chisinau L Moldova 59712 Media Sfera L Moldova 59714 Proeducatia XXI L Moldova 59720 Intreprinderea Municipala Postul de Radio Antena C L Moldova 59721 Procontext L Moldova 59724 TELSTAR COMMUNICATIONS L United States of America 59725 PEACE COMMUNICATIONS, LLC L United States of America 59726 YOURTEL AMERICA L US,Canada and Others 59727 Lycamobile Pty Ltd M Australia 59728 Vodafone M Qatar 59733 FullVoIP L Spain 59736 SOCIEDAD PROMOTORA DE LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES EN EX L Spain 59737 Satelcom L Moldova 59738 A.T.C. Avant Telecom Consulting AG L Denmark 59739 Comendo Telecom L Denmark 59740 Care Solutions aka PHONE-IT A/S M Denmark 59743 CHILESAT S E L Chile 59745 CIDCOM L Chile 59747 Easy Mail L Chile 59748 FIBERSAT COMUNICACIONES L Chile 59749 Interexport Telecomunicaciones Y Servicios L Chile 59752 SYSTEL L Chile 59753 SOCIEDAD COMERCIAL Y DE INGENIERIA SWEDCOM L Chile 59755 REDVOISS L Chile 59756 NOMADE TELECOMUNICACIONES L Chile 59763 Imin Holding L Italy 59765 Societa Europa Telecomunicazioni L Italy 59767 T-Star Italy L Italy 59769 VoipEuroSystems L Czech Republic 59771 Media Telecom L United Kingdom 59772 UPA Telecom L United Kingdom 59773 VoiceHost L United Kingdom 59774 Ace Call M United Kingdom 59775 Callworld UK L United Kingdom 59776 M P Tanner t/a FIO Telecom L United Kingdom 59777 NG Netowrk Consultancy L United Kingdom 59778 Fonet Telecom L Denmark 59781 Winet Voicetec Solutions AG L Switzerland 59782 Voice IP Communications GMBH L Switzerland 59783 Teleena M United Kingdom 59784 Alternative Finance L Latvia 59785 VOIPAL L Latvia 59786 Datamobile AG M Liechtenstein 59787 Digitel Mobile Srl L Sweden 59788 Inera AB L Sweden 59789 Nummerupply Sningen ou L Sweden 59791 Telecom2 M United Kingdom 59792 CORIOLIS TELECOM M France 59794 AARNet Pty Ltd L Australia 59795 Adam Internet Pty Ltd L Australia 59796 Agile L Australia 59797 Clarinet Australia L Australia 59798 Fedsun Pty. Ltd. L Australia 59799 GoTalk L Australia 59800 IP Systems Pty Ltd L Australia 59801 Isphone Australasia Pty. Limited L Australia 59802 Engin Pty Limited L Australia 59803 My Number Pty Ltd L Australia 59804 Globalstar Australia Pty Ltd (pivotel) M Australia 59805 Rail Corporation M Australia 59806 Redback Communications L Australia 59807 Soul Pattinson Telecommunications L Australia 59808 Symbio Networks L Australia 59809 Tel.Pacific Pty Limited L Australia 59810 Victorian Rail Track M Australia 59811 YLESS4U L Australia 59812 Pure-IP L Gibraltar 59813 EasyCall L Gibraltar 59814 HiTs G.E. S.A. M Equatorial Guinea 59815 CBC BROADBAND HOLDINGS L United States of America 59816 MAINEPCS LLC L United States of America 59817 SIP INTERCHANGE CORPORATION - FL L US,Canada and Others 59818 SJI L United States of America 59819 USFON L United States of America 59820 HOSPERS TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC. DBA HTC COMM IA L US,Canada and Others 59821 Telomax GMBH L Germany 59823 OCEANS NETWORK, S.L. M Spain 59826 Star Telecom Company Ltd (STL) M Laos 59827 TELMEX ARGENTINA L Argentina 59828 Plumium Telecom L Brazil 59829 Accounts Centre L United Kingdom 59830 Everything Everywhere EE - (T-Mobile) M United Kingdom 59831 ZAF Telecom L United Kingdom 59836 BlueCentral Mobility Pty Limited L Australia 59838 Dialogue Communications Pty Limited M Australia 59841 ANSIBLE PTY LTD ( L Australia 59842 mBlox Pty Ltd L Australia 59843 Mediatel Services Pty Ltd L Australia 59845 Mobile Messenger Australia Pty Limited L Australia 59846 OpenMarket Pty L Australia 59847 National Tele Centre Pty Ltd L Australia 59848 Netsize Pty Ltd L Australia 59849 Oxygen8 Communications Australia Pty Ltd L Australia 59850 Salmat Interactive Pty Limited L Australia 59852 Sybase 365 Pty Ltd L Australia 59853 Data Channel Australia Pty Limited L Australia 59855 iG8 Pty Ltd L Australia 59856 OVHHOSTING - SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS UNIPESSOAL L Portugal 59858 AGENCIA PARA A MODERNIZACAO ADMINISTRATIVA L Portugal 59859 A.T.C Avant Telecom Consulting AG L Ireland 59860 Equant Network Systems Ltd L Ireland 59863 CITC Communication & IT Consulting Ing L Austria 59864 Fonira Telekom GmbH L Austria 59865 EPnet GmbH & Co KG L Austria 59866 Kohler High End IT L Austria 59867 Limberger Handelsges m.b.h. L Austria 59869 netvoice data security OG L Austria 59870 Telecom5 Business Systems GmbH L Austria 59871 Silqnet M Georgia 59872 Mobitel M Iraq 59875 GEOLOCALISTION DVPT ELECTRONIQUE ET VIDEO SURVEILLANCE L France 59876 GEOLOCALISTION DVPT ELECTRONIQUE ET VIDEO SURVEILLANCE L French Guiana 59877 GEOLOCALISTION DVPT ELECTRONIQUE ET VIDEO SURVEILLANCE L Guadeloupe 59878 GEOLOCALISTION DVPT ELECTRONIQUE ET VIDEO SURVEILLANCE L Martinique 59879 ING TELECOM L France 59880 MULTIMEDIA BUSINESS SERVICES L France 59881 ODIOWEB INTERNATIONAL L France 59882 INTERACT-IV.COM L France 59883 OOIGA TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L. L Spain 59884 VoIP NetCom Telekommunikacios L Hungary 59885 ATUSmedia KG L Austria 59886 Deutsche Telekom AG L Austria 59887 Dimoco Direct Mobile Communications GMBH L Austria 59888 Elephant Talk Telekom GmbH L Austria 59889 Interactive Communications - Apostol & Vlasich L Austria 59890 Internet - Losungen und Dienstleistungen L Austria 59891 First Art trade Gmbh L Austria 59892 Global Sky Park GmbH L Austria 59893 Sevenspire development & design L Austria 59894 Mobilfon GmbH L Austria 59895 LEOX Telekommunickations GmbH L Austria 59896 Voxbone SA L Austria 59897 SCHREGO Communications Ltd L Austria 59898 mieX GmbH L Austria 59899 Mobile Messaging Solutions (mms) GmbH L Austria 59900 Net4You Internet GmbH L Austria 59901 NEXT-ID GmbH L Austria 59902 mobile internet services gmbh L Austria 59903 TCS - Telecommunication Service Gmbh L Austria 59904 Teleforte Telekommunikations GmbH L Austria 59905 T-Systems Austria GesmbH L Austria 59906 TSG Telecom Solutions GmbH L Austria 59908 WHATEVER Mobile GmbH L Austria 59909 Wienstrom GmbH L Austria 59910 CHILESAT SERVICIOS EMPRESARIALES L Chile 59913 Telefonica Chile SA (CTC) L Chile 59915 Jacob Telecommunication and IT Hungary L Hungary 59916 INFOPYME L Chile 59923 Cas Communications L United States of America 59924 Empanda L United Kingdom 59929 CAIW Netwerken L Netherlands 59931 Keine Zuteilung gem L Austria 59932 L Austria 59933 Conexio GmbH L Austria 59935 Glanzer ONLINE KG L Austria 59936 ICC Calling Cards GmbH L Austria 59937 Mostafavi-Rad KEG L Austria 59938 nfon GmbH L Austria 59939 Notruf No GmbH L Austria 59940 StubaiNET L Austria 59941 Tibula GmbH L Austria 59942 Opticnet Serv S.R.L. L Romania 59943 Baleanu Servcom S.R.L. L Romania 59944 Digi Communications L Romania 59945 Norcable S.R.L L Romania 59946 TEHNOCONSTRUCT S.R.L. L Romania 59947 Crumb Group L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59948 Airaba L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59949 Aneks L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59950 Logosoft L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59951 L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59953 T3 Telecom L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59954 M&H Company L Bosnia and Herzegovina 59955 Datel Enterprise, S.L. L Spain 59956 OMEGA TELECOM CONSULTING L Spain 59957 NOVI-COM L Hungary 59958 Tiger Systems L Hungary 59959 PT Hutchison CP Telecom M Indonesia 59960 Blue Lake Communications L Finland 59962 KYMP L Finland 59963 Liikennevirasto L Finland 59964 Int-airnet L Hungary 59965 Voxbone M Finland 59966 Motiv M Russia/Kazakhstan 59967 Golden Link L Jordan 59968 Altercom L Belgium 59970 Budget Phone L Netherlands 59972 Lunafon Ltd L Switzerland 59973 Backbone Solutions AG (Wingo) L Switzerland 59975 Jessico Networks L United Kingdom 59976 OneTel Telecommunications L United Kingdom 59977 Onyx Innovation Uk L United Kingdom 59978 Wavenet UK L United Kingdom 59980 LinkUP Mitaka - T/A The Big Word L United Kingdom 59981 Tanla Solutions (UK) L United Kingdom 59982 ITCONNECT AB L Sweden 59983 SVEANORDIC TELECOM A L Sweden 59984 LUDO MOBIL AB M Sweden 59985 PLANET49 GMBH L Portugal 59986 Global Iletisim L Turkey 59987 Kocnet L Turkey 59988 Tellcom L Turkey 59989 TTNet L Turkey 59990 VODAFONE L Turkey 59991 Dogan Telekom L Turkey 59992 Doruknet L Turkey 59993 Turknet L Turkey 59994 ISNET L Turkey 59995 Net Ankara Telekom L Turkey 59996 Gisad Telekom L Turkey 59997 Millenicom Telekom L Turkey 59998 Sahra Telekom L Turkey 59999 Komshu L Turkey 60000 Gamma Concept L Guinea 60001 Embedded Systems L Latvia 60002 INFORMATICA EL CORTE INGLES L Spain 60003 VECINDARIO ON LINE L Spain 60004 LIBRATEL IP COMMUNICATIONS GMBH L Austria 60008 SCN TRUPHONE M Spain 60009 QuaesTel L Hungary 60010 SolarTeam Energia L Hungary 60011 Symlink L Hungary 60012 Juhasz Ervin L Hungary 60013 A.T.C. Avant Telecom Consulting AG L Hungary 60015 321 Communications L US,Canada and Others 60016 Pacific Telecom Group L US,Canada and Others 60017 nWire L United States of America 60018 Mikrotec Communications L United States of America 60019 Wisconsin RSA 7 dba Element Mo L US,Canada and Others 60020 Allied Wireless M US,Canada and Others 60021 NET/TOWN TELEPHONE CORPORATION - TX L US,Canada and Others 60022 Telephone Box L United Kingdom 60024 Virgin Mobile Canada M US,Canada and Others 60026 BCH Digital L United Kingdom 60027 Numbergroup Network L United Kingdom 60028 Callswitch Technologies L United Kingdom 60029 Daisy Communications L United Kingdom 60030 NCOM L Malaysia 60031 GITN L Malaysia 60032 MOVING GULF TELECOM L Bahrain 60033 Smart Telecom L Latvia 60035 D-Light GmbH L Austria 60037 Bank Austria Global Information Services GmbH L Austria 60038 flashnet GmbH L Austria 60039 CATELCO L El Salvador 60040 EQUIPOS Y MATERIALES L El Salvador 60041 GRUPO ASESORES CONSULTORES Y CONSTRUCTORES L El Salvador 60042 RED 4G L El Salvador 60043 TELECAM L El Salvador 60044 TELECOMUNICACIONES INTEGRADAS L El Salvador 60046 PHONETRADING 2000, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 60047 SILVER STAR TELCO-WY L United States of America 60048 Comwave Networks L Canada 60049 IP SOLUTIONS L Puerto Rico 60050 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS OF MOSES LAKE L US,Canada and Others 60051 Nej TV L Czech Republic 60052 BICS L Belgium 60053 EDPnet L Belgium 60054 Voxbone SA/NV L Norway 60056 Google Voice L United States of America 60057 LASOTEL L France 60058 Csiganet L Hungary 60059 KABELSAT-2000 L Hungary 60060 Vlastela L Croatia 60061 Telespazio M Italy 60062 GIGAOPTIC L El Salvador 60063 VOIP-IT L Portugal 60064 Danske-Monttelefoner M Denmark 60065 Dansk-Net_LSO L Denmark 60066 InterPhone_LSO M Denmark 60067 HomeMobile M Denmark 60068 Mobilevalue M Denmark 60069 MVNO M Denmark 60070 Oister M Denmark 60071 Sonomio M Denmark 60073 888. BV M Netherlands 60074 INSIDEMYCITY L US,Canada and Others 60075 Jackson Energy Authority L United States of America 60076 Wireless Beach Access L US,Canada and Others 60077 Orkutel L Netherlands 60078 YTL Communications Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 60079 XOX Com Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 60080 Tune Talk Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 60081 Baraka Telecom Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 60082 Siminn (TAL) M Iceland 60083 TeleTu L Italy 60084 Alena ICT L Italy 60085 Equateur Telecom Congo (ETC) M Congo-Brazzaville 60086 SKY UK (British Sky Broadcasting Ltd) M United Kingdom 60087 BSKYB Telecommunications Services L United Kingdom 60088 Flat Telecom L United Kingdom 60089 Transcend Communications L United Kingdom 60090 Zap Communications L United Kingdom 60091 Telecom North America Mobile L United Kingdom 60092 Marathon Telecom M United Kingdom 60093 Telelinks L Liberia 60094 GmbH L Austria 60095 MobiZAPP - Comunicacoes Electronicas M Portugal 60096 Voxbone Singapore L Singapore 60097 Telcoson PL L Singapore 60098 Hoiio PL L Singapore 60099 Verizon L Singapore 60100 Voxbone L Ireland 60101 Fastcom Broadband L Ireland 60103 MOBIQUITHINGS M France 60104 Orange Uganda M Uganda 60105 Firmafon ApS M Denmark 60106 Intertel L Croatia 60107 TIM grupa L Croatia 60108 Brouzdal L Czech Republic 60109 CBS holding limited - Czech branch organizaeni slozka L Czech Republic 60110 METRONET M Czech Republic 60111 TRAVEL TELEKOMMUNIKATION M Czech Republic 60112 UPL TELECOM L Czech Republic 60113 Jawwal M Israel 60114 Wataniya Palestine M Israel 60115 ITSC INT L Moldova 60116 Premium Network L Moldova 60117 Altnet - C.C. L Moldova 60118 Metical L Moldova 60119 Unicomtel L Moldova 60120 PBX Service L Moldova 60121 Media Digital Sisteme L Moldova 60122 Kube Network L Germany 60123 United L Germany 60124 Sotelco M Cambodia 60125 Celupago M Chile 60126 Companion Voip L Chile 60127 MAVI L Chile 60128 SEL L Chile 60129 Telcomax Ltda L Chile 60130 TELECO CHILE L Chile 60131 Datatalk Comunicaciones L Spain 60132 Orange M Niger 60133 iSave L Hungary 60134 Elektronet L Hungary 60135 4G Mobile GmbH L Austria 60136 Mozentel L Jordan 60137 CallOne L Italy 60138 OPEXTEL L US,Canada and Others 60139 TRANSTELCO L United States of America 60140 COMITY COMMUNICATIONS L United States of America 60141 IBC TELECOM CORP L US,Canada and Others 60142 MTC COMMUNICATIONS L United States of America 60143 Bulloch Cellular L United States of America 60144 GOBIERNO DE LA PROVINCIA DE LA RIOJA L Argentina 60146 COOPERATIVA REGIONAL DE ELECTRICIDAD DE OBRAS Y OTROS SERVICIOS DE GENERAL PICO L Argentina 60147 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA ARROYO CORTO DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS VIVIENDA CREDITO Y CON L Argentina 60148 Pea Eye Es L Japan 60149 Global Telecall L United Kingdom 60150 Linear Telecoms L United Kingdom 60151 Easynet Enterprise Services (MDNX) L United Kingdom 60152 Combitel Networks L Norway 60153 Sky Premium Telecom L United Kingdom 60155 PARAMETRO VIRTUAL L Portugal 60156 Sky Communications L Latvia 60157 WU-Solutions L Latvia 60158 Weepee Telecom L Netherlands 60159 Aspider Communications Nederland L Netherlands 60160 IDOM TECHNOLOGIES L Guadeloupe 60162 FREE MOBILE M France 60163 IDOM TECHNOLOGIES L France 60164 M TARGET L France 60165 TALENTIS L France 60166 IP DELIVERY GROUP SC L Sweden 60167 GLOBETOUCH AB M Sweden 60168 COOLTEL APS M Sweden 60169 MERCURY INTERNATIONA M Sweden 60170 INTERNET PAYMENT EXC L Sweden 60171 SIP EHF L Iceland 60173 Blue Chip Telecom L Ireland 60174 ANDAROSA TV L Spain 60175 ACN Communications Hungary L Hungary 60176 NARACOM L Hungary 60177 Satelit L Hungary 60178 Toldinet L Hungary 60179 VCC Live Hungary Kft.(Virtual Call Center) L Hungary 60181 9144-3036 Quebec Inc ( dba L Canada 60182 MOSAIC NETWORX L United States of America 60183 SI WIRELESS M United States of America 60184 Bragg Communications M Canada 60185 I.C.S. "Iristel Mol" SRL L Moldova 60186 Optimtel L Moldova 60187 HDT L United States of America 60188 Outsourcery L United Kingdom 60189 TeleMagic L United Kingdom 60190 net1 L Ireland 60191 Global Mobile (G1) M Taiwan 60192 AutoCont CZ L Czech Republic 60193 ITSP Group L Czech Republic 60194 TS-Data L Czech Republic 60197 Vestnet_LSO L Denmark 60198 Amitel Peru Telecomunicaciones L Peru 60199 Colinanet L Peru 60200 Inversiones Peruanas en Telecomunicaciones L Peru 60201 Inversiones OSA S.A.C. L Peru 60202 Global Crossing Peru L Peru 60203 Netline Peru L Peru 60204 Winner Systems L Peru 60205 NET GESTION CONCEPT NGC France L France 60206 B&W Telecommunication Services GmbH. L Austria 60207 IT Symbiose GmbH L Austria 60208 M.I.T Media Info Transfer GmbH L Austria 60209 I.P. HOLDINGS L El Salvador 60210 IT&S CENTROAMERICA EL SALVADOR L El Salvador 60214 GRUPO CENTROAMERICANO DE TELECOMUNICACIONES L El Salvador 60216 Lycamobile Ireland Ltd M Ireland 60217 Novi-Net L Croatia 60218 FlexTel L Netherlands 60219 Intercity Mobile Communications M Netherlands 60220 Hoiio Hong Kong L Hong Kong 60221 Rapid Link L Moldova 60222 Danis L Moldova 60223 Cor@Net Zrt. L Hungary 60224 Smart VoIP Telecomunicacoes dba Sete Meia Telecom LTD L Brazil 60225 Teletel Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 60226 TEXAS HEARING SVCS DBA TEXAS HEARING AND TEL TX L US,Canada and Others 60229 Tandem Telephone L United States of America 60230 WeMobile SA M Switzerland 60231 GGA Maur L Switzerland 60232 Mobee AG L Switzerland 60233 netplus L Switzerland 60235 VM Telecom L Czech Republic 60236 TRN service network L Czech Republic 60237 CNW computer network L Czech Republic 60238 BOHEMIA TELEKOM L Czech Republic 60239 eNET L Czech Republic 60240 LAM plus L Czech Republic 60241 M E D I A T E L L Czech Republic 60242 Ponte Trading L Czech Republic 60243 L Czech Republic 60244 Zamir Telecom L United Kingdom 60245 Telestream Communications L United Kingdom 60246 Avant UK L United Kingdom 60247 Telecall info L Latvia 60248 MOBIL2 SVERIGE AB M Sweden 60249 LYCAMOBILE M France 60250 Temetel Ltd L Ireland 60251 MTel L Netherlands 60252 Radik L Netherlands 60253 Verizon Hong Kong L Hong Kong 60254 COMUNICACIONES 2012, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 60255 GESTION DE SERVICIOS EN TELECOMUNICACIONES APLICADAS L Spain 60256 HISPANO TELEVISION Y TELEFONIA L Spain 60257 LIA CALL HOME S.L. L Spain 60258 MICAMOSA MON DE SERVEI, S.L. L Spain 60259 QUALITY TELECOM, S.A. L Spain 60260 WAVILON SOLUTIONS, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 60263 FCS Group L Hungary 60264 Maritime Radio L Cambodia 60265 Atlantic Telecom Multimedia Con L United States of America 60266 OPTICAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS L United States of America 60267 Global Data Systems L United States of America 60268 ALLIANCE CONNECT, LLC - IA L United States of America 60269 ROYAL COMMUNICATIONS L US,Canada and Others 60270 Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (URCA) L Bahamas 60271 IP Solutions International Ltd (IPSI) L Bahamas 60272 DATINEL L Czech Republic 60273 ELIS-THERM L Czech Republic 60274 SAT Telecommunications Ltd L US,Canada and Others 60275 Lisa Communications Ltd L Trinidad and Tobago 60276 Open Telecom Ltd L Trinidad and Tobago 60277 JSC Ingenium (UK) M United Kingdom 60278 Group 3 Technology L United Kingdom 60279 Orbtalk L United Kingdom 60280 One Network L United Kingdom 60282 Compatel Limited M Sweden 60283 Svenska Tele I Lidko L Sweden 60284 Intjoors Sverige M Sweden 60286 Boxwares L Netherlands 60287 Perspektiv Bredband L Denmark 60288 CELYA L France 60289 ACN COMMUNICATIONS France M France 60290 Callr L France 60292 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE ARRIBENOS L Argentina 60295 Adtel Phone Company L Kenya 60297 Call Handling Interactive L Kenya 60298 Cellucom L Kenya 60299 Cellulant L Kenya 60301 Interactive Media Services L Kenya 60302 Jibu Tel L Kenya 60303 Kenya Data Network L Kenya 60304 Sovaya L Kenya 60305 A1 Telecom Network L Romania 60306 Temas Inc L Liberia 60307 Dovetel Tanzania Ltd (Sasatel) M Tanzania 60308 PACIFICO CABLE L Chile 60309 Truphone Hong Kong M Hong Kong 60310 Hetenyegyhaza Kabeltelevizio L Hungary 60311 Microsemic L Hungary 60312 Latelz Co Ltd (Smart Mobile) M Cambodia 60313 Besrour Intercom L Tunisia 60314 Orange Tunisie M Tunisia 60315 SnowCrest Telephone L United States of America 60316 PTT Srbija L Serbia 60317 Telecontract Pvt Ltd L Zimbabwe 60318 Aptics Trading Pvt Ltd L Zimbabwe 60319 BlueSat Access L Zimbabwe 60320 Wichita Online L United States of America 60322 Telemach d.o.o. L Bosnia and Herzegovina 60323 Banedanmark M Denmark 60325 GRUPO MUNDIAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 60326 OPERADORA DE SERVICIOS DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE RED INTELIGENTE Y SERVICIOS CONE L Spain 60327 SEBOIM, S.L. L Spain 60328 TAM TAM GALERIA DE COMUNICACIONES, S.L. L Spain 60329 TELESERVICIO EXPRES, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 60330 URIEL SOFT, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 60331 agmo cz L Czech Republic 60332 Serion Corporation L Czech Republic 60333 HNS L Germany 60334 City Numbers L United Kingdom 60335 In2com L United Kingdom 60336 Safety In L United Kingdom 60337 Adygei Cellular Communications M Russia/Kazakhstan 60339 ASVT Moscow L Russia/Kazakhstan 60340 GlobalTel (Globalstar - Space Communications) M Russia/Kazakhstan 60341 Gorno-Altai Cellular Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 60344 Kodotel (Votek Mobile) M Russia/Kazakhstan 60345 MegaFon M Russia/Kazakhstan 60348 Sky Link (Moscow Cellular Communications) M Russia/Kazakhstan 60349 Astarte M Russia/Kazakhstan 60351 Horizon RT L Russia/Kazakhstan 60353 Pilgrim L Russia/Kazakhstan 60354 Kuban-GSM L Russia/Kazakhstan 60357 CenterTelecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 60358 Telecom Eurasia M Russia/Kazakhstan 60359 Orange Burkina Faso (Airtel) S.A. M Burkina Faso 60360 PrimeTel PLC M Cyprus, Republic of 60361 Information Trunked System L Russia/Kazakhstan 60363 RusSDO L Russia/Kazakhstan 60367 Tyumenruscom L Russia/Kazakhstan 60369 NorthEastern Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 60370 Scartel M Russia/Kazakhstan 60371 SOTEL-Chitinsk.Sot.Svyaz L Russia/Kazakhstan 60372 Stealth L Russia/Kazakhstan 60374 Express Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 60375 Tyvasvyazinform L Russia/Kazakhstan 60376 Financial Company Imperative L Russia/Kazakhstan 60377 Radiotelescope L Russia/Kazakhstan 60378 Roylkom L Russia/Kazakhstan 60380 Multiregional Transit L Russia/Kazakhstan 60381 Open Mobile System M Russia/Kazakhstan 60382 MTU-Inform L Russia/Kazakhstan 60386 Smoltelekom L Russia/Kazakhstan 60387 Computer Ambulance L Russia/Kazakhstan 60388 Information Technology M Jordan 60389 Networks Exchange Technology Company. LTD L Jordan 60390 Beaches Telecom L Jordan 60391 Company Technological Content LCC L Jordan 60392 Cellular Telephone Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 60393 ESOTEL-Rusteklkom L Russia/Kazakhstan 60394 Radio Telecommunication Network L Latvia 60396 Arminco M Armenia 60414 COMPATEL LIMITED L France 60416 NUVO TELECOM L France 60417 ODBEE L France 60418 PARITEL OPERATEUR L France 60419 SIINAPSE L France 60420 SIPEO L France 60421 GloBenin M Benin 60422 Ddarig L Benin 60423 Firstnet L Benin 60424 Sobiex L Benin 60425 EIT KMK L Benin 60426 dialog L Benin 60427 Novaplus L Benin 60428 CLARO EL SALVADOR M El Salvador 60429 Africa Spinoff L Kenya 60430 Airtouch L Kenya 60431 Broadband Access L Kenya 60433 VTS Phoneworks L Kenya 60434 Virtafon L Spain 60480 ALLCOM Hungary L Hungary 60481 Plus Communications (4L) M Albania 60482 Toll-free Global269 L Comoros 60483 WIAIR SARL L Comoros 60484 MultiLink L Haiti 60486 CINERGY METRONET L United States of America 60488 Truphone M United Kingdom 60489 Barr Tell USA L United States of America 60490 COOPERATIVA LIMITADA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE AGUA DE ORO (actualmente denominad L Argentina 60491 VPRO Sumperk L Czech Republic 60492 TPA INFORMATICA LTDA L Brazil 60493 Telecall Brasil Servicos de Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 60494 NLH-Net L Netherlands 60501 Fortaleza Investment Group L Panama 60502 System-Clinch L Switzerland 60503 Waoo L Denmark 60504 Affordable Island Communications L Grenada 60505 Columbus Communications (Grenada) L Grenada 60506 Global Network Providers Grenada L Grenada 60507 Trans-World Telecom Caribbean L Grenada 60515 A-Tono M Italy 60516 BKCOM L Italy 60517 BZ SOLUTION L Italy 60518 Davide 2 L Italy 60519 Eminus L Italy 60520 INTRED L Italy 60521 KTECNOLOGY L Italy 60522 Metis L Italy 60523 OVH L Italy 60524 Pagine Gialle Phone Service L Italy 60525 SIX Comm L Italy 60526 Teslatel L Italy 60527 Wave-Max L Italy 60528 ATC AVANT TELECOM CONSULTING AG L Portugal 60530 Amber Telecom L Latvia 60531 Nexwave Telecom L Singapore 60532 3C1B Telekom L Turkey 60534 Madamobil (CDMA2000) L Madagascar 60535 ZAIN Madagascar M Madagascar 60536 EYES TELECOM L France 60538 SOCIETE COMMERCIALE DE TELECOMMUNICATION -SCT- M France 60539 A.T.C. Avant Telecom Consulting AG L French Guiana 60540 A.T.C. Avant Telecom Consulting AG L Guadeloupe 60541 FRESHBODY SWEDEN L Sweden 60542 Caro Networks L Romania 60543 Dotro Telecom L Romania 60544 Intertel Sistem L Romania 60545 Millennium IT L Romania 60546 Premium Net International L Romania 60547 Total Inter Media L Romania 60548 NETLATIN L Chile 60549 COMPANIA CHILENA DE COMUNICACIONES PARALLEL L Chile 60550 EDIGEN, INC L US,Canada and Others 60551 VOXBEAM TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC L United States of America 60552 NORTHEAST WIRELESS NETWORKS M United States of America 60553 TULAROSA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. L United States of America 60554 TELENGY L.L.C. L United States of America 60555 Cat TM L Russia/Kazakhstan 60556 Fonekom L Russia/Kazakhstan 60557 GEE TEE EN TI L Russia/Kazakhstan 60558 CountryCom M Russia/Kazakhstan 60559 MAG L Russia/Kazakhstan 60560 MMC Ingushetia L Russia/Kazakhstan 60561 Orange Business Services L Russia/Kazakhstan 60563 Tele 2 Russia (Rostelecom (PT/RT Mobile)) M Russia/Kazakhstan 60565 TMT LLC M Russia/Kazakhstan 60566 Telecommunications Company Radio Pulse L Russia/Kazakhstan 60567 Telecommunications of the Pskov Region L Russia/Kazakhstan 60568 Dalsvyaz L Russia/Kazakhstan 60572 VIELSE L France 60573 ICS Global L Hong Kong 60574 Procom Voice Solutions Ltd. L Ireland 60575 International Premium Rate Service (IPRS) L Saint Helena 60576 Bmobile (SI) Ltd. M Solomon Islands 60577 Beeline NV/GTEL M Viet Nam 60578 Canl Holding Ltd L Vanuatu 60579 E-Travel Company L Jordan 60580 Third Millennium Investments L Jordan 60581 Communications and Service Flash Company L Jordan 60582 Tourism Board L Jordan 60583 Advertising Business (Vienna Company) L Jordan 60586 SelfNet Internet Ges.m.b.H. L Austria 60587 NIPPON Computer Ges. m. b. H. L Austria 60588 ANDOM-TEC KG L Austria 60589 Warid Telecom L Cote dIvoire 60590 Quix (Miniruf GmbH) L Germany 60591 Telmi (Deutsche Funkruf GmbH) L Germany 60592 RFNow L Canada 60593 WW SYSTEMS L United States of America 60594 S-GO LEASING COMPANY DBA S-GO LOCAL - MO L US,Canada and Others 60595 Beanfield Technologies L Canada 60609 MASMOVIL (World Wide Web Ibercom) M Spain 60611 LLAMAYA M Spain 60612 DIA M Spain 60613 GRUPO HUALON GECO M Spain 60615 SWENO M Spain 60617 RACC MOVIL, S.L. M Spain 60618 ZEROMOVIL M Spain 60619 PEPEMOBILE, S.L. M Spain 60620 CECOSA INSTITUCIONAL, S.L. (EROSKI) M Spain 60621 HITS M Spain 60622 EROSKIMOVIL M Spain 60623 VECTONE MOVIL M Spain 60624 TUENTI TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. M Spain 60648 One Central L Netherlands 60649 Keen Systems L Netherlands 60666 Fastrack Global Billing Networks, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 60667 Bolero Telecom, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 60668 Cross-Valliant Cellular Partnership M United States of America 60672 Lime L US,Canada and Others 60673 Stentor Canadian Network Management L US,Canada and Others 60674 9181-4384 Quebec Inc. L US,Canada and Others 60675 Telehop Long Distance Service L US,Canada and Others 60676 Yak Communications (Canada), Inc. L US,Canada and Others 60677 LES.NET (1996) INC. L US,Canada and Others 60678 ACI Communications Holdings, L US,Canada and Others 60679 WARM SPRINGS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY L United States of America 60680 TELIAX COLORADO - CO L United States of America 60682 ANTHEM TELECOM, LLC - OR L US,Canada and Others 60683 RHF COM, LLC - OR L US,Canada and Others 60686 FIXnet L Czech Republic 60687 Santong L Japan 60688 TELEFAX L Latvia 60690 HORAS CHEIAS - COMUNICACOES ELECTRONICAS L Portugal 60691 EMETEL L El Salvador 60692 PLATINUM ENTERPRISES L El Salvador 60694 Kredia L Czech Republic 60696 Lanonyx Telecom L United Kingdom 60697 Tesla Dynamic L United Kingdom 60698 Aloha Telecommunications L United Kingdom 60699 Tele2 Russia M Russia/Kazakhstan 60700 Numbers Plus L United Kingdom 60701 Telenatter L United Kingdom 60702 42 Telecom L United Kingdom 60703 Jtec UK L United Kingdom 60705 PRONTO EL SALVADOR L El Salvador 60728 Synectiv M United Kingdom 60730 Southwest Minnesota Broadband Services L United States of America 60733 Voxbone L New Zealand 60734 IP-Telekom E.U. L Austria 60735 Informations-Technologie Austria Gmbh L Austria 60738 1212 Telekom L Hungary 60740 AKTIV-I L Hungary 60741 BORSODWEB L Hungary 60742 R-Voice Hungary L Hungary 60744 SKAWA L Hungary 60745 DUAL-PLUS L Hungary 60746 VNM L Hungary 60748 C-Works-design & internet gmbh L Austria 60749 ERTL & Gross OG L Austria 60751 Griesser EDV-ing L Austria 60752 Servernetwork L Austria 60753 MASS Respones Service Gmbh M Austria 60754 SITY Satellite Information Technology L Austria 60756 UGIS Austria GmbH L Austria 60757 OVH SAS L Switzerland 60758 TCNet GmbH L Switzerland 60759 Lycamobile M Switzerland 60764 Vaddo Media Informat L Sweden 60765 Weblink IP Phone M Sweden 60766 PRO NET TELECOMMUNIC (Tigo Ltd) M Sweden 60770 Easy Telecom AB (BILDNINGSAGENTEN 559) M Sweden 60774 Interoute Networks L United Kingdom 60776 Teleinfo Brahegatan L Sweden 60777 Media Hawk L United Kingdom 60778 Orca Digital L United Kingdom 60779 Phone Co-Op Numbering L United Kingdom 60781 Barritec (Skyweb) L United Kingdom 60782 Syntec UK L United Kingdom 60783 Synety L United Kingdom 60790 United Worldwide Telecom L United Kingdom 60791 L United Kingdom 60795 EU Tel AB M Sweden 60801 Latviesu sapnis L Latvia 60802 PREMIATEL L Latvia 60806 TRILENIUM NETWORKS L Latvia 60809 Ipnordic M Denmark 60810 Free2talk M Denmark 60811 Welcom M Denmark 60814 Algemeen Beheer Nederland L Netherlands 60815 Cbizz L Netherlands 60817 Motto Voip M Netherlands 60824 ITS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, INC L United States of America 60825 XYN COMMUNICATIONS OF NEW YORK, LLC - NY L United States of America 60826 IPXTEL L France 60827 IPOP TELECOM L France 60828 UPSALE L France 60829 CHMURTZ L France 60830 VEONET L France 60831 NORMHOST SARL L France 60832 Airbus defence and space SAS (ASTRIUM SAS) M France 60833 TELLPE dba BUSINESS FRANCE L France 60834 FINGERPRINT TECHNOLOGIES L France 60836 WIBOX L France 60838 LEVEL 17 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - KY L US,Canada and Others 60839 TWO-WAY RADIO INCORPORATION L United States of America 60842 T & T PUMP CO., INC. DBA WV PAGING L United States of America 60847 MLGC, L.L.C. - ND L United States of America 60851 IDOM TECHNOLOGIES L French Guiana 60852 IDOM TECHNOLOGIES L Martinique 60859 Skelleftea Kraft L Sweden 60869 VoipQ L Netherlands 60870 Zach Computer Gmbh L Austria 60871 Next Layer Telecommunications services and consulting L Austria 60872 Nokia Siemens Network L Austria 60873 Raiffeisen Data network Company L Austria 60874 Siemens Enterprise Communications L Austria 60875 TelCo At Gmbh L Austria 60876 TIWAG-Tyrolean Hydropower Inc. L Austria 60877 Composite Telekom Service L Austria 60878 GmbH L Austria 60882 Diogenes Bayde Importadora Exportadora L Brazil 60883 Ibituruna TV Por Assinatura L Brazil 60884 Ivati Inovacao E Intera L Brazil 60885 AUE Provedor de Internet L Brazil 60886 Telecom South America L Brazil 60887 Tinerhir Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 60888 PENINSULA TELECOM OF WASHINGTON, LLC - W L US,Canada and Others 60890 Wightman Telecom M US,Canada and Others 60894 (aq) Limited T/A aql M United Kingdom 60895 001 International Telecom L United Kingdom 60896 Microtalk Europe L United Kingdom 60899 360CRM L United Kingdom 60900 Noble Tel L United Kingdom 60902 Six Degrees Unified Comms L United Kingdom 60903 Zsquare Global Solutions L United Kingdom 60904 Faxtastic L United Kingdom 60905 NG Business Systems L United Kingdom 60906 Nodemax L United Kingdom 60907 Talkline Communications L United Kingdom 60908 Hyperoptic L United Kingdom 60945 CIBOLO CREEK VENTURES, LLC DBA ROUTEPOIN L United States of America 60948 CBB Mobil M Denmark 60949 Lime Tel L Denmark 60950 Ambrogio L Italy 60951 B4 S.r.l. L Italy 60952 Consortium GARR L Italy 60953 Daily Telecom L Italy 60954 GoEasyOnline L Denmark 60956 Progetto Suono L Italy 60957 UBIQUITY L Italy 60958 DitlevDitlevsen L Denmark 60959 Connect Plus L Denmark 60962 TPlus Telecom M Cape Verde 60964 Hansestar L Germany 60965 Anura Peru L Peru 60966 Ingenieria en Gestion de Negocios y Oportunidades L Peru 60967 Optical Networks L Peru 60968 IDT Peru L Peru 60969 Telefonica Multimedia L Peru 60971 Valtron L Peru 60972 MANAGED TELECOM, INC. - TX L United States of America 60985 Appia Communications L US,Canada and Others 60988 Wi-Net-Telecoms L Malaysia 60989 ADD-ON CONSULTING L France 60991 MOBISUD M France 60993 PIN DAMIEN L France 61009 Private Mobility Nederland M Netherlands 61010 X2Com L Netherlands 61014 Cabletamps, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 61016 Codinet L Mexico 61020 Kabeltex L Netherlands 61021 Kliksafe L Netherlands 61022 Triplinq L Netherlands 61024 Alstar, d.o.o L Slovenia 61025 Compatel Ltd M Slovenia 61028 365 WIRELESS LLC M United States of America 61031 Direktorate for Nodkommunikasjon DNK L Norway 61033 Oyatel L Norway 61035 Chili Mobil M Norway 61039 TRIBE MOBILE SPA M Chile 61041 OPS INGENIERIA L Chile 61042 FULLCOM L Chile 61043 Econet Wireless Leo (U-COM) M Burundi 61044 INSTABEEP L Chile 61045 MOBILINK L Chile 61046 TELECOMUNICACIONES MAX L Chile 61065 SHELLSBURG CABLEVISION, INC. - IA L United States of America 61066 SMS L Ireland 61067 GGS L Bosnia and Herzegovina 61084 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD DE RANCHOS (CUIT 30-54576124-2) L Argentina 61085 1-2 Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61086 123 I Michał Rosa L Poland 61091 3S Sp. z o.o. M Poland 61092 AC SYSTEMY KOMPUTEROWE STANISLAW BOR SpOlka Jawna L Poland 61093 AITON CALDWELL S.A. L Poland 61094 Arkusnet L Poland 61095 ASTA-NET Maldzinski, Ryczek Spolka Jawna L Poland 61096 ASTER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61098 AGENCJA ROZWOJU REGIONALNEGO  ARREKS S.A. L Poland 61099 Awonet Sp. z o.o. (d. Awacom Sp. z o.o.) L Poland 61100 BESKID MEDIA Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 61101 BIURO USLUG KOMPUTEROWO-INTERNETOWYCH MANIERA SERVICE Alicja Manie L Poland 61102 BT POLAND sp. z o.o. L Poland 61103 CITY-SAT GORDZIELIK sp. z o.o. L Poland 61104 CROWLEY DATA POLAND sp. z o.o. L Poland 61105 CYBERNET WMW  Jozef Woch L Poland 61106 DATACOM S.A. L Poland 61107 DIANA TELEWIZJA KABLOWA Jan Seidler Marek Betleja Wojciech Wolcz L Poland 61108 DLUGIE ROZMOWY S.A. L Poland 61109 DOLSAT sp. z o.o. L Poland 61110 EASYCALL.PL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61111 E-CALL POLSKA Joanna Rychter L Poland 61112 ECHOSTAR STUDIO ZAKLAD TECHNIKI SATELITARNEJ Piotr Ziemniewicz L Poland 61113 ELCUK KOZUCH Spolka jawna L Poland 61114 ELEKTROWNIA WODNA ZARNOWIEC  S.A. L Poland 61115 ELTERIX S.A. L Poland 61116 ELTRONIK sp. z o.o. L Poland 61117 ESPOL sp. z o.o. L Poland 61119 EURONET S.C. Norbert Saniewski, Joanna Saniewska L Poland 61120 FOCUS TELECOM POLSKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61121 FORWEB s.c. Monika Bodetko, Tomasz Pawlowski L Poland 61123 FPUH CZAJEN Krzysztof Czaja L Poland 61124 GAWEX MEDIA  sp. z o.o. L Poland 61126 GLOBITEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61127 GLOBAL CONNECT PIETRZAK I WSPOLNICY L Poland 61128 G-NET S.C. Tomasz Serwatka, Wojciech Rakoniewski L Poland 61129 GRS sp. z o.o. L Poland 61130 HENTEL  Henryk Zajma L Poland 61131 HIKIMORI TECH Sp.z o.o.. L Poland 61132 HOR.NET POLSKA sp. z o.o. L Poland 61133 INEA S.A. M Poland 61134 INOTEL S.A. L Poland 61135 INTEGRA sp z o.o. L Poland 61136 INTERDOM Pawel Jesiolowski L Poland 61137 INTERNET SOLUTIONS sp. z o.o. L Poland 61138 IST s.c. Malgorzata Trawinska, Mariusz Trawinski L Poland 61140 ISTS sp. z o.o. L Poland 61141 ITV MEDIA Tomasz Barlak L Poland 61142 JARSAT s.c. Jaroslaw Elzbieta Przedwojscy L Poland 61143 JMDI Jacek Maleszko L Poland 61145 JPK Jaroslaw Pawel Krzymin L Poland 61146 JP-Telekom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61148 KOMPANIA WEGLOWA S.A. L Poland 61149 LEON Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61150 LIMES s.c. Michal Domanski, Piotr Radomski, Miroslaw Jan Nowakows L Poland 61151 LUBMAN UMCS sp. z o.o. L Poland 61154 MALOPOLSKA TELEWIZJA KABLOWA S.TAR - TV sp. z o.o. L Poland 61155 MASTER sp. z o.o. L Poland 61156 MAXNET Lukasz Hamerski L Poland 61157 MLODZIEZOWA SPOLDZIELNIA MIESZKANIOWA L Poland 61159 MOVICOM s.c. - W. Skorzycki, D. Zwolinski L Poland 61160 MULTIMEDIA  POLSKA  S. A. M Poland 61161 NAUKOWA I AKADEMICKA SIEC KOMPUTEROWA NASK L Poland 61163 NETTEL SYSTEMS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61164 NETTELEKOM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61165 sp. z o.o. L Poland 61166 OKREGOWA SPOLDZIELNIA TELEFONICZNA W TYCZYNIE L Poland 61167 PROFILINE sp. z o.o. L Poland 61169 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO HANDLOWO-USLUGOWE ALFA COMPUTERS Michal Bartkowi L Poland 61170 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO HANDLOWO-USLUGOWE MMJ Marcin Janos L Poland 61171 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO- HANDLOWE RENE Wieslaw Kolatowicz L Poland 61172 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-HANDLOWO-USLUGOWE MACROSAT Krzyszt Kacprowicz L Poland 61174 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE TELGAM sp. z o.o. L Poland 61175 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO USLUGOWO-HANDLOWE ERTEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61176 PULAWSKA SPOLDZIELNIA MIESZKANIOWA L Poland 61177 REGIONALNA TELEWIZJA KABLOWA SPOLKA JAWNA L. IWANSKI I WSPOLNICY L Poland 61179 SAT FILM sp. z o.o. M Poland 61180 SERVCOM Spolka z o.o. L Poland 61181 VOLTA COMMUNICATIONS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61182 P.W.U. INET Tomasz Necelski L Poland 61183 PEOPLEFONE POLSKA S.A. L Poland 61184 PETROTEL sp. z o.o. L Poland 61186 PL-NETsp. z o.o. L Poland 61188 SILEMAN sp. z o.o. L Poland 61189 SPOLDZIELNIA TELEKOMUNIKACYJNA WIST L Poland 61190 SPRAY S.A. L Poland 61191 STARNET TELECOM sp. z o.o. L Poland 61192 TARNOWSKI OSRODEK INFORMACYJNY Aleksander Rajski L Poland 61193 STREAM COMMUNICATIONS sp. z o.o. L Poland 61194 TELBESKID sp. z o.o. L Poland 61195 TELEKOMUNIKACJA PODLASIE sp. z o.o. L Poland 61196 TELEKONTAKT24 Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61197 TELEKOMUNIKACJA KOLEJOWA sp. z o.o. L Poland 61198 TELEPOLSKA sp. z o.o. L Poland 61199 TELESTRADA S.A. L Poland 61200 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA BART-SAT L Poland 61203 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA POZNAN S.A. L Poland 61205 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA CHOPIN  Bogdan Laga, Dariusz Schmidtke Spolka L Poland 61206 TELKONEKT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 61207 TESAT  Spolka z o.o. L Poland 61208 TIMPLUS s.c. Boguslaw Dudek, Radoslaw Walentowski L Poland 61209 TOMKOW sp. z o.o. L Poland 61210 TOYA Sp. z o.o. M Poland 61211 UPC POLSKA sp. z o.o. M Poland 61212 VARS sp. z o.o. L Poland 61213 VECTRA S.A. M Poland 61214 VOXNET S.A. L Poland 61215 YNET MANAGEMENT Pawel Skrodzki L Poland 61216 ZARZAD MORSKIEGO PORTU GDYNIA S.A. L Poland 61221 Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Oy M Finland 61222 Atento Teleservicios Espana L Spain 61224 EASYTEL TECHNOLOGY SPAIN L Spain 61235 Digitaran, S.L. Unipersonal L Spain 61237 Eskel Telecom S.L. Unipersonal L Spain 61239 Informatel Hispania L Spain 61240 Instal Matel L Spain 61245 Kasko S. C. katarzyna Lewandowska Justyna Makowiecka L Poland 61246 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PROMAX Spolka jawna  Zofia Formanek-Okroj, Wiesla L Poland 61247 PETRUS POLSKA SPOLKA  Z  O. O.  spolka komandytowo-akcyjna L Poland 61264 Adam Ecotech (Ogic) L Spain 61265 Tata Communications (spain) L Spain 61266 Teleatencion Mediterranea L Spain 61267 Telimit L Spain 61270 Trisonata L Spain 61272 Voiping US L Spain 61274 Cooperativa De Provision De Servicios Electricos, Otros Servicios Publicos, De S L Argentina 61275 Cooperativa Popular De Electricidad De Sarmiento L Argentina 61276 Cooperativa Electrica, Telefonica, Y Otros Servicios Publicos De Guerrico L Argentina 61277 SERVPAC INCORPORATED - HI L United States of America 61278 Codisetel Castellana L Spain 61280 Affinalia Servicios Avanzados De Telecomunicaciones L Spain 61282 Cablemel L Spain 61283 Cesser Informatica Y Organizacion L Spain 61286 Mundio Movil Espana M Spain 61287 Openret L Spain 61288 Telechoice Espana L Spain 61290 Beone Telecom L Spain 61291 Zong L Spain 61292 08000 Mumdad, LTD L Spain 61293 2 Way Traffic Mobile Europe L Spain 61294 321 Internet Service L Spain 61295 Advanced Telephone Services L Spain 61296 Agencia EFE L Spain 61298 American Mobile Ventures L Spain 61299 Amstelcom Unipessoal L Spain 61300 SCHIBSTED CLASSIFIED MEDIA SPAIN L Spain 61301 Aquamobile L Spain 61302 Apranet Publicitat L Spain 61303 Artiq Mobile L Spain 61305 Atlas Interactive Deutschland L Spain 61306 Audiofon L Spain 61324 AZTIVE MOBILE SOLUTIONS, S.L. L Spain 61325 BADOO SERVICES LIMITED, S.L. L Spain 61327 BITEL BALEARES INNOVACION TELEMATICA, S.A. L Spain 61328 Buongiorno Marketing Services Espana L Spain 61344 Mondial Phone L Switzerland 61345 Solesys SA L Switzerland 61346 Services Industriels de Lausanne L Switzerland 61347 Alliance Telekom SA L Switzerland 61348 Shaston SA L Switzerland 61349 Entanet International L United Kingdom 61350 Kalnet4u L United Kingdom 61351 UK Broadband Limited M United Kingdom 61352 Diamond Communications L United Kingdom 61353 Dynamic Telecom L United Kingdom 61354 Nexbridge Communications L United Kingdom 61356 Premium Galaxy L United Kingdom 61357 Supreme Connect L United Kingdom 61358 OVH SAS L Belgium 61364 Horizon Services L United States of America 61365 Spinoco Czech Republic L Czech Republic 61366 AQ SYSTEM L Czech Republic 61367 AudioMaster CZ L Czech Republic 61368 B.O.S.-Belgicka obchodni spoleenost L Czech Republic 61369 CLANROY a.s. L Czech Republic 61370 Contacc SE L Czech Republic 61371 EGOLI L Czech Republic 61372 ELEX PRAHA L Czech Republic 61373 EUROCHANGE L Czech Republic 61374 GANT Czech Republic L Czech Republic 61375 ING Management Services L Czech Republic 61377 Lloyd Financial Trust L Czech Republic 61378 MAXBROKERS L Czech Republic 61379 Maxirent L Czech Republic 61380 PC COMP L Czech Republic 61381 Ing Petr HavlIcek L Czech Republic 61382 Petr Turek L Czech Republic 61383 Prazsky technicky servis L Czech Republic 61384 kodlicom s.r.o. L Czech Republic 61385 TRAVELLERS HOSTEL L Czech Republic 61386 SLAPSKE REALITY L Czech Republic 61387 IHUG L New Zealand 61389 Digital Island (Telstra) M New Zealand 61391 CallPlus (Telstra Network) M New Zealand 61392 Compass (Telstra Network) M New Zealand 61393 iHug (Telstra Network) M New Zealand 61394 Snap (Telstra Network) M New Zealand 61395 Digital Island (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61396 CallPlus (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61397 Zintel Cogent Mobile M New Zealand 61398 Telco in a Box Mobile M New Zealand 61399 Megatel Mobile M New Zealand 61400 Snap (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61402 iHug (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61403 B&W (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61404 Woosh (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61405 Spark Reseller (Telecom NZ) M New Zealand 61406 Orcon (Telecom NZ Network) M New Zealand 61407 Link Telecom (Telecom NZ Network) M New Zealand 61408 TelstraClear (Telecom NZ Network) M New Zealand 61409 CallPlus (Telecom NZ Network) M New Zealand 61410 Compass (Telecom NZ Network) M New Zealand 61412 Orcon Mobile (Vodafone Network) M New Zealand 61413 M2 Mobile (Vodafone Network) M New Zealand 61414 B&W Mobile (Vodafone Network) M New Zealand 61415 TelstraClear (Vodafone Network) M New Zealand 61416 Compass (Vodafone Network) M New Zealand 61417 CallPlus (Vodafone Network) M New Zealand 61418 2Talk (Vocus) L New Zealand 61419 Aurora Innovation AB L Sweden 61421 HIGH TECH L Latvia 61422 PREMIUM NET INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. Latvija - filiāle L Latvia 61423 Saglaba numuru L Latvia 61424 Simfree L Latvia 61425 Mobitel WLC L Albania 61426 Idea Tel L Albania 61427 Primo Communications L Albania 61428 Albanian Satellite Communications L Albania 61429 Albanian Business Internet System & Service Network L Albania 61431 TEL-KOM L Albania 61432 SAJET L Albania 61433 SABATEL L Albania 61434 Tele.Co & Constraction L Albania 61435 Vraniger Communications L Albania 61436 Albanian Broadband Communications L Albania 61438 Albanian Carrier Communications L Albania 61439 Albanian Telecommunications Network L Albania 61440 Info Telecom L Albania 61441 Telegoup Albania L Albania 61442 Titan Konstruksion L Albania 61443 Xheni AD L Albania 61444 Eden L Albania 61445 Ej & Bi Telecom L Albania 61446 Levis Aura L Albania 61447 Neofone L Albania 61448 Nisatel L Albania 61449 Sintel L Albania 61451 Lunal Telecom L Albania 61452 Voskopi L Albania 61453 Teeb Center L Albania 61454 Interchange Antel L Albania 61455 RSA Sh. p.k. L Albania 61456 FabbTel L Albania 61457 Fjoers Online L Albania 61458 Selcom L Albania 61459 IVA Electronik L Albania 61464 Albfrut 2005 L Albania 61465 Albon L Albania 61466 Alfa Telecom L Albania 61467 Alfredi Rota L Albania 61468 Alma L Albania 61469 Arlindi L Albania 61470 Balcansca Telecom L Albania 61471 Bardhyl Tosku L Albania 61472 Bitri L Albania 61473 Bleta L Albania 61474 Call Me L Albania 61476 Davis Com L Albania 61477 Dimal Telcom L Albania 61478 Dova L Albania 61479 E-Communications L Albania 61480 EDI-2004 L Albania 61482 EGIS-Tel L Albania 61483 ELCOM L Albania 61484 ESPACE L Albania 61485 Kraner L Albania 61487 IT-Tel L Albania 61488 Enada Online L Albania 61489 Salvi & Lvi L Albania 61490 Levendi L Albania 61491 Orkim Telecommunications L Albania 61492 Korado L Albania 61493 Satel Communications L Albania 61494 Sentell L Albania 61495 Eralbi Computer System L Albania 61497 Ergtel L Albania 61498 ERI-G Telcom L Albania 61499 RU-Tel L Albania 61500 FBD L Albania 61501 Popajklodiano L Albania 61502 FJOART L Albania 61503 MOBIK L Albania 61505 LEM L Albania 61507 HYSA 2008 L Albania 61508 Kleor L Albania 61509 Intercom 05 L Albania 61510 MC Networking L Albania 61511 Enkelana Communications L Albania 61512 Shkodra Intel. TV L Albania 61513 MOBIGROUND SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY L Portugal 61515 Vocus Pty Ltd L Australia 61516 SOCIETE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE COMMUNICATION M France 61517 NOTOLA S.A L France 61518 Telecommunications Regulatory Commision L Jordan 61526 EnTelegent Solutions L US,Canada and Others 61537 BROADVOX-CLEC L United States of America 61548 Massxess L Netherlands 61549 L Netherlands 61564 Gemtel M South Sudan 61565 Network of the World (NOW) M South Sudan 61566 ZEOP L Reunion 61567 PROSODIE L Reunion 61569 IDOM TECHNOLOGIES L Reunion 61570 DIABOLOCOM L France 61571 JAGUAR NETWORK L France 61573 LICENCE 4 L France 61574 LINKEO.COM L France 61575 LLEIDA NETWORKS SERVEIS TELEMATCIS S.L. L France 61576 NERIM L France 61577 OTELECOM France L France 61578 POPFAX L France 61579 SYLLAGE L France 61580 WAYSCOM L France 61581 ZEOP L France 61582 Encanto Telecom L Brazil 61584 Porto Velho Telecomunicaciones L Brazil 61586 Ultranet Telecomunicaciones L Brazil 61605 Brooke Telecom Co-operative L Canada 61606 CITY AUBURN, ELECTRIC DEPT. ESSENTIAL SV L United States of America 61607 3A invest AB L Sweden 61608 Mobile Arts AB M Sweden 61609 Icuri AB L Sweden 61610 SIGET L El Salvador 61625 SALSGIVER TELECOM, L United States of America 61626 TELECOMUNICACIONES DOTCOM L Chile 61627 World Trade Business Centre L Hong Kong 61628 Lacell M Burundi 61644 Wireless Technologies Namibia L Namibia 61664 Voxbone L United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 61666 1800 Reverse Pty Ltd L Australia 61667 Access Wireless & Cable Pty Limited L Australia 61668 DATNETWORK M Hungary 61669 TESCO MBL M Hungary 61670 V.I.P. Ugyfelek L Hungary 61685 China Telecom (CDMA) M China 61689 Lycamobile Sp. z o.o. M Poland 61693 3 LAN Bt. L Hungary 61694 Direct Vision L Hungary 61695 HuCom Telecom L Hungary 61696 Last-Mile L Hungary 61697 Nemzeti Infokommunikacios Szolgaltato L Hungary 61698 SaGHY-SAT L Hungary 61699 SUPRA L Hungary 61700 Techno-Tel L Hungary 61704 L Belgium 61707 Interactive Media Corporation L Liberia 61724 American Data Network L Costa Rica 61725 Nasuba L Benin 61726 Tplus L Benin 61745 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y C L Argentina 61747 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y DE OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, CONSUMO Y VIVIENDA LOPEZ C L Argentina 61749 LPOnet L Finland 61751 Kaisanet L Finland 61752 Wananchi Group L Kenya 61753 iWayAfrica Kenya Limited M Kenya 61754 MTN Business L Kenya 61755 MTech L Kenya 61756 Internet Protocol Extreme Co. LTD L Kenya 61757 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS, SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, ASISTENCIALES, VIVIENDA Y L Argentina 61759 TERRA NOVA TELECOM L United States of America 61760 GlobalStar North Africa L Morocco 61761 Broadcast Telecom L United Kingdom 61762 IOVOX L United Kingdom 61763 Internexus Networks L United Kingdom 61764 Invosys Limited L United Kingdom 61765 Cloud Telecom L United Kingdom 61784 BT M Spain 61786 Magrathea Telecommunications L Ireland 61806 ROUND UP CITY TELECOM, LLC - OR L US,Canada and Others 61807 Compatel M Czech Republic 61808 Druzstvo EUROSIGNAL L Czech Republic 61825 IBATTLE L Japan 61826 I P.S. Corporation L Japan 61827 7k L Russia/Kazakhstan 61828 Aykonnekt M Russia/Kazakhstan 61829 Cellular Communications of Birobidzhan L Russia/Kazakhstan 61830 Center Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 61831 Central Telegraph M Russia/Kazakhstan 61833 NTT - PC L Japan 61834 E-Mobile L Russia/Kazakhstan 61837 SIERRA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - NM L United States of America 61844 IMON COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - IA L United States of America 61845 CallScrub LLC L US,Canada and Others 61846 WebCDR L US,Canada and Others 61847 Tele 2 Russia (ETK Yeniseytelecom) M Russia/Kazakhstan 61849 Community Fiber Solutions, Inc L US,Canada and Others 61850 Volgograd-GSM L Russia/Kazakhstan 61853 Global Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 61854 Iridium Kommyunikeshens L Russia/Kazakhstan 61855 Matrix Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 61857 MTel L Russia/Kazakhstan 61858 Navigatino and Information Systems L Russia/Kazakhstan 61860 Our Network L Russia/Kazakhstan 61861 People Mobile Phone L Russia/Kazakhstan 61862 Sistematiks L Russia/Kazakhstan 61863 Sonet M Russia/Kazakhstan 61864 Sprint M Russia/Kazakhstan 61865 Surgutneftegaz L Russia/Kazakhstan 61866 Tattelecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 61867 Topeka Omni Apriori L Russia/Kazakhstan 61868 TransTelecom-NN M Russia/Kazakhstan 61870 West Call LTD M Russia/Kazakhstan 61886 123Telecom L Latvia 61887 Fixed Lines L Latvia 61888 Nordic Technologies L Latvia 61889 Enterprise Trade USA L Poland 61906 i-Tel LTD L Uganda 61907 Africa Online Uganda Ltd L Uganda 61908 Roke Investment International Ltd L Uganda 61909 Smile Communications Uganda Ltd M Uganda 61911 Sure Telecom Uganda Ltd M Uganda 61912 iTalkBB Singapore Pte. Ltd. L Singapore 61913 MediaRing Communications Pte Ltd L Singapore 61915 Viatel L Belgium 61919 MECOM L El Salvador 61922 HALYS M France 61923 K-NET (KWAOO.COM) L France 61924 OPS TELECOM L France 61925 PH TELECOM L France 61928 LEGOS - LOCAL EXCHANGE GLOBAL OPERATION SERVICES L French Guiana 61929 LEGOS - LOCAL EXCHANGE GLOBAL OPERATION SERVICES L Guadeloupe 61930 LEGOS - LOCAL EXCHANGE GLOBAL OPERATION SERVICES L Reunion 61945 VoipZeker B.V. (Totalin) L Netherlands 61949 Switchward Services L Moldova 61951 Radeon Service L Moldova 61952 Belfast L Moldova 61953 ITNET L Moldova 61954 Neccom Group L Moldova 61955 Scortel L Moldova 61956 Voip Solutie L Moldova 61965 TELEFONICA VIVA M Chile 61968 MobileTalk-Q L Spain 61970 WiMax Global Access L Spain 61971 Tell ME Telecom L Spain 61972 Damal Investments, LTd L Spain 61973 Eurohigh Tech Developments L Spain 61974 Grupo Ibirapita L Spain 61975 Hello WiFI L Spain 61976 Ingenium Outsourcing Serivces (IOS) M Spain 61977 Ingetel Business and Adventure L Spain 61978 Prosodie Iberica L Spain 61979 Sonimar Telecom L Spain 61980 Super Voz L Spain 61981 Teleyecla L Spain 61982 Sit Consulting L Spain 61983 Alvento Soluciones L Spain 61984 Electronic Group Telecom L Spain 61985 MBLOX Spain Telecomunicaciones L Spain 61986 Step2U L Spain 61987 Buongiorno MyAlert L Spain 61988 International Mobile Sportsbook Company L Spain 61989 Mobileview Iberica L Spain 61990 Alterna Project Marketing L Spain 61991 Simoes Bis L Spain 61992 Argatel Solutions L Spain 61993 Electronic Commerce Factory L Spain 61994 IJOY L Spain 61995 Life Now L Spain 61996 Sybase Iberia L Spain 61998 Renaissance Ventures L Spain 61999 Altiria TIC L Spain 62000 Froggie L Spain 62001 Arabbesko Madrilena L Spain 62002 Global Line Consultores L Spain 62003 Netsize Espana L Spain 62004 Buscando Suerte L Spain 62005 WORLDLINE IBERIA, S.A. L Spain 62006 Servicios Tecnologicos TIM L Spain 62007 Interactive 3G L Spain 62008 Ocioterapia Levante L Spain 62009 Jamba L Spain 62010 Natural Flavor International 21 L Spain 62011 SMS Arena L Spain 62012 BinBit Factory L Spain 62013 Neomobile Spain L Spain 62015 Ericsson Espana L Spain 62016 Mobile Solutions Consulting Group L Spain 62017 Meztura Servicios Premium L Spain 62018 Room33com L Spain 62020 Publictelecom I Publicitat L Spain 62021 Tele Sierra L Spain 62023 Bluevu Technologia L Spain 62024 Comercial Polindus 21 L Spain 62025 Summainvest Network L Spain 62026 Iebolina Tradicional L Spain 62028 Operador Virtual SMS L Spain 62029 Tanla Mobile Spain L Spain 62030 CALIBER MEDIA L Spain 62031 DADA IBERIA L Spain 62034 GENERA MOBILE SOLUTIONS L Spain 62035 PLAYPHONE EUROPE LIMITED L Spain 62036 ALTAE MEDIA IBERIA L Spain 62037 CODE FACTORY L Spain 62038 PDM DIGITAL MARKETING L Spain 62039 ANTONIO JESUS SALVADOR GARCIA L Spain 62040 Mihaeel L Spain 62041 OSONA DATA L Spain 62042 SERVICIOS EMPRESARIALES DE MENSAJERIA INTEGRADA L Spain 62043 UNITEC CONTENIDOS L Spain 62044 Reverse Corp. (UK) Limited Company L Spain 62045 Foro Digital L Spain 62046 Consorci Administracio Oberta De Catalunya L Spain 62047 Anekis L Spain 62048 OpenCall Spain L Spain 62049 Exito Comunicaciones L Spain 62050 Kubfour L Spain 62051 Teldav Operador Global L Spain 62053 Moviplan Comunicaciones L Spain 62054 Actividades De Consultoria Y Telecomunicaciones L Spain 62055 Airam Telecom L Spain 62056 Alberto Soler Martinez L Spain 62057 Aviva Voice Systems and Services L Spain 62058 Banco Popular Espanol L Spain 62059 Call House L Spain 62060 Catarsis Producciones L Spain 62061 Click Gestion L Spain 62062 Club Ayudale A Caminar L Spain 62063 Compania De Instrumentacion Y Control L Spain 62064 Consultas Telefonicas L Spain 62065 CSW Group L Spain 62066 Decopremium L Spain 62067 Didimo Servicios Moviles L Spain 62068 Echovox L Spain 62070 ELECTRONIC CORPORATE SOLUTIONS, S.L. L Spain 62071 ESTUDIO ZONA 7 L Spain 62072 EUROCHE INVESTMENT L Spain 62073 FLYCELL, INC L Spain 62074 FOX MOBILE DISTRIBUTION L Spain 62075 Francisco Joes Recio Gonzalez L Spain 62076 Fundacion Accion Contra El Hambre L Spain 62077 Fundacion Alia2 L Spain 62078 Fundacion Internacional Josep Carreras L Spain 62079 Fundaicon Vincente Ferrer L Spain 62081 Gestion De Publicaciones Y Publicidad L Spain 62082 Gestion Integral De Activos Moviles L Spain 62084 Gigigo L Spain 62085 Glibre L Spain 62086 Global Messaging Solutions L Spain 62087 Global Port L Spain 62088 GO4MOBILITY - TECNOLOGIA E SERVICOS PARA A MOBILIDADE L Spain 62089 HI-MEDIA ADVERTISING WEB L Spain 62090 HOLLAND PERFORMANCE TELECOM L Spain 62091 IDEAFIX TELECOM L Spain 62092 INFOAVISOS L Spain 62093 INFOEMPLEO L Spain 62094 INFORMATION & IMAGEN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS L Spain 62095 INTERACTIVE MARKETING CONSULTING L Spain 62096 ITALIA EXPLORER L Spain 62097 JJP MOBILE, B.V. L Spain 62098 JOKER ONLINE 2009 L Spain 62099 JUNTA DE COMUNIDADES DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA L Spain 62100 KIMIA SOLUTIONS L Spain 62101 KITMAKER ENTERTAINMENT L Spain 62102 Firstcom (TDC Network) M Denmark 62103 ACN-Europe (TDC Network) M Denmark 62104 Aplus-Telecom (SuperTEL Danmark) L Denmark 62105 Aplus-Telecom (TDC Network) M Denmark 62106 Callme (TDC Network) M Denmark 62107 Change Networks (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62108 Cirque (TDC Network) M Denmark 62109 Cirque (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62110 Comendo Telecom (TDC Network) M Denmark 62111 Comendo Telecom (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62112 Companymobile (TDC Network) M Denmark 62113 Dansk BredbAynd (TDC Network) M Denmark 62114 DanskKabelTV M Denmark 62115 DLG (Telia Network) M Denmark 62116 Everlove (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62117 Facilicom (SuperTEL Network) L Denmark 62118 Facilicom (TDC Network) M Denmark 62119 Ipinion (TDC Network) M Denmark 62120 Ipinion (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62121 IpVision (TDC Network) M Denmark 62122 IpVision (Telia Network) M Denmark 62123 Maxtel (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62124 Comtalk (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62125 OnFone (Companymobile Network) L Denmark 62126 Siminn Danmark (TDC Network) M Denmark 62127 Stofa M Denmark 62128 Telenet M Denmark 62129 Telenor (TDC Network) M Denmark 62130 Telia (TDC Network) M Denmark 62131 THEVOICEmobil M Denmark 62132 Uni-tel (Telenor Network) M Denmark 62133 Lycamobile M Germany 62144 OMVCostarica L Costa Rica 62145 Telefonica Moviles M Costa Rica 62147 Claro Costa Rica Telecomunicaciones M Costa Rica 62148 Amnet Cable Costa Rica L Costa Rica 62149 Interphone L Costa Rica 62150 Truphone M Germany 62154 Ensite Brasil Telecomunicaciones L Brazil 62155 Hit Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 62157 Opcaonet Informatica LTDA L Brazil 62159 CIA Telecomunicacoes Do Brasil Central L Brazil 62162 Fidelity Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 62164 Spin Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 62165 Networld Provider L Brazil 62166 TeliSat L Papua New Guinea 62167 Telebit Telecom L Brazil 62168 BR Group Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 62169 Remota L Brazil 62170 Marcelo Moreira Dionsio Goias Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 62171 Redevox L Brazil 62172 BSNL - Assam M India 62173 BSNL - Haryana M India 62174 BSNL - Himachal Pradesh M India 62175 Telikom PNG Ltd M Papua New Guinea 62176 Foretaget L Jordan 62177 Aman Information Systems L Jordan 62185 VSAT Systems L Poland 62187 Link Mobility AS (PSWinCom) L Norway 62204 COLORADO VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - T L United States of America 62205 Telenet S.r.l. L San Marino 62207 BSNL - Andhra Pradesh M India 62208 BSNL - Bihar M India 62209 BSNL - CDMA M India 62210 BSNL - Chennai M India 62211 BSNL - Gujarat M India 62212 BSNL - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62213 BSNL - Karnataka M India 62214 BSNL- Kerala M India 62215 BSNL - Kolkata M India 62218 Metfone (Beeline) M Cambodia 62220 BSNL - Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh M India 62222 BSNL - Maharashtra & Goa M India 62223 BSNL - North East M India 62224 BSNL - Orissa M India 62225 BSNL - Punjab M India 62227 BSNL - Rajasthan M India 62228 BSNL - Tamil Nadu M India 62229 BSNL - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62230 Vadian.Net L Switzerland 62231 BSNL - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62232 Transatel L Switzerland 62233 Teldas L Switzerland 62234 BSNL - West Bengal M India 62235 Telcordia Technologies Inc L Switzerland 62236 TATA Communications L Switzerland 62237 Talk Talk Telecom L Switzerland 62238 Glue Software L Switzerland 62239 SA L Switzerland 62240 Hewlett-Packard (Schweiz) L Switzerland 62241 Informatik Service Center L Switzerland 62242 Neustar L Switzerland 62243 PostFinance, die Schweizerische Post L Switzerland 62244 MTNL Dolphin - Delhi M India 62245 e-globe technologies L Switzerland 62246 Crealogix E-Banking L Switzerland 62247 MTNL Dolphin - Mumbai M India 62248 Dolphin Systems L Switzerland 62249 Belgacom International Carrier Services L Switzerland 62250 Abinet Corporation L Switzerland 62251 S. Tel - Assam M India 62252 Mobilezon Com L Switzerland 62253 MOBILEthinics L Switzerland 62254 MNC Mobile News Channel L Switzerland 62255 S. Tel - Bihar M India 62256 MNC (SMS Application Provider) L Switzerland 62257 S. Tel - Himachal Pradesh M India 62258 S. Tel - Nesa M India 62259 S. Tel - Orissa M India 62260 Spice Mobility - Andhra Pradesh M India 62261 Spice Mobility - Dehli M India 62262 Spice Mobility - Haryana M India 62263 Spice Mobility - Maharashtra & Goa M India 62264 Bharti Airtel - Andhra Pradesh M India 62265 Bharti Airtel - Bihar Jharkhand M India 62266 Bharti Airtel - Chennai M India 62267 Bharti Airtel - Delhi M India 62268 Bharti Airtel - Gujarat M India 62269 Bharti Airtel - Haryana M India 62270 Bharti Airtel - Himachal Pradesh M India 62271 Bharti Airtel - Karnataka M India 62272 Bharti Airtel - Kerala M India 62273 Bharti Airtel - Kolkata M India 62274 Bharti Airtel - Madhya Pradesh M India 62275 Bharti Airtel - Maharashtra & Goa M India 62276 Bharti Airtel - Mumbai M India 62277 Bharti Airtel - North East M India 62278 Bharti Airtel - Punjab M India 62280 Bharti Airtel - Tamil Nadu M India 62281 Bharti Airtel - Rajasthan M India 62282 Bharti Airtel - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62283 Aircel - Andhra Pradesh M India 62284 Aircel - Assam M India 62285 Aircel - Bihar & Jharkhand M India 62286 Aircel - Chennai M India 62287 Aircel - Delhi M India 62288 Aircel - Gujarat M India 62289 Prvi Binovski Info L Slovakia 62290 Vidium L Slovakia 62291 SpisNET L Slovakia 62292 Uni-tel (TDC Network) M Denmark 62293 Telogic (Telia Network) M Denmark 62294 Aircel - Haryana M India 62295 Aircel - Himachal Pradesh M India 62296 Aircel - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62297 TELE FOCUS M Croatia 62298 Aircel - Karnataka M India 62299 Aircel - Kerala M India 62300 Aircel - Madhya Pradesh M India 62301 Aircel - Maharashtra M India 62302 Aircel - Kolkata M India 62303 Aircel - Mumbai M India 62304 Aircel - North East M India 62305 Aircel - Orissa M India 62306 Aircel - Punjab M India 62307 Aircel - Rajasthan M India 62308 Aircel - Tamil Nadu M India 62309 Aircel - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62310 Aircel - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62311 Aircel - West Bengal M India 62313 Firstcom (Telia Network) M Denmark 62314 Foneworx L Botswana 62315 Internet Options Botswana L Botswana 62316 TATA Docomo - Andhra Pradesh M India 62317 TATA CDMA M India 62318 TATA Docomo - Delhi M India 62319 TATA Docomo - Gujarat M India 62320 TATA Docomo - Bihar & Jharkhand M India 62321 TATA Docomo - Haryana M India 62322 TATA Docomo - Himachal Pradesh M India 62323 TATA Docomo - Karnataka M India 62324 TATA Docomo - Kerala M India 62325 TATA Docomo - Madhya Pradesh M India 62326 TATA Docomo - Maharashtra & Goa M India 62327 TATA Docomo - Mumbai M India 62328 TATA Docomo - Orissa M India 62329 TATA Docomo - Punjab M India 62330 TATA Docomo - Rajasthan M India 62332 TATA Docomo - RO WB M India 62333 TATA Docomo - Tamil Nadu M India 62334 TATA Docomo - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62335 TATA Docomo - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62336 TATA Docomo - West Bengal L India 62337 IDEA - Andhra Pradesh M India 62338 IDEA - Assam M India 62339 IDEA - Bihar & Jharkhand M India 62340 IDEA - Delhi M India 62341 IDEA - Gujarat M India 62342 IDEA - Haryana M India 62343 IDEA - Himachal Pradesh M India 62344 IDEA - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62345 IDEA - Karnataka M India 62346 IDEA - Kerala M India 62347 IDEA - Kolkata M India 62348 IDEA - Madhya Pradesh M India 62349 IDEA - Maharashtra M India 62350 IDEA - Mumbai M India 62351 IDEA - North East M India 62352 IDEA - Orissa M India 62353 IDEA - Punjab M India 62354 IDEA - Rajasthan M India 62355 IDEA - Tamil Nadu & Chennai M India 62356 IDEA - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62357 IDEA - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62358 IDEA - West Bengal M India 62360 Loop Mobile - Assam L India 62364 Loop Mobile - Haryana L India 62370 Loop Mobile - Maharashrta & Goa L India 62371 Loop Mobile - Mumbai M India 62372 Loop Mobile - North East L India 62375 Loop Mobile - Rajasthan L India 62376 Loop Mobile - Tamil Nadu L India 62378 Loop Mobile - Uttar Pradesh West L India 62379 Loop Mobile - West Bengal L India 62385 Vodafone - Andhra Pradesh M India 62386 Vodafone - Assam M India 62387 Vodafone - Bihar & Jharkhand M India 62388 Vodafone - Chennai M India 62389 Vodafone - Delhi M India 62390 SISTEMA Shyam Teleservices - Delhi M India 62391 DSPL - Andhra Pradesh M India 62392 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Gujarat M India 62393 DSPL - Assam M India 62394 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Haryana M India 62395 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Himachal Pradesh M India 62396 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62397 DSPL - Bihar M India 62398 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Karnataka M India 62399 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Kerala M India 62400 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Kolkata M India 62401 DSPL - Delhi M India 62402 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Madhya Pradesh M India 62403 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Maharashtra M India 62404 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Mumbai M India 62405 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - North East M India 62406 DSPL - Gujarat M India 62407 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Orissa M India 62408 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Punjab M India 62409 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Rajasthan M India 62410 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Tamil Nadu & Chennai M India 62412 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62413 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62415 DSPL - Haryana M India 62416 SISTEMA Shayam Teleservices - West Bengal M India 62417 DSPL - Himachal Pradesh M India 62418 DSPL - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62419 DSPL - Karnataka M India 62420 DSPL - Kerala M India 62421 DSPL - Kolkata M India 62422 DSPL - Madhya Pradesh M India 62423 DSPL - Maharashtra M India 62424 DSPL - Mumbai M India 62425 Uninor - Andhra Pradesh M India 62426 Uninor - Assam M India 62427 DSPL - North East M India 62428 Uninor - Bihar & Jharkhand M India 62429 Uninor - Delhi M India 62430 DSPL - Orissa M India 62431 Uninor - Gujarat M India 62432 Uninor - Haryana M India 62433 DSPL - Rajasthan M India 62434 Uninor - Himachal Pradesh M India 62435 Uninor - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62436 Uninor - Karnataka M India 62437 Uninor - Kerala M India 62438 Uninor - Kolkata M India 62439 DSPL - Tamil Nadu & Chennai M India 62440 Uninor - Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh M India 62441 Uninor - Maharashtra M India 62442 DSPL - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62443 Uninor - Mumbai M India 62444 Uninor - North East M India 62445 Uninor - Orissa M India 62446 Uninor - Punjab M India 62447 DSPL - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62448 Uninor - Rajasthan M India 62449 Uninor - Tamil Nadu & Chennai M India 62450 Uninor - Uttar Pradesh & Uttaran M India 62451 DSPL - West Bengal M India 62452 Uninor - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62453 Uninor - West Bengal & Andaman Nikobar M India 62454 Etisalat - Andhra Pradesh M India 62455 Etisalat - Bahir M India 62456 Etisalat - Delhi M India 62457 Etisalat - Gujarat M India 62458 Etisalat - Haryana M India 62459 Vodafone - Gujarat M India 62460 Etisalat - Karnataka M India 62461 Vodafone - Haryana M India 62462 Etisalat - Kerala M India 62463 Etisalat - Madhya Pradesh M India 62464 Vodafone - Himachal Pradesh M India 62465 Etisalat - Maharashtra M India 62466 Vodafone - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62467 Etisalat - Mumbai M India 62468 Vodafone - Karnataka M India 62469 Vodafone - Kerala M India 62470 Etisalat - Punjab M India 62471 Vodafone - Kolkata M India 62472 Vodafone - Madhya & Chattisgarh M India 62473 Vodafone - Maharashtra & Goa M India 62474 Vodafone - Mumbai M India 62475 Vodafone - North East M India 62476 Vodafone - Orissa M India 62477 Vodafone - Punjab M India 62478 Vodafone - Rajasthan M India 62479 Vodafone - Tamil Nadu M India 62480 Vodafone - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62481 Vodafone - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62482 Vodafone - West Bengal M India 62483 Etisalat - Rajashan M India 62484 Etisalat - Tamil Nadu & Chennai M India 62486 Etisalat - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62487 Etisalat - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62488 Reliance - Andhra Pradesh M India 62489 Reliance - Assam M India 62490 Reliance - Bahir & Jharkhand M India 62492 Reliance - Delhi M India 62494 Reliance - Gujarat M India 62495 Reliance - Haryana M India 62496 Reliance - Jammu & Kashmir M India 62497 Reliance - Karnataka M India 62499 Reliance - Kerala M India 62501 Reliance - Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh M India 62503 Reliance - Maharashtra & Goa M India 62504 Reliance - North East M India 62505 Reliance - Orissa M India 62506 Reliance - Himachal Pradesh M India 62507 Reliance - Rajashan M India 62508 Reliance - Uttar Pradesh East M India 62509 Reliance - Uttar Pradesh West M India 62510 Reliance - West Bengal M India 62511 Reliance - Chennai M India 62513 Reliance - CDMA - Bahir & Jharkhand M India 62514 Reliance - Tamil Nadu M India 62515 SISTEMA Shyam Teleservices - Andhra Pradesh M India 62516 SISTEMA Shyam Teleservices - Assam M India 62517 SISTEMA Shyam Teleservices - Bihar M India 62518 SISTEMA Shyam Teleservices - Chennai M India 62519 Reliance - Mumbai M India 62521 Delcom, Inc L US,Canada and Others 62523 3L Communications Missouri, LLC L US,Canada and Others 62524 TeleStride L US,Canada and Others 62525 Commercial companies L Kuwait 62526 Konig Gesmbh L Austria 62527 informations L Austria 62528 Otto Jassy VI server L Austria 62530 Primus Telecommunications L Belgium 62531 Tismi L Belgium 62544 Zapcell L Denmark 62545 M-Mobility L Denmark 62546 Trifork Telecom L Denmark 62547 CIM Mobility L Denmark 62549 Advanced Voip Telecom L US,Canada and Others 62550 Espinal Technology Group L Dominican Republic 62555 Median Telecom L Germany 62556 Alnitak GmbH L Germany 62557 MTN M Yemen 62560 Truemove 2G M Thailand 62561 Truemove 3G M Thailand 62562 Nakhtel Ltd M Azerbaijan 62563 Angel Design Company L Jordan 62564 Applifone Co Ltd (StarCell) M Cambodia 62565 QB Cad Com M Cambodia 62566 InterDnestrCom M Moldova 62567 Ambavox L Liechtenstein 62584 Palestine Telecommunications Company (Paltel) L Israel 62586 P & T Luxembourg (LuxGSM) M Luxembourg 62587 Multinational Automated Clearing House L Luxembourg 62588 ONT L Tunisia 62592 COMMUNITY FIBER SOLUTIONS, INC. - IN L United States of America 62594 VALU-NET LLC - KS L United States of America 62606 Nordic Telecom s.r.o.(Air Telecom - MobilKom) M Czech Republic 62609 Sprava zeleznicni dopravni cesty M Czech Republic 62610 NextGen Mobile Ltd T/A CardBoardFish L Finland 62611 Skomur L Poland 62612 Faith-Net L Poland 62613 Altertel L Poland 62614 Gemini Internet L Poland 62615 Elpol Telekom L Poland 62617 Voicetech Sweden L Sweden 62618 Qall Telecom AB M Sweden 62619 ITTRE Sverige AB L Sweden 62620 SOS Alarm Sverige L Sweden 62621 PGE Energia L Poland 62622 Lycamobile M Italy 62623 Centrum L Poland 62625 Oratel Limited L United Kingdom 62626 Cheapest International Calls LLP L United Kingdom 62627 Virgin Mobile Telecoms M United Kingdom 62629 Enigma System Mobile Network M Romania 62630 7E L Slovenia 62631 IKT, d.o.o L Slovenia 62632 Premium Net International L Slovenia 62633 Fluenta L United Kingdom 62634 Ghost Telecom Limited L United Kingdom 62635 Level Telecom L Spain 62636 Link Directo Consulting L Spain 62637 Luna Advertising L Spain 62638 Mach Conectivity L Spain 62639 Mensajes A Moviles L Spain 62640 Messagix M-Services L Spain 62641 Miguel Angel Martin Vilanova L Spain 62642 MIM Gmbh L Spain 62643 Mindmatics AG L Spain 62644 Mobbiz Comunicacio L Spain 62645 Mobile Dreams Factory L Spain 62646 Mobile Marketing Consulting L Spain 62647 Mobster Limited L Spain 62648 Movipbox Multimedia Solutions L Spain 62649 MSales Gmbh L Spain 62650 Multichannel Technologies L Spain 62651 Mydoo International L Spain 62652 Navero L Spain 62654 Pulsant (Scotland) L United Kingdom 62655 Radio Popular, S.A. Cadena De Ondas Populares Espanolas L Spain 62656 NVIACONTROL L Spain 62657 NEXTCARD-CONSULTORES E SERVICIOS LDA L Spain 62658 OCIO Factory Time L Spain 62659 Nuevas Inversiones Tecnologicas Asociadas L Spain 62660 ONL Asociacion Nacional de Hipertension Pulmonar L Spain 62661 Paymo, INC L Spain 62662 Planet 49 L Spain 62663 Promovil Telecomunicaciones L Spain 62664 Propiedad Movil L Spain 62665 Publicidad Interactiva 2006 L Spain 62666 R&D Media Europe L Spain 62667 Rocamar Gestion L Spain 62668 Sam Media L Spain 62669 Sepomo L Spain 62670 Shiwaera Corp L Spain 62671 Sistemas Informaticos EspabitSistemas Informaticos Espabit L Spain 62672 Socialbid Subastas Beneficas L Spain 62673 Sociedad De Servicios Radiofonicos Union Radio L Spain 62674 Sprint Media L Spain 62675 Suenamovil L Spain 62677 Tarifa Plana Telecomunicaciones L Spain 62678 Tatamia solutions L Spain 62679 Teksti Moi L Spain 62680 Telkia L Spain 62681 The Mobile Generations I.B.V L Spain 62682 Trade Bump L Spain 62683 Translease International Limited L Spain 62684 Unidad Editorial Internet L Spain 62685 US Cellcom LLC L Spain 62686 VEO Television L Spain 62687 Vivazz Mobile L Spain 62688 Zamano Solutions Limited L Spain 62689 Abonnera i Sverige AB L Sweden 62690 Adaptive Performance i Stockholm AB L Sweden 62691 Call Sciences Ltd. L Sweden 62692 Callmate Telecom Ltd. L Sweden 62693 Carrier1 Nordic AB L Sweden 62694 CNE Telecom AB L Sweden 62695 CompleTel GmbH L Sweden 62696 Dalanet Communications AB L Sweden 62697 Dalcom Ltd. L Sweden 62698 Datametrix Optimal Telecom AB L Sweden 62699 Dataphone Sweden AB L Sweden 62700 Euro Seek AB L Sweden 62701 Facilicom International Sweden AB L Sweden 62702 FCI Telecommunications Corporation Ltd. L Sweden 62703 Financial Engineering Sv. AB L Sweden 62704 Infotel Nordiska AB L Sweden 62705 Interactive Communications Services Holding Ltd. L Sweden 62706 Ipcelum AB L Sweden 62707 IT verkstaden AB L Sweden 62708 Koppla Skandinavien AB L Sweden 62709 KPN Telecom BV L Sweden 62710 Level 3 Communications S.A. L Sweden 62711 LNS Kommunikation AB L Sweden 62712 Long Distance International Ltd. L Sweden 62713 Net2Phone Global BV L Sweden 62714 Norrkoping Miljo & Energi L Sweden 62715 One.Tel AB L Sweden 62716 Oy Finnet International AB L Sweden 62718 Route66 Telecom AB L Sweden 62719 SeCom Venture AB L Sweden 62720 SE-Netlink AB/CyberCity ApS L Sweden 62721 Startec Global Communications UK Ltd. L Sweden 62722 Surephone AB L Sweden 62723 Svensk Telekommunikation L Sweden 62724 T.M.I. Sweden L Sweden 62725 T3 Telecommunications Ltd. L Sweden 62726 Telebudget AB L Sweden 62727 Telecom Scandinavia A/S L Sweden 62728 Teleglobe Sverige AB L Sweden 62729 Telegroup (UK) Ltd. L Sweden 62730 Teletime AB L Sweden 62731 UPC Sverige AB L Sweden 62732 USA Global Link Holdings BV L Sweden 62734 Vasa Läns Telefon AB L Sweden 62735 VIVA Networks AB L Sweden 62736 World Online AB L Sweden 62737 WORLDxCHANGE L Sweden 62738 Yac Ltd. L Sweden 62739 Teleadress Information AB L Sweden 62740 5678-5678 Svar om Stockholm AB L Sweden 62741 9550 Communications AB L Sweden 62744 Aduronet Networks AB L Sweden 62745 BIP Bottnia Internet Provider AB L Sweden 62746 BOA Broadband Optical Access AB L Sweden 62747 Bohus Communication Int. AB L Sweden 62748 Carrier1 AG L Sweden 62749 Catch Communications AS L Sweden 62752 Cenara AB L Sweden 62753 Concert Global Networks Ltd. L Sweden 62754 Cyber Office Communications AG L Sweden 62755 Doera Service Provider AB L Sweden 62756 Echoo Industries AB L Sweden 62757 Elektronik AB Radio-Master L Sweden 62758 Engboms Kontorsmaskiner AB L Sweden 62759 Enron Broadband Services Marketing Ltd. L Sweden 62760 Eric Wermelin Communication AB L Sweden 62761 Formus Communications Sweden AB L Sweden 62762 GC Pan European Crossing Sverige AB L Sweden 62763 Gomint AB L Sweden 62764 Gotlands Energiverk AB L Sweden 62765 Grasberg Productions AB L Sweden 62766 Hanse Communication L Sweden 62767 ICL Invia AB L Sweden 62768 ICS France L Sweden 62769 IDT Europe BV L Sweden 62770 IDT Inter Direct Tel Sweden AB L Sweden 62771 MyWindow PersiennGru L Sweden 62772 NordiskaServercentra L Sweden 62773 Zedcom ISP AB L Sweden 62774 Teknikmejeriet AB L Sweden 62775 IFRAnet International AB L Sweden 62776 Incitus Internat. Group AB/ Vegasys L Sweden 62777 Infracom AB L Sweden 62778 Internet 5 AB L Sweden 62779 Intertel AB L Sweden 62781 Iridium Communications Germany GmbH L Sweden 62782 iSpace Telecom AB L Sweden 62783 IXNET L Sweden 62784 Jippii Internet Services AB L Sweden 62785 Jobbomat AB L Sweden 62786 Katrineholms Energiförsäljning AB L Sweden 62787 KPNQwest Sweden AB L Sweden 62788 Kraftkommission AB L Sweden 62789 LCO Prime AB L Sweden 62790 Ljungby Energi AB L Sweden 62791 LTT Sverige AB L Sweden 62792 Mailab Mailbolaget L Sweden 62793 Marieberg Interactive AB L Sweden 62794 Mariestad Töreboda Energi AB L Sweden 62796 FirstNet L Latvia 62797 MIKS SERVICE L Latvia 62808 Telerix Sverige AB L Sweden 62809 Shyam Telecom UK Ltd L Sweden 62810 Kraft&Kultur i Sveri L Sweden 62811 Mims Invest AB L Sweden 62812 AB Strömstanet L Sweden 62813 Svensk Morgondistrib L Sweden 62814 Bollnäs Energi AB L Sweden 62815 Bjärke Energi AB L Sweden 62816 Macheen Limited L Sweden 62817 InnoTel AB L Sweden 62818 Pushtalk L Sweden 62819 Dialect L Sweden 62820 IDT Retail Europe Li L Sweden 62822 Marknadsinformation L Sweden 62823 UNT Distribution AB L Sweden 62824 NTM Distribution AB L Sweden 62825 ID Mobile L Sweden 62826 SITAB Infrastruktur L Sweden 62827 Skövde Kommun L Sweden 62828 Hammarö Kommun/Stads L Sweden 62829 Malmö Stad L Sweden 62830 Serverado AB L Sweden 62831 Bild AT Se AB L Sweden 62832 AEB Kommunikation AB L Sweden 62834 Botkyrka Stadsnät AB L Sweden 62835 NTH AG L Switzerland 62836 ORDANDUU GmBH L Portugal 62837 MOBILE BRANDS L Portugal 62839 ADAS L Albania 62840 Compatel SH.p.k. L Albania 62841 Merita Xhika L Albania 62846 Telia DanskKabelTV L Denmark 62847 Atea, TDC Network M Denmark 62848 CTE Telecom Personal M El Salvador 62864 Controlling and Telco Consulting L Poland 62866 Tashi Cell M Bhutan 62867 Inter Serwis L Poland 62869 LEBARA France Limited M France 62870 Neo Center Est L France 62871 Apps2com (ATTI) L France 62873 IGWAN.NET L France 62874 INTEGRAPHONE L France 62876 Vectone mobile (Mundio) M France 62877 SYSEXPERT L France 62884 SYSEXPERT L Reunion 62885 LEGOS - LOCAL EXCHANGE GLOBAL OPERATION SERVICES L Martinique 62886 IGWAN.NET L Guadeloupe 62905 Megaline L Kyrgyz Republic 62906 Total L Kyrgyz Republic 62907 SOCIEDAD FALABELLA MOVIL SPA M Chile 62908 CIBELES TELECOM M Chile 62912 CTCCEL L Chile 62913 NETEL L Chile 62925 Telecom Puntland L Somalia 62927 Baronetcomp L Hungary 62928 CBN Telekom L Hungary 62929 CG-SYSTEMS L Hungary 62930 DELTAKON L Hungary 62931 FALU-TV L Hungary 62932 Foldesi es Tarsa 2002 L Hungary 62934 Giganet Internet L Hungary 62935 H1 Telekom L Hungary 62936 M70 Group Kft.(Hello HD) L Hungary 62937 HIR-SAT 2000 L Hungary 62938 Hungaria Informatikai L Hungary 62939 IKRON L Hungary 62941 TEL2U L Hungary 62943 Virtual Communications L Hungary 62944 ZIONET L Hungary 62945 Zubor Laszlo L Hungary 62946 Printer-fair L Hungary 62949 RE-INVENT TELECOM, LLC - AZ L United States of America 62964 I.I.T.S. Innovative Information & Telecom Services L Netherlands 62965 Wildape L Netherlands 62966 Nextgen Mobile Ltd M Netherlands 62968 Golan Telecom M Israel 62970 Mobile Embrace Limited L Australia 62971 Teleconnect M Denmark 62972 Actnet SA (Cavoon SA) L Switzerland 63001 NEO NETWORK L Spain 63003 Planet 49 GMBH L Spain 63004 SYNERGIA SOLUCIONES TECNOLOGICAS, S.L. L Spain 63005 FinVoIP Group L Finland 63006 MBLOX SPAIN TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L. L Spain 63007 EKO TELECOM SOLUTIONS, S.L. L Spain 63008 Adviqo Teleinea L Spain 63009 Dataline Personal L Spain 63010 Intelligent Network Revolution L Spain 63011 Mediapubliline L Spain 63012 Net-Connect Internet L Spain 63014 FABRIKA L Latvia 63016 MIKSS SERVISS L Latvia 63017 ROAM L Latvia 63018 Wireless Communications L Latvia 63024 Fonet Telecom (Telenor N M Denmark 63025 Ministry of Communications and Information L Jordan 63026 Companys Ideas for Communications Solutions L Jordan 63027 Planet Company of Information Technology L Jordan 63031 Southeastern Services, Inc. - FL L United States of America 63032 MBC TELECOM, LLC - FL L US,Canada and Others 63035 Xtratec GmbH L Austria 63050 ASSOCIATION PLATE-FORME TELECOM M France 63051 BUZZ M France 63052 SNBL M France 63053 STELLA TELECOM L France 63057 Rami Levi M Israel 63059 Home Cellular M Israel 63060 Veidan L Israel 63061 M Denmark 63062 Vibe Communications L New Zealand 63064 MTN South Sudan M South Sudan 63065 Sudani M South Sudan 63066 Zain South Sudan M South Sudan 63067 South Sudan Government L South Sudan 63084 Europronet L Bosnia and Herzegovina 63085 Elta-Kabel L Bosnia and Herzegovina 63086 Voxbone L Luxembourg 63087 Orange Business Luxembourg M Luxembourg 63089 TV-Com AG L Liechtenstein 63091 VoIPGRID L Netherlands 63092 Yellow Telecom L Netherlands 63093 CABLE HOGAR LIMITADA L Chile 63094 Snap Internet L New Zealand 63098 Lycamobile M Belgium 63100 Mobinet Co. Ltd L Mongolia 63101 Sky C and C Co. Ltd L Mongolia 63102 Univision Co. Ltd L Mongolia 63103 G mobile net Co. Ltd M Mongolia 63104 Irish Rail L Ireland 63105 NextGen Mobile Ltd L Ireland 63106 Sparta Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 63107 Samata Communications M Malaysia 63108 Talk Focus M Malaysia 63109 Extiva Communications SDN L Malaysia 63110 Jaring Communications L Malaysia 63111 Offisgate Sdn L Malaysia 63112 PP International L Malaysia 63113 TG Agas Technology L Malaysia 63115 Mobile Communications Company of Iran (MCI) M Iran 63133 Deep L Switzerland 63134 Nextgen Mobile L Switzerland 63137 Mobile4business L Switzerland 63138 Cricket (Sprint Network) M US,Canada and Others 63140 Ministry of Interior L Qatar 63144 Orange M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 63155 1049 Telecom L Germany 63156 118000 AG L Germany 63157 Exacor L Germany 63158 FirstT L Germany 63159 Gossip L Germany 63160 K.K. Telecom L Germany 63162 LineCall Telecom L Germany 63164 Open Telecom L Germany 63165 IK Telecom L Germany 63166 Teleflash L Germany 63167 Umbra Data L Germany 63168 Younip Net L Germany 63169 NextGen Mobile M Sweden 63175 ACN-Europe (Telia Network) M Denmark 63176 Dansk-Net (TDC Network) M Denmark 63177 Facilicom (Telia Network) M Denmark 63178 Firmafon (Telenor Network) M Denmark 63181 Onfone (TDC Network) M Denmark 63182 Progroup Holding M Estonia 63184 GCBO.DK_LSO L Denmark 63185 Netfors L Denmark 63187 AEON COMMUNICATIONS, LLC - TX L US,Canada and Others 63192 Marcus-Mobile_LSO L Denmark 63193 Gaffa_mobil_LSO L Denmark 63195 Telsome L Denmark 63196 Split-Off-Softly L Denmark 63197 Rigspolitiet L Denmark 63198 Communicate_LSO L Denmark 63199 2fast_LSO L Denmark 63200 FDE_Servicepartner_LSO L Denmark 63203 TeleFonSelskabet_LSO L Denmark 63204 Fuzion-A/S_LSO L Denmark 63206 MIHTESTO L Denmark 63207 MIHTESTSOAP L Denmark 63208 MIHTESTNO L Denmark 63214 Premium O M United Kingdom 63215 SOS Technology L United Kingdom 63216 SpeakUp L United Kingdom 63221 WCTV L Taiwan 63222 TDTV L Taiwan 63223 CTTV L Taiwan 63224 CLTV L Taiwan 63225 Ziron (UK) L United Kingdom 63226 Y TEL L United Kingdom 63227 We Love Communications L United Kingdom 63228 Numbers Telecom L United Kingdom 63229 Orderly Telecoms L United Kingdom 63230 Performance Telecom L United Kingdom 63231 Reading Telecom L United Kingdom 63232 Recruitment 4U L United Kingdom 63233 Third Party Formations T/A The Company Warehouse L United Kingdom 63234 Vox Sciences L United Kingdom 63236 Digiweb L United Kingdom 63238 BEN Prepaid M Netherlands 63257 Yozma Timeturns M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 63262 Alon Cellular Ltd (Youphone) M Israel 63273 KMC II M United States of America 63275 Vonage Network Inc. L United States of America 63276 XO Communications, Inc. L United States of America 63277 Senergies Czech Republic, spol. s r. o. L Czech Republic 63278 Colt Telecom (Telia Network) M Denmark 63279 SAT - AN CableNet & Multimedia s.r.o. L Czech Republic 63281 TruVista Communications of Georgia, LLC L United States of America 63282 Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Aktiengesellschaft L Austria 63285 MyRepublic Pte Ltd L Singapore 63286 MEGATEL M Latvia 63287 INTELLICA L Latvia 63288 Punkt till Punkt Telecom L Sweden 63289 AB Borlange Energi L Sweden 63290 ACCe-Aut AB L Sweden 63291 Ipirion AG L Sweden 63292 Marinecom L Sweden 63293 Maximum Network AB L Sweden 63294 Media Network i Halmstad AB L Sweden 63295 MIDAS L Sweden 63296 Mobyson AB L Sweden 63297 Neijda Communication AB L Sweden 63298 Netcom GSM Sverige AB L Sweden 63299 NetConnection i Goteborg AB L Sweden 63300 Netscream AB L Sweden 63301 Netsource Sverige AB L Sweden 63302 NextGentel Sweden AB L Sweden 63303 Nextra AB L Sweden 63305 BANCO BNP PARIBAS PERSONEL FINANCE L Portugal 63306 Grupo G1 Telecomunicacoes LTDA (NOVA G1) L Brazil 63307 GTI Telecomunicacoes LTDA L Brazil 63311 LYCAMOBILE PORTUGAL, LDA. M Portugal 63316 Maha - Tel Telecomunicacoes LTDA L Brazil 63317 ADENIS TELECOM L France 63318 GLOBALTEL L France 63319 GIBMEDIA L France 63320 GUYACOM L France 63321 Tellio (TDC Network) L Denmark 63323 Pocos L Netherlands 63324 DEK Telecom GmbH L Netherlands 63328 Telcom Telecomunicacoes Do Brasil M Brazil 63329 Iridium Sudamerica L Brazil 63330 Globalstar Do Brasil L Brazil 63336 PUBLIC SERVICE WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. L United States of America 63339 Oy MyPortal International Ltd. L Sweden 63340 Pema-Kom AB L Sweden 63341 Primatera AB L Sweden 63342 Priority Telecom N.V. L Sweden 63343 Priority Telecom Sweden AB L Sweden 63344 Scandinavia IT Community AB L Sweden 63345 Secure Transmission Sweden AB L Sweden 63346 SIHI Scandinavia AB, c/o Sprint L Sweden 63347 Site Communication B2B i Stockholm AB L Sweden 63348 SLGH Scandinavia AB, c/o Sprint L Sweden 63349 Storm Telecommunications Ltd. L Sweden 63350 Stromstad IT AB L Sweden 63351 Swedish Radio Supply i Wermland AB L Sweden 63352 Svensk Lokaltele AB L Sweden 63353 Svensk Telekom L Sweden 63354 Sarohus AB L Sweden 63355 Tele Danmark A/S L Sweden 63356 Telegate AG L Sweden 63357 Telenor Link AS L Sweden 63358 Telesource AB L Sweden 63359 Telnext Communications UK Ltd. L Sweden 63360 TPC Security Communication AB L Sweden 63361 Tranas-Posten AB L Sweden 63362 Umea Energi Elhandel AB L Sweden 63363 Wasa Network Solutions AB L Sweden 63364 Westbergs Elektronikservice L Sweden 63365 Viasat AB L Sweden 63366 Wireless Car Sweden AB L Sweden 63367 Wise Connection Nordic AB L Sweden 63368 Vocalis Telekom-Dienste GmbH L Sweden 63369 Worldnet Production Int. AB L Sweden 63370 Woxway AB L Sweden 63371 Varnamo Energi AB L Sweden 63372 Xpress On-Line Värmland AB L Sweden 63373 ynot Communication L Sweden 63374 TATA Docomo - Kolkata M India 63375 Terraflex Europe L Sweden 63376 Wireless Future L Sweden 63377 Arrow Point Int. LDA L Sweden 63378 Bamok Com AB L Sweden 63379 Bourke Telecomunicac L Sweden 63380 BRA VAL Sverige AB L Sweden 63381 Campuz Mobile Holdin L Sweden 63382 Dial IT Int. B.V. L Sweden 63383 Duvialla AB L Sweden 63384 Emimus AB L Sweden 63385 Finarea SA L Sweden 63386 FixTelecom Sv. Ltd. L Sweden 63387 FSC AB L Sweden 63388 Föreningstele i SvAB L Sweden 63389 Intelligent Appl. AB L Sweden 63390 IPalive AB L Sweden 63391 LDG Connect AS L Sweden 63392 Lebara Ltd. L Sweden 63393 Mobile Business CH L Sweden 63394 PAVO IP Networks AB L Sweden 63395 Phonelink Scandinavi L Sweden 63396 PhoneMaster Sw AB L Sweden 63397 T 900 AB L Sweden 63398 Tele-West S.A. L Sweden 63400 Telefonbolaget Magnu L Sweden 63401 Universal Telecom AB L Sweden 63402 Valuengine Trading S L Sweden 63403 Camilla Malekzadeh T L Sweden 63404 Ericsson IPX AB L Sweden 63405 Byair AB L Sweden 63407 wPlay AB L Sweden 63408 Arbinet L Sweden 63409 Morshedi Media AB L Sweden 63410 Cellsynt AB L Sweden 63411 Comtelo AB L Sweden 63412 Spide Rboss AB L Sweden 63413 SMS Teknik AB L Sweden 63414 Niji Phone AB L Sweden 63415 Tele Wing L Sweden 63416 SkyCom AB L Sweden 63417 Offerta AB L Sweden 63419 Wolane AB L Sweden 63420 Mobivox L Sweden 63421 Phonelink Scandinavia L Sweden 63424 NeuStar L Sweden 63425 Lagrummet Dec 1580 L Sweden 63427 Höglund & Zachrisson L Sweden 63428 Svea Fastighetsboxar L Sweden 63430 21st Century Mobile Solutions Svenska AB L Sweden 63432 ITBO i Stockholm AB L Sweden 63433 Kraftringen Öppet St L Sweden 63434 Atracta Holding AB L Sweden 63435 3c Telecom Limited L Sweden 63436 Anera AB L Sweden 63437 BRAVO L Sweden 63438 Brevia Post KB L Sweden 63439 Call Out Internation L Sweden 63440 Canal Vision AB L Sweden 63441 China Unicom (Europe L Sweden 63442 Citynätet i Nässjö A L Sweden 63443 Dayhost AB L Sweden 63444 DIDWW Ireland Ltd L Sweden 63445 E.ON Värmekraft Sver L Sweden 63446 Enbjärde&Johansson K L Sweden 63447 MH IP Phone AB L Sweden 63448 Loxysoft Networks AB L Sweden 63449 Boor Communications L Sweden 63450 Telefonica International Wholesale Services Sweden L Sweden 63451 euNetworks Fiber UK L Sweden 63452 Fredan AB L Sweden 63453 Guldlinjen Network A L Sweden 63454 High Performance Dat L Sweden 63455 iTUX Communication A L Sweden 63456 Kameleont Marketing L Sweden 63457 Lindesbergs kommun, L Sweden 63458 Luftfartsverket L Sweden 63459 Mailworld office AB L Sweden 63460 Försäkringskassan L Sweden 63461 ReWiCom Scandinavia M Sweden 63462 Europea i Malmö AB L Sweden 63463 Bjurholms Kommun L Sweden 63464 SweTelecom AB L Sweden 63465 GrönTele AB L Sweden 63466 Excellent Hosting Sw L Sweden 63468 Net IT Internet Solu L Sweden 63469 Telephon Sverige AB L Sweden 63470 IT System i Dalarna L Sweden 63471 NetNumber Inc L Sweden 63473 myJoice AB L Sweden 63474 Nano It Services AB L Sweden 63475 Net4Mobility M Sweden 63476 Nexus telecom Consul L Sweden 63477 Omnitor AB L Sweden 63478 Operator One SA L Sweden 63479 PCCW Global B.V. L Sweden 63480 Peter Lindström Elek L Sweden 63482 Bravo Bredband AB L Sweden 63483 Svenska IP-Telefonib L Sweden 63484 Dutel Handelsbolag L Sweden 63485 Nexmo Inc,4837322 L Sweden 63486 Bredbandstjänster i L Sweden 63487 Preemraff Lysekil L Sweden 63488 Pressens Morgontjäns L Sweden 63489 SipofonAB L Sweden 63490 Skype Communications L Sweden 63491 Solidux Telecom AB L Sweden 63492 Stockholms Stadsnät L Sweden 63493 Stora Enso Skoghall L Sweden 63494 Telge Nät AB L Sweden 63495 TINET S.P.A L Sweden 63496 TMC Communication HB L Sweden 63497 Rifus i Sverige AB / L Sweden 63498 Tritium Networks Con L Sweden 63499 Ringia AB L Sweden 63500 Bankeryds Församling L Sweden 63501 Fogwise AB L Sweden 63502 Karlshamn Energi AB L Sweden 63503 Swedavia AB L Sweden 63504 Trosa Fibernät AB L Sweden 63505 Norrköping Vatten AB L Sweden 63507 Velling Wireless L Sweden 63508 Zodiac Wireless Syst L Sweden 63509 Utsikt Bredband AB L Sweden 63510 Smedjebacken Energi L Sweden 63511 Järfälla Bredband AB L Sweden 63512 TerraTel AB L Sweden 63513 Enera International AB L Sweden 63514 ABEA AB L Sweden 63515 Business Telemarketi L Sweden 63516 Cypoint IT Services L Sweden 63517 iTell AB L Sweden 63518 LandNet AB L Sweden 63519 LandNCall AB L Sweden 63520 ServaNet AB L Sweden 63521 BoreNet AB L Sweden 63522 Halmstad IT-nät AB L Sweden 63523 IDG Europe AB L Sweden 63524 Kungälv Energi AB L Sweden 63525 MTD, Morgontidningsd L Sweden 63526 Tele4u Sverige AB L Sweden 63527 Excedo Communication L Sweden 63528 Gnesta Stadsnät AB L Sweden 63529 TDC Oy FINLAND L Sweden 63530 Säffle Kommunikation L Sweden 63531 GleSYS Internet Serv L Sweden 63532 Oxelö-Energi AB L Sweden 63533 Cellular Mobile (ETACS) L Nigeria 63534 Alpha Technologies Ltd L Nigeria 63535 A.M.B.E L Albania 63536 Greta Gjini (p.fizik) L Albania 63537 Iliria Telecom A L Albania 63538 Premium Net International SRL L Albania 63539 VASFI Balla L Albania 63557 Citi Telekom Limited L Hungary 63558 Compatel Limited L Hungary 63560 EQNet L Hungary 63561 MICRO-WAVE L Hungary 63562 NET-TV L Hungary 63564 TENETTEL M Hungary 63565 CondorNet GmbH L Austria 63566 IN-telegence GmbH L Austria 63567 Teilweise zugeteilt L Austria 63568 GCBO.DK_LSO (SuperTel Danmark Network) L Denmark 63569 I-Hug (Airnetnz Network) L New Zealand 63595 Vtel Wireless L United States of America 63596 MID-IOWA TELECOM, LLC - IA L United States of America 63598 BLUE ROOSTER TELECOM, INC. - CA L US,Canada and Others 63599 Movitel S.A. M Mozambique 63616 Arbitel Communications L United Kingdom 63617 FTC Telecom L United Kingdom 63619 Netfuse Telecom M United Kingdom 63620 Swiftel L United Kingdom 63621 Talk Telecom L United Kingdom 63622 ICOM_LSO (TDC Network) L Denmark 63625 Mundio Mobile (Finland) Limited M Finland 63626 Shibani Trading Company L Jordan 63627 Palm Inc for Programming Communications Systems. L Jordan 63628 Potential L Jordan 63629 Digital Solutions L Jordan 63630 NPT L Jordan 63631 AZUL TEL INC. SUCURSAL ARGENTINA L Argentina 63632 UNO TELEFONI AB (Trafik) M Sweden 63634 Economitel L Dominican Republic 63636 Color Tel, S.A. L Dominican Republic 63637 Smitcoms L Dominican Republic 63638 Soluciones Estrategicas Globales L Dominican Republic 63640 Yousee (TDC Network) M Denmark 63642 Digital Phone M Thailand 63643 Viacloud L Bahrain 63655 GLG PERU S.A.C. L Peru 63659 Ozone Ltd L Malta 63677 IOVOX L France 63679 NEOTEL L France 63680 TEL&TEL M France 63683 L Netherlands 63684 Blu Telecom B.V. (NLTM) L Netherlands 63699 PRIDE NETWORK, INC. - TX L US,Canada and Others 63701 Reliance - Kolkata M India 63702 Voyager Internet Limted L New Zealand 63703 SNAP LOCAL L New Zealand 63704 Vectone Mobile (Portugal) Limited M Portugal 63705 SImafelagio ehf L Iceland 63706 Transmision Satelital de Datos, S. A. L Guatemala 63717 Telconet GmbH L Switzerland 63719 ComX-BloigNet (Telia Network) M Denmark 63720 Dansk Bredband (Telia Network) M Denmark 63722 BillingCom (Telia Network) M Denmark 63723 Segtel (Telia Network) M Denmark 63724 ParkNet (Telia Network) M Denmark 63725 IPConnect (Telia Networ) M Denmark 63726 Tripplephone (TDC Network) M Denmark 63728 Fullrate (TDC Network) M Denmark 63729 WE-Mobile (TDC Network) M Denmark 63730 Tripplephone (Telenor Network) M Denmark 63731 Siminn Danmark M Denmark 63732 Vestnet_LSO (Supertel Network) L Denmark 63733 TulipM (Telia Network) M Denmark 63734 ZapCell_LSO (TDC Network) M Denmark 63757 EXCELLENTCOM (T) LTD L Tanzania 63758 SMILE COMMUNICATIONS (T) LTD M Tanzania 63759 Telecom26 AG L Switzerland 63760 Vibe Local (SparkLocal Network) M New Zealand 63777 IPE Informatica LTDA L Brazil 63779 LIFE SERVICOS DE COMUNICACAO MULTIMIDIA LTDA L Brazil 63797 Compatel Ltd L United Kingdom 63798 Cirrus Response L United Kingdom 63799 New Call Telecom L United Kingdom 63800 TelstraClear Local (CallPlus04 Network) L New Zealand 63802 Compatel Limited L Italy 63803 Milan Telecommunication L Italy 63804 MilanoTeleport L Italy 63805 SMS Italia M Italy 63806 B.B.Bell L Italy 63807 Carrefour Italia Mobile L Italy 63809 ISP GmbH L Austria 63810 Cablecom KabelKommunikation GmbH L Austria 63811 Jurgen EbnerInformation Communication Technology L Austria 63812 Raducu-Cristian L Austria 63813 Telematica Hosting Provider KG L Austria 63814 Werner Margreiter Gesellschaft m.b.h. L Austria 63815 Daotec Payment GmbH L Austria 63817 CONSOLIDATED TELCOM M United States of America 63818 VOIPTEL NET d.o.o L Bosnia and Herzegovina 63819 Spark Local (Callplus01 Network) L New Zealand 63821 AIRWEB L Czech Republic 63822 Compatel Limited M Finland 63823 CellularOne (Bermuda Digital) M Bermuda 63842 ECO Networks L Latvia 63843 Free Call L Latvia 63844 Nevertel UAB Latvia - filiale L Latvia 63845 Telena L Latvia 63846 Telenova L Latvia 63847 Travel Communication L Latvia 63851 KSTNA Computer Business L Jordan 63889 Aol Telecom AD L Macedonia 63890 Blizoo (Cabletel) L Macedonia 63891 EZYBILL - COMUNICACOES ELECTRONICAS L Portugal 63892 PUBLICOMEDIA - COMUNICACAO E MULTIMEDIA L Portugal 63893 NEXT WAY L France 63895 CMRP L France 63896 OOB TELECOM L France 63897 SOMNUS L France 63917 Africell RDC M Congo, Democratic Republic of the 63919 EQUANT France L Martinique 63920 EQUANT France L French Guiana 63921 GUYANE NETWORKS L French Guiana 63923 EQUANT France L Guadeloupe 63924 EQUANT France L Reunion 63925 Jaynet (TDC Network) M Denmark 63938 Special Communication Organisations (SCO) M Pakistan 63939 BIQ Services L Netherlands 63940 ClearTalk Telecom L Netherlands 63941 Dean Connect M Netherlands 63943 Golden Hightech L Netherlands 63944 MaxiTEL Telecom L Netherlands 63945 ACM (Onafhankelijke Post en Telecommunicatie Authoritei) L Netherlands 63947 Telserv L Netherlands 63948 RadioAccess M Netherlands 63949 Unica Installatietechniek M Netherlands 63951 Mixe Communication Solutions M Netherlands 63952 Ministerie van Defensie M Netherlands 63954 TELEWARE Mobile M Netherlands 63955 iHug (callplus01 Network) L New Zealand 63958 CROWN POINT NTWK TECH INC DBA BRIDGE POI L United States of America 63961 Icosnet L Algeria 63977 China Mobile International L Hong Kong 63978 STL Scan Telecom L Sweden 63980 NEWCORE WIRELESS, LLC M United States of America 63997 MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS, LLC DBA PROCOM L United States of America 63999 Kanduth GmbH L Austria 64000 Markus Fuchs-Winkler L Austria 64002 UniCredit Business Integrated Solutions Austria GmbH L Austria 64003 UPC Austria GmbH M Austria 64004 Rapid Telecom L Bahrain 64009 CBS holding limited - Czech branch, organizacni slozka L Czech Republic 64011 NextGen Mobile Ltd T/A CardBoardFish M Denmark 64019 MKS-DIRECT L France 64020 TELEMAQUE L France 64022 UBICENTREX L France 64024 SAP France L France 64025 TV Rey De Occidente, S.a. DE C.V L Mexico 64027 Grupo W Com, C.V L Mexico 64028 Total Play Telecommunicaciones, S.A. de C.V. L Mexico 64029 Tulp Solutions B.V L Switzerland 64038 Siminn (OnWaves) M Iceland 64039 Hringdu ehf L Iceland 64057 TELEMACH d.o.o. L Slovenia 64058 Ceres Telecom M Malaysia 64078 IMX L Latvia 64082 BT Switzerland Ltd L Switzerland 64098 Ligue Telecomunicacoes LTDA L Brazil 64099 VIVO MG M Brazil 64100 Consorcio Optical L Peru 64101 TE.SA.M M Peru 64120 VANSO GMBH L Sweden 64123 HORISEN AG L Sweden 64126 Porto Seguro Telecomunicacoes M Brazil 64127 Digital Design L Brazil 64128 Vipnet Baixada Telecomunicacoes E Informatica L Brazil 64129 Global OSI Brasil Telecomunicacoes E Conectividade L Brazil 64130 WKVE Assessoria L Brazil 64131 Netglobalis Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 64132 Espas Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 64133 Telecom 65 LTDA L Brazil 64134 RCR Engenharia L Brazil 64135 SDW Technology Telecommunications L Brazil 64136 R.S.T. Servicos De Telecomunicacoes L Brazil 64137 Via Telecom L Brazil 64138 EAD Ension A Distancia L Brazil 64140 NEBRACAM Camara Brasileira L Brazil 64142 Superchip Telecommunication L Brazil 64143 Ampernet Telecommunications L Brazil 64144 Ava Telecom L Brazil 64145 BMBB Communication Service L Brazil 64146 Carvalhaes Informatics L Brazil 64147 Comm wireless Services L Brazil 64148 Datora Telecommunications M Brazil 64149 Desktop Multimedia Communications L Brazil 64150 Digi Communication Solutions L Brazil 64151 Equant Brazil L Brazil 64152 Grandi Information Systems L Brazil 64153 Neolink Telecommunications L Brazil 64155 Strawberry Telecommunications L Brazil 64157 Universe Telecommunications Services L Brazil 64159 Voxbone Brazil Telecommunications L Brazil 64161 TELESAT S.R.L. L Romania 64163 CITRIX COMMUNICATIONS LLC L United States of America 64166 KPN - Telfort Mobile M Netherlands 64178 SST Net Sverige AB M Sweden 64179 Superimage Electronic Technology L Brazil 64180 Powersat Services Telecommunications L Brazil 64182 Terapar Participacoes L Brazil 64183 Giosis Pte L Singapore 64184 PBN, LLC - NE L United States of America 64185 SaveCom L Taiwan 64186 CCNET (Paging) L Taiwan 64187 Alpha Call (PAG) L Taiwan 64188 HB Capital, a.s. M Czech Republic 64189 Telecom24 L Czech Republic 64218 AST TELECOM, LLC - AS L American Samoa 64220 Smile Limited M Solomon Islands 64221 TONET Tomasz Pawałowski L Poland 64238 Whit L Russia/Kazakhstan 64239 ACeS M Philippines 64240 Blueline M Madagascar 64241 Teletica (Televisora) L Costa Rica 64242 Rechenkraft GmbH & Co IT Services KG L Austria 64243 Richard Schrattbauer L Austria 64245 Stadlmann GmbH L Austria 64247 visiosoft GmbH L Austria 64248 Voxxer Technologies Ltd & Co KG L Austria 64249 Pecus Enterprise L Zimbabwe 64250 Liquid Telecoms (Ecoweb) L Zimbabwe 64251 PRD Internacional L Costa Rica 64253 Telin Telcomcel M Timor-Leste 64254 Viettel Telmor M Timor-Leste 64256 K3 KETER TELEKOM L Croatia 64257 MAGIC NET L Croatia 64258 NET-CONNECT L Croatia 64259 OMONIA L Croatia 64260 OPTIKA KABEL TV L Croatia 64261 RECTOR L Croatia 64262 SIGNUM TELEKOMUNIKACIJE L Croatia 64264 TERRAKOM L Croatia 64266 PODA a.s. (SkyNet) M Czech Republic 64267 Tesco Mobile CR L Czech Republic 64270 Concepy ApS L Denmark 64272 Inc L US,Canada and Others 64275 SERVICE ELECTRIC TELEPHONE COMPANY, LLC L United States of America 64276 INTEGRATED PATH COMMUNICATIONS, LLC L United States of America 64277 OpenIP L Reunion 64278 AURANEXT L France 64279 GS COMMUNICATION L France 64280 MY STREAM L France 64282 T-Mobile_MetroPCS M US,Canada and Others 64283 01048 Telecom UG L Germany 64284 BNetzA2 L Germany 64285 Hansestar L Germany 64286 MPANET L Germany 64287 Amplus L Germany 64290 SITEL sp. z o.o. L Poland 64291 STOWARZYSZENIE TELEWIZJI KABLOWEJ TV SAT 364 L Poland 64297 HBCom Kabel Nonprofit L Hungary 64299 Solyom Ballon L Hungary 64300 Rendszerinformatika L Hungary 64301 Dualcomp Trade L Hungary 64303 Calltivation L Hungary 64304 CloudPrime L Hungary 64306 SImi og net fjarskipti ehf L Iceland 64307 AGSM Telecomunicazioni L Italy 64308 Obitel L Italy 64309 Pentacom L Italy 64310 SPI Telecomunicazioni Group L Italy 64311 Trans World Communication Italia L Italy 64312 CITY OPELIKA, ALABAMA DBA OPELIKA POWER L United States of America 64314 PEERLESS NETWORK OF MICHIGAN, LLC - MI L United States of America 64317 Telcom Ltd L Ireland 64318 Virgin Media Ireland Ltd (UPC Communications) M Ireland 64319 COMLINK, LLC - MI L US,Canada and Others 64320 Testaclear (Callplus01 Network) L New Zealand 64323 MOBILINE L Latvia 64324 SEVLASTA L Latvia 64325 e-Commerce Central Company L Jordan 64326 Value-added Advanced company L Jordan 64327 Convergence Computer Services L Jordan 64328 Software Development Potential Company L Jordan 64329 Crown IT L Jordan 64330 Data Services for Mobile Phones Company L Jordan 64331 Deliver Communications Services Co. L Jordan 64332 Digital Trends Company Communications L Jordan 64333 Information Delivery Company Communications L Jordan 64334 IT and Information System Al Aman L Jordan 64335 Jaffna Company for the Sofware Industry L Jordan 64336 Linen Foundation Software Solutions L Jordan 64337 Military Credit Fund L Jordan 64338 SITA L Jordan 64339 Operating System and Software Services L Jordan 64340 Communications Commision L Jordan 64342 Yuilop communication M Germany 64343 Yuilop communication M Spain 64357 ASPENTA, LLC M United States of America 64359 Vitgrand L Moldova 64360 iBasis Netherlands L Netherlands 64362 Concepy_LSO (SuperTEL Network) L Denmark 64365 Altel Communications Sdn Bhd (Puncak Semangat) M Malaysia 64366 Asia Tech Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 64367 IP Tone Technology Co. L Taiwan 64368 ACTUS-Info Ssp.z.o.o. L Poland 64377 X2COM L Belgium 64378 Airtel Rwanda M Rwanda 64379 SAP ESPANA - SISTEMAS, APLICACIONES Y PRODUCTOS EN LA INFORMATICA, S.A. L Portugal 64381 RCLEC, INC L United States of America 64394 DA PHONE BRAND SRL L Romania 64402 FI INFOCONS GROUP SA L Switzerland 64403 TalkEasy GmbH L Switzerland 64428 ATIUN COMUNICACIONES UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64431 INFORMACION TELEFONICA 11836UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64432 INTEGRADORES DE PUBLICIDAD Y TELEMARKETING L Spain 64433 LIMITE 99 UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64434 MOVIL SELECCION INTERNACIONAL L Spain 64435 PLANETA VOZ L Spain 64436 SERVI CATERERS BCN UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64437 SERVICIO TELEFONICO PARA EL CIUDADANO L Spain 64438 SERVICIOS DE COMUNICACIONES DE LARGA DISTANCIA L Spain 64439 SOLUCIONES Y ASESORAMIENTO EN TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 64440 SUVOZ GLOBAL SERVICES L Spain 64443 TELECOMING BUSINESS SOLUTIONS L Spain 64444 TELEFONOSDECASTELLON UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64445 TELLMEVOX L Spain 64446 TRIPLE W PROYECTOS DE COMUNICACION L Spain 64447 VADOVICE INTERACTIVA L Spain 64448 ACTIVA Y CONECTA EUROPA UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64449 BERRIA SIT L Spain 64450 BINNINGEN ENTERPRISE L Spain 64451 CLICK4ALL MARKETING ONLINE L Spain 64452 COMPATEL LIMITED M Spain 64453 COMPCALL AVANZADOS L Spain 64454 DIALPLAN TELECOM UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64455 GRUPO CAPRADA & DEPABLOS UNIPERSONAL L Spain 64456 GRUPO MRF CARTUJA L Spain 64457 GRUPO NEVERAL TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 64458 GRUPO PROVEEDOR TECNOLOGICO UNIVERSAL L Spain 64459 GUIAS 118 L Spain 64460 H2O MOBILE L Spain 64461 15-15 PTY LTD L Spain 64462 GRAVENTREPRENADER EA L Sweden 64464 TOP MOBILE LTD L Sweden 64478 K2 Telecom L Uganda 64479 Gosfield North Communication Co-operativ L Canada 64480 Telelinks International SAL L Liberia 64481 Digital Select L United Kingdom 64482 FEBO Telecom L United Kingdom 64483 Metronet L United Kingdom 64484 Premium Routing GmbH L United Kingdom 64486 Vizion Communication Limited (TelecomEight Network) L United Kingdom 64487 Twelve Telecom L United Kingdom 64488 Voxclever L United Kingdom 64489 XoverX L United Kingdom 64490 Zestel L United Kingdom 64491 Airwave Solutions M United Kingdom 64492 Lemontel Ltd M Cyprus, Republic of 64495 Computer, Inh. Thomas Klemann L Austria 64496 Information Communication Technology Ebner e.U. L Austria 64497 SIOL L Croatia 64502 Tesco M Ireland 64503 SKYNET L Poland 64504 TERMS M Czech Republic 64505 COMA M Czech Republic 64506 Apexserv L Czech Republic 64517 Ocron (TelstraClear Network) M New Zealand 64519 Communications & Transport facilities of Oil L Russia/Kazakhstan 64522 Compatel Limited M Denmark 64523 Gigabit ApS L Denmark 64524 mifon familien L Denmark 64528 Smart Telecom M Nepal 64533 EXTERNAL COM L France 64534 FD2J L France 64535 GUADELOUPE TELEPHONE MOBILE L France 64536 WEBDEVIIN L France 64538 ECOMETRIE L France 64541 Deltamikro L Hungary 64558 Moji_LSO L Denmark 64562 Moji_LSO(Hi3G) M Denmark 64564 M-Mobility1_LSO L Denmark 64565 Banedanmark_LSO L Denmark 64566 UNLAT GROUP L Latvia 64567 Nova Tel L Latvia 64578 e * Message Wireless Information Services Germany GmbH (paging) L Germany 64579 Telogic Germany GmbH (vistream) M Germany 64580 Sipgate wireless GmbH (Dolphin Telecom)(Vintage) M Germany 64583 WEB L Armenia 64585 AATV L Armenia 64586 Armenian Datacom L Armenia 64587 Ayter L Armenia 64588 BioNet L Armenia 64589 CrossNet L Armenia 64590 Dzoraghbyur Hamalir L Armenia 64591 Globall Callline L Armenia 64592 GNC-Alfa L Armenia 64593 Griar Telecom L Armenia 64594 Hark Net L Armenia 64595 Hi-Tech Gateway L Armenia 64596 Icon Communications L Armenia 64597 Interactive TV L Armenia 64598 Netsys L Armenia 64599 Softlink L Armenia 64600 PT Telkom M Indonesia 64601 PT Bakrie Telecom (Telco Asia) M Indonesia 64617 EURONA WIRELESS TELECOM L Spain 64618 NETLLAR L Spain 64619 EPSILON TELECOMMUNICATIONS LIMITED L Spain 64620 AIRETEL2012 L Spain 64621 CV Telecomunicaciones del Norte L Mexico 64623 Television Internacional L Mexico 64624 Switch Technology L Switzerland 64638 Keewaytinook Okimakanak L Canada 64639 DYNALINK COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - NY L US,Canada and Others 64641 DASTO-SEMTEL L Bosnia and Herzegovina 64642 WorldFon L Brunei Darussalam 64643 SMS Service - Sybase365 L US,Canada and Others 64645 Zipit L US,Canada and Others 64646 NETcompany - WLAN Internet Provider GmbH L Austria 64649 BT NET L Croatia 64650 Amcatel M Czech Republic 64658 AMS SYSTEM L Poland 64661 NATURAL G.C. INC. - PR L Puerto Rico 64662 ELOQUANT L France 64663 MICROCAZ L France 64664 NOVELCOM L France 64665 REMMEDIA L France 64666 SCOIAL NETWORK DEVELOPMENT L France 64667 TELEPLANETE L France 64669 PROSODIE L Martinique 64670 Tamanding L Gambia 64671 Katchaa L Gambia 64672 West Telecom L Gambia 64678 Land/Maritime network L Mauritania 64679 NORTHLAND COMMUNICATIONS L United States of America 64680 Fibraweb L Italy 64681 Go Mobile L Italy 64683 R&D Communications L Italy 64684 Web Voice L Latvia 64698 Billiton S.R.L. L Moldova 64699 Vivophone Guatemala L Guatemala 64700 Caribbean Cellular Telephone Ltd (CCT) M British Virgin Islands 64703 Entidad de Referencia L Spain 64705 EQUANT SPAIN L Spain 64706 ADMINISTRACIONES PUBLICAS L Spain 64707 AOP L Spain 64708 AOPM L Spain 64712 DIRECCION GENERAL POLICIA L Spain 64713 ER L Spain 64714 GESTION PATRIMONIAL REUNIDA, S.L. L Spain 64716 NC L Spain 64717 PTV TELECOM M Spain 64738 VIETTEL PERU S.A.C. M Peru 64739 ORANGE BUSINESS PORTUGAL L Portugal 64741 MyCell M Tanzania 64758 EPCATEM MALAGA 2000 M Spain 64759 OPEN CABLE TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 64768 DataNet Ltd L Uganda 64769 One Solutions L Uganda 64778 Asia Cellular Satellite L Thailand 64779 AWN Advanced Wireless Network M Thailand 64817 31173 Services AB L Sweden 64818 3yemuteris AB L Sweden 64819 Alltele LDA M Sweden 64821 Arkaden Konsult AB L Sweden 64822 Alvdalens Kommun L Sweden 64824 Bluenoc AB L Sweden 64825 CLX Networks AB M Sweden 64827 Callex AB L Sweden 64828 Hewlett-Packard Sver L Sweden 64829 Electrolux Distripar L Sweden 64831 Globalt Personell AS L Sweden 64832 HebyNet AB L Sweden 64835 DTAC TriNet (DTN) M Thailand 64838 ALLTELE FORETAG SVER L Sweden 64839 INFODIREKT NORDEN L Sweden 64859 Pacific Mobile M French Polynesia 64860 Fine Media (S.C.Wojciech Wrona) L Poland 64861 Advanced Voip Solutions Ltd L United Kingdom 64862 Limitless Mobile M United Kingdom 64863 Harry Group L Guinea-Bissau 64864 TelecomIQ L United Kingdom 64865 Voice Simplified L United Kingdom 64877 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE WHEELWRIGHT LIMITADA L Argentina 64878 COOPERATIVA LIMITADA DE LUZ Y FUERZA ELECTRICA DE MAR DE AJO L Argentina 64879 TE-COOP L Argentina 64881 123 Multimedia Belgium L Austria 64882 0800VANITY.COM Neue Medien GmbH L Austria 64884 90 60 90 Entertainment GmbH L Austria 64886 adaffix GmbH L Austria 64887 Adelheid Kalleithner L Austria 64888 Netmobile AG L Austria 64890 ADT Telefonservice GmbH & Co. KG L Austria 64891 air CALL Multimedia Communications Dienstleistungs GmbH L Austria 64893 Artiq B.V. L Austria 64894 AZISTA GmbH L Austria 64895 BestCOM KommunikationslOsungen GmbH in Liqu. L Austria 64897 bruNET GmbH L Austria 64898 e-mail Services GmbH L Austria 64899 Burda Wireless GmbH L Austria 64900 digital entertainment plc. L Austria 64902 Century 21 L Austria 64903 Nova Fox L Austria 64904 Vitcom L United States of America 64905 Crosmo B.V. L Austria 64906 S.p.A. L Austria 64907 DISTEFORA Mobile (Switzerland) AG L Austria 64908 Drazanka Weiss L Austria 64910 Telekomunikacijske usluge d.o.o. L Croatia 64911 TENELLUS d.o.o. L Croatia 64914 eBay International AG L Austria 64915 EULINE gGmbH L Austria 64916 European Callcentre Limited L Austria 64918 FERRERO Osterreich Ges.m.b.H. L Austria 64919 Franz Weiss L Austria 64920 Fulfillment Warenmanagement AG L Austria 64921 Gameloft GmbH L Austria 64922 Get - Unwire GmbH L Austria 64923 Global Buildings Sal. L Austria 64924 Global Play Limited L Austria 64925 globalcore strategy & management consulting Ges.m.b.H. L Austria 64926 Griesser EDV - Ing. Werner Griesser L Austria 64928 Gruner Andreas L Austria 64929 Informationsdienstleistungs GmbH L Austria 64930 mediainvent Service GmbH L Austria 64931 MITACS Telekomservice GmbH L Austria 64932 Nacamar Internet Services GmbH L Austria 64934 Schuster & Kyba Gesellschaft m.b.H. L Austria 64935 Sevenspire Entwicklungs & Gestaltungs GmbH L Austria 64936 Stadtwerke Hall in Tirol GmbH L Austria 64937 Tele SchOgler L Austria 64938 iLove GmbH L Austria 64939 Infostrada AG L Austria 64940 Ing. René Meschuh / ts-animations L Austria 64941 Innovation Medien GmbH L Austria 64942 IQ Telecom GmbH & Co KG L Austria 64943 isee newmedia gmbH L Austria 64944 Jesta Digital GmbH L Austria 64945 Kleine Zeitung Online-Service GmbH & Co KG L Austria 64950 RSL Com Sweden L Sweden 64954 Uff Movil M Colombia 64955 Virgin Mobile (Colombia) M Colombia 64957 Uni-tel M Denmark 64958 VIP NET S.R.L L Romania 64960 A & G COMMUNICATION GRUP L Romania 64961 AD NET MARKET MEDIA S.R.L. L Romania 64962 AIETES TELECOM GALATI FILIALA TULCEA L Romania 64963 ARTELECOM S.A. L Romania 64964 BIESSE SOLUTION S.R.L. L Romania 64965 COMPATEL COMMUNICATIONS RO S.R.L. M Romania 64966 EASY COMM S.R.L. L Romania 64967 ERSTE TELEKOM S.A. L Romania 64968 GLOBTEL INTERNET S.R.L. L Romania 64969 MAGIC TELECOM S.R.L. L Romania 64970 MOBIMAX SERVICII S.R.L. L Romania 64971 MONYSON GRUP S.A. L Romania 64972 NETMASTER COMMUNICATIONS S.R.L. L Romania 64973 NETPIONT S.R.L. L Romania 64974 PARLATEL S.R.L. L Romania 64975 PCNET DATA NETWORK S.A L Romania 64976 TECHNO BRIDGE S.R.L. L Romania 64978 TELECOM-CITY S.R.L. L Romania 64979 TELEFONET COMM TECH S.R.L. L Romania 64980 TELESTAR CORPORATION GmbH S.R.L. L Romania 64981 THOMAS HOOK COMMUNICATIONS ROMANIA S.R.L L Romania 64982 TOP TELECOM S.R.L. L Romania 64985 VOLOCALL S.R.L. L Romania 64986 CEZ Prodej, s.r.o. M Czech Republic 64987 CERBEROS L Czech Republic 64988 L Czech Republic 64989 Telco Pro Services L Czech Republic 64990 TELE3 L Czech Republic 64991 D-H-T SYSTEMS M Czech Republic 64992 Longredi L Czech Republic 64993 MaRcom-Eko L Czech Republic 64994 NaturaMed Pharmaceuticals L Czech Republic 64996 A A A radiotaxi L Czech Republic 64997 AAA AUTO L Czech Republic 64998 Autoside L Czech Republic 64999 VoicePanel L Netherlands 65001 Ceska sporitelna L Czech Republic 65006 SuperTEL Danmark (Telia) M Denmark 65007 TRUPHONE PTY LTD M Australia 65008 Truphone M Poland 65018 TELFORFREE L France 65019 Kuiri Mobile Oy M Finland 65022 Yuilop Communiucation M United Kingdom 65023 EncoLine L Germany 65024 Meetyoo L Germany 65025 Telecable L Costa Rica 65026 Kwebbl L Netherlands 65027 Premium Routing GmbH L Netherlands 65028 TAM ONE L Netherlands 65029 Voiped C.V. L Netherlands 65030 ContactCare L Netherlands 65037 GLENWOOD TELECOMMUNICATIONS L United States of America 65040 ANA MARIA RODRIGUEZ SANTOS L Spain 65058 ADENET SYSTEMS, S.L. L Spain 65059 ATRESMEDIA CORPORACION DE MEDIOS DE COMUNICACION, S.A. L Spain 65060 CORPORACION DE LINEAS PREMIUM Y SISTEMAS DE MENSAJERIA, S.L. L Spain 65061 DATA PREMIUM DE VENEZUELA 11, C.A. L Spain 65062 NIRNET INVEST, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 65064 PHONECLOUD, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 65065 REMIRSON INVERSORA, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 65066 TELECOMING CONNECTIVITY, S.A.UNIPERSONAL L Spain 65067 ORTEL MOBILE ESPANA, S.L.UNIPERSONAL M Spain 65068 HOMENET TECHNOLOGIES sp. z o.o. L Poland 65073 Millicorp L United States of America 65077 Digital Island (Orcon Local Network) L New Zealand 65078 Servnet Mexico L Mexico 65081 Cablecom Networking Ltd L United Kingdom 65082 Fluency Communications Ltd L United Kingdom 65083 Smashbox Marketing Ltd L United Kingdom 65099 iCentrex Sweden AB L Sweden 65101 SALISH NETWORKS, INC. - WA L United States of America 65102 SMARTEDGENET, LLC L United States of America 65103 Sunrise Innovations L Ireland 65105 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS, INC. - ND L US,Canada and Others 65109 Ocron (TCLA100 Network) M New Zealand 65111 Evision L Hungary 65112 Kalasznet L Hungary 65113 Inphone L Hungary 65114 Weblan-Magyarorszag L Hungary 65115 MVM NET M Hungary 65116 Kolcson-Eszkoz L Hungary 65117 KabelszatNet-2002 L Hungary 65118 PRIM TELEKOM L Hungary 65125 Cricket Wireless Jasper Interop M US,Canada and Others 65126 Global Backbone L Peru 65127 AT&T Peru L Peru 65130 BOKU NETWORK SERVICES AU PTY LTD L Australia 65131 BANZAI 4G AS (NextNet) L Norway 65132 Astrium Services AS L Norway 65133 Vanilla Telecoms L Malta 65138 Lime (CW-Montserrat) M Montserrat 65139 TP NETS.COM s.c. L Poland 65142 Mundio Mobile Sp. z o.o. M Poland 65157 Comunica I.T.Services L Switzerland 65158 NTD SA L Switzerland 65160 Lycamobile M Austria 65162 MASSPAY S.A M Poland 65163 Electronica Ingenieria Y Comunicaciones L Mexico 65165 Unified Telecom L Belgium 65167 Digicel (Anguilla) L US,Canada and Others 65168 EC Telecom Limited L Hong Kong 65169 P.H.U. EUROLAN S.C. Sebastian Wrobel L Poland 65175 Akron Lucyna i Adam Kinal Sp.J. L Poland 65178 Celtra L Argentina 65179 Natterbox Ltd L Sweden 65181 callplus (Voxbone Local) L New Zealand 65182 DISTRIBUIDORA INTERNACIONAL DE ALIMENTACION. M Spain 65183 Skinny Mobile M New Zealand 65184 COMMUNICATION, INC. -TX L United States of America 65187 M-Mobility1_LSO(Hi3G) M Denmark 65189 Anura Chile L Chile 65190 Netglobalis Telecom L Chile 65191 Tecnoera L Chile 65192 ECN Telecommunications L South Africa 65193 Vox Telecom L South Africa 65194 Switch Telecom (PTY) ltd L South Africa 65195 Neotel (Pty) LTD M South Africa 65196 Internet Solutions (PTY) Ltd L South Africa 65197 Broadband Innovations L South Africa 65198 45 degrees Telecommunications L South Africa 65199 Wireless Business Solutions (Rain) M South Africa 65200 Frogfoot Networks L South Africa 65201 MWEB Connect L South Africa 65202 Multisource Telecoms L South Africa 65203 TelFree Communications L South Africa 65204 Skycall Networks L South Africa 65205 Dow Networks L South Africa 65206 BT Communications Services L South Africa 65207 Hymax Talking Solutions L South Africa 65208 Rose Courtz Trading L South Africa 65209 MIA Telecoms L South Africa 65220 MILAN PILLER L Czech Republic 65222 AMD Telecom M Greece 65237 SparkMobile (Skinny Mobile) L New Zealand 65239 AM-MOBILE L Latvia 65241 L Latvia 65242 NANATEL L Latvia 65244 Raystorm UAB L Latvia 65245 SanCom L Latvia 65246 ULSI L Latvia 65247 Vajstravas tikli (Low voltage networks) M Latvia 65248 Vodafone (resellers) M Spain 65249 SurfMedia d.o.o. L Croatia 65250 ABCOM Sh.p.k. L Albania 65251 APOLL NET Sh.p.k. L Albania 65252 Bardhyl Tosku (P.Fizik) L Albania 65253 ENET L Albania 65254 NEOTEL ALBANIA Sh.p.k. L Albania 65255 Telekomunikacion Group Sh.p.k. L Albania 65256 Treg Tur Korca Sh.a. L Albania 65260 Digicel Caribbean M US,Canada and Others 65261 Connectel AB L Sweden 65262 Grupo Hidalguense de Desarrollo L Mexico 65263 Level 3 Communications L Ecuador 65264 Grupo Coripar L Ecuador 65265 Areatel L Colombia 65266 Bugatel S.A. E.S.P L Colombia 65267 Caucatel L Colombia 65269 Cocelco L Colombia 65270 Comvoz Comunicaciones L Colombia 65271 Convergia L Colombia 65272 Cooperativa Muliactiva de Boreero Ayerbe L Colombia 65273 Une EMP Telecomunicaciones M Colombia 65274 Gilat L Colombia 65275 GRUPO TELINTEL S A EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Colombia 65276 LINEA VISTA S.A. L Colombia 65277 METROTEL REDES S.A L Colombia 65278 SABANTELL ESP L Colombia 65279 SINCTELL E.S.P. EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS L Colombia 65280 SOLUCION DE COMUNICACIONES@ PUNTO S A E S P L Colombia 65281 STAR I.P. COMMUNICATIONS L Colombia 65282 Edatel S.A. M Colombia 65283 Empresa de Recursos Technologicos L Colombia 65284 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE BOGOTA M Colombia 65285 EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS CARVAJAL SAS E.S.P. EN LIQUIDACION L Colombia 65287 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE BUCARAMANGA L Colombia 65288 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE GIRARDOT L Colombia 65289 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE LA COSTA COSTATEL L Colombia 65290 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE LA ORINOQUIA L Colombia 65291 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE LA VEREDA LA MAGDALENA "TELEMAGDALENA L Colombia 65292 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE PEREIRA L Colombia 65293 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE POPAYAN S.A EMTEL L Colombia 65294 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE SONSO L Colombia 65295 EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES KAMBATEL L Colombia 65296 EMPRESA DE TELEFONOS DE JAMUNDI L Colombia 65297 EMPRESA DE TELEFONOS DE PALMIRA S.A L Colombia 65298 TIMANCO L Colombia 65299 Telmex Telecomunicaciones/Colombia S.A L Colombia 65300 TELEOCSA L Colombia 65301 TELEMIRANDA L Colombia 65302 TELEFONOS DE CARTAGO L Colombia 65303 TELEFONIA POR CABLE L Colombia 65304 TELECOMUNICACIONES Y SISTEMAS L Colombia 65305 TECHNOLOGY S.A. ESP L Colombia 65306 SYSTEM NETWORKS L Colombia 65307 EMPRESAS MUNICIPALES DE CALI E.I.C.E E.S.P M Colombia 65308 EMPRESA TERRITORIAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES L Colombia 65309 EMPRESA MUNICIPAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE OBANDO SOCIEDAD ANONIMA EMPRESA DE SE L Colombia 65310 Ergatel L Belgium 65311 Justfone A/S M Denmark 65313 MI Carrier Services M Denmark 65314 Viatel Sweden AB L Denmark 65316 EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS UNITEL L Colombia 65337 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA Y DE OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, CONSUMO Y VIVIENDA LOPEZ C L Argentina 65338 SWEDFONENET AB M Sweden 65358 TK SOFTWARE Tadeusz Kowalczyk L Poland 65359 TELEKOMUNIKACJA NOVUM S.A. L Poland 65361 SECNET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 65362 INTELEPEER L US,Canada and Others 65363 SSi Connexions Inc. L Canada 65367 Carriba UG L Austria 65368 DIALOG telekom GmbH & Co KG L Austria 65369 OO Ferngas Service GmbH L Austria 65372 Interactive Digital Media GmbH L Finland 65373 iSAFE L Hungary 65374 DGC AB L Sweden 65375 Snap Mobile (Two Degrees Mobile) L New Zealand 65377 Voip4All L Netherlands 65379 POM T L France 65380 SOCIAL NETWORK DEVELOPMENT L France 65381 TDF M France 65382 TELECOM OBJECT L France 65384 Atlantic Communications Corp Ltd L United Kingdom 65385 Communications Networking Services (UK L United Kingdom 65386 Essensys Ltd L United Kingdom 65387 Nextec (UK) Limited L United Kingdom 65388 Tipicall Limited L United Kingdom 65389 VSL Networks Ltd L United Kingdom 65390 Argon Networks UG L Germany 65399 Companymobile (Telia Network) M Denmark 65400 Neutrino Networks Limited L United Kingdom 65404 Aptus Ltd L Ireland 65405 Goldfish Telecom Ltd L Ireland 65406 2SRL L Italy 65407 Archynet L Italy 65408 Edistar L Italy 65409 Futureland L Italy 65410 ICS Italy L Italy 65411 IPX Italia L Italy 65412 MBlox L Italy 65413 Mobile Solution L Italy 65414 Mobyt L Italy 65415 NextIP L Italy 65416 One-etere L Italy 65417 Orakom L Italy 65418 SAP Italia S.p.A. L Italy 65419 Comm_One_Corp L Romania 65420 Volio L Romania 65421 Transilvania Digital Network L Romania 65422 Numar revenit L Romania 65423 NEWCOMM L Romania 65425 ICE Wireless M Canada 65426 Inquam Telecom (Holdings) Ltd. M United Kingdom 65439 ACTIVAOPER SERVICIOS, S.L. L Spain 65440 EASYTEL TECHNOLOGY SPAIN, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 65441 LITRA TELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L. L Spain 65442 SIPCEL TELECOM, S.L. L Spain 65443 TICTACTELECOMUNICACIONES, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 65445 COMPUTER TECHNIQUES, INC. - IL L United States of America 65447 VOICE STREAM NETWORK L United States of America 65448 2DBBAND (Trust power) L New Zealand 65449 Cornwall L Canada 65450 Zetacom B.V. M Netherlands 65452 Telefacil L Mexico 65453 Raffel Internet B.V. L Netherlands 65454 Linking Communication B2B AB L Sweden 65455 COMPLEJOMANUFACTURERODEEQUIPOSTELEFONICOSS.A.C.I L Chile 65458 TCA COMMUNICATIONS, INC L United States of America 65459 CEBRIDGE TELECOM OH, LLC DBA SUDDENLINK L United States of America 65462 Box Internet Services Sarl L Switzerland 65465 Icon Wireless L Kenya 65466 Access Kenya L Kenya 65467 Information Convergence Technology L Kenya 65469 Runex Telecom L Romania 65471 TELIGOO AB (Fello AB) L Sweden 65472 WARSIN HOLDING AB M Sweden 65473 WIFOG AB M Sweden 65477 Uni-tel (DanskKabel TV-01020) L Denmark 65478 Febo Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 65479 Hals-Telecom (Gals) L Russia/Kazakhstan 65480 Intercom Technology L Russia/Kazakhstan 65481 Internod L Russia/Kazakhstan 65482 Multiregional Transit Telecom (MTT) M Russia/Kazakhstan 65483 YOTA M Russia/Kazakhstan 65484 Link-Master L Russia/Kazakhstan 65485 MIT-TEL L Russia/Kazakhstan 65486 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE TELECOMUNICACIONES Y SERVICIOS DE GENERAL LAGOS LIMI L Argentina 65489 COOPERATIVA TELEFONICA DE PROVISION DE OBRAS Y SERVICOS PUBLICOS, SOCIALES, ASIS L Argentina 65490 COOPERATIVA DE SERVICIO DE AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES, D L Argentina 65491 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO ELECTRICO, VIVIENDA, CREDITO Y OTROS SERVIC L Argentina 65493 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS ELECTRICOS, OBRAS Y OTROS SERVICIOS PUBLIC L Argentina 65498 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO ELECTRICO Y OBRAS Y SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y DE L Argentina 65499 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS TELEFONICOS, AGUAS CORRIENTES Y OTROS SERV L Argentina 65500 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIO ELECTRICO, TELEFONICO, AGUA POTABLE Y OTROS L Argentina 65501 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DETELECOMUNICACIONES Y SERVICIOS DE GENERAL LAGOS LIMIT L Argentina 65506 CELTA COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS, SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SERVICIOS SOCIALES LIMITADA DE L Argentina 65508 Mobile Satellite Technology L Russia/Kazakhstan 65509 Moscow City Telephone Network M Russia/Kazakhstan 65510 People Mobile Phone L Russia/Kazakhstan 65511 Service Partner L Russia/Kazakhstan 65512 Sigma Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 65513 WATCH-Teleport (Dozor-Teleport) L Russia/Kazakhstan 65514 SOU V LJUBLJANI L Slovenia 65515 EUROTEL d.o.o. L Slovenia 65516 Slovenske Zeleznice D.O.O - (SZ - Infrastruktura) M Slovenia 65517 ICALL TELECOM L Romania 65519 PHONOTEL S.R.L. L Romania 65520 TOTALCALL INTERNATIONAL L Romania 65521 VIVA TELECOM L Romania 65522 SAZKA sazkova kancelar, a.s M Czech Republic 65524 IW Bridge Oy L Finland 65537 Accelero L New Zealand 65538 Kordia L New Zealand 65541 Aeris Communications M US,Canada and Others 65543 123 MULTIMEDIA L France 65544 POLYMAG L France 65546 VTEL DATA NETWORKS, INC L United States of America 65547 OHREN Telecom CC L South Africa 65551 Lusim Com, S.A L US,Canada and Others 65552 Saicom Voice Services Pty Ltd L South Africa 65553 Virtual Card Acquiring (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 65554 Elektrizitätswerk Wels AG L Austria 65555 GmbH L Austria 65556 4Tel Telekomunikacije d.o.o L Croatia 65557 INTERSAT TELEKOMUNIKACIJE d.o.o L Croatia 65558 KING ICT d.o.o. L Croatia 65559 Regie Municipale dElectrcite. et de Teledistribution L France 65577 Domino-ICT L Netherlands 65578 Text Everywhere (SMS Enabled) L US,Canada and Others 65579 interactive digital media GmbH L Germany 65580 Prima mobile L Germany 65582 Business Automation Technologies, Inc L United States of America 65597 E RITTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC. L United States of America 65617 Lutor L Latvia 65619 Teletek 5060 AB L Sweden 65620 Tarnowski Klaster Przemysłowy (TKP S.A.) L Poland 65621 Tuyo Móvil M Costa Rica 65625 Fullmóvil M Costa Rica 65639 IWACOM sp. z o.o L Poland 65644 LIC (Telia) M Denmark 65645 E-Diay L Costa Rica 65658 Tesco Mobile M United Kingdom 65659 Accelero L New Zealand 65662 Telecommunications and Communications Services L Turkey 65663 ADDRES L Turkey 65665 Akdağ L Turkey 65666 Alfa iletisim L Turkey 65667 Aloses L Turkey 65668 Asiasel L Turkey 65669 Avencom L Turkey 65670 Balses L Turkey 65671 bizfonik L Turkey 65672 Bocazici L Turkey 65675 BT Bilisim L Turkey 65676 Doga Doğuş L Turkey 65677 Dogus Bilgi L Turkey 65679 Duru Telekom L Turkey 65680 EFORNETSES L Turkey 65681 Egetek L Turkey 65682 Ekonomik L Turkey 65683 Elektrohat L Turkey 65684 Elfe iletisim L Turkey 65685 superonline L Turkey 65686 Eli Telekom L Turkey 65687 Emirsel L Turkey 65688 Entera L Turkey 65689 Eser Telekom L Turkey 65691 Fırat Telekom L Turkey 65692 Gedpay L Turkey 65693 Global Teknoloji L Turkey 65694 Grid L Turkey 65695 Guven L Turkey 65696 Guven Telekom L Turkey 65697 Hakay L Turkey 65698 İkon Telekom L Turkey 65699 Iletix L Turkey 65700 irka L Turkey 65701 istelia L Turkey 65702 joynet L Turkey 65703 Kobikom L Turkey 65704 komturk L Turkey 65705 MC group L Turkey 65706 Mega L Turkey 65707 Mobiljet L Turkey 65708 Mornet L Turkey 65709 Movatek L Turkey 65710 Netgsm L Turkey 65711 Mutlu Telekom L Turkey 65712 Nehircell L Turkey 65713 netconnect L Turkey 65714 oms L Turkey 65715 Neton L Turkey 65716 Netsa Telekom L Turkey 65717 Ozy L Turkey 65718 Verimor L Turkey 65719 Oranges L Turkey 65720 Pasifik Telekom L Turkey 65721 Roitel L Turkey 65722 Rtel L Turkey 65723 Sinerji L Turkey 65724 Sipasist L Turkey 65725 TB Hab. L Turkey 65726 teknotel L Turkey 65727 teknotolya L Turkey 65728 Telefaks L Turkey 65729 Telekutu L Turkey 65730 Telsam L Turkey 65731 TSM L Turkey 65732 TTM L Turkey 65733 Unx Telekom (UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION SPEED. A.S.) L Turkey 65734 Vera L Turkey 65735 verita L Turkey 65736 Vitalnet L Turkey 65737 voip telekom L Turkey 65738 Voxbone L Turkey 65739 Voys L Turkey 65740 yeni telekom L Turkey 65741 fiber DSL L Turkey 65742 Mobilic/Telia_LSO M Denmark 65762 Digital Island (2DBBAND) L New Zealand 65784 Nox Telecom B.V. L Netherlands 65786 TOTELCOM NETWORKS, LLC - TX L US,Canada and Others 65787 GGNET TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 65788 ADP3 TEELCOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 65789 CITTA TELECOM LTDA L Brazil 65790 SUL AMERICANA SERVICO DE TELEFONIA LTDA L Brazil 65792 A. P. OLIVEIRA L Brazil 65793 UNIVERSAL TELECOM S.A L Brazil 65794 SITECNET INFORMATICA LTDA -ME L Brazil 65795 GLOBAL TELECOM EIRELI L Brazil 65796 JOSE FELIPE GORNISKI L Brazil 65799 BRASILFONE COMUNICACAO LTDA - ME L Brazil 65800 BCMG INTERNET LTDA L Brazil 65801 S.O. DO BRASIL TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA-EPP L Brazil 65802 CORDIA COMUNICACOES S/A L Brazil 65803 Sisteeer Brazil Telecommunications L Brazil 65817 Cronobits Unipessoal, Lda. L Portugal 65818 Maksu Services, S.A. L Portugal 65819 Spring & Fisiocol, Unipessoal, Lda. L Portugal 65820 Xplosion Limited L Portugal 65823 BEARCREEK NETWORKS, LLC - MT L US,Canada and Others 65841 Access Communications Co-operative Limit L Canada 65861 MEI TELECOM, INC L United States of America 65863 Fogg Mobile L United Kingdom 65864 Kuzbask.hundred. link L Russia/Kazakhstan 65868 MOBIWEB LTD M Sweden 65872 Sibintertelecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 65873 Rostov Cellular Communications L Russia/Kazakhstan 65874 Basis Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 65875 Sibirtelekom L Russia/Kazakhstan 65882 PRO-INTERNET L Poland 65884 Companymobile08151_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 65886 NIEZALEZNY OPERATOR MIEDZYSTREFOWY sp. z o.o. L Poland 65887 Telewings Communications Services Private Limited - Uttar Pradesh L India 65888 Telewings Communications Services Private Limited - Gujarat L India 65889 Dishnet Wireless Limited - West Bengal L India 65891 Dishnet Wireless Limited - Assam L India 65892 METRO FIBERNET, LLC L United States of America 65893 Tictic AB L Sweden 65894 OVERSEAS GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS L Romania 65895 Sollie Comm L Netherlands 65901 Premium Routing GmbH L Switzerland 65903 Effigib L France 65904 Aabas interactive L France 65905 Hewlett-Packard France M France 65906 Localphone Limited L France 65907 JTM Web L France 65908 Navaho L France 65909 Numericap L France 65910 Telem L St. Maarten 65911 Smitcoms L St. Maarten 65912 Antelecom L St. Maarten 65913 ISP TV, S.L. L Spain 65914 Plinq L Netherlands 65916 Orbit TeleCom Oy L Finland 65917 Cuuma Communications Oy L Finland 65921 MAGNUM NETWORKS, LLC L United States of America 65923 AMBIT MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION M Taiwan 65924 Taiwan Star Companys (Vibo) M Taiwan 65926 Ooredoo Myanmar Limited M Myanmar 65927 Vmax (Wimax) M Taiwan 65928 Tatung M Taiwan 65929 Taiwan Intelligent Fiber Optic Network Co.,Ltd L Taiwan 65931 BMC_LSO (SuperTEL Danmark) L Denmark 65953 Plus4U Mobile s.r.o. M Czech Republic 65954 3ton s.r.o. M Czech Republic 65957 Click2call s.r.o. L Czech Republic 65958 SUPRO, spol. s r.o. L Czech Republic 65959 Megatel Local (CALLPLUS01) L New Zealand 65964 LLEIDA S.A.S. M Colombia 65970 DATATIERS d.o.o. L Croatia 65971 EURONET, Obrt, vl. Robert Šnajder L Croatia 65972 SKVID d.o.o. L Croatia 65974 NAKA AG L Germany 65975 Easy World Call GmbH L Germany 65976 TelcoVillage GmbH M Germany 65995 INFO SERWIS Jacek Jarosz L Poland 66062 InnSysVoice Corp L Canada 66063 BIG BEND TELECOM, LTD L United States of America 66064 Justfone_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 66066 IX Networks B.V. L Netherlands 66067 KompiTech GmbH L Switzerland 66081 KOMSTER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 66101 CARRBORO TELEPHONE INC L United States of America 66102 TELESYS-AB L Albania 66103 TIRANA NETWORK L Albania 66104 ALPI-COM L Albania 66105 TELEFONICA L Albania 66121 Orion Telekom M Serbia 66123 Megatech L Nigeria 66125 Ukkoverkot Oy M Finland 66126 Surfline Communication Ltd L Ghana 66127 AEGIS MEDIA L Serbia 66128 CIT L Serbia 66129 COMNETING L Serbia 66130 FONLIDER L Serbia 66132 G-NET-S L Serbia 66133 TELE GO (GOLIVE) L Serbia 66134 MEDIA SMS AUDIO TEKST PROVAJDER L Serbia 66135 MEDIA CENTRE BLUE (Medijski Centar Blue) L Serbia 66136 MOBI MOUSE L Serbia 66137 MOND L Serbia 66138 NTH MEDIA L Serbia 66139 The broadcasting INSTITUTION OF SERBIA-Serbian Radio Television L Serbia 66140 BROADCASTING K23 doo Subotica L Serbia 66141 SERBIA BROADBAND - Srpski KABLOVSKE Network L Serbia 66142 TELEMEDIA L Serbia 66143 BEOGRID L Serbia 66144 INVEST-INZENJERING L Serbia 66145 KNIGHT DEVELOPEMENT SUPPORT L Serbia 66146 SAT-TRAKT L Serbia 66147 JET TV L Serbia 66148 INTERACTIVE CABLE unified fabric - I.KOM L Serbia 66161 ANDERSON TELEPHONE, INC L United States of America 66163 ICT Valle Umbra srl L Italy 66164 Infobip Limited L Italy 66165 Interplanet S.r.l. L Italy 66166 TELECOMM ATLAS S.A. DE C.V L Mexico 66167 Bermuda Cablevision Ltd L Bermuda 66171 Comm-IT EDV DienstleistungsgmbH L Austria 66172 i-bex communications gmbh L Austria 66173 L3 Service GmbH L Austria 66174 mySYS Telekom - Ing. Jantscher L Austria 66175 Ventocom GmbH (Tele.ring) M Austria 66181 Easy solutions L Netherlands 66183 TV Cable S.A Chile L Chile 66185 Telefonica Uno Uno Cuatro S.A L Chile 66202 Telenor Myanmar Company Limited M Myanmar 66205 TelstraClear (IHUG) M New Zealand 66206 MARAT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 66221 Flip Local L New Zealand 66222 FLIP Local (IHUG) L New Zealand 66232 Bharti Airtel - Assam M India 66233 Bharti Airtel - Jammu & Kashmir M India 66234 Bharti Airtel - West Bengal M India 66235 Bharti Airtel - Orissa M India 66236 Bharti Airtel - Uttar Pradesh East M India 66238 Aspenta LLC L Poland 66255 Scratch Wireless Inc M US,Canada and Others 66259 Tracfone - ATT M US,Canada and Others 66260 Jasper Wireless M US,Canada and Others 66283 COMPATEL LIMITED M Australia 66361 TVN NACIONAL TELECOM LTDA L Brazil 66363 Everlove_LSO (Telia) M Denmark 66364 2fast_LSO (Telia) M Denmark 66365 Fuzion-A/S_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 66366 Prime-Networks (Telenor) M Denmark 66367 TDC (Orange A/S) L Denmark 66368 OnFone (Telenor) M Denmark 66370 MidtVest Bredband (Waoo) L Denmark 66371 ParkNet (Orange A/S) L Denmark 66372 Orange A/S (Telia) M Denmark 66374 Callme (Telenor) M Denmark 66375 Lycamobile (TDC) M Denmark 66376 Belle Balance (Telenor) M Denmark 66377 Orange A/S (TDC) M Denmark 66378 Time2call (Telenor) M Denmark 66379 (Telenor) M Denmark 66380 Danovation (Telenor) M Denmark 66382 Telia (Orange A/S) L Denmark 66383 Telia (Telenor) M Denmark 66384 TelFonSelskabet_LSO (Telia) M Denmark 66385 Nordit (Telenor) M Denmark 66386 ThinkTel Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66387 Toll Free Service (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66388 Toll Free Service (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66389 Bandwidth CLEC (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66390 Bandwidth CLEC (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66391 Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66393 Wireless (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66394 Wireless (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66395 Tracfone L US,Canada and Others 66396 ATT Tracfone SMS Enabled (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66401 Aerialink L US,Canada and Others 66402 Aerialink/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66403 Aerialink/Bandwidth (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66404 Aerialink/Bandwidth (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66405 Aerialink/Geneseo (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66406 Aerialink/Mosaic Networx (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66407 Bright House Networks L US,Canada and Others 66408 Bright House/SVR L US,Canada and Others 66409 Bulletin.Net L US,Canada and Others 66410 Bulletin.Net/Shelcom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66411 Bulletin.Net/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66412 BroadSoft Inc L US,Canada and Others 66413 BroadSoft Casabi LLC L US,Canada and Others 66414 Chime L US,Canada and Others 66416 Enflick L US,Canada and Others 66417 Enflick/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66418 Enflick/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66419 Enflick/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66420 Enflick/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66421 Enflick/ThinkTel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66422 Enflick/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66423 Globe Wireless L US,Canada and Others 66424 Globe Wireless/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66425 Globe Wireless/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66426 Google L US,Canada and Others 66427 Google/InfoTelecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66428 Google/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66429 Google/ThinkTel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66430 Google/Global Crossing (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66431 Google/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66432 Google/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66433 Google/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66434 Google/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66435 Google Voice L US,Canada and Others 66436 Google/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66437 TextMe L US,Canada and Others 66438 Go-TextMe (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66439 Hook Mobile L US,Canada and Others 66440 Hook Mobile/Iris L US,Canada and Others 66441 Hook Mobile (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66442 Hook Mobile (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66443 j2 Global Communications L US,Canada and Others 66444 j2 Global/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66445 j2 Global/SureTalk/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66446 j2 Global/SureTalk/Primus (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66447 Jitterbug L US,Canada and Others 66448 Jitterbug/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66449 Level 3 (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66450 Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66451 MetroPCS/T-Mobile (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66452 PhoneFusion L US,Canada and Others 66453 PhoneFusion/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66454 PhoneFusion/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66455 PhoneFusion/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66456 Pinger Inc L US,Canada and Others 66457 Pinger/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66458 Pinger/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66459 Pinger/Bandwidth/ThinkTel (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66460 Pinger/Bandwidth/ThinkTel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66461 Proximiti Mobility (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 66462 Republic Wireless M US,Canada and Others 66463 Republic Wireless/ (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 66464 Republic Wireless/ (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66465 INTERNET BUSINESS SYSTEM s.c. Jaroslaw Ufel L Poland 66466 RingCentral L US,Canada and Others 66467 RingCentral (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66468 Skype L US,Canada and Others 66469 Skype/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66470 Skype/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66471 Skype/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66472 Skype/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66473 textPlus L US,Canada and Others 66474 textPlus/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66475 textPlus/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66476 textPlus (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66477 textPlus/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66478 Truphone US L US,Canada and Others 66479 Truphone Cleveland/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66480 Truphone/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66481 Truphone Jersey UK-LAX/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66482 Truphone Jersey UK-NYC/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66483 Truphone NJ/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66484 Twilio US L US,Canada and Others 66485 Twilio/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66486 Twilio (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66487 Twilio Tollfree (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66488 Twilio CA/Iristel (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66489 Twilio/Level 3 (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66490 Twilio M2M/Level 3 (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66491 Twilio/ (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66492 Twilio M2M/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66493 Vitelity Communications L US,Canada and Others 66494 Vitelity/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66495 Vitelity/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66496 Vitelity/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66497 Vitelity/Layered Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66498 Vitelity/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66499 Vitelity/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66500 Vitelity/Paetec (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66501 Vitelity/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66502 Vitelity (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66503 Vitelity/ThinkTel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66504 Vitelity/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66505 Voxbone US L US,Canada and Others 66506 AN CONNECT 05, S.L. L Spain 66507 DIGITAL ONLINE DEVELOPMENT, S.L.UNIPERSONAL (DIGITALVIRGO) L Spain 66508 E.TELECOM SEGRIÀ, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 66509 ELECOM TRADE, S.L. L Spain 66510 FULLTIME NETWORKS LIMITED L Spain 66511 IN4YOU SIGLO XXI, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 66512 Voxbone/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66513 Voxbone/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66514 INFONICA, S.L. L Spain 66515 Voxbone/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66516 Voxbone/Fibernetics (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66517 Voxbone/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66518 Voxbone/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66519 Voxbone/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66520 PRETENIUM, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 66521 TUCALL SERVICIOS DE TELEFONIA, S.L. L Spain 66522 VOZELIA TELECOM, S.L. L Spain 66523 Zipwhip L US,Canada and Others 66524 Zipwhip Tollfree (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66525 Zipwhip Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66526 Zipwhip/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66527 Zipwhip (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66528 Zipwhip (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66529 Zipwhip/Buckeye Telesystems (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66530 Zipwhip/Frontier Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66531 ICE Wireless (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 66532 LES.NET (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66533 LES.NET/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66534 LES.NET/Bell Canada (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66535 LES.NET/Fibernetics (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66536 LES.NET/Iristel CA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66537 LES.NET/ISP (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66538 LES.NET/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66539 LES.NET/Primus (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66540 LES.NET/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66541 LES.NET/MB (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66542 TelCentris/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66543 TelCentris/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66544 TelCentris/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66545 TelCentris/Primus CA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66546 TelCentris (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66547 TelCentris/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66548 Time Warner Cable (SVR) L United States of America 66549 YMax Communications (SVR) L United States of America 66550 Vonage L US,Canada and Others 66551 Vonage/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66552 Vonage/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66553 Vonage/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66554 Vonage/Paetec (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66555 Vonage/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66556 Vonage (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66557 Vonage/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66558 Barr Tell/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66559 Barr Tell (SVR) L United States of America 66560 Lycamobile USA L US,Canada and Others 66561 Lycamobile/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66562 Lycamobile/Peerless Networks (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66583 Tele2 Kazakhstan M Russia/Kazakhstan 66584 Brazil Digital Telecomunication L Brazil 66589 Destiny L Belgium 66590 LCR TELECOM NV L Belgium 66605 Fiber Communications of Columbus LLC L United States of America 66606 Atlantech Online INC L United States of America 66607 Virgin Mobile KSA M Saudi Arabia 66608 LEBARA M Saudi Arabia 66610 AB connect L France 66611 Communication@Marketing L France 66612 Futur telecom L France 66613 Holding 123 media corp L France 66614 Idealistic L France 66615 NC Numericable L France 66616 Wanatel L France 66617 Saint Martin cable L Guadeloupe 66618 Optima72 L Guadeloupe 66619 Optima72 L Martinique 66620 Choice Virtuolink L US,Canada and Others 66621 Choice Virtuolink/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66622 Firespotter L US,Canada and Others 66623 Firespotter/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66624 Firespotter/InfoTelecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66625 Firespotter/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66626 Firespotter/Peerless Networks (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66627 Interactive Media Technologies L US,Canada and Others 66628 Interactive Media Technologies/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66629 Interactive Media Technologies/RLJ Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66630 AIRUS, INC L United States of America 66631 CALLFIRE, INC L United States of America 66632 Flowroute L United States of America 66633 Flowroute (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66634 Flowroute/Iristel (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66635 Flowroute/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66636 Flowroute/Pacwest (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66637 Flowroute/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66638 Flowroute/Paetec (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66639 Flowroute/Tollfree (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66640 Localphone L US,Canada and Others 66641 Localphone/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66642 Localphone/OneComm/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66643 Localphone/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66644 Localphone/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66645 Localphone/Voxbeam (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66646 MediaFriends L US,Canada and Others 66647 MediaFriends (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66648 MediaFriends/HeyWire/Tollfree (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66649 MediaFriends/Ligris (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66650 MediaFriends/BVU L US,Canada and Others 66651 MediaFriends/Onelink L US,Canada and Others 66652 NewCore/360 Networks (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66653 NewCore/Pacwest (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66654 SpeechPhone L US,Canada and Others 66655 SpeechPhone/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66656 SpeechPhone/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66657 SpeechPhone/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66658 SpeechPhone/Peerless Networks(SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66659 SpeechPhone/ThinkTel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66660 TierraNet L US,Canada and Others 66661 TierraNet/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66662 VoiceShot L US,Canada and Others 66663 VoiceShot/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66665 iCall L US,Canada and Others 66666 iCall/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66667 iCall/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66668 Telecom NA/360 Networks (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66669 Telecom NA/Digital IP3 (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66670 Telecom NA/Global Crossing (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66671 Telecom NA/Paetec (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66672 Telecom NA/Primus CA (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 66673 XO Communication (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66674 Zipit Wireless L US,Canada and Others 66675 Zipit Wireless (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66676 Compatel Colombia SAS M Colombia 66677 Vonage/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66678 Vonage/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66679 Vonage/Level 3 (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66680 Vonage/360 Networks (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66681 Vonage/Choice One Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66682 Vonage/Comwave Networks (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66683 Vonage/Focal Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66684 Vonage/McLeodUSA (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66685 Vonage/Neutral Tandem (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66686 Vonage/Paetec (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66687 Vonage/Peerless Networks (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66688 Vonage/TelCove (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66689 Vonage/Windstream (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66690 Vonage/XO Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66701 HFO L Germany 66702 Business Connections (BCXGNP) L South Africa 66703 EOH Network Solutions (EOHGNP) L South Africa 66704 Platformity CC (PLATFORM) L South Africa 66705 Skyconnect Internet CC (SKYCON) L South Africa 66706 VERIZON POLSKA sp. z o.o. L Poland 66707 2talk Local (2talk Ltd) L New Zealand 66712 Vodafone - TCL Local (2DBBAND) L New Zealand 66713 382 Communications L US,Canada and Others 66714 382 Communications/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66715 Fractel L United States of America 66716 Fractel/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66717 Fractel/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66718 Fractel/RNK Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66719 Zipwhip L US,Canada and Others 66720 Zipwhip/Frontier Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66721 Zipwhip/FairPoint Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66722 Business Network Irkutsk L Russia/Kazakhstan 66723 Gazprom Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 66724 Morsviazsputnik L Russia/Kazakhstan 66725 Nat Nat Bai Holding M Russia/Kazakhstan 66729 MONTANA SKY WEST LLC L United States of America 66730 Sipcentric Ltd L United Kingdom 66731 Mi Telecom Limited L United Kingdom 66732 VOIP4U L United Kingdom 66733 Acuiti Solutions LTD L United Kingdom 66735 Tripudio Limited L United Kingdom 66736 AVCOne Ltd L United Kingdom 66741 Clix Ltd L United Kingdom 66742 DIDWW Ireland Limited L United Kingdom 66743 Foehn Limited L United Kingdom 66744 Hannon Telecom Voice L United Kingdom 66745 PCI-PAL (U.K.) L United Kingdom 66746 ORB Telemedia Ltd L United Kingdom 66747 Radius Communications Limited L United Kingdom 66748 SwanseaIT Limited T/A Blue Telecoms L United Kingdom 66749 Everything Voip Limited L United Kingdom 66750 FirmTel & Cie V.o.f. L Netherlands 66751 Teleservice Nederland Telematica Installateurs B.V L Netherlands 66752 Voipro Nederland B.V. L Netherlands 66753 Real Time Telecoms Ltd L United Kingdom 66754 Bridgeport L US,Canada and Others 66755 Bridgeport/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66756 Bridgeport/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66757 Bridgeport/Global Crossing (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66758 Phone.Com L US,Canada and Others 66759 Phone.Com/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66762 Sensemakers L Netherlands 66763 George Mobile L US,Canada and Others 66764 George Mobile (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66765 Telecom X M Denmark 66766 POZNANSKA SPOLDZIELNIA MIESZKANIOWA WINOGRADY L Poland 66767 Arsen Shahaj (P.F.) L Albania 66768 Geront Dervishaj Sh.p.k. L Albania 66769 PEGASUS COMMUNICATIONS Sh.p.k. L Albania 66770 ZERO GRAVITET Sh.p.k. L Albania 66771 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos S.A. L Switzerland 66772 Globacom AG L Switzerland 66773 SMSRelay AG M Switzerland 66774 ST-DD SOLUTIONS TELECOMMUNICATION L Switzerland 66775 TelServ BV L Switzerland 66781 ShoreTel Sky/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66782 ShoreTel Sky/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66785 Rackserver Kft L Hungary 66786 ReKo Systems Kft. L Hungary 66787 Banktel KommunikAciOs Zrt. L Hungary 66788 Calgo Kft. L Hungary 66790 Wavecom Informatikai Kft L Hungary 66792 Grid Wireless (Mast mobile) M US,Canada and Others 66800 Carphone Warehouse Ireland Mobile Limited M Ireland 66801 Txtwire L US,Canada and Others 66802 Txtwire/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66803 Txtwire/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66804 Txtwire/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66805 Fravatel E.I.R.L. L Peru 66807 0700 LTD L Sweden 66808 BT NORDICS LIMITED U L Sweden 66810 CHAOS d.o.o. L Croatia 66811 RAYSTORM d.o.o. L Croatia 66812 VOKATIV d.o.o. L Croatia 66822 SPIRIUS AB M Sweden 66823 Belles Camp Communications L US,Canada and Others 66824 Belles Camp/Paetec (SVR_ L US,Canada and Others 66825 Pacific Commercial Management L US,Canada and Others 66826 PC Mgmt/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66827 PC Mgmt/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66828 PC Mgmt/Frontier (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66829 PC Mgmt/Aspider/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66830 PC Mgmt/ekit/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66831 PC Mgmt/GlobalSIM/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66832 PC Mgmt/SMSC1/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66833 PC Mgmt/SMSC1 Firefly/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66834 PC Mgmt/Spot Mobile/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66835 PC Mgmt/Keystone/DoCoMo/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66836 PC Mgmt/Keystone/Forumtel/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66837 PC Mgmt/Keystone/Ready Wireless/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66838 PC Mgmt/Keystone/Vocarel/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 66841 Northern Colorado Communications LLC L United States of America 66861 TRIKSERA d.o.o. L Slovenia 66881 LIMITLESS MOBILE AB M Sweden 66883 VOICELOGIC AB L Sweden 66884 CROSSTEL TANDEM INC L United States of America 66902 Twilio (SMS Enabled - Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 66903 Cablevision SMS Enabled (Interop Technologies) L US,Canada and Others 66904 Cablevision SMS Enabled (SVR) L United States of America 66922 Join Experience M Belgium 66923 Reliance - Punjab M India 66941 PEERLESS NETWORK OF SOUTH CAROLINA LLC L United States of America 66962 Vectone Mobile (Mundio Group) M Belgium 66964 Wye mobile L Japan 66982 PEERLESS NETWORK OF OKLAHOMA LLC L United States of America 66983 MRSTWN UT COMM DBA MRSTWN UT SYS FIBERNE L United States of America 67001 Gostaresh Ertebatat Taliya PJS L Iran 67023 VALLEYNET INC L US,Canada and Others 67041 CenturyLink Wireless/SVR L US,Canada and Others 67043 Rightel M Iran 67061 Beotelnet-ISP L Serbia 67062 Kopernikus Technology L Serbia 67063 Media Solution L Serbia 67064 Radijus Vector L Serbia 67065 Telemark Systems L Serbia 67067 Viettel Burundi S.A M Burundi 67081 Companymobile (TDC) M Denmark 67084 ISP Telecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67085 tbaytel/Fido (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67086 tbaytel/Rogers (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67087 360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67088 Hypercube (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67089 Hypercube/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67090 Pacwest/Bandwidth,com (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67091 Pacwest/Bandwidth,com (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67092 Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67093 Zipwhip CA (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67094 Zipwhip CA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67096 PEERLESS NETWORK OF NEW MEXICO, LLC - NM L United States of America 67097 VFNZ01-Farmside Mobile M New Zealand 67101 Thyfon A/S (TDC) M Denmark 67121 Media phone SAS Limited L France 67122 Metroptic L France 67123 Effilab L France 67125 Hosteur L France 67126 Interview L France 67127 Opwan L France 67129 Duhayon Bruno L Reunion 67130 Netcom Group M France 67131 FluentStream L US,Canada and Others 67132 FluentStream/Hook Mobile (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67133 Ivox Pty Ltd L Australia 67134 WWZ Telekom AG L Switzerland 67141 SPICE TELECOM L Romania 67142 STAR NET ALBA L Romania 67162 AcroVoice L US,Canada and Others 67163 AcroVoice/Iristel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67164 AcroVoice/Thinktel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67165 Aerialink/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67166 Enflick/Neutral Telecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67167 TSG Global Inc L US,Canada and Others 67168 FlexTalk/Onvoy/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67169 FlexTalk/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67170 FlexTalk/SMS Enabled (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67171 Impact Telecom L US,Canada and Others 67172 Impact Telecom/Iris Wireless L US,Canada and Others 67173 Impact Telecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67175 Onvoy/360 Networks/ (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 67176 RingCentral/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67177 RingCentral/Layered Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67178 Scratch Wireless L US,Canada and Others 67179 Scratch Wireless/Worldcall Interconnect (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67180 TelAPI L US,Canada and Others 67182 TelAPI/Hook Mobile (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67183 TSG Global/Comity Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67184 TSG Global/Global Crossing (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67185 TSG Global/Greenway Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67186 TSG Global/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67187 TSG Global/Mosaic Networx (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67188 TSG Global/Primus (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67189 TSG Global/Shelcomm (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67190 TSG Global/Hook Mobile (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67191 Voxbeam/Onvoy (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67192 Voxbeam/Windstream (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67201 Abilene Net Solution L Italy 67202 ATCALL S.r.l. (Alexa Technology S.r.l.) L Italy 67203 Brain Box s.r.l. L Italy 67204 L Italy 67205 KDEV di Davide Cantaluppi L Italy 67206 Mediacare S.p.A. L Italy 67207 NetFun Italia L Italy 67208 Nweb S.r.l. L Italy 67209 Ringo Mobile S.p.A. L Italy 67210 TERRECABLATE Reti e Servizi srl L Italy 67211 Compatel Norway L Norway 67213 BM Sverige AB M Sweden 67221 JT (Jersey) Limited M Universal Personal Telecommunication Service 67223 API Telecom Limited L United Kingdom 67224 Rezerwa Prezesa UKE M Poland 67225 Limitless Mobile Sp. z o.o. (TELOGIC POLAND Sp. z o.o.) L Poland 67226 UAB VORTUMO L Poland 67227 Eckoh UK L United Kingdom 67241 Simpl_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 67261 Trans National Communications Intl (TNCI L United States of America 67263 Tuenti M Argentina 67265 Pacwest Telecomm L US,Canada and Others 67283 Benemen Oy L Sweden 67301 Actimizer_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 67302 ComGate Payments, a.s. L Czech Republic 67303 Dominique Pilleru L Czech Republic 67304 PALMAFONE, a.s. M Czech Republic 67305 PAMICO CZECH, s.r.o. L Czech Republic 67307 Pure-IP L United Kingdom 67308 TNZLocal (AIRNETNZ) L New Zealand 67310 Medianet Group L Moldova 67311 ON NET INT S.R.L. L Moldova 67312 ONE TELECOM S.R.L. L Moldova 67313 SPICE TELECOM S.R.L. L Moldova 67314 STACOM SISTEM L Moldova 67315 SUPORT RAPID S.R.L. L Moldova 67316 SWS Soft L Moldova 67317 FEBO TELECOM SRL L Moldova 67318 Inet Expres L Moldova 67319 MEDIACONECT SRL L Moldova 67321 Red Telecom Solutions L United Kingdom 67322 ATM S.A. L Poland 67324 FZC L United Kingdom 67325 Wi-Manx L United Kingdom 67342 Level3/ICG Communications (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67343 2Abroad L United Kingdom 67344 Level3/Convergence Technologies (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67345 Level3/DLS Computer Services (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67346 Level3/Infinite Communications (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67347 Level3/Red Gap Communications (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67348 Level3/Teliax (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67349 Level3/TSG Global (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67350 Level3/Netelligent (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67351 Level3/Broadvox (VoIP) L US,Canada and Others 67352 Compass Mobile (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 67361 WINS Limited M International Networks 67362 Sipme Ltd L International Networks 67381 INTERNETA PAULE L Latvia 67382 PEERLESS NETWORK OF NORTH DAKOTA LLC L United States of America 67402 CATTCOMM LLC - WA L United States of America 67421 PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria) M Indonesia 67422 Telnet Telecommunication L New Zealand 67441 Thuraya M International Networks 67442, Inc L International Networks 67443 AeroMobile AS M International Networks 67461 MTS Turkmenistan (BCTI) M Turkmenistan 67462 Azi Communications (AKA Telzar Brand) M Israel 67463 2degrees Local (Two Degrees Mobile) M New Zealand 67501 KINLOCH TELEPHONE INC L United States of America 67521 Somali Telecom Group (STG) M Somalia 67522 Equitel (Finserve) M Kenya 67523 Zioncell M Kenya 67524 Tangaza Pesa M Kenya 67525 TDC (Telenor) M Denmark 67550 ChatR M US,Canada and Others 67551 j2 Global/Onvoy (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67552 LES.NET/O1 Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67553 LES.NET/Onvoy (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67554 Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67555 RebTel L US,Canada and Others 67557 RebTel/Voxbone/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67558 RebTel/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67560 Twilio/O1 Communications (SMS-Sybase)(MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67561 Twilio CA/Iristel (M2M-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67562 Vonage Business Solutions (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67563 Voxbone/360 Networks (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67564 Voxbone/Iristel CA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67565 Voxbone/Pacwest (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67566 Voxbone/Windstream (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67567 Zipwhip/Whidbey Tel (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67568 Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67569 Broadvox/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67570 CDYNE L US,Canada and Others 67571 CDYNE/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67572 CDYNE/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67573 CDYNE/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67574 CDYNE/Iristel CA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67575 Dynamic Packet L US,Canada and Others 67576 Dynamic Packet/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67577 Dynamic Packet/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67578 Dynamic Packet/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67579 Scratch Wireless/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67580 Scratch Wireless/Peerless Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67581 LYCAMOBILE M Romania 67582 CSF Corp L US,Canada and Others 67583 CSF Corp (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67584 CSF Corp (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67585 Lycamobile/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67586 Telengy/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 67587 Telengy/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67588 Telengy/Finernetics (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67589 Telengy/Level 3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67590 Telengy/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67591 Telengy/RNK Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67592 Telengy/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 67601 VoizXL L Netherlands 67622 R&H L Costa Rica 67623 OTHOS L Costa Rica 67624 CMW L Costa Rica 67625 MULTICOM L Costa Rica 67626 Telavox_LSO (Telia) M Denmark 67642 Vonage Limited L United Kingdom 67643 Bright Orange Outsourcing Ltd L United Kingdom 67644 Switch Services Ltd L United Kingdom 67661 Mobiquithings M United Kingdom 67662 Celfon A/S L Denmark 67681 ANCUTATEL, S.L. L Spain 67682 ATENCION TELEFONICA AVANZADA, S.L.UNIPERSONAL L Spain 67683 LINOCIO HAGEN, S.L.UNIPERSONAL. L Spain 67684 RESONANCE TECH, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 67685 INFOEMPRESA EUROPA, S.L. (TELECOMING INFORMATION SERVICES, S.L.) L Spain 67686 TODOVOIP, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 67687 TRIGRAD ATENCION TELEFONICA, S.L.UNIPERSONAL L Spain 67701 Enventis Telecom Inc L United States of America 67702 CallPlus(TCLW101) M New Zealand 67723 Keen Mobile B.V. L Netherlands 67741 Novatel Telephony Pty Ltd L Australia 67743 Premier Technologies Pty Ltd L Australia 67745 ABISSNET Sh.a. L Albania 67746 Proton Communication L Albania 67761 IQ Telecom AB L Sweden 67781 Orange M International Networks 67801 1u1 L Germany 67802 TeleForte L Germany 67803 Thueringer L Germany 67804 Tismi BV L Germany 67821 Telnet Local(TELNET01) L New Zealand 67822 TDC (Waoo) L Denmark 67823 DIALOGA SERVICIOS IN L Sweden 67824 LOXYTEL AB L Sweden 67825 PHONE FAMILY AB L Sweden 67826 SOFT TELECOM SWEDEN M Sweden 67827 TIQ TELECOM AB L Sweden 67841 BRASREDE TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA - EPP L Brazil 67842 LINKTEL TELECOMUNICACOES DO BRASIL LTDA L Brazil 67843 MHNET TELECOMUNICACOES EIRELI - EPP L Brazil 67844 NEOTELECOM TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 67845 NOGUEIRA & DANTAS LTDA L Brazil 67846 TCHETURBO PROVEDOR DE INTERNET LTDA L Brazil 67847 TRI TELECOM LTDA - EPP L Brazil 67861 Telemix Limited L United Kingdom 67862 Maxadie Limited L United Kingdom 67863 SMSRelay AG L United Kingdom 67864 CESG M United Kingdom 67881 5tel L Denmark 67882 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos, S.A. L Denmark 67883 CLX Communications HQ L Denmark 67884 Flexfone A/S M Denmark 67885 Ice Danmark ApS M Denmark 67886 Mobil Data ApS M Denmark 67887 MobiWeb Limited M Denmark 67888 NEZT ApS M Denmark 67889 Simpl Telecom ApS M Denmark 67890 Beepsend AB M Denmark 67891 Interfone International A/S L Denmark 67893 Adarna Schweiz GmbH L Switzerland 67894 FEBO Telecom Limited L Switzerland 67895 21Vianet Mobile Ltd M Hong Kong 67896 Delcom (HK) Ltd L Hong Kong 67897 Lycamobile Hong Kong Ltd M Hong Kong 67901 Mobiweb Limited L Finland 67902 Beepsend AB L Finland 67941 NETGENUITY INC L United States of America 67942 MIDWEST DATA CENTER INC L United States of America 67943 Emnify GmbH M Liechtenstein 67944 White Label Mobile AG M Liechtenstein 67961 Orcon(CALLPLUS02) L New Zealand 67962 Annatel telecom L France 67963 Buddy media L France 67964 Ergatel France L France 67965 Eseye limited L France 67966 Infoline L France 67967 Luxnetwork L France 67968 Serinya telecom L France 67969 Sogeprom L France 67970 Tel-on L France 67971 Uniconnect L France 67972 Mobil Data (Telenor) M Denmark 67981 Liberty Wireless M Singapore 68001 SEDMI ODJEL d.o.o. L Croatia 68002 Binbit Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda L Portugal 68003 Compatel, Limited M Portugal 68004 Dialoga - Servicios Interactivos, S.A. L Portugal 68021 Febo Telecom L Belgium 68022 Catskills Communications INC dba MTC Cab L United States of America 68041 Vodafone - TCL Local (VOYAGERLOCAL) L New Zealand 68042 Bijmold CS V.o.f. L Netherlands 68043 BodyTrace Netherlands B.V. M Netherlands 68044 Dialoga Servicios Interactiovios S.A. L Netherlands 68045 interactive digital media GmbH L Netherlands 68046 SpeakIntelligence B.V. L Netherlands 68047 MKB Voice L Netherlands 68048 Smart Future C.V. L Netherlands 68049 Sona Business B.V. L Netherlands 68050 WeCloudit Group B.V. L Netherlands 68051 Bangladesh Broadcasting Telephone Technology (BBTT) L Bangladesh 68052 Bangladesh Telecom Pvt Limited (BTL) L Bangladesh 68053 CFL Communications Ltd L Ireland 68054 Compatel Ltd L Ireland 68055 Content Guru Ltd L Ireland 68056 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos S.A. L Ireland 68057 HulloMail Ltd L Ireland 68058 Intellicom L Ireland 68059 Viatel Ireland Ltd L Ireland 68061 Altech Technology Concepts (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 68062 ICT Globe Management (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 68063 Vozelia S.A L Panama 68064 Mobil Red Inc L Panama 68081 Bandwidth Group Messaging (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68082 Bandwidth Group Messaging (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68083 Broadvox/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68084 Flyp L US,Canada and Others 68085 Flyp/Iris Wireless L US,Canada and Others 68086 Fongo L US,Canada and Others 68087 Fongo (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68088 Hook Mobile V2V L US,Canada and Others 68089 Asian Broadcasting Network Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 68090 HelloWorld L US,Canada and Others 68091 HelloWorld/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68092 Paetec (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68093 Twilio/Peerless (SMS-Sybase)(MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68094 EOON Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68095 SIA NetBalt L Poland 68096 Virgin Mobile Polska Sp. z o.o. M Poland 68097 Interactive Digital Media GmbH M Poland 68101 EAZI TELECOM (Limba) (Shine) M Gibraltar 68102 USAN GABON (AZUR) M Gabon 68103 EMPIRE LONG DISTANCE DBA EMPIRE ACCESS L United States of America 68104 China Satellite Global Star Network M China 68105 PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN) M Indonesia 68106 DONTELECOM ROSTOV TELECOM M Russia/Kazakhstan 68107 PRIMTELEFON L Russia/Kazakhstan 68108 SIBCHALLENCE M Russia/Kazakhstan 68109 Jersey Telecom (NAVITAS TELECOM) M International Networks 68121 Aimon srl L Italy 68122 Clxnetworks L Italy 68123 EHINET S.r.l. L Italy 68124 GLOBAL ITALIA S.r.l. L Italy 68125 Linet S.r.l. L Italy 68126 Game Network BV L United Kingdom 68127 UK Number Store Limited L United Kingdom 68128 MOBIWEB TELECOM LIMITED L United Kingdom 68161 UNICAP INC L US,Canada and Others 68181 TARTEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68182 TEVE TEVE Kft. L Hungary 68183 ADERTIS Kft. L Hungary 68184 ConPhone Kft. L Hungary 68185 Cost Consulting Kft. L Hungary 68186 ExpertCom Kft. L Hungary 68187 GS-Net Kft. L Hungary 68188 Mond21 Zrt. L Hungary 68189 Nemeth Robert L Hungary 68190 MCN telecom Kft.(TEL2TEL) L Hungary 68201 Vivitar Cloud Telecommunications L Taiwan 68202 Telecom X (Telenor) L Denmark 68203 WELCOM (TDC) L Denmark 68204 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH L Austria 68205 emit gmbh L Austria 68206 eww ag L Austria 68207 Heinrich Schögler - Tele Schögler L Austria 68208 Interoute Austria GmbH L Austria 68209 IT-Market Rettenegger e.U L Austria 68210 Kurzthaler Kommunikation & Elektro GesmbH L Austria 68211 my Tweak Telekom GmbH L Austria 68212 Patrick Seher L Austria 68213 pluteus communication solutions GmbH L Austria 68214 Riepert Informationstechnologie OG L Austria 68215 Tele-Tec GmbH L Austria 68216 XINON GmbH L Austria 68217 MTEL Austrija GmbH M Austria 68218 smartspace GmbH M Austria 68219 MULTINET 24 SP. Z O.O. L Poland 68221 RED TELECOM EIRELI L Brazil 68222 Columbus Networks de Guatemala Limitada L Guatemala 68241 TBM TELEKOM sp. z o.o. L Poland 68242 ZURT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68243 T-MONT s.c. Jerzy Grabski L Poland 68261 Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet (Post-og teletilsynet) M Norway 68263 Tycoon Global Limited L Bahamas 68264 Last Mile Communications L Bahamas 68265 SunISP L Bahamas 68266 JazzTell Bahamas Limited L Bahamas 68267 Peace Holdings Limited L Bahamas 68281 KIERO IP TELECOMUNICACIONES SAS L Colombia 68282 NN Management Services, s.r.o. L Czech Republic 68283 ComTelNet Ltd., org. slozka L Czech Republic 68284 Galevi s.r.o. L Czech Republic 68285 GOPE Systems a.s. M Czech Republic 68286 Sys-DataCom s.r.o. L Czech Republic 68287 TT Quality s.r.o. M Czech Republic 68301 Blicnet d.o.o. L Bosnia and Herzegovina 68302 TELRAD NET d.o.o. L Bosnia and Herzegovina 68303 Nexttel Cameroon (Viettel SA) M Cameroon 68304 Afrimax Uganda (Vodafone Uganda) M Uganda 68321 Erate Sweden AB L Sweden 68341 Kelcom International Limited (Karib Cabl L Saint Lucia 68342 SEVDI MOBILE L Latvia 68343 Litel komunikācijas L Latvia 68344 Mobitel L Latvia 68345 NetBalt L Latvia 68346 UNIMARINE TELECOM L Latvia 68347 Sales & Finances L Latvia 68348 TVC NETWORK, S.A. de C.V L El Salvador 68361 MIEJSKIE CENTRUM INTERNETU Krzysztof Kulczyk L Poland 68362 ANET Artur Pudolek L Poland 68363 GIGABAJT Andreas Arkadiusz L Poland 68364 NET-BIS s.c. Wlodzimierz Gasior L Poland 68365 CITYNET Marcin Sobala L Poland 68366 FIRMA HANDLOWO-USLUGOWA INTERSIEC Urszula Kolodziej L Poland 68367 HYPERNET s.c. Marek Liszka L Poland 68368 TEL-NET Krzysztof Frac L Poland 68369 OKITECH Krzysztof Kusnierczyk L Poland 68370 INETGROUP CENTRUM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68371 STORM MEDIA MARIUSZ GRABOWSKI - Mariusz Grabowski L Poland 68372 NET-KONTKT Michal Pawlak L Poland 68373 G.ART TECHNOLOGY Artur Grabiec L Poland 68374 SYSTEMY Dawid Kretkowski L Poland 68375 M247 Ltd L United Kingdom 68376 NETONSKY.PL Piotr Janiak L Poland 68377 WIFIMAX S.C. SWIATLOWSKI RADOSLAW ZAREMBA LUKASZ Radoslaw Swiatlowski Lukasz Zar L Poland 68378 AWB-NET Agnieszka Barzdo L Poland 68379 INDEO Andrzej Serbenski L Poland 68380 BATEX Pawel Bahranowski L Poland 68381 DERKOM Spolka jawna Dariusz Klimczuk L Poland 68382 FALCONN Tomasz Falkowski L Poland 68383 KLINIKA KOMPUTERA Artur Wolski L Poland 68401 ZWIAZEK GMIN ZIEMI WIELUNSKIEJ L Poland 68402 Witel Ltd L Trinidad and Tobago 68403 Wiiscom Technologies Inc. L Barbados 68421 Benemen_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 68441 ADA VOICE L Romania 68442 SDZ TELECOM L Romania 68443 TravelSIM Australia Pty Ltd L Australia 68444 VIRTUTEL PTY LTD L Australia 68445 I P Group A/S L Denmark 68446 M Mobility A/S L Denmark 68447 Tismi BV M Denmark 68448 Onoffapp L Denmark 68449 Vodafone - iHug (CALLPLUS07) L New Zealand 68470 2600hz Inc L US,Canada and Others 68471 2600hz Inc/Onvoy (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68472 2600hz Inc/Peerless (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68473 2600hz Inc/TNCI/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68474 Aerialink SB (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68475 Aerialink SO (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68476 GoTextMe SMS (Sybase) MMS (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68477 Impact Telecom/Ooma/Bandwidth.Com (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68478 TextPlus/Iristel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68479 TextPlus/Peerless (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68481 Compass Mobile Prepay (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 68501 Capacom L France 68502 High connexion L France 68503 Ivolea L France 68504 Phenix trade international L France 68505 Serveurcom L France 68506 Guyacom L French Guiana 68507 Bee Technology L Reunion 68508 Communication Océan Indien L Reunion 68509 Connect First Telecoms (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 68510 Connection Telecom (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 68511 DERSEN Ewa Utratna L Poland 68512 FIRMA HANDLOWO-USLUGOWA MAX-SERWIS Ewa i Robert Smoter L Poland 68513 FIRMA USLUGOWO HANDLOWA LUPUS.NET Zygmunt Wilk L Poland 68515 GROSZ Olgierd Warta L Poland 68516 HB TECHNOLOGY Hubert Szczukiwicz L Poland 68517 INFOLAN Krzysztof Szwaba L Poland 68518 INTERBIT PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO WIELOBRANZOWE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68519 KRT-NET Lech Piotrowski L Poland 68520 LAN.NET.PL S.C. Kapturkiewicz Kamil L Poland 68521 LINK-NET Marek Majchrzak L Poland 68522 M-INTERNET Damian Makowski L Poland 68523 MK-NET Piotr Malinowski L Poland 68524 NET4U Marek Wroblewski L Poland 68525 NETCOM Dariusz Matysiak L Poland 68526 NETPAK Piotr Kubicki L Poland 68527 OMEGANET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68528 OPEN WAY Lukasz Jankowiak L Poland 68529 PRZEDSEBIORSTWO TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE LANET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68530 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-USLUGOWE DESIRE Damian Lipski L Poland 68531 SKYDATA.PL Lukasz Janus L Poland 68532 SPI-NET Norbert Nowicki L Poland 68533 STACJA-NET Marek Goclawski L Poland 68534 TOP-NET s.c. L Poland 68535 TVK TELEWIZJA KABLOWA Elzbieta Zjawiona L Poland 68536 USLUGI KOMPUTEROWE SOKOLA Slawomir Sokola L Poland 68537 WICOS Lukasz Kucharski L Poland 68538 GCO SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 68540 MIND L Sweden 68541 SNÖSVÄNGEN AB L Sweden 68561 BusinessCom L Netherlands 68581 Bee Technology L France 68582 Communication Ocean Indien L France 68584 Fiducial cloud L France 68585 Synelyans L France 68586 Telco OI L France 68587 Telecom.object L France 68589 Dishnet Wireless Limited - Uttar Pradesh East M India 68590 Dishnet Wireless Limited - Uttar Pradesh West M India 68591 Directv Colombia M Colombia 68601 Digi Italy M Italy 68602 LINKEM S.p.A. M Italy 68605 STM Telecom Sanchar Pvt. Ltd L Nepal 68606 Companymobile_LSO08143 (TDC) M Denmark 68621 CLAUDIO ESTEBAN FORNO MARTINEZ, ASESORIA TECNOLOGICA E INFORMATICA ITD EIRL L Chile 68622 Cellact M Israel 68624 Telewings Communications Services Private Limited - Maharashtra L India 68625 BellTel M Philippines 68641 VODAFONE ENABLER ESPANA, S.L. M Spain 68644 APPLIED TO SERVICE BUSINESS, S.L. L Spain 68646 Multibyte Info Technology Ltd M Hong Kong 68661 DVT Diensten L Netherlands 68681 Bluesky Mobile (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 68682 WWNET Bozena Furgol L Poland 68683 CYFROWE SYSTEMY TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE sp. z o.o. L Poland 68684 P.H.U. CYBER GROTA Piotr Labedz L Poland 68685 PHU 7L Tomasz Badura L Poland 68686 MT-NET s.c. Jaroslaw Kusnierz L Poland 68687 F.H.U. COMP-SERWIS Radoslaw Bilski L Poland 68692 NOW Local(NOWNZviaCP) L New Zealand 68701 NOWNZviaCP L New Zealand 68702 Belgian Telecom L Belgium 68703 Consumer Cellular M US,Canada and Others 68704 Telrite Wireless M US,Canada and Others 68705 H2O Wireless M US,Canada and Others 68706 Airvoice Wireless M US,Canada and Others 68707 Jolt Mobile M US,Canada and Others 68710 SYRION Sp. z o.o. L Poland 68721 portingdesk L Netherlands 68722 South East Asia Telecom Group (SEATEL) M Cambodia 68723 Dronix Informationstechnik GmbH L Austria 68724 net-cloud GmbH L Austria 68725 Unicope GmbH L Austria 68741 Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (M) Sdn Bhd M Malaysia 68761 MyNetFoneAust ( symbio Networks ) L New Zealand 68781 Dialoga L Belgium 68782 Alida s.r.l. L Italy 68783 Argosid Network S.r.l. L Italy 68784 GO Internet S.p.A. M Italy 68785 ElsyNet S.r.l. L Italy 68786 Spark Local(OrconInternet) L New Zealand 68787 Digicom L Albania 68788 Duo Net L Albania 68789 ESDE Consulting L Albania 68790 GRUPKOM L Albania 68791 Net-Connect L Albania 68792 Professional Technologies L Albania 68793 Proton Communication L Albania 68794 UNIFI Holding INC L Albania 68795 ABISSNET Sh.a. L Albania 68796 ABRONET L Albania 68797 G.S. TEXAS VENTURES, LLC L United States of America 68801 MIGTEL TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 68802 NETWORK TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA - EPP L Brazil 68803 NOVA TECNOLOGIA E TELECOMUNICACOES S/A L Brazil 68804 OTOGROUP SERVICOS DE TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 68805 TOQUE TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA-ME L Brazil 68806 TUBARON TECNOLOGIAS LTDA - ME L Brazil 68807 VOCE TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 68808 Unitel STP M Sao Tome and Principe 68809 Telekom Deutschland Global SIM M International Networks 68823 Suissephone Communications GmbH L Switzerland 68841 Callfire (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68842 Callfire/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68843 GroupMe L US,Canada and Others 68844 GroupMe (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68845 GroupMe/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68846 MediaFriends/Twilio L US,Canada and Others 68847 Nexmo L US,Canada and Others 68848 Nexmo/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68849 Nexmo/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68850 Nexmo (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68851 RebTel/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68852 TSG Global/Peerless (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 68853 VoiceTel L US,Canada and Others 68854 VoiceTel/Onvoy/Iris Wireless L US,Canada and Others 68855 VoiceTel/Peerless Networks/Iris Wireless L US,Canada and Others 68856 Voxbone/Inteliquent (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 68861 Adepteo Limited L United Kingdom 68862 Alnitak GmbH L United Kingdom 68863 Central Technology Limited L United Kingdom 68864 Fido Telecom Limited L United Kingdom 68865 Gencom Technologies Ltd L United Kingdom 68866 I.T Communications Limited L United Kingdom 68867 Nectar Cloud L United Kingdom 68868 Quad Connect Ltd L United Kingdom 68869 Swisstok L United Kingdom 68870 Telecoms Cloud Networks Limited L United Kingdom 68871 Tulp Solutions Ltd L United Kingdom 68872 Updata Infrastructure (UK) Limited L United Kingdom 68873 Utilities UK Ltd L United Kingdom 68874 UV Associates Ltd L United Kingdom 68875 Viatel Global Services L United Kingdom 68876 YayYay Limited L United Kingdom 68878 Redcentric Solutions Ltd L United Kingdom 68879 Miguel Angel Gonzalez Dobarganes L Mexico 68880 Talktel S A DE C V L Mexico 68881 UC Telecomunicaciones S A P I DE C V L Mexico 68882 Quickly Phone S A DE C V L Mexico 68901 VOCALNET COMMUNICATION S.R.L. L Romania 68902 WINGS TELECOM S.R.L. L Romania 68904 FALCON Bartosz Kalinski L Poland 68907 CONNECTED Spolka z ogranioczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 68908 ALFANET Marcin Malolepszy L Poland 68921 BLUEPHONE, S.L M Spain 68941 RADIO-TELECOM Andrzej de Junosza Zaluski L Poland 68942 TekSavvy Solutions Inc L Canada 68943 Vodex Communications Corporation L United States of America 68944 Simple Spa M Chile 68945 VOIP ANALYSIS S.A L Chile 68961 ecotel L Germany 68962 Mango L Germany 68963 mass L Germany 68964 Neon L Germany 68965 Netcom L Germany 68966 RWD PROSPECT sp. z o.o. L Poland 68968 OPTILINK Piotr Dabrowski L Poland 68969 PROXNET s.c. Tomasz Tarnowski L Poland 68970 MobiquiThings L Germany 68981 Valley Point Telecoms L Kenya 69001 Weritech B.V. L Netherlands 69002 Slingshot Mobile (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 69003 IPTELL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69004 MLS Communications Sàrl L Switzerland 69005 Mitto AG M Switzerland 69006 Professional Data Kinetics Pty LTD L Australia 69007 Adls nexcom L France 69008 Durand Sandrine L France 69009 Netensia L France 69010 Nomao L France 69012 Worldline L France 69021 SPOLKA 2A Sp. z o.o. I PARTNERZY s.j. L Poland 69022 WDM COMPUTERS Maria Jaroslawska L Poland 69024 SWAN, a.s. M Slovakia 69041 Entel PCS S A M Chile 69042 Entel Telefonia Local S A M Chile 69043 ABA TEL L Serbia 69044 INVICOM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69045 ALTI L Serbia 69046 COMPATEL D.O.O. L Serbia 69047 CS EVENTIM L Serbia 69048 DETEL.COM L Serbia 69049 Entertainment Media Group L Serbia 69050 FLORA L Serbia 69051 LOGIK POSLOVNA REŠENJA L Serbia 69052 MASKO L Serbia 69053 MULTI TELEKOM L Serbia 69054 NES COMMUNICATIONS DOO BEOGRAD - NESCOM-UC SERVICE PROVIDING L Serbia 69055 NET-CONNECT L Serbia 69056 NEW CITY COMPANY L Serbia 69057 NOVOSTI L Serbia 69058 ONECLICK SOLUTIONS L Serbia 69059 PROCESCOM L Serbia 69060 PRVA TELEVIZIJA L Serbia 69061 SOFTNET L Serbia 69062 TDS LIMITED L Serbia 69063 Fast Communication L Sweden 69081 INTERMATIK Mateusz Skucik L Poland 69082 Tellix (vh Isaeus Communications) L Netherlands 69083 Viatel Global Services Nederland L Netherlands 69084 Voice Intelligence B.V. L Netherlands 69088 219INNOVA24H, SL L Spain 69089 ZAS MOBILE L Spain 69090 YAMBO MOBILE L Spain 69091 WISUR TELECOM L Spain 69092 WIPZONA NETWORK L Spain 69093 WIMACOM COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69094 WIFIBALEARES L Spain 69095 VISO-VISION L Spain 69096 VIRSON COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69097 VIDEOLUC L Spain 69098 VIDEOCAM PRODUCCIONES L Spain 69099 VELBOX MOBILE L Spain 69100 V-BOX ENTERTAINMENT L Spain 69102 VARILLA TELEFONIA L Spain 69103 TXTLOCAL LIMITED L Spain 69104 ACACIO SERVICIOS TELEMATICOS S.L. L Spain 69105 Acca Activities, S.L. L Spain 69107 TXT NATION LIMITED L Spain 69108 TVHORADADA MULTIMEDIA L Spain 69109 TVHORADADA MAR MENOR L Spain 69110 TVC PINOS PUENTE L Spain 69111 TV LOJA COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69112 TV HORADADA MULTIMEDIA L Spain 69113 TRESTIC NETWORK L Spain 69114 TREE TELECOM L Spain 69115 Acciones de Emobile y Marketing SL L Spain 69117 TRACK MOBILE, B.V. L Spain 69118 TOMELLOSO BEST SERVICE L Spain 69119 FERNANDO PEREZ MORALES L Spain 69120 FIBRA OPTICA ANDALUCIA L Spain 69121 THAGSON DIGITAL MEDIA L Spain 69122 TELPLAY L Spain 69123 FIBRANET TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 69124 FREENET DIGITAL GMBH L Spain 69125 FREEVOX L Spain 69126 ACITEL PRIEGO COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69127 ADDER GLOBAL L Spain 69129 FUNDACION ATRESMEDIA L Spain 69130 ADURIZ ENERGIA L Spain 69131 FUNDACION DISGRUP L Spain 69132 ADVANCED VOICE L Spain 69133 FUNDACION UNICEF-COMITE ESPANOL L Spain 69134 AGO TELECOM L Spain 69135 FUNDACION WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL L Spain 69136 GALLEGA DE UNIFICACION DE SISTEMAS L Spain 69137 TELEVISION TRUJILLO L Spain 69138 GLOBTELECOM 2000 L Spain 69139 TELEVISION POR CABLE SANTA POLA L Spain 69140 GPON LINEA L Spain 69141 TELEVISION POR CABLE HERMANOS PONCE GARCIA L Spain 69142 GRANACABLE L Spain 69143 TELEVISION PILAS L Spain 69144 GRUPO DAMITEL L Spain 69145 TELEVISION DIGITAL MADRID L Spain 69146 TELEVISION COSTABLANCA L Spain 69147 TELEVISION CABLE DIGITAL L Spain 69148 GUARICO CONSTRUMAT L Spain 69149 TELEVISION BENEJUZAR L Spain 69150 IBERTIC SOLUCIONES L Spain 69151 IBIVISION L Spain 69152 ILIMIT COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69153 ILORCI TV L Spain 69161 TELEVIDEO NOVELDA L Spain 69162 TELEVALENTIN L Spain 69163 TELERUTE L Spain 69164 TELERODA L Spain 69165 TELEPORTE L Spain 69166 TELEPALMA L Spain 69167 TELE-ELDA L Spain 69168 TELEDISTRIBUCION TOTANA L Spain 69169 TELECONDADO L Spain 69170 TELECOMUNICACIONES CALASPARRA L Spain 69171 TELECOM CEHEGIN L Spain 69172 TELECARAVACA L Spain 69173 TELECOMUNICACIONES EL VERGEL L Spain 69174 TELECOMUNICACIONES ZARANDONA TV L Spain 69175 AIR WIFI S.C. L Spain 69176 TELECANAL 2 BLANCA L Spain 69177 ALOE CONSULTING L Spain 69178 TELECALLOSA L Spain 69179 ALTANETICA L Spain 69180 ALTPHONE L Spain 69181 ANDRAP MEDIA L Spain 69182 ANTENA 3 JUEGOS L Spain 69183 ANTENAS CARTHAGOSAT L Spain 69184 ANTENAS NAVARRA L Spain 69185 ANTONIO MARIA CALDERA ORTIZ L Spain 69186 APFUTURA INTERNACIONAL SOLUCIONES L Spain 69187 ARCO IRIS PROPERTIES L Spain 69188 ARISTEGUI TELLO SERVICES L Spain 69189 ASOCIACION MEDICOS SIN FRONTERAS ESPANA L Spain 69190 ASOCIACION BANCOS DE ALIMENTOS DE ANDALUCIA L Spain 69191 ASOCIACION DUCHENNE PARENT PROJECT ESPANA L Spain 69192 ASTON RIVER L Spain 69193 Blue Telecom L Brazil 69194 TELEALCALA L Spain 69195 AVYS TELECOM L Spain 69196 TELE VIDEO ANDALUCIA L Spain 69197 TELE SATÉLITE DE MAZARRON L Spain 69198 TELE BULLAS L Spain 69199 2600hz/O1 Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69200 BITEL BIGASTRO L Spain 69201 BLANCATEL L Spain 69202 382 Communications/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69203 Broadvox/Iristel (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 69204 Broadvox/Onvoy (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 69205 BLUEPARK INVESTMENTS, LLC L Spain 69206 Enflick/Iristel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69207 Google/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69208 BUHO REAL TV L Spain 69209 BYTEL PROJECTS L Spain 69210 CABLE ALBUDEITE L Spain 69211 CABLE VISION CORIA L Spain 69212 CABLEPLIEGO L Spain 69213 CABLEWORLD L Spain 69214 CAMPINA DIGITAL L Spain 69216 CANAL 2000 LA SOLANA L Spain 69218 CANAL DE TELEVISION POR CABLE L Spain 69219 CANAL DON BENITO L Spain 69220 CANAL LOCAL VEO TV L Spain 69221 CATEL SERVEIS I COMUNICACIONS DEMPRESA L Spain 69222 CATV CUERVO L Spain 69223 CATV ROCIANA L Spain 69224 CINETH ORDENADORES VALLADOLID L Spain 69225 COMUNICACIONES ENERSOL L Spain 69226 COMUNICACIONES RONDA L Spain 69227 COMUNICACIONES VOZIP L Spain 69228 CONECTA-3 TELECOM L Spain 69229 CONECTA-T SERVICIOS DE BANDA ANCHA L Spain 69230 CONNECTING PLUS 2009 L Spain 69231 CONTACTA SERVEIS AVANCATS L Spain 69232 TELE ALHAMA L Spain 69233 CONVERSION TRAFFIC, B.V. L Spain 69234 DIGITAL GLOBAL PASS, S.A.S. L Spain 69235 TELCIA COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69236 TEKKA LAB, S.R.L. L Spain 69237 CORPORACION MENORQUINA DE CABLE L Spain 69238 CRAZY4MEDIA MOBILE MARKETING ADVERTISING & BILLING L Spain 69240 CRUZ ROJA ESPANOLA L Spain 69241 DANIEL CALVILLO FABERO L Spain 69242 DANIEL MORENO FERIA L Spain 69243 DATOS Y VOZ EN CUALQUIER LUGAR L Spain 69244 DENIA VISION L Spain 69245 DICTAFONIA L Spain 69246 American Messaging Mobile App L US,Canada and Others 69247 DIGITAL ALEA SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Spain 69248 DIGITAL CONTENT ITALIA, S.R.L. L Spain 69249 DIGITAL FIBRA TV L Spain 69250 DIGITAL HERRERA 2010 L Spain 69251 Blue Jay Wireless L US,Canada and Others 69252 Blue Jay Lifephone L US,Canada and Others 69253 DUO TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 69254 DURCATEL, COMUNIDAD DE BIENES L Spain 69255 DVBLAB COMMUNICATION L Spain 69256 ELECTRA CONILENSE L Spain 69257 ELECTRO IMTEL PINEDA L Spain 69258 ELECTROVIDEO UTRERA L Spain 69259 ENITI MEDIA L Spain 69260 EPROSUR L Spain 69261 EUME TELECOM L Spain 69262 EUROJUEGO STAR L Spain 69263 TECNOCOLOR TT TELECOMUNICACIONS L Spain 69264 TECAVICAS L Spain 69265 T-92 L Spain 69266 4WebFuture L Belgium 69267 INFORMATICA LIMON L Spain 69268 INGER ELECTROTELECOM L Spain 69269 INSTALACIONES Y COMUNICACIONES DEL EUME L Spain 69270 INSTALACIONES Y SERVICIOS MOWITEL L Spain 69271 INTERFIBRA TELECOMUNICACIONES L Spain 69272 SUCRÉDITO L Spain 69273 INTERNET PAYMENT EXCHANGE L Spain 69274 SPONSOROCIO L Spain 69275 INTERNETQ GMBH L Spain 69276 INVERTRED L Spain 69277 ISOLTIC GLOBAL SOLUTIONS L Spain 69278 SOLIS MULTIMEDIA L Spain 69279 J.P.A. COMUNICACIONES SAS L Spain 69280 JEYCA TECNOLOGIA Y MEDIO AMBIENTE L Spain 69281 JOSE ANGEL MENA CASTRO L Spain 69282 JUAN ANTONIO GUERRERO GONZALEZ L Spain 69283 SOLIACABLE L Spain 69284 JUAN MANUEL GARCIA DIEZ L Spain 69285 JUAN RAMON PRIETO REYES L Spain 69286 KTV SNS L Spain 69287 LA SENIA CABLE L Spain 69288 LECRIN TELEVISION L Spain 69289 SMSPUBLI MOBILE MARKETING L Spain 69290 SMART CENTER PHONE L Spain 69291 SKYNETLINK INFORMATICA Y REDES L Spain 69292 SISTEMAS INFORMATICOS Y SERVICIOS DE INTERNET FUENLAN L Spain 69293 LUMATA SPAIN L Spain 69294 SISTELECOM INTEGRADORA DE TELECOMUNICACIONESL. L Spain 69295 MARIA GEMMA CUELLAR DIAZ L Spain 69296 MEDIA PLAY SOLUTIONS L Spain 69297 SINTONIA SAN PEDRO L Spain 69298 SERVICIOS INTEGRADOS POR CABLEL. L Spain 69299 MEDICUS MUNDI CATALUNYA L Spain 69300 MEGAVISTA ONLINE,S.L. L Spain 69301 MEMCO, B.V. L Spain 69302 MOBILE MINDED, B.V. L Spain 69303 SERVEIS INNUBO L Spain 69304 MOBILE&FUN L Spain 69305 MOBILIZO, B.V. L Spain 69306 MOBIMILIA, B.V. L Spain 69307 MOVILXION TELECOM L Spain 69308 MULTICANAL DEL CABLE TVM L Spain 69309 MULTICOMUNICACIONES DEL SURESTE L Spain 69311 MULTIVISION TRIGUEROS L Spain 69312 MYMOBIA, BV L Spain 69313 MYPENGO MOBILE, B.V. L Spain 69314 NEOSONO L Spain 69315 NET MOBILE MINICK L Spain 69316 NET-CONNECT INTERNET, S.R.L. L Spain 69317 NEXT COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69318 SD&P MOBILE B.V. L Spain 69319 SAP Espana SISTEMAS, APLICACIONES Y PRODUCTOS EN LA INFORMATICA L Spain 69320 RUSCABLE L Spain 69321 ROOTMEDIA PAYMENTS L Spain 69322 RINGSOUTH EUROPA L Spain 69323 RICARDO OBISPO SAN ROMAN L Spain 69324 RETO GLOBAL SOLUTIONS L Spain 69325 NOSTRAVANTL L Spain 69327 REDVISION L Spain 69328 WIMAX ON LINE L Spain 69329 OLA CABLE L Spain 69330 TELECABLE MURCIA L Spain 69331 TELECABLE JUMILLA L Spain 69332 OLE COMUNICACION L Spain 69333 TELECABLE INVERSIONES L Spain 69334 OLIVERCAU L Spain 69335 TELECABLE EXTREMADURA L Spain 69336 TELECABLE CARTAYA L Spain 69337 OLVERA CA. T.V., SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA ANDALUZA L Spain 69338 ONLYCABLE COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69339 TELECABLE AZNALCAZAR L Spain 69340 TELECABLE AROCHE, S.C. L Spain 69342 OPENOR L Spain 69344 OPERALIA CORPORACION EMPRESARIAL L Spain 69346 TELECABLE ANDALUCIA COMUNICACIONES POR FIBRA L Spain 69347 TELECABLE ALMONTE L Spain 69348 REDIMER COMUNICACIONES L Spain 69349 OPERIAX DIFUSION L Spain 69350 ORANGE ESPANA VIRTUAL M Spain 69351 ORDEN HOSPITALARIA SAN JUAN DE DIOS PROVINCIA DE ARAGON L Spain 69352 PABLO ALEJANDRO MARIN L Spain 69353 PAYPAL (EUROPE) S.A.R.L. ET CIE, S.C.A. L Spain 69354 POLARBOOT CORPORATION L Spain 69355 RAFAEL JESUS POZO GALVEZ L Spain 69356 RADIO TELEVISION INDALO L Spain 69357 RADIO BANDA ANCHA CRL. L Spain 69358 QUICK IDEAS L Spain 69359 PROPHASE ELECTRONICS L Spain 69360 PRODUCTOS SERVICIOS MOVILES L Spain 69361 ANDEVALO TELEVISION L Spain 69362 PREMIUM TELECOM S.L. L Spain 69363 CASHLOG L Spain 69364 HABLAYA L Spain 69365 FUNDACIO PASQUAL MARAGALL L Spain 69366 DE BIENES DENOMINADA TELECOLOR-COX L Spain 69367 FUNDACION ISABEL GEMIO L Spain 69368 HOSPITAL SAN JUAN DE DIOS L Spain 69369 MIGUEL ESPIN JIMENEZ Y JOSEFA ESPIN MORENO L Spain 69370 ATC Communications (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69371 Centurylink (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69373 Bluegrass Cellular (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69374 Bluegrass Cellular - Cumberland Cellular (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69375 Verizon Wireless A (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69376 Livingston Tel. Co. (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69377 Silver Star Telephone Company (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69378 South Central Telcom (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69379 South Central Wireless Dba SC Telcom (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69380 T-Mobile (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69381 US Cellular (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69382 Verizon Wireless (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69383 Viaero Wireless (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69384 AT&T Local (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69385 AT&T Mobility (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69401 AT&T OPCO UNE MEX, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. L Mexico 69421 Detron ICT Groep B.V. L Netherlands 69422 Van Leyden Multimedia B.V. M Netherlands 69423 TELECOMUNICACIONES 360, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 69441 Telecom NA/Peerless (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 69442 Plivo L US,Canada and Others 69443 Plivo/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 69444 Plivo/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 69445 Plivo/Peerless (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 69446 Neustar Duo L US,Canada and Others 69447 365 Wireless/Tollfree (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 69448 AireSpring L United States of America 69449 AireSpring/Tollfree (ATT/Zipwhip) L US,Canada and Others 69450 Bulletin.Net/Shelcomm Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69451 PhoneFusion/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 69453 Antares M Russia/Kazakhstan 69454 Integral L Russia/Kazakhstan 69455 Arcturus L Russia/Kazakhstan 69456 Elemte-Invest L Russia/Kazakhstan 69457 Remote impulse L Russia/Kazakhstan 69458 CallPlus Local (ORCONLOCAL) L New Zealand 69461 Spark Local (TCLC102) L New Zealand 69462 BRZI-NET d.o.o. L Croatia 69463 ECO NET j.d.o.o. L Croatia 69464 nfon GmbH L Croatia 69465 PRO-PING d.o.o. L Croatia 69466 VOCALIS d.o.o. L Croatia 69467 Telecom-Service L Russia/Kazakhstan 69468 Starvision Inc L United States of America 69469 Mercury Voice and Data LLC DBA Suddenlin L United States of America 69470 GLONASS L Russia/Kazakhstan 69471 Sevastopol TELECOM M Russia/Kazakhstan 69472 SUE RP "KRYMTELEKOM" L Russia/Kazakhstan 69481 Telavox AS M Norway 69482 Bluegrass Cellular A (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69483 US Cellular A (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69484 US Cellular B (Type-1) L US,Canada and Others 69485 AT&T Mobility A (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69486 Bluegrass Cellular - Cumberland Cellular A (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69487 Bluegrass Cellular - Cumberland Cellular B (Type-1) M US,Canada and Others 69501 WirelessConection Servicos em Telecomunicacoes LTDA ME (WCT Telecom) L Brazil 69502 Software for mobile content distribution company L Jordan 69503 The target company for telecommunications services-frequency L Jordan 69522 Swissnet telecommunication AG L Switzerland 69541 COOPERATIVA ELECTRICA Y DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS LUJANENSE LIMITADA L Argentina 69542 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ELECTRICIDAD, SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, VIVIENDA Y CREDITO L Argentina 69543 TelstraClear Mobile (VFNZ02) L New Zealand 69544 Century Enterprises Inc L United States of America 69545 State Unitary Enterprise of Sevastopol Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 69546 SUE RPKRYM TELEKOM L Russia/Kazakhstan 69547 Sim Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 69548 Metro-Pei L Russia/Kazakhstan 69563 SKY-NET Beata Gazdowicz L Poland 69564 TELEKOMUNIKACJA BLIZEJ Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69565 ART-COM SP. Z O. O. L Poland 69566 MEDIA-COM sp. z o.o. L Poland 69567 MICONET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69568 PRONET s.c. Aneta i Marcin Szmyd L Poland 69569 DEBACOM sp. z o.o. L Poland 69570 INET CENTRUM s.c. Jolanta Brandys L Poland 69573 RYBNET SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 69574 ITCOMP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69575 STRONG - PC Tomasz Piekarski L Poland 69576 FIRMA HANDLOWA GIGA Arkadiusz Kocma L Poland 69577 INOTEL BIZNES Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69578 TELEFONY PODLASKIE S.A. L Poland 69579 NETCENTRICA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69580 INFANET Sylwester Kus L Poland 69581 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA HAJNOWKA Kiedys L Poland 69582 F.P.H.U. INFO-NET s.c. Jan Boczar L Poland 69583 SPOLDZIELNIA MIESZKANIOWA LOKATORSKO-WLASNOSCIOWA L Poland 69584 HYPERION SPOLKA AKCYJNA L Poland 69585 STELLA Zaklad Instalatorstwa Teleelektrycznego Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69586 HRUBIESZOWSKA TELEWIZJA KABLOWA s.c. Waldemar Migas L Poland 69587 INTERKONEKT s.c. Pawel Barczyk L Poland 69588 FUTURO EXITO Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69589 IVENDO Bartosz Kucmin L Poland 69601 CYTA HELLAS S.A. M Greece 69602 4G BUSINESS SOLUTIONS L Greece 69603 AEGEAN TELECOM L Greece 69604 AMAZE L Greece 69605 APIFON L Greece 69606 BWS L Greece 69607 CCDC L Greece 69608 CITIWAVE SYSTEMS LTD L Greece 69609 COMPATEL LIMITED L Greece 69610 DIDWW IRELAND LIMITED L Greece 69611 GREEK WIRE NETWORKS LTD L Greece 69612 HELLAS ON LINE L Greece 69613 HELLASFONE NETWORKS S.A L Greece 69614 INFOBELL L Greece 69615 INTER TELECOM M Greece 69616 INTERCONNECT LTD L Greece 69617 MACEDONIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS L Greece 69618 MEDIATEL S.A L Greece 69619 MI CARRIER SERVICES AB L Greece 69620 MICROBASE L Greece 69621 MODULUS AE L Greece 69622 M-STAT S.A L Greece 69623 MY COMPANY PROJECTS L Greece 69624 NCCGR L Greece 69625 NEW SPRING TELECOMS SA L Greece 69626 NEWSPHONE HELLAS SA L Greece 69627 OIKONOMOPOULOS KOSTAS - GERASIMOS L Greece 69628 OMNINET LTD L Greece 69629 ON TELECOMS SA L Greece 69630 ONE CALL TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD L Greece 69631 OSE AE L Greece 69632 PIGASOS INTERACTIVE - LEXITEL SA L Greece 69633 ROLAWARE HELLAS L Greece 69634 VIVA HLEKTRONIKES YPHRESIES L Greece 69635 VOICELAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS L Greece 69636 VOXBONE S.A L Greece 69637 YUBOTO LTD M Greece 69638 ZANADOO TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD L Greece 69640 Warehouse Mobile (WAREHOUSEMOB) M New Zealand 69641 CLX Networks Australia Pty Ltd L Australia 69642 CMSG PTY LTD L Australia 69643 INTELLILINK PTY. LTD. L Australia 69644 Netsip Pty Ltd L Australia 69645 The Summit group australia pty ltd L Australia 69646 MITTO AG L Sweden 69647 TELEWI AB L Sweden 69648 SSH sp. z o.o. L Poland 69649 TB TELECOM Sp.z o.o. L Poland 69650 FIRMA USLUGOWO HANDLOWA CLIMAX Rafal Kraj L Poland 69662 Global Cell M Georgia 69663 Q Fast L Netherlands 69664 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA KOSZALIN sp. z o.o. L Poland 69665 GigSky ApS L Denmark 69681 SUPERMEDIA sp. z o.o. L Poland 69682 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-MONTAZOWE URZADZEN ELEKTRONICZNYCH L Poland 69683 PHONEGROUP SA Switzerland L Kiribati 69684 EMPIRE SERVICOS DE INTERNET EIRELI L Brazil 69685 HOINASKI & SKLASKY LTDA. L Brazil 69686 NIPTELECOM TELECOMUNICACOES EIRELI - EPP L Brazil 69687 NOVA LINK CAXIAS TELECOM LTDA L Brazil 69688 SOTHIS TECNOLOGIA E SERVICOS DE TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 69690 Free Telecom M Israel 69701 Mobile FX Services Ltd L United Kingdom 69702 Esto Es Ono S.A.U. L Spain 69703 Liberty Cablevision Of Puerto Rico LLC L Puerto Rico 69704 ENEL S.p.A. M Italy 69705 IFM Infomaster S.p.A. L Italy 69706 SVR SARL L Italy 69707 Vola S.p.A. L Italy 69721 CMC Networks (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 69722 Directel Communications (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 69723 Jasco ICT Data Fussion (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 69724 SOUTHWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY L United States of America 69741 INVERSIONES SANTA FE LIMITADA M Chile 69742 SOCIEDAD DE TELECOMUNICACIONES Y SERVICIOS SpA. L Chile 69743 Combird L Netherlands 69761 Nitonet Local (NITONET01) L New Zealand 69762 Symatec Communications, LLC L US,Canada and Others 69764 Eastex Celco LLC L United States of America 69783 Health dataline Europe L France 69784 A6telecom France L France 69785 Even media interactive L France 69786 Febo telecom limited L France 69787 IMS dynamics L France 69788 Rhoval L France 69789 Viatel global services France L France 69790 Weasy agency L France 69791 Web tribu L France 69792 Parabole Réunion L France 69793 Alnilam L Martinique 69794 Alnilam L French Guiana 69795 Alnilam L Guadeloupe 69801 Telecom2 Dba Confabulate Ltd M United Kingdom 69803 TELECOMMERCE ACCES SERVICE, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 69804 KUBO CEL (QBO-Cel) M Mexico 69805 IBO CELL, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. L Mexico 69808 Flyp/Coretel (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 69809 Flyp/Onvoy (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 69810 Flyp/Peerless (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 69811 Teliphone Navigata L US,Canada and Others 69812 Teliphone Navigata (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69813 Teliphone Navigata/Voxbone/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69814 Twilio/Inteliquent (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69815 Twilio/Verizon (SMS-Sybase) (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 69816 Tyntec L US,Canada and Others 69817 Tyntec SMS Enabled (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 69819 GloTell BV (V-Tell NL) M Netherlands 69820 Hoogenboom Van Gink B.V. L Netherlands 69821 Next telecom B,V. L Netherlands 69822 FIRMA HANDLOWO USLUGOWA PRNET Rafal Sciezor L Poland 69823 KROSNIENSKIE CENTRUM INFORMATYCZNE KROSOFT Dariusz Jastrzab L Poland 69824 SPOLDZIELNIA MIESZKANIOWA W GRUDZIADZU L Poland 69825 NASZASIEC.NET KRAKOW Damian Murzynowski L Poland 69826 COVERNET Damian Giecko L Poland 69827 ACN COMMUNICATIONS POLSKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69828 DAR.NET Dariusz Lyczko L Poland 69829 PLJ TELECOM Pawel Kurpiewski L Poland 69830 SPAWALNICTWO - SPECJALISTYCZNE - GLOWICE SILNIKOWE Wladyslaw Polok L Poland 69832 PPHU LUKSUS Grzegorz Wloch L Poland 69833 LAGUNA sp. z o.o. L Poland 69834 PROTONET Adrian Ludyga L Poland 69835 INTERKA s.c. Tomasz Gawin L Poland 69836 GRAKOM Andrzej Liszka L Poland 69837 BIALNET s.c. Roman Iwaniuk L Poland 69838 AMBIT SYSTEMY INFORMATYCZNE Bogdan Kozicki L Poland 69839 TRADE PARTNER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69840 FHU RACZEK NET Bozena Rak L Poland 69841 DOLNET GROUP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69842 BIALL-NET sp. z o.o. L Poland 69843 TELKAB Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69844 ARBELON Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69845 KOBA Konrad Baranowski L Poland 69846 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO ELEKTRONICZNO-MECHANICZNE ELPOS sp. z o.o. L Poland 69847 SIA NETBALT L Slovenia 69848 42NETMedia Kft. L Hungary 69849 Epax Kft. L Hungary 69850 PIVo Telecom Kft. L Hungary 69851 RAYCOM-GTE Kft. L Hungary 69862 NOWATEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69863 LKH INTERMEDIA Jozef Bekier L Poland 69864 Vodafone NZ Mobile (Two Degrees Mobile Ltd) L New Zealand 69881 Curacao Cable Television L Netherlands Antilles 69901 KM-NET Marek SobOl L Poland 69902 INTERNETIA Sp. o.o. L Poland 69903 MATRONIX Marcin Moczulski L Poland 69904 VIRTUAL TELECOM A.Sergiel L Poland 69905 Imam Hussien Holy Shrine (WLL) L Iraq 69906 KAJA KOMPUTER Krzysztof Jasek L Poland 69907 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO AJC s.c. Adam Ozga L Poland 69921 Manx Telecom M Iceland 69922 PUH MARPONET Mariola Poczatko L Poland 69923 GIGA KOMPUTER Ilona Skupien L Poland 69924 FIRMA HANDLOWA Janusz Gomolka L Poland 69925 ZAKLAD USLUG ANTENOWYCH SAT MONT SERVICE Jacek Mruk L Poland 69926 NOVA TELECOM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69927 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA DIPOL sp. z o.o. L Poland 69941 Billi L Belgium 69942 ZESPOL EFEKTYWNYCH TECHNIK OBLICZENIOWYCH S.A. L Poland 69943 SFERANET sp. z o.o. L Poland 69944 Viettel Tanzania Limited (Halotel) M Tanzania 69962 Euro da Sorte Lda L Portugal 69963 Vilacom Mobile S.A.S M Colombia 69964 D.I.D sp. z.o.o L Poland 69965 MICROCHIP s.c. Wojciech Wrodarczyk L Poland 69966 SAV sp. z o.o. L Poland 69967 Vodafone - iHug (TCLC102) L New Zealand 69968 E-CHO sp. z o.o. L Poland 69969 NETTE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69970 PIEKARY.NET s.c. Sebastian Haider L Poland 69971 TREFOR_LSO (TDC) L Denmark 69972 IForce IT GmbH L Austria 69973 EZ PHONE MOBILE Sp. z o.o. M Poland 69974 Nowa Telefonia Sp. z o.o. M Poland 69981 AZART-SAT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 69982 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA SWIDNIK sp. z o.o. L Poland 69983 LCS SYSTEMY TELEINFORMATYCZNE Magdalena Zaneta Marczuk L Poland 69984 2degrees Local (SPARKLOCAL) L New Zealand 69985 Naka AG M Denmark 70002 Anpi Business LLC L United States of America 70003 KORBANK S.A. L Poland 70021 NET-KOMP Krystian Kania L Poland 70022 Alibaba Telecom China L China 70024 Companymobile08156_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 70025 Feroval Telefono L Netherlands 70026 Mycore4telecom L Netherlands 70027 Vectone Distribution Czech Republic s.r.o(Mundio) M Czech Republic 70041 INTERNET SERWIS Wojciech Bandurowski L Poland 70042 MUNDIO MOBILE CYPRUS LTD M Cyprus, Republic of 70043 Cablenet Communication Systems Ltd (CABLENET) L Cyprus, Republic of 70044 A.G.I. TELECONNECT SERVICES LTD L Cyprus, Republic of 70045 CALLSAT INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS L Cyprus, Republic of 70046 D.S.T.U. TELECOM LIMITED L Cyprus, Republic of 70047 LOGOSNET SERVICES Ltd. L Cyprus, Republic of 70048 MyTelco Ltd L Cyprus, Republic of 70061 2degrees Broadband (CALLPLUS04) L New Zealand 70062 CallPlus Reseller (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 70063 E-SBL.NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70081 DH Telecom a.s. M Czech Republic 70082 MT Sweden AB L Sweden 70102 Convergence Communications L Jordan 70121 Vodafone - iHug (CALLPLUS04) L New Zealand 70122 Any Cisse General Trading Co. L Jordan 70123 Directorate of general security L Jordan 70124 Khaled Odeh Naami & Co. L Jordan 70125 The first company to value-added services L Jordan 70126 MAG FIRMA HANDLOWA Grzegorz Maszczyk L Poland 70127 NETICO S.C. Miroslaw Borodziuk L Poland 70128 AKASHA.NET Sp. z o. o. L Poland 70129 Ty-line L Guadeloupe 70130 Smile Telecom M Nigeria 70141 OSTROG.NET Jaroslaw Walega L Poland 70161 VOICE NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70162 TELLION Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 70163 TELBIT24 s.c. Urszula Bizon-Bidus L Poland 70164 HLG SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 70165 WORLD DISCOUNT TELECOMMUNICATION POLSKA sp. z o.o. L Poland 70166 LUPRO Krzysztof Lutczyn L Poland 70167 2degrees Local (2DBBAND) L New Zealand 70181 Belgian Telecom (Centrea CVBA) L Belgium 70182 BILLI BVBA (Favco) L Belgium 70183 OnOff Télécom SASU L Belgium 70184 Voyacom SPRL M Belgium 70186 P.P.H.U. Jan Koper L Poland 70187 POLMEX-SERWIS s.c. Monika Furtak L Poland 70188 SILICON BUSINESS SYSTEM DBA POTATO AND P L US,Canada and Others 70189 Telxmedia Inc L United States of America 70190 INTELLY J. NISKI SPOLKA JAWNA L Poland 70201 Communication for Devices in Sweden M Sweden 70202 IP MAXI AB L Sweden 70203 TAXIJAKT AB L Sweden 70204 Top Connect Estonia M Estonia 70206 WMC SYSTEMY INFORMATYCZNE sp. z o.o. L Poland 70207 F.H.U. SYSTEMNET Daniel Kulas L Poland 70211 ZICOM NEXT Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 70212 PPH AURA sp. z o.o. L Poland 70221 Top Gear Media Ltd L United Kingdom 70222 AMSUK LTD M United Kingdom 70223 ENFORMATIC sp. z o.o. L Poland 70224 TELICO Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70225 CallPlus Local (COMPASS01) L New Zealand 70226 TEXT ELEKTRONIC ZAKLAD URZADZEN ELEKTRONICZNYCH Eugeniusz Wolosiuk L Poland 70227 Invade International Ltd L United Kingdom 70228 Corporate Communications Europe Ltd L United Kingdom 70229 Exponential-e Ltd L United Kingdom 70230 NFON UK Ltd. L United Kingdom 70231 Westend Telecoms ltd L United Kingdom 70232 IENTC, S. DE R.L. DE C.V L Mexico 70241 sucdacor L Germany 70243 UNINET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70244 S-NET Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 70245 Przedsiebiorstwo Handlowo Uslugowe IWKD Adam L Poland 70246 Firma Informatyczna NSOLVE s.c. Przemyslaw Cieslik L Poland 70261 Atis L Mexico 70262 Bestel L Mexico 70263 CTRSACV L Mexico 70264 Logitel L Mexico 70265 SAI L Mexico 70266 Opcom L Mexico 70267 Comm Cable Merida L Mexico 70268 Mexican Intl Ltd L Mexico 70269 Telecom Village L Mexico 70270 CITYLAN Lukasz Wajs L Poland 70271 P.H.U. NET-KOMP Marcin Orlowski L Poland 70272 INTERDUO Lukasz Bujek L Poland 70273 MI Carrier Services AB L Finland 70274 Tismi BV M Finland 70276 I-TEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70277 WEKTOR sp. z o. o. L Poland 70278 NETKOM USLUGI INFORMATYCZNE MACIEJ ZUKOWSKI L Poland 70279 CITY PARTNER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70280 City of Albany Water Gas & Light Commiss L United States of America 70281 P.H.U. KAMDEX Grzegorz Sztuczka L Poland 70282 Comgate Connect AB L Sweden 70283 MOBIWEB LIMITED L Australia 70284 Plenti_LSO (Hi3G) M Denmark 70285 TELSAT SYSTEMY TELEINFORMATYCZNE Michal Kowalski L Poland 70286 NSTI sp. z o.o L Poland 70287 Converged Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. L South Africa 70288 IConnectSA (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 70289 Paw Paw Wireless (Pty) Ltd t/a Tele-Junction L South Africa 70290 V-Office (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 70291 Globalroam Pte Ltd L Singapore 70292 Connecting Communication & Solutions Pte Ltd L Singapore 70301 Tismi BV L Iceland 70302 TEPSANET Stanislaw Nowacki L Poland 70303 FERO Agnieszka Budner L Poland 70304 SULIKANET s.c. Tomasz Lewko L Poland 70305 FIBERTECH NETWORKS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70306 ELEKTRO - SYSTEM Lukasz Lesniak L Poland 70307 K2 MEDIA Janusz Kaczmarczyk L Poland 70308 SKYWARE s.c. Dawid Warzybok L Poland 70309 STANSAT Stanislaw Grzesik L Poland 70310 TEL-KAB Sp. z o.o. Sp. komandytowa L Poland 70311 B+W Mobile (TCLA100) L New Zealand 70312 ELZAPPERO NET Marcin Zapotoczny L Poland 70313 NETCITY Przemyslaw Zelazny L Poland 70314 UNIVEL Beata Maria Turalska L Poland 70315 SWIDMAN s.c. Mariusz Bzowski L Poland 70316 Douglas Services Inc L United States of America 70317 ROBBO COMPUTER s.c. Robert Szamota L Poland 70318 SLASKIE SIECI INTERNETOWE s.c. Witold Gasior L Poland 70319 Connection Telecom CV L Netherlands 70320 ASSET SpOlka jawna Waldemar Olik L Poland 70321 FIRMA WIELOBRANZOWA C3 Dariusz Jaworski L Poland 70322 LIQUID SYSTEMS sp. z o.o. L Poland 70323 PPHU AK Chamerlinscy s.j. L Poland 70324 KAMNET Kamil Turon L Poland 70325 TelenorTaletid_LSO (Telenor) M Denmark 70341 FRANK MEDIA Jakub Frankowski L Poland 70343 SYSTEL SYSTEMY TELEINFORMATYCZNE M. LINSCHEID L Poland 70344 2degrees Broadband (2DLOCAL) L New Zealand 70346 BLAST.PL Sebastian Baginski L Poland 70347 Megatel Local (MEGATEL01) L New Zealand 70348 Megatel01 L New Zealand 70361 KTM TELECOM Krzysztof Trzop L Poland 70362 INTERQ S.C. USLUGI INTERNETOWE Ryszard Ziembicki L Poland 70363 FIRMA HANDLOWO-USLUGOWA EKSPERT Wojciech Szlechta L Poland 70364 SHENTEL NETWORK sp. z o.o. L Poland 70365 Ixica Communiations Inc L Canada 70382 BORKOW.ORG PPHU Bartlomiej Borkowski L Poland 70383 KOPNET s.c. Marek Szczudlo L Poland 70384 VIRTUAL LINE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70385 TRANSMITEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70386 INTEGRA Pawel MrOz L Poland 70387 Maxum Local (2DBBAND) L New Zealand 70388 YK COMMUNICATIONS, LTD L United States of America 70389 LOKIS Lukasz Piotr Frackowiak L Poland 70390 NEUS MOBILE, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. L Mexico 70391 Elektro Volland GmbH L Austria 70392 RBO Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70393 CENTRUM EDUKACYJNE OLIMP - CAFFE MATRIX Cezary Taraszkiewicz L Poland 70394 HOSTNET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70395 HORYZONT TECHNOLOGIE INTERNETOWE SC. Piotr Szalamacha L Poland 70401 Wabash Independent Networks Inc L United States of America 70421 Digital Island Local (CALLPLUS01) L New Zealand 70422 ZAKLAD TELERADIOTECHNIKI TELEFON SERWIS Antoni Kois L Poland 70423 CHEELOO PASIEKA I WSPOLNICY SP.J. L Poland 70424 INSTALNET SZABAT L Poland 70425 4NET s.c. Michal Wolinski L Poland 70426 GORZOWSKA TELEWIZJA PRZEWODOWA sp. z o.o. L Poland 70427 MEGA - NET Dominik Drozdz L Poland 70428 VIRTUAOPERATOR Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70429 TELEVOICE POLSKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70430 Pacoptic Networks LLC L United States of America 70442 Sunset Fiber LLC - VA L United States of America 70443 GLOBAL NETWORK TECHNOLOGY SRL L Moldova 70444 PROSENIX-CON L Moldova 70445 CLICK- COM S.C. S.R.L. L Moldova 70446 Adata_LSO (SuperTEL Danmark) L Denmark 70447 METRO INTERNET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70448 SYMETRA Wojciech Wielogorski L Poland 70461 SOFT PRO 2 Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70481 BRAZILIAN TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 70482 CONNECTRONIC SERVICOS LTDA EPP L Brazil 70483 GLOBAL TELECOM EIRELI L Brazil 70484 KLISA COMUNICACAO & MULTMIDIA LTDA L Brazil 70485 MD BRASIL SERVICOS DE TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 70486 MUNDO TELECOMUNICACOES E INFORMATICA LTDA L Brazil 70487 NGT TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA EPP L Brazil 70488 PROCESS TELECOM TELEFONIA E INTERNET LTDA L Brazil 70489 SILVA E GUEDES SOLUCOES EM TI LTDA ME L Brazil 70490 YIP TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 70501 Cambrium L Netherlands 70502 TELEINFO Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70503 GMINNE CENTRUM INFORMATYCZNE SUCHY LAS L Poland 70504 MILICHSOFT Rafal Miliszewski L Poland 70521 LUKMAN MULTIMEDIA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70523 NCORE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70524 NEA NET Lukasz Lugowski L Poland 70527 F.H.U. COM-IX Mariusz Ploszke L Poland 70542 FIRMA TONETIC Krzysztof Adamczyk L Poland 70543 IP GLOBAL NETWORKS L United States of America 70544 AUDIO SYSTEMS s. c. Robert Grzegorek L Poland 70545 SIECI BLOKOWE s.c. Michal Golofit L Poland 70546 AGENCJA PROMOCYJNA FEMUR Pawel Wojtal L Poland 70547 NASZE RADIO sp. z o.o. L Poland 70548 Wirels Connect South Africa M South Africa 70549 RS FIBER COOPERATIVE L United States of America 70550 A-Mobile Abkhazia M Russia/Kazakhstan 70551 E-LUX MOBILE M Luxembourg 70552 MOBIWEB LUXEMBOURG M Luxembourg 70553 MTX CONNECT M Luxembourg 70561 GLOBAL MESSAGE SERVICES UKRAINE L Ukraine 70562 ONIWAY INFOCOMUNICACOES L Portugal 70563 AGUAS DEL COLORADO SOCIEDAD ANONIMA CON PARTICIPACION ESTATAL MAYORITARIA L Argentina 70564 COOPERATIVA DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SERVICIOS ANEXOS DE DIONISIA LIMITADA L Argentina 70565 COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS, SERVICIOS PUBLICOS, SOCIALES Y DESARROLLO REGIONAL DE AGUA L Argentina 70566 COOPERATIVA LIMITADA DE CONSUMO DE ELECTRICIDAD DEL SALTO L Argentina 70567 RECURSOS Y ENERGIA FORMOSA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 70569 WILTEL COMUNICACIONES SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 70570 VENTAmobile M Latvia 70581 SIEC KOMPUTEROWA OLIMPLAN Jerzy WOjcik L Poland 70582 FIRMA HANDLOWO-USLUGOWA EZ-BIT Tomasz Zakonek L Poland 70601 MAZOWIECKIE SIECI SWIATLOWODOWE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70602 FUZ Adam Rojek L Poland 70603 IT SERVICE Pawel Janeczko L Poland 70604 ZAKLAD PRODUKCYJNO HANDLOWO USLUGOWY VIDEO-SAT Ryszard Zawilski L Poland 70605 ZAKLAD USLUGOWO-HANDLOWY ELEKTRON s.c. Bogumila Wyka L Poland 70606 MARKOMP Marcin Wojcik L Poland 70607 Messagebird Pty Ltd L Australia 70608 ALLCOMMUNICATIONS LIECHTENSTEIN L Liechtenstein 70621 West Africa Telecommunications Inc. (WAT) L Liberia 70622 Atlantic Reality & Investment Corporation L Liberia 70623 WASSCOM L Liberia 70624 Abatel L Kyrgyz Republic 70625 Azia Info L Kyrgyz Republic 70626 I-Space L Kyrgyz Republic 70627 RIVERSTREET COMMUNICATIONS OF NC L United States of America 70641 Novum S.A. M Poland 70644 TELEKOMUNIKACJA ZWIAZKU GMIN ZIEMI WIELUNSKIEJ S.A. L Poland 70645 TELFON-ELDI S.C. Elzbieta Duda L Poland 70646 Redspot(SuperTEL Danmark) L Denmark 70661 Cricket Wireless ATT SVR M US,Canada and Others 70662 FSM Telecommunication Corporation (TTC) M Micronesia 70681 ETERNA Piotr Lukasik L Poland 70682 TELSA Zbigniew Kurzynski Uslugi Elektryczne i Telekomunikacyjne L Poland 70701 Lycamobile M Tunisia 70721 AGILE TELECOM POLAND M Poland 70722 Telekomunikacja 7LINE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70723 Virgin Mobile Peru (Inkacel) M Peru 70724 Cricket Wireless - AT&T - SVR M US,Canada and Others 70741 PATYK.NET.PL Justyna Patyk L Poland 70742 INSATEL sp. z o.o. L Poland 70743 LOGIKA Tomasz Gruca L Poland 70744 MYNET s.c. Tomasz Patrzalek L Poland 70763 PWX Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70764 TELEWIZJA KABLOWA SATEL sp. z o.o. L Poland 70765 ON-LINE NET Pawel Scibor L Poland 70766 ROBBO COMPUTER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 70767 Efftel AB L Sweden 70781 Dimension Data Mobile (SPARKMOBILE) L New Zealand 70782 KRTKOSTROJ spol. s r.o. L Czech Republic 70783 Ceska telekomunikacní infrastruktura a.s. L Czech Republic 70784 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos, S.A. L Czech Republic 70785 Internethome, s.r.o. L Czech Republic 70786 KLFREE NETWORKS, s.r.o. L Czech Republic 70787 NetArt Group s.r.o. L Czech Republic 70788 BIURO RACHUNKOWE Anna Szewczyk L Poland 70789 INTB Sebastian Pierzchala L Poland 70801 UltraNet L Albania 70802 RAYSTORM sh.p.k L Albania 70803 AED L Albania 70804 AGJENCIA KOMBETARE E SHOQERISE SE INFORMACIONIT L Albania 70805 Sadik Gostivari(Person Fizik) L Albania 70806 ALBA-TRANS Shpk L Albania 70807 CENTRAL ALB sh.p.k L Albania 70808 VIVO Communications L Albania 70809 DIMOCO Messaging AG L Liechtenstein 70810 Adnet Communications Internet Hiz. Tic. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70811 Assistant Telecom Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70812 Ayten Contact Marketing Limited Sti. L Turkey 70813 Bulutfo Telecommunications Ind. ve Tic. Inc. L Turkey 70814 Composer TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES INDUSTRY. VE TIC. LTD. L Turkey 70815 CONTACT INFORMATION MOBILEKS the HIZM. ITH. EXP. SINGING. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70816 Contact Red Square Trade. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70817 Cosmoscell IT and Telecommunications Trade. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70818 Did Telecommunications Inc. L Turkey 70820 Dogan TV DIGITAL PLATFORM MANAGEMENT INC L Turkey 70821 DT COMMUNICATION SERVICES INC L Turkey 70822 Extranet Communication Services Inc. L Turkey 70823 Flynet Telecommunications Communication Trade. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70824 Foniv Telecommunications Services Inc. L Turkey 70825 FORTIS TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70826 Global Beta Technology Telecommunications Ind. Tic. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70827 HRC Communications Ser. Telecommunications Domestic and Foreign Trade. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70829 INTEREST AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS CO. SINGING. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70830 Medium Telecommunications Services. Tic. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70832 NAC TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70833 NEXUS TELECOM INC. L Turkey 70834 ORB INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70835 PELICELL TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC L Turkey 70836 Point Telekom AS L Turkey 70837 POLIFON TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRADING COMPANY L Turkey 70838 SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES INDUSTRY. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70839 Sesnet Contact Telecom Trade. Ltd. Ltd. L Turkey 70840 Sonet Internet Access Services. Singing. Trading CO LTD L Turkey 70841 Sound Telecom Efornet know. Single. Paz. Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70842 T TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES FUND Co.Ltd. L Turkey 70843 T Telecommunication Systems Ltd. Sti. L Turkey 70844 Telcorout Telecommunications Information and Communication Serv. Singing. ve Tic L Turkey 70845 TESCOM TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES INDUSTRY. TIC. LTD. L Turkey 70846 TURKFO the Communication Services Telecommunications Internet Ltd. L Turkey 70847 Turksat Satellite Communication and Cable TV Operation AS L Turkey 70848 Uslucan Telecom Communications and Communications Inc. L Turkey 70849 VATANNET TELEKOM INFORMATION SERVICES LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70850 Virtual Exchange Telecommunications Trade. Inc. L Turkey 70851 INFORMATICA ITAPIRANGA LTDA ME L Brazil 70861 MICROLINK Michal Laszczyk L Poland 70863 B & B finance L France 70864 Waycom retail L France 70865 France Unicom L France 70866 Appel telecom L France 70867 Appliwave L France 70868 Audivox L France 70869 Calientemobil entertainment SL L France 70870 Celeste L France 70871 Dimension Telecom L France 70872 Soluance L France 70873 Viva multimedia L France 70875 BARTNET Tomasz Naruszewicz L Poland 70876 Digicell TELECOM COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION SERVICES CO. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 70877 TelenorTaletid_LSO(SuperTEL Danmark) L Denmark 70881 Sure (Guernsey) New Zealand Limited M New Zealand 70882 ALFANET L Latvia 70883 Idea Bits Latvia L Latvia 70884 MobiGen L Latvia 70885 Mobilly L Latvia 70886 Neutrino Telecom (iepr. Ployo Electronics) L Latvia 70887 Nord Connect L Latvia 70888 Ntel Solutions L Latvia 70889 SMS ONLINE L Latvia 70890 TELEKOMUNIKACIJU GRUPA L Latvia 70891 TRAFFIC L Latvia 70892 CLARO Puerto Rico M Puerto Rico 70893 D-and-E M United States of America 70894 Suncom (Tmobile) M US,Canada and Others 70895 Vairaki operatori, precizet piezimes L Latvia 70896 Latvijas dzelzcels L Latvia 70897 HAYO (CSU) L Senegal 70898 ADIE L Senegal 70899 AirTouch M US,Canada and Others 70900 Centennial M United States of America 70901 QLine Ostschweiz AG L Switzerland 70902 Snpac internt L Sweden 70903 Vibe Local (VIBE02) L New Zealand 70904 CCPR L US,Canada and Others 70905 AZUR GCS AG L Switzerland 70906 Cingular Wireless Llc - Ny L US,Canada and Others 70907 Dobson Cellular Systems, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70908 Dobson Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70909 Gold Star Communications LLC L US,Canada and Others 70910 Keystone Wireless, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70911 Vectone Mobile Limited (Mundio) M Switzerland 70912 GmbH L Switzerland 70913 Prisnet Telecommunications SA L Switzerland 70914 Planet VoIP International L Switzerland 70915 Keystone Wireless, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70916 Bell Mobility L US,Canada and Others 70917 Nextel Boost Investment, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70918 Qwest Corporation L US,Canada and Others 70920 Rogers AT&T Wireless L US,Canada and Others 70921 SaskTel Mobility (URI) L US,Canada and Others 70922 TELUS Mobility L US,Canada and Others 70924 TELUS Quebec L US,Canada and Others 70925 Union Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70926 Verizon One L US,Canada and Others 70927 DG-NET.PL Anna Lis L Poland 70929 Nex-Tech Wireless, LLC L US,Canada and Others 70930 Nucla-Naturita Telephone Co L US,Canada and Others 70931 Pine Belt Cellular, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70932 Pocket Wireless L US,Canada and Others 70933 Qwest Wireless L US,Canada and Others 70934 Sprint Spectrum L.p. L US,Canada and Others 70935 Superior Wireless Inc L US,Canada and Others 70936 US-Unwired L US,Canada and Others 70937 Virgin Mobile US-Blackberry L US,Canada and Others 70938 Virgin Mobile US-iPhone L US,Canada and Others 70939 Western Wireless L US,Canada and Others 70940 Wireless Alliance L US,Canada and Others 70943 Simbanet Uganda Limited L Uganda 70945 Viaero L US,Canada and Others 70946 Great Lakes Cell One L US,Canada and Others 70947 All West Wireless, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70948 Alltel Communications, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70950 CTC Telecom L US,Canada and Others 70951 Edge Wireless, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70952 Fido Solutions Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70953 Guam Cellular L US,Canada and Others 70954 Inland Cellular L US,Canada and Others 70955 Cincinnati Bell, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70956 Cross Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70957 Elkhart Telephone Co., Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70958 First Communications, Llc - Oh L US,Canada and Others 70959 Northstar Access, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70960 Oklahoma Western Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70961 Sioux Valley Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70962 South Carolina Telecomm GRP Holdings, LLC - SC L United States of America 70963 Windstream Alabama, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70964 Cambridge Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 70965 Level 3 Communication L US,Canada and Others 70966 NW MO Cellular L US,Canada and Others 70967 Choice Phone Llc Dba Iconn L US,Canada and Others 70969 Unitel L US,Canada and Others 70970 Cricket Communications, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70971 Pine Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70972 Cincinnati Bell Wireless, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70973 Rural Cellular Corporation L US,Canada and Others 70974 Globalstar Usa, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70975 Choice Wireless Lc L US,Canada and Others 70976 Blue Sky Communications L US,Canada and Others 70977 Cross Wireless L.l.c. L US,Canada and Others 70978 Thunder Bay Mobility L US,Canada and Others 70979 It&e Overseas, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70980 Blue Licenses Holding, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70981 New Cingular Wireless Pcs, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70982 Consolidated Telcom L US,Canada and Others 70983 Iowa Wireless Services, Lp L US,Canada and Others 70984 Bell Mobility I L US,Canada and Others 70985 Omnipoint Miami E License, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70987 T-mobile Usa, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 70988 Voicestream Gsm I, Llc L US,Canada and Others 70989 Kaplan Telephone Co. L US,Canada and Others 70990 Tmp Corp. L US,Canada and Others 70991 Verizon/Alltel L US,Canada and Others 70992 Alltel/Verizon L US,Canada and Others 71001 Reliance (JIO) - West Bengal M India 71002 Reliance (JIO) - Andhra Pradesh M India 71003 Reliance (JIO) - Assam M India 71004 Reliance (JIO) - Bahir & Jharkhand M India 71005 Reliance (JIO) - Gujarat M India 71006 Bell Mobility II L US,Canada and Others 71007 SaskTel Mobility L US,Canada and Others 71008 M3 Wireless L US,Canada and Others 71009 TELEFONICA PERSONALES L US,Canada and Others 71010 Television International L US,Canada and Others 71012 Cable Y Comun De Campeche L US,Canada and Others 71013 AmpD L US,Canada and Others 71014 Digicel L US,Canada and Others 71015 DIGICEL L US,Canada and Others 71016 Digicel (St. Vincent) L US,Canada and Others 71017 Digicel (St. Lucia) L US,Canada and Others 71018 Digicel (St. Kitts & Nevis) L US,Canada and Others 71019 Claro L US,Canada and Others 71020 Digicel (Grenada) L US,Canada and Others 71022 Digicel (Dominica) L US,Canada and Others 71023 DIGICEL(CAYMAN ISLANDS) L US,Canada and Others 71024 Digicel (Bermuda) L US,Canada and Others 71025 Digicel (Barbados) L US,Canada and Others 71026 Digicel (Antigua) L US,Canada and Others 71028 Commnet Wireless, Inc. L US,Canada and Others 71029 WAYCOM SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71030 SERVICIOS DE TECNOLOGIA APLICADA SOCIEDAD RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA L Argentina 71031 PHONECALL SOCIEDAD RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA L Argentina 71032 COMUNICACIONES Y CONSUMOS SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71033 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE ENERGIA ELECTRICA, OBRAS Y SERV PUB Y DE VIVIENDA DE L Argentina 71034 Fibertel Sociedad Anonima (Cablevisión) L Argentina 71035 LEVEL 3 ARGENTINA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71038 Reliance (JIO) - Haryana M India 71039 Reliance (JIO) - Himachal Pradesh M India 71040 Reliance (JIO) - Jammu & Kashmir M India 71041 Reliance (JIO) - Karnataka M India 71042 Reliance (JIO) - Kerala M India 71043 Reliance (JIO) - Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh M India 71044 Reliance (JIO) - Maharashtra & Goa M India 71045 Reliance (JIO) - North East M India 71046 Reliance (JIO) - Orissa M India 71047 Reliance (JIO) - Punjab M India 71048 Reliance (JIO) - Rajashan M India 71049 Reliance (JIO) - Tamil Nadu M India 71050 Reliance (JIO) - Uttar Pradesh West M India 71051 Reliance (JIO) - Uttar Pradesh East M India 71052 Reliance (JIO) - Delhi M India 71053 Reliance (JIO) - Kolkata M India 71054 Reliance (JIO) - Mumbai M India 71055 MINIPHONE (TELEFONICA MOVILES ARGENTINA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA) M Argentina 71061 VOXBONE SA M Poland 71062 2degrees Local (CALLPLUS04) L New Zealand 71082 Home Office M United Kingdom 71083 Supported Business Limited L United Kingdom 71084 Port 5060 Ltd L United Kingdom 71085 Smart InduPro (Com-One) L Belgium 71101 iCentrex_LSO(TDC) M Denmark 71102 FLYNET Krzysztof Trojniak L Poland 71103 Mitto AG L Denmark 71104 Brandtel ApS M Denmark 71121 TELEFORTE POLSKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 71142 DELIMAX CONCEPT, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71143 11842 INFORMACION TELEFONICA, S.L. L Spain 71144 CONSULT TELEOPERATION, S.L. L Spain 71145 LUDICO BUSINESS & ENTERTAINMENT, S.L. L Spain 71146 ALMA TELECOM, S.L. L Spain 71147 Vodafone - TCL Local (NOWNZ) L New Zealand 71148 G9SA-TELECOMUNICACOES, S.A. L Spain 71149 TELECOM AIRMAT, S.L. L Spain 71150 TELECOM EUROPE DIRECT, S.L. L Spain 71151 WEB GLOBAL S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71152 Global Reach Telecom L Congo-Brazzaville 71153 BPP ING L Serbia 71154 CHARLIE + L Serbia 71155 EXE NET L Serbia 71156 GLOBALTEL d.o.o. Beograd M Serbia 71157 JP Posta Srbije Beograd - RADNA JEDINICA POSTA NET L Serbia 71158 KABLOVSKI DISTRIBUTIVNI SISTEM SMILEY TV L Serbia 71159 VICTORY MEDIA L Serbia 71160 COMPATEL CHILE LIMITADA L Chile 71161 GOLDNET-INTERNATIONAL Leszek Zyra L Poland 71162 EDATA s.c. Stanislaw Olek L Poland 71163 CONNECTUS LIMITADA L Chile 71164 EMPRESAS BUNKER S.A. M Chile 71165 Backspace Technologies (Pty) Ltd (BACSPACE ) L South Africa 71166 Reflex Communications (Pty) Ltd (REFLEX) L South Africa 71167 ENTITAS d.o.o. L Croatia 71168 INFORMATIKA PROJEKT d.o.o. L Croatia 71169 Totalna televizija d.o.o. L Croatia 71181 Lyca Mobile M Macedonia 71183 WROCNET M. Konstantynowicz L Poland 71184 Tele2Mobil M Austria 71185 Golden Lines M Israel 71186 ArgoNET M Austria 71187 G.S.INTERBIT LTD L Greece 71188 GENCO POWER AE L Greece 71189 SC PREMIUM NET INTERNATIONAL SRL L Greece 71190 WIDE Technology Partners AG L Switzerland 71202 Cybernet International SARL L Belgium 71203 Hexios Bvba L Belgium 71204 Interactive Digital Media GmbH L Belgium 71205 Unleashing Mobile Vikings Co M Belgium 71206 Telzar M Israel 71207 AMT Services S.r.l. L Italy 71208 Digitel Mobile Srl M Italy 71209 HUMA group L Italy 71210 Positivo s.r.l. L Italy 71211 Dialoga servicios interactivos S.A. L Italy 71212 DigiConnect srl L Italy 71213 Fastfone s.r.l. L Italy 71214 Geny Communications Srl L Italy 71215 IRPINIA NET-COM L Italy 71216 Ital-Tel L Italy 71217 Mundio S.r.l. M Italy 71218 Network S.r.l. L Italy 71219 XStream s.r.l. L Italy 71221 Ituran Cellular M Israel 71241 CETEKOM s.c. Iwona Karolczyk L Poland 71242 NETPOL Piotr Pruba L Poland 71261 TELENETIKS Marcin Peszel L Poland 71262 F.H. U. BALMONT Monika Joanna Bala L Poland 71263 PINKHAIR - Unipessoal, Lda. L Portugal 71264 CPNET Comercio E Servicos De Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 71265 Rebtel Poland Sp. z o.o. M Poland 71266 AMD Telecom S.A. M Poland 71267 SMSHIGHWAY LIMITED M Poland 71268 KLUCZ Telekomunikacja Sp. z o.o. M Poland 71269 MobiWeb Telecom Limited M Poland 71301 Vodafone - TCL Local (VFNZ02) L New Zealand 71302 MUNDIO MOBILE d.o.o. Beograd-Vracar M Serbia 71303 KIWI NETWORKS, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. L Mexico 71304 CONCESIONES LI, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. L Mexico 71305 TV WEB Y MAS, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 71306 Belgacom International Carrier Services SA L United Kingdom 71307 Dial 9 Communications Limited L United Kingdom 71308 Fair Isaac (Adeptra) ltd L United Kingdom 71309 Fuse 2 Communications Ltd L United Kingdom 71310 Hemshore Ltd L United Kingdom 71311 Mission Labs Limited L United Kingdom 71312 RingCentral UK LTD L United Kingdom 71313 Simetric Telecom Ltd L United Kingdom 71314 TelcoSwitch Limited L United Kingdom 71321 Intersvyaz-2 L Russia/Kazakhstan 71322 eUmbrella Corporation (CY) Ltd L Cyprus, Republic of 71323 IPIFY LIMITED L Sweden 71324 MONTY UK GLOBAL LIM M Sweden 71325 PAYTECHSYSTEM EUROP L Sweden 71326 SWISSTOK TELNEK FIN L Sweden 71327 A3BC B.V. L Netherlands 71328 Messagebird BV M Netherlands 71329 Xenosite B.V. L Netherlands 71341 Servutel Communications B.V. L Netherlands 71342 FIX TELEKOM Kft. L Hungary 71343 i-Telecom Hungary L Hungary 71344 Greencom Hungary Kft. L Hungary 71345 Berotel Networks Kft. L Hungary 71346 Raystorm Kft L Hungary 71347 Plintron Austria Limited M Austria 71348 Ing. Rudolf Geiger & Co, Kabelfernsehen Seefeld L Austria 71349 Digital Privacy (Sub Range to (Hutchison)) M Austria 71350 Managed-Office IT Services e.U. L Austria 71351 INNONET ICT-Services GmbH L Austria 71361 AG Telecom L Japan 71362 Tangerine Limited L Uganda 71363 Sema Mobile Services Ltd M Kenya 71364 Homelands Media Ltd M Kenya 71365 Companymobile (Companymobile3) L Denmark 71366 I.P. Telecom Limited L Ireland 71367 IPIRIX Ltd. L Ireland 71368 SOYTIC TECNICA E INNOVACIONES, S.L. L Spain 71369 TrustPower Local (SPARKLOCAL) L New Zealand 71370 ALFATELECOM S.R.L. L Moldova 71371 INGRESS COMMUNICATIONS L Moldova 71372 OPTIMA-TELECOM S.R.L. L Moldova 71373 Switchover L Moldova 71374 TELCAVOIP INTERNATIONAL S.R.L. L Moldova 71375 Comporium Inc L United States of America 71376 Orange Carriers Singapore L Singapore 71378 SS7 NETWORKS INC L United States of America 71379 INTERDAM Damian Zarzycki L Poland 71380 ServIT Datakonsult L Sweden 71381 Systemnet AS M Norway 71401 METROPORT Sp. z o.o. M Poland 71421 Vodafone - iHug (VFNZ02) L New Zealand 71422 Vodafone - TCL Local (CALLPLUS07) L New Zealand 71423 COMMIO, LLC L United States of America 71425 ELITE Telecomunication L Albania 71426 NTH MEDIA SHPK L Albania 71441 Swiftnet via Sure M United Kingdom 71442 Swiftnet via Manx Telecom M United Kingdom 71461 Bee Telecommunications Communication and Internet Ser. Inc. L Turkey 71462 MARADIT COMMUNICATIONS INC L Turkey 71463 Geonet Communications Ltd L Kenya 71466 VPS telecom Limited L France 71467 Auranext L France 71468 Amadeus L France 71469 BICS L France 71470 DEVOPSYS L France 71471 LINKSIP L France 71472 Paydiallo L France 71473 Premium audiotel L France 71474 S.M.W L France 71481 INTEGRATOR SYSTEMOW INFORMATYCZNYCH WP SYSTEM s.c. Grzegorz Widlarz L Poland 71482 SYSTEMY TELE-INFORMATYCZNE INGRAM Tomasz Koperski L Poland 71483 ZAKLAD ELEKTRONICZNEJ TECHNIKI OBLICZENIOWEJ ZETO-RZESZOW sp. z o.o. L Poland 71484 SPEED-NET Arkadiusz Broniecki L Poland 71485 Localcom s.r.o. L Switzerland 71502 BLUEBERRY S.R.L L Argentina 71503 BVNET SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71504 COMPANIA ARGENTINA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES SOCIEDAD RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA L Argentina 71505 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS ELECTRICOS, SOCIALES, SOCIALES Y CREDITO D L Argentina 71506 COOPERATIVA DE PROVISION DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DEL PARTIDO DE RAMALLO L Argentina 71507 COOPERATIVA DE TRABAJO DE TELECOMUNICACIONES LIMITADA L Argentina 71508 CORTUC SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71509 ETERNET SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA L Argentina 71510 GRUPO EQUIS SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71511 MERCO COMUNICACIONES SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71512 RED INTERCABLE DIGITAL SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71513 SERVICIOS Y TELECOMUNICACIONES SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71514 SUPERFONE SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 71515 USINA POPULAR COOPERATIVA DE OBRAS, SERVICIOS PUBLICOS Y SOCIALES LTD DE NECOCHE L Argentina 71516 Mkulima African Telecommunication Company Ltd L Tanzania 71517 Wiafrica Tanzania Limited L Tanzania 71519 Skype Communications Sarl L Switzerland 71520 Telco Pack SA L Switzerland 71521 Onecom GmbH L Switzerland 71522 Epcatem Telecom L Kiribati 71523 AP Dialog GmbH L Switzerland 71524 Ephone Schweiz GmbH L Switzerland 71525 Open Phone Net AG L Switzerland 71526 Primacall AG L Switzerland 71527 Freefon AG L Switzerland 71528 Compatel Ltd M Switzerland 71529 Louis Dreyfus Communications Schweiz AG L Switzerland 71530 Porting Access B.V. L Switzerland 71531 Xura Secure Communications GmbH L Switzerland 71532 eruxo IIc L Switzerland 71533 NetNumber Inc L Switzerland 71534 Finma (eidg. finanzmarktaufsicht) L Switzerland 71535 Plenti_LSO M Denmark 71536 TelenorTaletid_LSO L Denmark 71537 Adata_LSO L Denmark 71538 iCentrex_LSO L Denmark 71539 TREFOR_LSO L Denmark 71540 BornFiber_LSO L Denmark 71541 PortingAccess L Denmark 71542 Tel42 M Denmark 71561 Korea Cable Telecom M South Korea 71562 JOTEL L Serbia 71563 NESKA BOZDIC PR AST MEDIA L Serbia 71564 NETLOGIC L Serbia 71565 PREDUZECE ZA TELEKOMUNIKACIJE OPTEL TELEKOM TIM D.O.O. L Serbia 71566 TDC via TeliaSonera M Sweden 71581 Amatole Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd (Easttel) L South Africa 71601 263 Mobile Communications (HongKong) Limited L Hong Kong 71602 China Telecom Global Limited (CTG) M Hong Kong 71603 OCIO EN LINEA HILDE, S.L. L Spain 71604 ESTO ES MARKETING, S.L L Spain 71605 JUAN JOSE CASTRO IGLESIAS L Spain 71606 INFOBIP LIMITED L Spain 71607 PHONE INSITU, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71608 EUROMAG TECHNOLOGIES, S.A.R.L. L Spain 71609 MOBILE PREMIUM WORLD SMS, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71611 PREMIUM DIGI RATES SMS, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71613 PREMIUM MOBILE TELECOM, S.L L Spain 71614 FLEXIMOVIL L Spain 71615 TELINFO EUROPEAN SERVICES, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71616 ORDANDUU GMBH L Spain 71617 BASEBONE, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71618 D-MOBILELAB SPAIN, S.A L Spain 71619 CLX NETWORKS, AB L Spain 71620 FUNDACION PLAN INTERNATIONAL ESPANA L Spain 71621 FUNDACION SAVE THE CHILDREN L Spain 71622 SVA Y TECNOLOGIA MOVIL DE ESPANA L Spain 71623 AMSTERDAM INFOGRAPHICS L Spain 71641 ARKOM Adam Mucharski L Poland 71642 EURO.NET.PL S.C. Optimex Sp. z o.o. L Poland 71643 SOCO L Germany 71644 Tel2Tel L Germany 71661 CallPlus (2talk Local) L New Zealand 71662 High Plains Wireless L US,Canada and Others 71664 Cellular One of Amarillo L US,Canada and Others 71665 Western_Wireless L US,Canada and Others 71666 Public_Service L US,Canada and Others 71667 Virginia Cellular, LLC L US,Canada and Others 71668 MidWest Wireless L US,Canada and Others 71681 ABAKS Adam Dlugosz L Poland 71702 Satsol Limited L Solomon Islands 71704 AbhraNet LLC L US,Canada and Others 71705 AbhraNet LLC (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71707 Aerialink/Bandwidth (SMS-Sybase MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71708 Amazon/Broadvox-CLEC (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71709 Apeiron Systems/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71710 ATEM Wireless/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71711 AVI SPL/UnifyMe/Level3 (SVR_ L US,Canada and Others 71712 Baghli Corp/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71721 EASY NET Arkadiusz Merchel L Poland 71722 NET-CONNECT Karol Sarlej L Poland 71741 BPVN Technologies Inc L US,Canada and Others 71742 BPVN Technologies/InfoTelecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71743 BPVN Technologies/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71744 Broadsoft/Tollfree (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71745 Broadsoft/XO Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71747 Callfire/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71748 Callwave/LibertyTelecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71751 CcSync/CallAmerica (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71754 Clementine/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71755 Clickatell (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71757 CommuniGate Systems (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71758 Bellvoz dba Ringvox/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71759 Andrade & Landim Telecomunicacoes Ltd L Brazil 71760 Horizons Telecomunicacoes Tecnologia Ltd L Brazil 71761 Pak Telecomunicacoes Tecnologia DA Informacao Eireli - EPP L Brazil 71763 Data Connection Corp/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71764 Deltel L US,Canada and Others 71765 Deltel/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71766 Deltel/XO Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71781 Mobicom Volga (ex-SMARTS). M Russia/Kazakhstan 71782 INTERNET BROKER S.R.L. L Romania 71783 ROTA TELEKOM S.R.L L Romania 71785 Enflick/Broadvox (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71788 Flyp/Local Access LLC (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 71801 PC SOFT Systemy Teleinformatyczne Jan Witko L Poland 71804 SparkLocal ((Lightwire Local) L New Zealand 71805 Vainakh Telecom CJSC L Russia/Kazakhstan 71806 Mobile sot.svyaz JSC L Russia/Kazakhstan 71807 Sotel- cells. Feedback Chuvashia L Russia/Kazakhstan 71808 Yaroslavl-GSM M Russia/Kazakhstan 71809 Murmansk Trawl Fleet L Russia/Kazakhstan 71810 RTComm.RU L Russia/Kazakhstan 71811 Aurora Telecom Ltd L Russia/Kazakhstan 71812 Intertelecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 71813 K-Telecom Ltd L Russia/Kazakhstan 71814 Telecom CPC Ltd L Russia/Kazakhstan 71815 Miratel L Russia/Kazakhstan 71816 PERFECT-NET Jarosław Dziubek L Poland 71818 THE BEST MEDIA Halina Ostrowska L Poland 71819 Center 2M L Russia/Kazakhstan 71820 TELCO L Comoros 71821 Telenor ( M Denmark 71822 SMARTS-Astrakhan M Russia/Kazakhstan 71823 Amazon L US,Canada and Others 71824 Apeiron Systems L US,Canada and Others 71825 AVI SPL L US,Canada and Others 71826 ATEM Wireless L US,Canada and Others 71827 Baghli Corp L US,Canada and Others 71828 Bellvoz dba Ringvox L US,Canada and Others 71829 Callwave L US,Canada and Others 71830 CcSync L US,Canada and Others 71831 Clementine L US,Canada and Others 71832 Clickatell L US,Canada and Others 71833 CommuniGate Systems L US,Canada and Others 71834 Data Connection Corp L US,Canada and Others 71835 Neustar, Inc L US,Canada and Others 71836 Genbaand, LLC dba L US,Canada and Others 71837 Genband (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71838 Genesea (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71839 Genusys Inc dba gTalk L US,Canada and Others 71840 Genusys Inc dba gTalk/Broadvox CLEC (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71841 Global Crossing (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71842 Impact Telecom/Shelcomm (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71843 Impact Telecom/Shelcomm/Business Texter (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71844 InfoTelecom (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71845 InfoTelecom (SMS Enabled SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71846 ISP Telecom/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71847 MediaFriends/10 (MMS-Twilio) L US,Canada and Others 71848 Millicorp/360 Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71849 Millicorp/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71850 Millicorp/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71851 Millicorp/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71852 Millicorp/RNK Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71853 Mosaic Networx (Layered Communications) L US,Canada and Others 71854 Mosaic Networx (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71855 Mosaic Networx (TSG) L US,Canada and Others 71856 Network Telephone Services/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71857 Network Telephone Services (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71858 Neutral Tandem/Mosaic Networx (Layered Communications) L US,Canada and Others 71859 Neutral Tandem/Mosaic Networx (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71860 Neutral Tandem/Mosaic Networx (TSG) L US,Canada and Others 71861 Nexmo/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71862 Northwestel Mobility (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71863 Proximiti Mobility/ (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 71864 RNK, Inc (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71865 Spok/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71866 Spok (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71867 STS Media/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71868 TextPlus/Broadvox (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71869 TSG Global (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71870 TSG Global/greenway Communications (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71871 Iristel/Layered Communications/Tollfree (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71872 IristelCA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71873 Onvoy (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 71874 Onvoy/Tollfree (Sybase) M US,Canada and Others 71875 Inteliquent L US,Canada and Others 71876 Inteliquent/Neutral Tandem (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71877 InterActiveTel L US,Canada and Others 71878 InterActiveTel (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71879 Intrado USA L US,Canada and Others 71880 Intrado USA (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71881 Jaxtr L US,Canada and Others 71882 Jaxtr (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71883 Kall8 L US,Canada and Others 71884 Kall8/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71885 Keku L US,Canada and Others 71886 Keku/Stanacard (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71887 Keoyo L US,Canada and Others 71888 keoyo (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71889 Mindless Dribble GroupMe L US,Canada and Others 71890 Mindless Dribble GroupMe/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71891 Mindless Dribble GroupMe/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71892 Mindless Dribble GroupMe/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71893 Ooma L US,Canada and Others 71894 Ooma/Business Texter (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 71895 Orca Wave L US,Canada and Others 71896 Orca Wave/Tollfree (Aerialink) L US,Canada and Others 71897 PlanetOne L US,Canada and Others 71898 PlanetOne/Business Texter (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 71899 Primus L US,Canada and Others 71900 Primus (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71901 Real Networks L US,Canada and Others 71902 Real Networks/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71903 CentMobile L US,Canada and Others 71904 CentMobile/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71905 Sinch L US,Canada and Others 71906 Sinch/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71907 Sipgate L US,Canada and Others 71908 Sipgate/Pacwest (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71909 SVR L US,Canada and Others 71910 SVR/ (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71911 Swiftreach L US,Canada and Others 71912 Swiftreach/Vitelity/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71913 TalkFree L US,Canada and Others 71914 TalkFree/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71915 TCS L US,Canada and Others 71916 TCS/Business Texter (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 71917 TelTech/TelAPI L US,Canada and Others 71918 TelTech/TelAPI/Broadvox (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 71919 ThinQ L US,Canada and Others 71920 ThinQ/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71921 Line2 L US,Canada and Others 71922 Line2 (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71923 Tollfree Texting Assoc L US,Canada and Others 71924 Tollfree Texting Assoc (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71925 Tollfree Texting Assoc (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71926 United Continental Holdings L US,Canada and Others 71928 United Continental Holdings/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71929 Vail L US,Canada and Others 71930 Vail (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71931 Vail Lab (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71932 VoicePulse L US,Canada and Others 71933 VoicePulse (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71934 VoIP Dialing Inc L US,Canada and Others 71935 VoIP Dialing Inc/Tollfree (Aerialink) L US,Canada and Others 71936 Voipment L US,Canada and Others 71937 Voipment/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71938 Yext L US,Canada and Others 71939 Yext/Broadvox (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71940 Upptalk L US,Canada and Others 71941 Upptalk (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71942 Advoco Communication M Sweden 71961 STIMO NIEDZIELSKI SPOLKA JAWNA L Poland 71963 SIMSET.NET Michal Stepien, Jacek Legut L Poland 71964 Comwave Networks (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71965 Flowroute/Level3 (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 71966 Flowroute (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71967 SVR Technologies L US,Canada and Others 71968 SVR Technologies (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 71969 Uraltel M Russia/Kazakhstan 71970 Volna Mobile M Russia/Kazakhstan 71971 Starsatel L Mexico 71982 MOVIL 01 TELECOM, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 71983 BEEFRIENDS SOCIAL NETWORKS, S.L. L Spain 72001 Premium Routing L Belgium 72021 MOBIWEB GREECE M Greece 72041 UNITEL-MEDIA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72042 K3 - Kamil Kurek L Poland 72043 SKORPIO Piotr Groborz L Poland 72044 Virgin Mobile Mexico M Mexico 72045 Weex M Mexico 72046 Operadora De Comunicaciones L US,Canada and Others 72047 SMS BROADCAST PTY. LTD. L Australia 72048 BUZZ TELCO PTY LTD L Australia 72049 CONNECT PHONE SA L Greece 72050 MOBILIX L Greece 72051 HOT mobil d.o.o. L Slovenia 72052 Interfast Panama S.A. L Panama 72062 Maz Tiempo M Mexico 72063 MVH Telecomunicaciones L Mexico 72064 Logistica ACN Mexico (Flash Mobile) M Mexico 72081 NTTCABLE POLSKA sp. z o.o. L Poland 72082 Celmex Innova (Simpati) L Mexico 72083 QNET TELECOM LTDA L Brazil 72084 Conperco AS L Norway 72101 Enflick SMS L US,Canada and Others 72103 Bahrain Broadband Co. W.L.L L Bahrain 72121 Gals Telekom L Russia/Kazakhstan 72122 Accesit Norden AB L Sweden 72123 TrustPower Local (VCW02) L New Zealand 72141 Call Collective Limited L United Kingdom 72142 CloudCall Limited L United Kingdom 72143 Global Reach Networks Limited M United Kingdom 72144 ShoreTel UK Limited L United Kingdom 72145 CORETX Protect Limited L United Kingdom 72146 AT&T Desarrollo En Comunicaciones De Mexico, S. De R.L De C.V L Mexico 72147 Telmekom L Italy 72148 AT&T Norte S. De R.L De C.V M Mexico 72149 Eja Telecomm S de RL L Mexico 72161 CallPlus Mobile (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 72162 Greensatellite - Unipessoal, Lda. L Portugal 72181 Mix Networks INC L United States of America 72182 WEBTEAM TELEKOMUNIKACJA sp. z o.o. spolka komandytowa L Poland 72183 JOPEK Wiesława Jopek L Poland 72184 PLAST - COM S.C. Marcin Skucha, Monika Skucha L Poland 72201 Detel Wireless, LLC L United States of America 72202 AHMES Sp. z o.o. M Poland 72203 ITI Neovision S.A M Poland 72204 MIRASOFT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72205 BT MOVIL M Spain 72206 Voyager Local (ORCONLOCAL) L New Zealand 72207 Surf Telecom M Brazil 72210 Bilal Hiasat & Associates Inc. L Jordan 72211 Content statement services company Mobile Communications L Jordan 72212 Mosaic Company Software Industry L Jordan 72213 OMIKRON dr Karol Chrabanski L Poland 72221 Samar L Jordan 72222 Qaysiyah and Namrawi navigators L Jordan 72223 CallPlus Local (SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 72224 2degrees Mobile (SPARKMOBILE) L New Zealand 72227 TeleBermuda International Ltd L Bermuda 72228 FKB Net Ltd L Bermuda 72229 Japan Emergency Notification Service L Japan 72230 Spok L US,Canada and Others 72231 FIRMA HANDLOWO-USŁUGOWA "KOMPEX" Gabriel Sulka L Poland 72232 JSNET SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 72241 ADEX FASTIGHETSUTVE L Sweden 72242 JUNYVERSE AB L Sweden 72243 PPS FOODS AB L Sweden 72244 Orion Telecom L Brazil 72246 Overload Transport Industries Pty. Ltd. L Australia 72247 S.P INTELLIGENT TELECOMS LTD L Cyprus, Republic of 72248 Flamingo Telecom L Netherlands 72249 SimbaNet Com Ltd L Kenya 72250 Jamii Telecom Ltd M Kenya 72251 TELNYX LLC L United States of America 72261 NovoServe B.V. L Netherlands 72262 Belgacom International Carrier Services N.V. L Netherlands 72264 PM Factory B.V. L Netherlands 72265 Veamed Netherlands B.V. L Netherlands 72281 PTU WLAN-TECH PLUS Jacek Soltys L Poland 72301 Aliv M Bahamas 72302 SAVECOM TELECOM L United States of America 72303 MIDSTATES DATA TRANSPORT, LLC L United States of America 72321 LOVO S.A. L Poland 72341 Consertis GmbH L Austria 72342 CWB-IT GmbH L Austria 72343 IP Austria Communication GmbH L Austria 72344 P.P.H.U. "AWIST" Artur Waligora L Poland 72345 F.U.H. SKY LINK Marcin Gajoszek L Poland 72361 MAX Telecom M Bulgaria 72362 Vlocity Communications (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 72364 VHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC L US,Canada and Others 72365 MIDWEST NETWORK SOLUTIONS HUB LLC M United States of America 72381 TeliaSonera brand (NetCom/Telia/Tele2) M Norway 72382 PROMEDIA S.C. Krzysztof Nowicki Dariusz Wesolowski L Poland 72383 ORION Blazej Hess L Poland 72384 SILVA E GUEDES SOLUCOES EM TI LTDA L Brazil 72402 ADYL NET ACESSO A INTERNET LTDA L Brazil 72422 KKTCTelsim (NC) M Turkey 72423 KKTCell (NC) M Turkey 72425 Alo Kosova sh.p.k. L Kosovo 72426 Dardafon.Net LLC M Kosovo 72427 Dukagjini Telecommunications LLC L Kosovo 72428 FiberLink sh.p.k L Kosovo 72430 Islamic Relief L Kosovo 72431 Kujtesa.Net L Kosovo 72432 mts D.O.O. L Kosovo 72433 Niart sh.p.k L Kosovo 72434 PTK sh.a./Vala L Kosovo 72435 Telekomi i Kosovës SH.A M Kosovo 72436 TiK SH.A. L Kosovo 72437 IPKO Telecommunications LLC M Kosovo 72441 Vodafone - iHug (TCLA101) L New Zealand 72461 Flyp/Broadvox (Iris Wireless) L US,Canada and Others 72462 Counterpath L US,Canada and Others 72463 Txtwire/Primus (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72464 Counterpath/Iristel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72465 Fibernetics (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72466 Twilio/Broadvox/Optivon (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 72467 LES.NET/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72468 Iristel (TNSI) L US,Canada and Others 72469 Broadvox/Optivon (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 72470 J2 Global/Iristel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72471 LES.NET (TNSI) L US,Canada and Others 72472 LES.NET/Fibernetics (TNSI) L US,Canada and Others 72473 LES.NET/Iristel (TNSI) L US,Canada and Others 72474 LES.NET/Onvoy (TNSI) L US,Canada and Others 72475 Inteliquent Messaging Gateway L US,Canada and Others 72476 Beezz Communications M Israel 72477 Swift Networks M Nigeria 72478 Spectranet M Nigeria 72482 Caudales Telecomunicaciones Globales Limitada L Chile 72483 Industel Chile LTDA L Chile 72484 Optic Telecomunicaciones LTDA L Chile 72501 LASNET USŁUGI KOMPUTEROWE Robert Gulbinowicz L Poland 72502 EPOKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72503 Valor Agregado Digital S.A De C.V L Mexico 72504 24IT SERWIS Robert Siporski L Poland 72521 Commi Holdings Ltd L United Kingdom 72522 Domodedovo AYTI SERVICES L Russia/Kazakhstan 72523 Petersburg Internet Network L Russia/Kazakhstan 72524 Dani CALL M Russia/Kazakhstan 72525 SevTelekomSvyaz L Russia/Kazakhstan 72526 STEK.KOM L Russia/Kazakhstan 72527 The National Center of Informatization L Russia/Kazakhstan 72528 TransMobilKom L Russia/Kazakhstan 72529 Sberbank-Telecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 72530 SEVTELEKOM L Russia/Kazakhstan 72531 Orcon (Callplus01) L New Zealand 72532 Telnyx L US,Canada and Others 72533 Telnyx/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72534 GDI Communications/Onvoy (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 72535 Google/Onvoy (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72536 Google/Inteliquent (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72537 Charles River Communications L US,Canada and Others 72538 Charles River Comm/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72539 LIMTEL SP. Z O.O. L Poland 72540 360 Communications (Trinidad & Tobago) L Trinidad and Tobago 72541 Gamma Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 72543 Vodafone - TCL Local(SYMBIO) L New Zealand 72544 Sors Europe L Belgium 72561 Hanhaa Limited M United Kingdom 72581 Northeast Rural Services Inc (BOLT Fiber Optic Services) L United States of America 72582 Digicel Cayman Islands M Cayman Islands 72601 Premium Mobile SA M Poland 72602 FM GROUP MOBILE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72603 VIKINGCO POLAND Sp. z o.o. M Poland 72604 DID Spoka z ograniczon odpowiedzialnoci L Poland 72605 POLSKIE SIECI CYFROWE Sp. z o.o. M Poland 72606 SUDER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72607 NASZA SPOKA AKCYJNA L Poland 72608 FIBERWAY Spoka z ograniczon odpowiedzialnoci L Poland 72609 4 Global Networks Service LLC L Poland 72610 6G NETWORKS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72611 AKRON VOICE Adam Kinal L Poland 72612 BEST TELECOM SPoLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOsCIA L Poland 72613 BUSINESS TELECOM POLAND Dariusz Nowakowski L Poland 72614 CHOJNET Maciej Szypryt L Poland 72615 CLAUDE ICT POLAND Tomasz Dworakowski L Poland 72616 Colt Technology Service L Poland 72617 COMNET MULTIMEDIA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72618 CORE-TEL POLSKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72619 DANAR WOJTYSIAK SpoLka Jawna L Poland 72620 DEBESIS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72621 ELCOMTEL Marcin Winiarski L Poland 72622 ENTER T&T SPoLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOsCIA L Poland 72623 ENTERPOL K.Krol, P.Latosiewicz, B.Wojciechowski Sp.j. L Poland 72624 E-PLAN Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72625 ETTH Bartosz Bachowski L Poland 72626 F.P.H.U. GESA StanisLaw Kubica L Poland 72627 FIRMA HANDLOWO USLUGOWA RAFIX RafaL Wrobel L Poland 72628 FREEPHONE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72629 FUH "ZDUNEK" Karol Zdunek L Poland 72630 GBN.PL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72631 GEO-COM Andrzej Kossakowski L Poland 72632 GLOBAL MARKETING HOLDING Sp. z o.o. sp.k. L Poland 72633 GT11 SpoLka z ograniczonA odpowiedzialnosciA L Poland 72634 GTNET SpoLka Jawna Tomasz Gajewski, Grzegorz Mazurek L Poland 72635 HEXA OPERATOR Sp. z o..o. L Poland 72636 INFOSTREFA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72637 INTEGRAL Katarzyna Fitas-Antczak L Poland 72638 INWEP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72639 IPTELEKOM MICHAL LUDWICZAK MichaL Ludwiczak L Poland 72640 ITEL SOLUTIONS SPoLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOsCIA L Poland 72641 Jacek Banecki NETGATE s.c. Tomasz Karolczak, Jacek Banecki L Poland 72642 KAMPINOS TELCO MaLgorzata Borkowska L Poland 72643 KBT HOLDING Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72644 KONVER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72645 KRAPKOWICKIE SIECI INTERNETOWE Sp. z o. o. L Poland 72646 LANMEDIA Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. L Poland 72647 LEON TELEKOM Sp. z o.o. spoLka komandytowa L Poland 72648 M3.NET SpoLka z ograniczonA odpowiedzialnosciA SpoLka komandytowa L Poland 72649 MEDIA TELEKOM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72650 METROSAN SPoLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOsCIA L Poland 72651 MirosLaw Brzana CYBERMAX S.C. MirosLaw Brzana, Tomasz Brzana, Zbigniew Brzana L Poland 72652 MULTIMEDIA POLSKA BIZNES SPoLKA AKCYJNA L Poland 72653 NETSYSTEM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72654 NETTELEKOM GK Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72655 NEW TELEKOM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72656 NFON GMBH L Poland 72657 ONEFONE S.A. L Poland 72658 PGT S.A. L Poland 72659 PHU "GAJA" Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72660 PHU Teletechnika Zbigniew Sadowski L Poland 72661 PODLASKIE SIECI sWIATLOWODOWE sp. z o.o. L Poland 72662 POLSKA GRUPA GoRNICZA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72663 POLSKA GRUPA TELEKOMUNIKACYJNA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72664 POLTEL SpoLka z ograniczonA odpowiedzialnosciA SpoLka komandytowa L Poland 72665 PRONETEUS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72666 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO WIELOBRANZOWE JERZY NISKI L Poland 72667 PTS S.A. L Poland 72668 SLICAN sp. z o.o. L Poland 72669 SOLISNET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72670 SPIKON Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72671 SYNTELL S.A. L Poland 72672 TELECOM SYSTEMS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72673 W-EXPLORER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72674 TELEKOMUNIKACJA CYFROWA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72675 TELEKOMUNIKACJA DLA DOMU Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72676 TELEPARTNER SP. Z O.O. L Poland 72677 TELESIM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72678 VOICEFLOW Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72679 TEPSANET NOWACCY SpoLka Jawna L Poland 72680 VISTEL Dariusz Ptak L Poland 72681 TRESTON Andrzej Skraba (TRESTON s.c. PaweL KEdziora, Andrzej Skraba) L Poland 72682 VIRTUAL FUTURE Adam Machnik L Poland 72683 TWOJA TELEKOMUNIKACJA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72684 USLUGI KOMPUTEROWE INTERMARK Marek Maniera L Poland 72685 VIKOM SpoLka z ograniczonA odpowiedzialnosciA L Poland 72686 PROFIGROUP Łukasz Grzelak L Poland 72687 ZAKLAD ELEKTRONICZNEJ TECHNIKI OBLICZENIOWEJ Grzegorz Machi L Poland 72688 SYRIUSZ Dominika Mosor L Poland 72689 Telekomunikacja Stacjonarna Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72701 Drillisch Netz AG M Germany 72702 WEBTRAF PTY LTD L Australia 72703 Xfone (We4G) M Israel 72704 Hallo L Israel 72705 Mishab L Israel 72721 Digifrance L France 72722 Digital solutions prod L France 72723 NEW BORDER TELECOM SPA L Chile 72724 Flex network L France 72725 Netiwan L France 72726 Informacion numeros de telefono S.L. L France 72727 Key corporate service limited L France 72728 L&C Consulting L France 72729 Local labs L France 72730 Ludico business & entertainment S.L. L France 72731 ND3 L France 72732 Neo editions L France 72733 Netalis L France 72734 Shining L France 72735 Swisstok telnet France L France 72736 System-net L France 72737 Tel@ndcloud L France 72738 ACCESS HAITI L Haiti 72739 HAINET L Haiti 72740 Vitis L France 72741 HDN (Haiti Data Networks) L Haiti 72742 LC2K S.A L Haiti 72743 Yooth information technology L France 72744 ACN L Haiti 72745 Networth telecom L France 72746 Traidingcom L France 72747 Servicios Technologicos Antares de Costa Rica L Costa Rica 72748 Servicios Technologicos Itellum Limitada S.A L Costa Rica 72750 ULTIMA MILLA S.A. L Argentina 72751 Barritel Limited L United Kingdom 72761 DIRETA TELECOM L Brazil 72762 Onoff telecom L France 72763 IP Directions L Reunion 72764 Canal+ Telecom L Reunion 72765 IP Directions L Guadeloupe 72766 Prosodie L Guadeloupe 72767 Prosodie L French Guiana 72768 Veldissimo telecom L French Guiana 72769 IP Directions L Martinique 72770 Sky UK Limited (Sky plc) L United Kingdom 72771 Trivon Networks L Russia/Kazakhstan 72781 Companymobile08159_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 72782 NETPARTNER POLSKA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72783 PHU PROSAT Antoniusz Zajaczkowski L Poland 72784 SLASKA SIEC METROPOLITALNA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72785 Sagebrush Cellular (Nemont) UMTS M United States of America 72801 Monaco Telecom S.A.M (International Networks) M International Networks 72802 Star Communications Limited (Kong Seng Paging) L Macau 72803 Wide Voice/Layered Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 72822 MARSOFT S.A. L Poland 72823 SQS POLSKA Szymon Wysokinski L Poland 72824 INTERTOR.NET Bozena Wojtczak L Poland 72825 SZCZECINSKI.COM Pawel Szczecinski L Poland 72841 Teleoffice Viewcom L Sweden 72842 Telnet Local (CALLPLUS01) L New Zealand 72861 Impact Mobile L US,Canada and Others 72862 Impact Mobile/Tollfree (Twilio) L US,Canada and Others 72863 j2 Web Services/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 72881 SONIC SYSTEMS INC L United States of America 72901 Monty UK Global Limited M Denmark 72921 TIDE SOFTWARE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 72922 Seabix AG L Switzerland 72923 Polperro A/S L Denmark 72924 Telus ApS L Denmark 72925 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO WIELOBRANZOWE SKRETKA Lukasz Piwowarczyk L Poland 72926 Cootel/Xinwei M Cambodia 72942 Emaxx Telecom Co Ltd L Cambodia 72943 Iliad Italia S.p.A. M Italy 72944 MAC&NIL SRL L Italy 72945 L Italy 72946 Bluebird Communications, LLC L United States of America 72947 Soracom LI LTD M Liechtenstein 72961 Dialoga Group Telecom S.A.DE C.V L Mexico 72962 Watty Facilities B.V. L Netherlands 72963 WindhoosNL L Netherlands 72964 Wyless Nederland B.V. (Kore) M Netherlands 72965 Airtel CZ M Czech Republic 72966 ForWiFi L Czech Republic 72967 L Czech Republic 72968 Ministerstvo Vnitra L Czech Republic 72969 AUSTROFON d.o.o. L Bosnia and Herzegovina 72970 SOFTNET d.o.o. L Bosnia and Herzegovina 72971 ABI Elzbieta Gorecka L Poland 72972 Qonnecta L Netherlands 72973 Cootel Nicaragua M Nicaragua 72981 AGINET S.A. L Argentina 72982 CABLETEL SOCIEDAD ANONIMA L Argentina 72983 COPERA LTD DE PROV DE SERV ELECTR, OBRAS Y, ASISTEN Y CRED, VIVIENDA Y CONSUMO D L Argentina 72984 LLAMADAIP SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA L Argentina 73001 Multiregional Transit Telecom L International Networks 73002 Digi Voip Communications Limited L Papua New Guinea 73003 Digitec PNG Limited L Papua New Guinea 73004 Oceanic Broadband L Papua New Guinea 73005 A Beltronica II - Companhia de Comunicacoes L Portugal 73006 Andre Garcia, Comunicacoes, Unipessoal L Portugal 73007 Gotelecom, Lda. L Portugal 73008 NTH AG L Portugal 73009 Nviasms Portugal L Portugal 73010 Selfsmile Estudos Globais L Portugal 73021 Franzcom Ltd L United Kingdom 73022 Aera telecom L France 73023 Alnilam L Reunion 73024 DIDWW Ireland Limited L France 73025 Get & go telecom L France 73027 Get & go telecom L Reunion 73028 Ikacom L France 73029 Parabole Reunion L Reunion 73030 Net OI L Reunion 73031 Ipefix L France 73032 Le 118 918 L France 73033 Manifone L France 73034 Oecom L France 73035 Passeron Christian L France 73036 Power Link L France 73037 Projet 3 L France 73038 Telerys communication L France 73039 Ty-line L France 73040 W3tel L France 73041 Canal+ Telecom L France 73042 Canal+ Telecom L Guadeloupe 73045 Canal+ Telecom L French Guiana 73046 Canal+ Telecom L Martinique 73047 Hipay L France 73048 Oxone technologies L France 73049 Alfa Telecomunicacoes Ltda - ME L Brazil 73050 Baldussi Solucoes Ltda - ME L Brazil 73051 Iveloz Telecom Servicos Em Telecomunicacoes Ltd L Brazil 73052 M.I.Internet Ltda L Brazil 73053 Oxman Technoloia Ltda L Brazil 73054 Predlink Rede De Telecomunicacoes Ltda - EPP L Brazil 73056 Vodafone Enterprise France SAS L France 73057 International telecommunication network France L Guadeloupe 73059 Diabolocom SAS L Reunion 73061 VOICE WORKS Sp.z o.o. L Poland 73062 aql Wholesale M United Kingdom 73063 ATH LTD L United Kingdom 73081 Business Telecom L United Kingdom 73082 Callitech L United Kingdom 73084 GCI Network Solutions (Invomo) L United Kingdom 73085 Intercity Telecom L United Kingdom 73086 SPT Worldwide L United Kingdom 73087 West Cloud Contact Solutions L United Kingdom 73088 Comms Consulting L United Kingdom 73089 NGN Express L United Kingdom 73101 TGL Services L United Kingdom 73102 P.K. TELE sp. j. Jacek Paprota, Dariusz Kulikowski, L Poland 73104 TELEPOLAND STOZEK - Sp. Jawna L Poland 73105 LUBUSKIE SIECI SWIATLOWODOWE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73106 wwcom AG L Switzerland 73107 CKW Fiber Services AG L Switzerland 73121 Mayatek Telecom L Turkey 73122 Com Square Co., Ltd. L Japan 73123 Mobilisim Mobil Bilisim L Turkey 73124 1 Net Telekom L Turkey 73125 Ajans SMS L Turkey 73128 Orbiline L Turkey 73129 Dilek Telekom L Turkey 73130 EMN Telekom L Turkey 73131 Mobilexen L Turkey 73132 Netkontor L Turkey 73133 Oplavus L Turkey 73134 Sulletisim L Turkey 73135 T-Fon Telekom L Turkey 73136 Oedo Telecom Co., Ltd. L Japan 73142 365 miolar L Iceland 73143 Oryggisfjarskipti ehf L Iceland 73161 Google/Zipwhip Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 73162 Google/Zipwhip Tollfree (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 73163 Blitz L US,Canada and Others 73164 Blitz/Inteliquent (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 73165 Evolve Cellular L US,Canada and Others 73166 Evolve Cellular/Tollfree (TNSi) L US,Canada and Others 73181 LINK Mobile AS L Denmark 73182 TELEAG L Germany 73183 TeleCo L Germany 73201 RNET Adam Wojewoda L Poland 73204 Dialnet De Colombia S A E S P L Colombia 73242 Regional Telecom Company M Iraq 73244 Compatel Limited M Poland 73245 PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. M Poland 73246 Nextgen Mobile Ltd M Poland 73247 CallFreedom Sp. z o.o. M Poland 73248 Messagebird B.V. M Poland 73249 Inovare-Prim S.R.L L Moldova 73262 CallPlus Local (IHUG) L New Zealand 73263 CallPlus Local (TCLA101) L New Zealand 73265 HYDER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73281 Vodafone -NGS Local L New Zealand 73283 Orcon Mobile(SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 73284 West Corporation L US,Canada and Others 73285 West Corporation/Tollfree (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 73301 Harbourtel Pty Ltd L Australia 73302 Online Technology Australia Pty Ltd L Australia 73305 PPHU KAROLINA Marzena Stypułkowska L Poland 73306 MPCNET Spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnością L Poland 73309 TOM MEDIA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73310 TELEKOMUNIKACJA MIEJSKA S.A. L Poland 73311 FIBERNET tukasz Wisniewski L Poland 73312 INTERPREMIUM NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73314 IMPACT TELECOM SPOTKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 73315 EXPERTEL SPOŁKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 73316 FIONE Spotka z .o.o. Spotka komandytowa L Poland 73317 TELEPORT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73318 TELEPOLSKA Spotka z ograniczonA odpowiedzialnoSciA L Poland 73319 ALLWARE RX Spotka Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 73320 POMERANIA SERVICES GROUP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73321 NOVANET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73322 DIDXL Społka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 73323 POLITECHNIKA SWIETOKRZYSKA L Poland 73324 EAST AND WEST Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73326 INTERKAR KOMPUTER-SERWIS Karol Dziecielski L Poland 73327 INSITE sp. z o.o. L Poland 73328 BESTGO.PL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73329 CYFROTEL Spotka Jawna Mariusz Ulidowski, Marek Bzdziuch L Poland 73341 4 CARRIERS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73342 4 Telecom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73343 5L Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73344 AC3 POWER Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73345 Aduro Network Technologies Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73346 AGANET Agata Goleniewska L Poland 73347 AIROUTE S.C. L Poland 73349 AMSNET Andrzej Szreter L Poland 73350 AP-MEDIA S.C. L Poland 73351 ARPNET Wojciech Chodacki L Poland 73352 Artnet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73353 ATMEL BogusLaw Dominik L Poland 73354 Axfone S.R.O. L Poland 73355 BETASOFT Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73356 Strzyzowski.Net Janusz GomoLka L Poland 73357 ZakLady Azotowe PuLawy S.A. L Poland 73358 ZakLad Budownictwa Liniowego TELBIAL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73359 yDB Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73360 X-COM PARTNERS Renata Janowicz L Poland 73361 WWW.PIOSIK.PL Dariusz Piosik L Poland 73362 WorldON Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73363 OXYLION S.A. L Poland 73364 WORLD RAFAL ADAMCZyK RafaL Adamczyk L Poland 73365 WIDE-NET Jacek Wajda L Poland 73366 WASKI.NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73367 W.Burdecki Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73368 Visanet S.A. L Poland 73369 BlueNet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73370 TSPP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73371 Temedia Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73372 BRANSAT S.C. L Poland 73373 Telewizja Kablowa Krasnystaw Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73374 TELERAy Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73375 BTK GAWEX Sp. J. L Poland 73376 Telekomunikacja Internetowa Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73377 Telebot Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73378 BusinessInCloud Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73379 TAU INTERNET Lukasz Chajkaluk L Poland 73380 Tarnobrzeska SpoLdzielnia Mieszkaniowa L Poland 73381 Taniotel Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73382 CALL3.PL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73383 Systemy Informatyczne CINC Robert Halinski L Poland 73384 Stowarzyszenie DaBROWA SKy L Poland 73385 STAJLNET Szymon Sowa L Poland 73386 SpTelek Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73387 SpeedMedia Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73389 SOWEPHONE S.C. L Poland 73390 SOFT PARTNER Szczypiorski Sp. J. L Poland 73391 Smart Idea International Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73392 SIS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73393 SGT S.A. M Poland 73394 Sekwencja Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73395 SEJNET RafaL SLawinski L Poland 73396 SCARNET S.C. L Poland 73397 CFC Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. L Poland 73398 SATPOL - Systemy Telewizji Kablowej S.C. L Poland 73399 SAFTEX Grzegorz Gazda L Poland 73400 PSTD Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73401 PRO-SySTEM S.C. L Poland 73402 CITyMEDIA NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73403 Promarket Computers S.C. L Poland 73404 ProIP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73405 Progress Plus Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73406 Club Net - Fuja, Gincelis i PLonski Sp. j. L Poland 73407 Proflink Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73408 ComTelNet S.C. L Poland 73409 Premium Net International S.R.L. L Poland 73410 PPUH Krawarkon Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73411 PPCom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73412 CONNECT M. Szczygielski L Poland 73413 Polineo Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73414 PLATKOM Tele-Informatyka Piotr PLatek L Poland 73416 PL Telekom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73417 PikoNet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73418 PHU GECKONET Barbara Janikowska L Poland 73419 PHU AMPLUS Krzysztof Jonski L Poland 73420 PHU ALLKOMP Grzegorz KEska L Poland 73421 P.W. POLARIS INTERNATIONAL SLawomir Nagorski L Poland 73422 Optic Telecom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73423 Omnitec Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73424 Omico Active Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73425 OK360 Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73426 EXCLUSIVIO Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73427 Fundacja Twoja Wizja M Poland 73428 INTERWAN-USLUGI ISP PaweL Kurkus L Poland 73429 IP Telecom Bulgaria LTD L Poland 73430 Callpoint L Poland 73431 ITELO Sp. z o.o L Poland 73432 SOFT-COM S.C. L Poland 73433 Viatel L Poland 73434 NIMBUSFIVE GmbH L Poland 73435 SIA Ntel Solutions M Poland 73436 Sieć Resortu Obrony Narodowej (MON) L Poland 73437 Solar Energia 136 Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73438 TELEZET E. Zdrojek L Poland 73439 TELPOL PPMUE Jerzy Krempa L Poland 73440 TK KOLOBRZEG Agencja UsLugowo-Reklamowa Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73441 TSSP Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73442 EFEKT-SERWIS Wojciech Szlechta L Poland 73443 ERTEL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73444 OBSLUGA PC S.C. L Poland 73445 NOC Grzegorz Maciak L Poland 73446 Nitronet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73447 NGM Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73448 NEXTWIRE Cezary Grotowski L Poland 73449 NETUS Renata Gieruszczak-Fikus L Poland 73450 NETSERVICE Daniel Wojda L Poland 73451 MULTIPLAy Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. L Poland 73452 FIBERLINK Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73453 Multi-IP Telekomunikacja Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73454 MTM-INFO S.C. L Poland 73455 MSI Telekom Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. L Poland 73456 MPWiK Wodociagi PuLawskie Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73457 Milmex Systemy Komputerowe Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73458 MetroPlay TGI Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73459 MEGA-NET Marek Markwas L Poland 73460 MediaMetro Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73461 MARKOMP Marek Matejkowski L Poland 73462 Marinex Ampol 2 Telewizja Kablowa Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73463 MARIAN WITEK Marian Witek L Poland 73464 MAGAZyN FABRyCZNy NETCOM Adam Krawcewicz L Poland 73465 Kwarantanna (Twoje Media S.C.) L Poland 73466 INTER OSWIECIM Daniel KuLas L Poland 73467 Kwarantanna (TELEWAM) L Poland 73468 Kwarantanna (Teleena Holding BV) M Poland 73469 Kwarantanna (System T) L Poland 73470 IT RES Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73471 Kwarantanna (PABLO-NET PaweL Kawczynski) L Poland 73472 Kwarantanna (Knightstar Poland) L Poland 73473 ITTAM Zawilski Ryszard L Poland 73474 Kwarantanna (IT 4 POLSKA Sylwester Harasim) L Poland 73475 Kwarantanna (GlobeCom S.A) L Poland 73476 KSU PROVECTOR Mariusz Dziakowicz L Poland 73477 KOMPUTER-TECH K. Siegien L Poland 73478 KOL-NET S.C. L Poland 73479 ITXS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73480 CZEMPIN.NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73482 DAG S.C. L Poland 73483 DARCONNECT Dariusz Wasiuta L Poland 73484 DARNET Dariusz Czerkies L Poland 73485 DEREK.NET.PL Tomasz Swiderek L Poland 73486 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos S.A. L Poland 73487 EINET Jacek Paleczny L Poland 73488 E-MOCJA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73489 ITTMEDIA TELECOM, FUH TESCO M. Lubelski L Poland 73490 ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A. L Poland 73491 ITALNET Sebastian Handzlik L Poland 73492 E-POLUDNIE Stowarzyszenie Na Rzecz Rozwoju SpoLeczenstwa Informacyjnego L Poland 73493 IT SySTEMATIC GROUP Piotr Bukowczyk L Poland 73494 E-PONET Robert Huras L Poland 73495 Intertele S.A. L Poland 73496 Expro Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73497 Internet Cafe - UsLugi Informatyczne M. Backiel L Poland 73498 F.U.H. AG-NET Joanna Maczenska L Poland 73499 FAST-NET S.C. L Poland 73500 FHU KOMNET Grzegorz PoLtorak L Poland 73501 FHU PASCAL Krzysztof MusiaL L Poland 73502 FIBERLINK MaLgorzata Izewska L Poland 73503 Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73504 HardCom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73505 HARDSOFT S.C. L Poland 73506 HCLA Group Poland Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73507 IMPACT D. BogumiL M. Raczkowski Sp. J. L Poland 73508 INET POLUDNIE Tomasz Maka Sp. J. L Poland 73509 Inter Plus Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73510 INTERA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 73511 ELART S. Zakrzewski L Poland 73526 ONE TELECOM TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA L Brazil 73527 Coretel/SMS Enabled (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 73541 Watany Ettisalat L Tunisia 73544 GENTE TELECOM L Brazil 73563 Gold Line Telecommunications L US,Canada and Others 73564 Gold Line/Fibernetics (Twilio) L US,Canada and Others 73566 CLOUDOE B.V. L Netherlands 73567 Swazi Mobile Limited M Swaziland 73569 Gibfibrespeed L Gibraltar 73570 VEI s.r.l. M Italy 73571 TELL ESS AB L Sweden 73581 SamanTel M Iran 73583 Dialoga Servicios Interactivos S.A. L Croatia 73584 IT SOFT d. o. o. L Croatia 73585 Tomato M Croatia 73586 Bonbon M Croatia 73587 MultiPlus M Croatia 73588 Identicar M Belgium 73589 Bezeq International (B.I.P. Communications) M Israel 73590 EW Hofe AG L Switzerland 73591 Internet Group GmbH L Switzerland 73592 InternetONE SA L Switzerland 73594 Vast New Telecom SA L Switzerland 73601 Tai Tung Mobile Phone Company Limited M Hong Kong 73622 OpenMovil M Spain 73624 RURAL NETCO LIMITED M Tanzania 73625 MTN Business Solutions Namibia (Pty) LTD M Namibia 73641 Demshi Investment Holdings Pty Ltd M Namibia 73642 OBB Infrastruktur Aktiengesellschaft M Austria 73643 Simbanet (T) Ltd L Tanzania 73644 Six Telecoms Company Ltd L Tanzania 73645 Startel Raha Ltd L Tanzania 73646 Green Telecom Ltd L Tanzania 73662 GCI Service Provider S.A L Costa Rica 73682 Conexiant Telecom - SMS Enabled (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 73683 Singatel (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 73684 T-Systems (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 73685 Atlas L Russia/Kazakhstan 73686 Dozor-Teleport L Russia/Kazakhstan 73687 Gazprom Telekom M Russia/Kazakhstan 73688 Kompyuternaya Skoraya Pomoshch L Russia/Kazakhstan 73689 National Center for Information (NCI) M Russia/Kazakhstan 73690 Radio Impuls L Russia/Kazakhstan 73691 Regionalnyy Tekhnicheskiy Tsentr L Russia/Kazakhstan 73692 RK Krymtelecom M Russia/Kazakhstan 73693 Satellite Mobile Technologies L Russia/Kazakhstan 73701 Nida Telekomunikasyon Hiz. As L Turkey 73702 216 BILISIM AND TECHNOLOGY HIZ. TELECOMMUNICATIONS PAZ. MOUNTAIN. SINGING. TIC. L Turkey 73703 3K TELEKOM TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73704 ZETA TELECOMMUNICATIONS AS L Turkey 73705 ZAGA CONSULTING COMMUNICATION TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73707 VOICE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AS L Turkey 73708 AKONTEL KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION LTD. Sti. (Old Title: L Turkey 73709 ALOCELL TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC. L Turkey 73710 ARTIADA COMMUNICATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73711 VIZYONNET COMMUNICATION TELEKOM LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73713 VIRATEL TELECOMMUNICATION AND TRADE LIMITED COMPANY L Turkey 73714 VIP COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73715 VERISER COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. L Turkey 73716 AYAZ GSM COMMUNICATION AND CONTACT US TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73717 V.A.S. TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY HIZM. SINGING. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73718 AYYILDIZ GSM COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY HIZ.TIC.LTD.STI. L Turkey 73719 TURKLAN TELEKOM BILISIM AND INTERNET SPEED. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73720 AYYILDIZ VIRTUAL MOBILE SATELLITE COMMUNICATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPEED. L Turkey 73721 TURKHOST INTERNET COMPUTING HSP. SINGING. VE DIS TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73722 TELNET TELEKOM SERVICES AS L Turkey 73723 BASAKCELL TELEKOM AND CONTACT US HIZ. Inc. L Turkey 73724 TELINKA COMMUNICATION AND SOFTWARE TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73725 BILIMCELL COMMUNICATION SERVICES LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73726 TELEKOMAT COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATIONS HIZ. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73727 A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPEED. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73728 TEKNOKLAS CONTACT TELEKOMUNIKASYON SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73729 TARGET TELEKOMUNIKASYON SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73730 CALL SMS TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73731 SNC COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATIONS. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73732 SIGMA TELEKOM VE HABERLESME TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73733 CALLTURK TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AS L Turkey 73734 SETAFON COMMUNICATION SERVICES TRADE LIMITED COMPANY L Turkey 73735 CAN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73736 SAZAK GSM COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IND. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73737 SANAY SANTRAL TELEKOMUNIKASYON TIC. Inc. L Turkey 73738 SAHIN COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATION SERVICES TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73740 RONY TELECOMMUNICATION AND CONTACT US TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73741 POSTA GUVERCINI COMMUNICATION AND BILISIM LTD. Sti. (Old Unvan: BIMTEL) L Turkey 73743 OZTEK HABERLISME TRADE INDUSTRY CO. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73744 ORGANIC COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY BILISIM SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73745 ONLINE TELEKOM TELEKOMUNIKASYON SERVICES TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73746 ODEMIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES PAZARLAMA SAN. VE TIC. LLC. L Turkey 73747 NUR KARMED SMS COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATION TELEKOMUNIKASYON TIC L Turkey 73748 NETRA TELECOMMUNICATION AND CONTACT US SINGING. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73749 NET GLOBAL TELEKOMUNIKASYON HIZMETLERI SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73750 MTCTR MEMOREX TELEKOMUNIKASYON SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73751 MOBILKENT CONTACT US HIZ. SINGING. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73752 MOBICALL TELEKOMUNIKASYON HIZMETLERI A.S. L Turkey 73753 MICROTEL COMMUNICATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73754 MESAJMERKEZI TELEKOMUNIKASYON LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73755 MAXI TECHNOLOGY TRADE. LLC. L Turkey 73756 MADALYON TELEKOMUNIKASYON SAN. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73757 LABIRENT BILISIM TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS TIC. LTD. Sti L Turkey 73758 GLOBAL BETA TECHNOLOGY TELEKOMUNIKASYON SAN. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73759 SME TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73760 RED SQUARE CONTACT TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73761 ISOBIL COMPUTER AND INTERNET SPEED. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73762 INTERACTIVE SMS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPEED. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73763 IN-NO MOBILE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY TRADING CO. SINGING. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73764 ILG COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS TIC. SINGING. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73765 GOLD TELEKOMUNIKASYON ILETISIM SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73766 GES MOBILE GSM TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73767 FIXNET TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73768 EVYAPAN KNOWLEDGE TECHNOLOGIES TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73769 EMARKA COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES LTD. Sti L Turkey 73770 EFECEL BILISIM VE TELEKOMUNIKASYON SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti L Turkey 73771 EBOS TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES TRADE. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73772 E TELEKOM CONTACT HIZ. LTD. Sti L Turkey 73773 NATURE TELECOMMUNICATION SOFTWARE COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS L Turkey 73774 DYNAMIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73775 DILE MESAJ COMMUNICATION COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES SAN. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73776 CORVASS TELEKOM TIC. Inc. L Turkey 73777 COMPATEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS HIZM. LTD. Sti. M Turkey 73778 CLX NETWORKS EU TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73779 CENGIZ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IND. VE TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73780 Xplornet Communications Inc. M Canada 73781 AKAR TELEKOM VE ILETISIM HIZMETLERI SAN. TIC. LTD. Sti. L Turkey 73782 ASYA SMS TELEK.BILISIM SIS.SAN.VE TIC.LTD.STI L Turkey 73801 Ytel L US,Canada and Others 73802 Ytel/Peerless (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 73803 Brightlink L US,Canada and Others 73804 Brightlink/Twilio/365 Wireless (SMS-Sybase/MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 73805 Tinkoff Mobile (Tele2 Russia) M Russia/Kazakhstan 73806 Mobile State Communication L Russia/Kazakhstan 73807 ECO Networks L Russia/Kazakhstan 73808 Voippa Iletisim Hiz Tic Ve San LTD STI L Turkey 73821 Lyca Mobile SA (Pty) Ltd M South Africa 73822 GMobile Ltd M Georgia 73823 TATA Docomo - Chennai M India 73843 Truphone M Netherlands 73845 Symbio Wholesale NZ (SYMBIONZ) L New Zealand 73863 Tele 2 Russia (Uralsvyazinform) M Russia/Kazakhstan 73864 BASE TELEKOMUNIKASYON INTERNET L Turkey 73865 BU TELEKOMUNIKASYON HIZMETLERI TIC. LTD. STI. L Turkey 73869 ANLAYAN TELEKOMUNIKASYON HIZMETLERI LTD L Turkey 73881 EPS Telecommunication L Turkey 73882 XOIP L Netherlands 73901 Weelia Enterprise A L Sweden 73902 HIZNET TELECOMMUNICATIONS L Turkey 73903 KIRMIZI KARE ILETISIM TIC. LTD. STI. L Turkey 73904 KURESEL BETA TEKNOLOJI TELEKOM L Turkey 73905 MAKSI TEKNOLOJI TIC. LTD.STI. L Turkey 73906 MOBILEKSEN ILETISIM BILISIM (Mobilexen) L Turkey 73907 MUTLUCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI A.S. L Turkey 73908 NETSES TELEKOM HIZMETLERI A.S. L Turkey 73921 Acesso total comercio, internet e servicos eireli - epp L Brazil 73922 Advance telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73923 Kater telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73924 Lizitec informatica ltda L Brazil 73925 Melo telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73926 NT2 telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73927 One world telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73928 Paulo de tarso de carvalho bayma filho - epp L Brazil 73929 Rede conesul telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73930 Rocketnet servicos de comunicacao multimídia ltda L Brazil 73931 Softdados telecomunicacoes ltda L Brazil 73932 Solucao network provedor eireli L Brazil 73933 TW-solutions telecomunicacoes eireli L Brazil 73934 Vmax-net telecomunicacoes do brasil ltda L Brazil 73935 PALMYRA ILETISIM HIZMETLERI A.S. L Turkey 73941 Onoff Telecom L US,Canada and Others 73942 Onoff Telecom/Peerless (MMS-SVR) L US,Canada and Others 73943 AUX Adam Konczewski L Poland 73945 TEBICOM TELEKOMUNIKASYON AS L Turkey 73947 AKTON d.o.o. L Slovenia 73948 SHCG SK S. R. O. L Slovenia 73949 WYKPISZ MARTA KOL-NET L Poland 73961 CUSTOM TELECOMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD L Australia 73962 Enabling Asia Tech Sdn Bhd L Malaysia 73963 Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) L Malaysia 73964 Red One Network Sdn. Bhd M Malaysia 73981 NURV CONSULTING PTY LTD L Australia 73982 Digicel Jamaica M Jamaica 74001 Aquafone Abkhazia M Russia/Kazakhstan 74002 Teli Communications L US,Canada and Others 74003 Teli Communications (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 74004 Logic Communications (Cayman Islands) L Cayman Islands 74005 LIME (Trinidad & Tobago) L US,Canada and Others 74021 ALTAN REDES, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. L Mexico 74022 FREEDOMPOP MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74041 COEFICIENTE COMUNICACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74042 COMUNICALO DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74043 OPENIP COMUNICACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74044 TACTIC TEL, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74045 TELIGENTIA, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74061 Shatel Mobile M Iran 74062 Nuacom L Ireland 74063 Agility Communications Limited L Ireland 74064 EOBO Limited L Ireland 74065 Mobiweb Telecom Limited L Ireland 74066 Phone Pulse Limited L Ireland 74081 ASIYA COMUNICACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74082 OLATU NETWORKS, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74083 Broadsoft/Casabi/Cincinnati Bell L US,Canada and Others 74084 Broadsoft/Casabi/Comcast L US,Canada and Others 74085 Broadsoft/Casabi/Cox Communications L US,Canada and Others 74086 Broadsoft/Casabi/Embarq L US,Canada and Others 74087 Broadsoft/Casabi/Sybase L US,Canada and Others 74088 Broadsoft/Casabi/Time Warner L US,Canada and Others 74089 Broadsoft/Casabi/Vtech Retail L US,Canada and Others 74090 Accelero Local (VNGSLOCAL) L New Zealand 74101 ANDES INVERSIONES SPA L Chile 74102 INTICOTEL SPA L Chile 74103 MEDIA THREE CORPORATION L United States of America 74122 Powertel GmbH L Switzerland 74123 AMD Telecom Ltd. L Switzerland 74126 BENGATOS S.R.L. L Moldova 74127 FLY ONE S.R.L. L Moldova 74129 Ubiquity International SA L Switzerland 74131 Voys Telecom SA (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 74132 Ictel South Africa M South Africa 74135 Digicel Grp M Nauru 74136 Vodafone NZ Mobile (VCW01) L New Zealand 74141 Datagroup L Ukraine 74142 Ukrtelecom L Ukraine 74143 T.R. Communicatio" LTD L Ukraine 74144 Atlantic Telecom L Ukraine 74145 Lincom-300 L Ukraine 74146 Velton Telecom L Ukraine 74161 AMNET TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD de C.V. L El Salvador 74162 DG TECHNOLOGIES L El Salvador 74163 NABACOM S.A. DE C.V. L El Salvador 74164 ULTRAVOZ L El Salvador 74165 Acotel S.p.A. M Italy 74181 Tink Labs Limited M Hong Kong 74182 Easco Telecommunications Limited M Hong Kong 74201 IslandNet L US,Canada and Others 74221 SMS Provider Corp. M Finland 74222 Telavox AB M Finland 74224 Sombha Solutions store Limited L Uganda 74225 Hamilton Telecom L Uganda 74226 2talk Local (VCW02) L New Zealand 74227 Motto Communications L Belgium 74241 VND (SPAL) M Italy 74242 TeleVoIP BVBA L Belgium 74243 Global Message Services AG L Switzerland 74245 Red One L Singapore 74246 TPG Telecom L Singapore 74247 Alser sh.p.k. L Albania 74248 Frengli Sherifi L Albania 74249 FUTURE TELECOM sh.p.k. L Albania 74250 IsaNet sh.p.k L Albania 74261 NXTcom L Netherlands 74263 Aerialink/CSF - Toll-Free L US,Canada and Others 74264 Zipwhip/Toll-Free L US,Canada and Others 74281 InterIP Tecnologia L Brazil 74283 Almacenes Exito Inversiones s a s M Colombia 74301 HeroBase A/S L Denmark 74302 SUMA MOVIL SAS M Colombia 74303 Oomo/Fibernetics/Inteliquent L US,Canada and Others 74321 HelloVoip L Hungary 74322 Invitech Megoldasok M Hungary 74323 MaV L Hungary 74324 Netcom Solutions s.r.o. L Czech Republic 74325 Richard Balcar Czech Republic L Czech Republic 74326 Net-Connect Communications SRL L Hungary 74327 MM TOYOCAR spol. s r.o. L Czech Republic 74328 MAGIC LIFE PRODUCTION s.r.o. L Czech Republic 74329 nfon GmbH L Hungary 74330 Rebell Telecommunication L Hungary 74331 Tiszafuredi Kabelteve Szovetkezet L Hungary 74332 UHU SYSTEMS L Hungary 74333 UPC DTH S.a.r.l. L Hungary 74334 Gelka Hirtech L Hungary 74335 BRITISH TELECOM L Brazil 74336 Wireless Comm Services (WCS) L Brazil 74337 Cascade Access LLC L United States of America 74341 Solarix Network Local (SOLARIXLOCAL) L New Zealand 74342 FEBO TELECOM LTD L Cyprus, Republic of 74343 Onoff Telecom/Iristel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 74364 HFC INGENIERIA SOCIEDAD RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA L Argentina 74366 Ace Communications L Barbados 74367 Ozone Wireless M Barbados 74368 Native Network Inc L United States of America 74381 Brightlink/Toll Free (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 74401 Global Telefoni Sve L Sweden 74402 Republica Movil M Spain 74403 Lemonvil M Spain 74404 The Telecom Boutique L Spain 74405 Quattre Internet L Spain 74406 Jetnet Wimax L Spain 74407 Monema Communications L Spain 74408 Infovoip L Spain 74409 Omkiner L Spain 74410 Voiped Telecom L Spain 74411 Limba L Spain 74412 Citelia L Spain 74413 Justnet Systems L Spain 74414 High telecom L France 74415 Majordom L France 74416 Linkt L France 74417 Aowoa L France 74418 Codepi L France 74419 Didia marketing tech telecom L France 74420 E-Guide ltd L France 74421 Guiloufi Sonia L France 74422 Innecto L France 74423 Le kiosqueur L France 74424 LinkToMe L France 74425 Naitways L France 74426 P1 security L France 74427 Sab system L France 74428 SARL Call me L France 74429 Solutions Informatiques Services L France 74430 Tamtam telecom L France 74431 VA Solutions L France 74432 Vast new telecom L France 74433 Via-Vox SARL L France 74441 Agil Comercial Do Brasil Informatica E Comunicacao Ltda L Brazil 74442 CZNet Telecom Ltda L Brazil 74443 Equatorial Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 74444 EUTV Consultoria E Intermediacao De Negocios S.A L Brazil 74445 Fortel Fortaleza Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 74446 FRB Telecomunicacoes - Eireli L Brazil 74447 Net Botanic Internet Inteligente Ltda L Brazil 74448 Mobiweb telecom limited L France 74449 Telecom Regional L Mexico 74450 Thdtel L Guadeloupe 74451 Nova G1 Telecom Ltda L Brazil 74452 Orange Business Services Brasil Ltda L Brazil 74453 Starweb Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 74454 Freedom network L Martinique 74455 NAU Profit Sp. z o.o. M Poland 74461 Plenti1_LSO L Denmark 74462 Plenti1_LSO (TDC) M Denmark 74481 Clerking Services Australia Pty Ltd L Australia 74482 MIKROTEL ILETISIM VE TELEKOMUNIKASYON TIC. LTD. STI L Turkey 74502 Jest Flexcom Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74521 Svea Billing Services AS L Norway 74541 BUENAS NOTICIAS, S.A. DE C.V. L Mexico 74542 Her Mobile M Mexico 74562 Tsifra One ooo M Russia/Kazakhstan 74564 LAVIDERIUS, SL L Spain 74565 TELENORT SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74566 CLEAR TELECOM BUSINESS, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74567 KITEL L Spain 74568 VRS L Spain 74569 DEION L Spain 74570 ZINNIA TELECOMUNICACIONES, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74571 NETHITS MOBILE L Spain 74572 All Landline Operators Spain L Spain 74573 ATTENTION 24 HORAS, SL L Spain 74574 SERVICE OF ATTENTION AND INFORMATION, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74575 GLOBAL MEDIA TELECOMUNICACIONES, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74576 MAMABAR 21, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74577 TELFY TELECOM, SL L Spain 74578 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELECOM, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74579 INTERMAX TECHNOLOGY, SL L Spain 74580 UTOPIA THINKING SYSTEMS, SL L Spain 74581 IRIDIS NETWORK, SL L Spain 74582 CFMEDIA GLOBAL SERVICES, SL L Spain 74583 TELL SOLUCIONES, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74584 SANDSNETWORKS, SL UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74602 Vodafone - NGS Reseller (Vodafone - NGS Local) L New Zealand 74604 Binat L Israel 74621 UAB EcoFon M Lithuania 74622 Reval Vara OU M Lithuania 74623 UAB VORTUMO M Lithuania 74624 Netvision M Israel 74625 Bynet Businesses L Israel 74641 UAB "Teledema" M Lithuania 74642 UAB Mediafon Carrier Services M Lithuania 74643 Sotelus UAB M Lithuania 74645 Nord connect OU M Lithuania 74646 UAB "CSC TELECOM" M Lithuania 74647 ER-Telecom Holding L Russia/Kazakhstan 74648 MSN Telecom L Russia/Kazakhstan 74649 OBIT LLC L Russia/Kazakhstan 74650 Lyca Mobile L Russia/Kazakhstan 74651 Tsifra Odin L Russia/Kazakhstan 74653 SkyNet Ltd L Russia/Kazakhstan 74655 Sky Net Business LLC L Russia/Kazakhstan 74656 SanSim L Russia/Kazakhstan 74681 (lnnove Communications, Inc) M Philippines 74682 Conexiant Telecom/Wide Voice L United States of America 74684 ASTRA TELEKOM L Serbia 74685 TRUF L Serbia 74686 AKTON L Serbia 74687 YU VIDEO SERVIS L Serbia 74688 AV COM L Serbia 74689 MADNET L Serbia 74690 NETNET TELEKOM L Serbia 74691 NEXT FIBER DOO NOVI PAZAR L Serbia 74692 TEAM NET KDS L Serbia 74693 GIMELNET L Serbia 74694 BAU NETWORKS L Serbia 74695 LIMES TELEKOMUNIKACIJE L Serbia 74696 RADIODIFUZNA USTANOVA SRBIJE-RADIO TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE L Serbia 74697 EDS DOO BEOGRAD L Serbia 74698 MEDIA TELEKOM L Serbia 74702 Bulsatcom M Bulgaria 74721 ABYSUENA, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74722 ATENCION CLIENTE TELECOM, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74723 CONECTA CON EL MUNDO, S.L. L Spain 74724 GESTION DE SISTEMAS GLOBALES DE TELECOMUNICACION AMUNDO, S.A. L Spain 74725 INFORMACION NUMEROS DE TELEFONO, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74726 PHONE RENOVE, S.L. L Spain 74727 SERVICIO DE ATENCION E INFORMACION, S.L. UNIPERSONAL L Spain 74729 TELMI TELECOM, S.L. L Spain 74730 YU PLACE, S.L. L Spain 74741 Globaltel Saint Pierre et Miquelon L Saint Pierre and Miquelon 74742 Equant France-Saint Pierre et Miquelon L Saint Pierre and Miquelon 74743 Diabolocom SAS Saint Pierre et Miquelon L Saint Pierre and Miquelon 74744 Keyyo Saint Pierre et Miquelon L Saint Pierre and Miquelon 74762 Minutes4All Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 74763 Pontal Telecomunicacoes Eireli L Brazil 74764 Tera Fiber Telecomunicacoes Ltda L Brazil 74781 Ytel (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 74782 Telnyx (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 74783 365 Wireless/Conexiant (SVR) M US,Canada and Others 74784 Broadstar Communications Limited L Macau 74786 Diabolocom SAS L French Guiana 74787 Ubicentrex L French Guiana 74788 ABPLus L France 74789 Activ-Line SAS L France 74790 All call L France 74791 L France 74792 CDA France L France 74793 Call 2 Win France L France 74796 Hach tel L France 74797 Mobiyo France L France 74798 Syma mobile L France 74801 Interexcel World Connection (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 74802 Mitsol (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 74823 GREENCALL MANAGEMENT S.R.L. L Romania 74825 Veldissimo telecom L Martinique 74826 Diabolocom SAS L Martinique 74827 Webbing Hong Kong Limited L Hong Kong 74828 Compania de Telecomunicaciones de Chile SA L Chile 74829 WOM (Novator Partners) M Chile 74842 Rockford Telephone Company L US,Canada and Others 74843 Telnyx Ireland Limited L Poland 74844 ST LINE Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. L Poland 74845 Fundacja Nasza Wizja L Poland 74846 NETSYSTEM Tomasz Przybysz L Poland 74847 Mobiledata Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74848 Move Telecom S.A. L Poland 74849 NordConnect OU L Poland 74850 UAB Raystorm L Poland 74851 ZYBI Zbigniew Halat L Poland 74852 Softelnet S.A. Sp. k. L Poland 74853 GIGA-LAN Dariusz Gwadera L Poland 74854 Bardzo Szybki Internet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74855 Wysylaj SMS Polska Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74856 Belgacom International Carrier Services SA/NV L Poland 74857 EterNet Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74858 PHU SKRANETCAN Macura Zbigniew L Poland 74859 InterWifi S.C. L Poland 74860 PROGRESNET Julita Dudziuk L Poland 74861 MEGA CENTRUM PLUS Ryszard zak L Poland 74862 OPTO-TECH Grzegorz Wroblewski L Poland 74864 Telecom Intl Myanmar Co., Ltd (MyTel) M Myanmar 74865 BELGACOM INTERNATIO L Sweden 74866 BIZTELCO SVERIGE AB L Sweden 74867 MESSAGEBIRD B.V. L Sweden 74868 ONOFF TELECOM SAS L Sweden 74869 PUZZEL AB L Sweden 74870 FRANZ NET d.o.o. L Croatia 74882 Comunicaciones Dime M Colombia 74883 Scarlet Mobile M Colombia 74884 Firmafon_LSO(TDC) L Denmark 74885 Solarix Networks Limited L New Zealand 74901 Mobile Pay Kenya Limited M Kenya 74902 Liquid Telecoms L Kenya 74903 BBTEL, d.o.o. L Slovenia 74921 Voiptechnologies L Ireland 74922 OAO L Ireland 74923 CELLPLUS S.p.A L Chile 74924 JUMPER TELECOM S.p.A L Chile 74925 Infrastrukturas Serviss M Latvia 74926 Teledema Latvija M Latvia 74942 SIA Net Balt L Czech Republic 74962 GRS NET Spotka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 74981 Proximus (Belgacom) Hungary L Hungary 74983 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO HANDLOWE "ETERNAL" Pawel Nowojowski L Poland 74984 STOWARZYSZENIE ARTYSTYCZNO MEDIALNE ART-MEDIA L Poland 74985 GTR NETWORKS Bartlomiej Konieczny L Poland 74986 BENEMEN POLAND SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 74987 POZIOM 7 G.IWANIEC S.BOBER Spolka Jawna L Poland 74988 NXNET Marek Styrc L Poland 74989 STOWARZYSZENIE ROZWOJU GOSPODARCZEGO "NSNET" L Poland 74990 NETLAN Grzegorz Drogon L Poland 74991 GSCOM Grzegorz Szymanski L Poland 74992 JJS sp. z o.o. L Poland 74994 NET-ARN Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74995 NETBIS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 74996 P.P.U.H. MAG Miroslaw Gawenda L Poland 74997 GRAFICOM Dariusz Mierzwa L Poland 74998 SPEEDNET s. c. Daniel Ciezkowski & Pawel Kryk L Poland 74999 EURO.NET.PL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75000 VENTUS s.c. Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Robert Honkisz L Poland 75001 Przedsiebiorstwo Handlowo Uslugowe "BOREKS" Dominik Borowiecki L Poland 75002 I-TEL Pawel Bak L Poland 75003 GLOBITEL WHOLESALE L Poland 75005 AWONET SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 75006 CELCOM SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 75007 PELMAR Marek Brzezinski L Poland 75008 PL-NET Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75009 AERO.NET.PL Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75010 ELECTOWER Robert Wiese L Poland 75011 Piotr Skorski NEO LABS S.C. L Poland 75012 PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO HANDLOWO-USLUGOWE HENET Henryk Sadło L Poland 75013 NOWANET.PL Marcin Gontarz L Poland 75014 MEDIA SYSTEM Robert Bukowski L Poland 75015 JUTRA Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75021 Vodafone - iHug (ORCONLOCAL) L New Zealand 75022 VOIPSTREET, INC. L United States of America 75023 MULTIMEDIA WSCHOD Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75024 TBM TELEKOM SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA Sp. K. L Poland 75025 TELNAP TELECOM SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZALNOSCIA L Poland 75028 NASK Spolka Akcyjna L Poland 75029 ST LINE SPOLKA Z O.O. SPOLKA KOMANDYTOWA L Poland 75030 INTELLY NISKI STYPULKOWSKI BLASZCZUK SPOLKA JAWNA L Poland 75031 MENTEE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75032 FOLX S.A. L Poland 75033 MLYN.NET Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia L Poland 75042 SQF, LLC - ME L United States of America 75043 GoldTel Solutions (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 75044 Netwide Internet (Pty) Ltd L South Africa 75045 Twilio Sweden AB L Finland 75046 Whiz Communications Pte Ltd L Singapore 75061 OTVARTA SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA L Poland 75063 Aerialink/Telefinity (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75081 A3 Allmanna IT- och L Sweden 75102 SN Bielsko Biala L Poland 75104 FIBERION J&K KUSNIERCZYK spolka jawna L Poland 75121 DTC CABLE, INC L United States of America 75161 Vodafone NZ Mobile(SKINNYMOBILE) L New Zealand 75162 M2 Telecommunications(2DBBAND) L New Zealand 75181 Impact Mobile/Toll-Free L US,Canada and Others 75182 Plivo/Level3 (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75183 Jy Systems L US,Canada and Others 75184 Jy Systems (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75185 Nextech L US,Canada and Others 75187 Alptech L US,Canada and Others 75188 Alptech (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75190 Nextech (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75192 TELNET Krzysztof Drozd L Poland 75193 BLUIP, INC L United States of America 75194 Callplus(2DBBAND) L New Zealand 75221 EXIANT COMMUNICATIONS LLC L United States of America 75261 Callplus(CALLPLUS04) L New Zealand 75262 CenturyLink/Toll-Free (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75281 LeadDesk L Denmark 75282 LeadDesk(TDC) L Denmark 75301 MessageBird/Inteliquent (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75302 MessageBird BV L US,Canada and Others 75303 Annatel Mobile L Israel 75304 JNS Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75321 Plivo/Aerialink L US,Canada and Others 75341 Link Telecom(CALLPLUS01) L New Zealand 75382 OTE Globe M Greece 75383 SIA Netbalt L Greece 75401 Voxbone SA L Lithuania 75402 Tyntec/Toll-Free L US,Canada and Others 75403 Ytel Core SMS/Inteliquent (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 75404 Brightlink (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75405 Telecel Mali (Atel-SA) M Mali 75421 Vodafone(CALLPLUS03) L New Zealand 75441 RSL COM Australia Pty Ltd L Australia 75444 Alterna Telecom Pty Limited L Australia 75445 Telefinity L US,Canada and Others 75446 Telefinity/ (Sybase) L US,Canada and Others 75521 SOUTHERN LIGHT, LLC L United States of America 75541 FONIA AB L Sweden 75561 TextNow Wireless L US,Canada and Others 75562 TextNow Wireless (SVR) L US,Canada and Others 75581 TELEKOMUNIKACJA DLA CIEBIE Sp. z o.o. L Poland 75601 ONE RING NETWORKS, INC L United States of America 95566 Wiphonica Technologies L United States of America 95655 TELECOM NORTH AMERICA MOBILE M United States of America 95657 Navigata Coomunications 2009 L Canada 95658 Pilgrim Telephone Company L United States of America 95659 LIGHTSQUARED SUBSIDIARY LLC L United States of America